Deploy the ASA Virtual Auto Scale Solution on GCP


The following sections describe how the components of the auto scale solution work for the ASA virtual on GCP.

About the Auto Scale Solution

ASA virtual auto scale for GCP is a complete serverless implementation that makes use of serverless infrastructure provided by GCP (Cloud Functions, Load Balancers, Pub/Sub, Instance Groups, etc.).

Some of the key features of the ASA virtual auto scale for GCP implementation include:

  • GCP Deployment Manager template-based deployment.

  • Support for scaling metrics based on CPU.

  • Support for ASA virtual deployment and multi-availability zones.

  • Completely automated configuration automatically applied to scaled-out ASA virtual instances.

  • Support for Load Balancers and multi-availability zones.

  • Cisco provides an auto scale for GCP deployment package to facilitate the deployment.

Auto Scale Use Case

The ASA virtual auto scale for GCP is an automated horizontal scaling solution that positions an ASA virtual instance group sandwiched between a GCP Internal load balancer (ILB) and a GCP External load balancer (ELB).

  • The ELB distributes traffic from the Internet to ASA virtual instances in the instance group; the firewall then forwards traffic to the application.

  • The ILB distributes outbound Internet traffic from an application to ASA virtual instances in the instance group; the firewall then forwards traffic to the Internet.

  • A network packet will never pass through both (internal & external) load balancers in a single connection.

  • The number of ASA virtual instances in the scale set will be scaled and configured automatically based on load conditions.

Figure 1. ASA Virtual Auto Scale Use Case


This document covers the detailed procedures to deploy the serverless components for the ASA virtual Auto Scale for GCP solution.


  • Read the entire document before you begin your deployment.

  • Make sure the prerequisites are met before you start deployment.

  • Make sure you follow the steps and order of execution as described herein.

Download the Deployment Package

The ASA virtual Auto Scale for GCP solution is a GCP Deployment Manager template-based deployment that makes use of the serverless infrastructure provided by GCP (Cloud Functions, Load Balancers, Pub/Sub, Instance Groups, etc.).

Download the files required to launch the ASA virtual auto scale for GCP solution. Deployment scripts and templates for your ASA version are available in the GitHub repository.


Note that Cisco-provided deployment scripts and templates for auto scale are provided as open source examples, and are not covered within the regular Cisco TAC support scope.

Auto Scale Solution Components

The following components make up the ASA virtual auto scale for GCP solution.

Deployment Manager

  • Treat your configuration as code and perform repeatable deployments. Google Cloud Deployment Manager allows you to specify all the resources needed for your application in a declarative format using YAML. You can also use Python or Jinja2 templates to parameterize the configuration and allow the reuse of common deployment paradigms.

  • Create configuration files that define the resources. The process of creating those resources can be repeated over and over with consistent results. See for more information.

Figure 2. Deployment Manager View

Managed Instance Group in GCP

A Managed Instance Group (MIG) creates each of its managed instances based on the instance template and optional stateful configuration that you specify. See for more information.

Figure 3. Instance Group Features

Target Utilization Metrics

  • The following diagram alongside shows the target utilization metrics. Only average CPU utilization metrics are used in making autoscaling decisions.

  • The autoscaler continuously collects usage information based on the selected utilization metric, compares actual utilization to your desired target utilization, and uses this information to determine whether the group needs to remove instances (Scale In) or add instances (Scale Out).

  • The target utilization level is the level at which you want to maintain your virtual machine (VM) instances. For example, if you scale based on CPU utilization, you can set your target utilization level at 75% and the autoscaler will maintain the CPU utilization of the specified group of instances at or close to 75%. The utilization level for each metric is interpreted differently based on the autoscaling policy. See for more information.

Figure 4. Target Utilization Metrics

Serverless Cloud Functions

You use serverless Google Cloud functions for setting the SSH Password, enable Password, and Changing the Hostname when the instance comes up in the Instance Group Manager.

  • When a new ASA virtual instance comes up in the instance group during Scale Out, you need to set the SSH Password, enable Password, and change the Hostname because you cannot always monitor the Scale Out process.

  • Cloud functions are triggered through a Cloud Pub/Sub Topic during the Scale Out process. You also have a Log Sink with a filter that is exclusive to the addition of instances while Scale Out.

Serverless License Deregistering using Cloud Functions

  • While the instances are getting deleted during Scale In, you need to deregister the license from the ASA virtual instance.

  • Cloud functions are triggered through a Cloud Pub/Sub Topic. Particularly for the deletion process, you have a Log Sink with a filter that is exclusive to the deletion of instances while Scale In.

  • Cloud Function, when triggered, will SSH into the deleting ASA virtual instance and run the command for license deregistration.

High-Level Overview of Autoscale Solution

Figure 5. Autoscale Solution Overview


GCP Resources

GCP Project

An existing or newly created project is required to deploy all the components of this solution.


Make sure three VPCs are available/created. An auto scale deployment will not create, alter, or manage any networking resources.

The ASA virtual requires 3 network interfaces, thus your virtual network requires 3 subnets for:

  • Management traffic

  • Inside traffic

  • Outside traffic

Figure 6. VPC Network View


Firewall rules that allow inter VPC communication and also allow health probes are required to be created. You must note the firewall tags which are used later in the deployment manager template.

The following ports should be open in the Network Security Group to which the subnets are connected:

  • SSH(TCP/22) — Required for the health probe between the Load Balancer and ASA virtual. Required for communication between the serverless functions and ASA virtual.

  • Application-specific protocol/ports — Required for any user applications (for example, TCP/80, etc.).

Prepare the ASA Configuration File

Prepare an ASA virtual configuration file which will be put into the deployment manager jinja configuration file. This configuration will be used as a startup script in the instance template for ASA virtual in the project.

The configuration file should have the following (at a minimum):

  • Set DHCP IP assignment to all the interfaces.

  • Nic0 should be marked as ‘outside’ because GCP Load Balancer forwards traffic only to nic0.

  • Nic0 will be used to SSH to ASA virtual as it only supports IP forwarding.

  • Enable SSH on the outside interface in ASA configuration.

  • Create NAT configuration to forward traffic from outside to inside interface.

  • Create Access policy to allow desired traffic.

  • For the health status of resources, their health probes should be redirected to the metadata server using proper NAT rules.

The following is a sample ASA configuration file for reference only.

!ASA Version
!Interface Config
interface G0/0
nameif inside
security-level 100
ip address dhcp setroute
no shutdown

interface G0/1
nameif management
security-level 50
ip address dhcp setroute
no shutdown

interface M0/0
no management-only
nameif outside
security-level 0
ip address dhcp setroute
no shutdown
same-security-traffic permit inter-interface
!Due to some constraints in GCP,
!"GigabitEthernet0/0" will be used as a Management interface
!"Management0/0" will be used as a data interface
crypto key generate rsa modulus 2048
ssh management
ssh version 2
ssh timeout 60
aaa authentication ssh console LOCAL
ssh authentication publickey {{ properties["publicKey"] }}
username admin privilege 15
username admin attributes
service-type admin

! required config end
dns domain-lookup management
dns server-group DefaultDNS
access-list all extended permit ip any any
access-list out standard permit any4
access-group all global
! Objects
object network metadata
object network ilb
host $(ref.{{ properties["resourceNamePrefix"] }}-ilb-ip.address)
object network hc1
object network hc2
object network elb
host $(ref.{{ properties["resourceNamePrefix"] }}-elb-ip.address)
object network appServer
object network defaultGateway
! Nat Rules
nat (inside,outside) source dynamic hc1 ilb destination static ilb metadata
nat (inside,outside) source dynamic hc2 ilb destination static ilb metadata
nat (inside,outside) source dynamic defaultGateway interface
	object network appServer
nat (inside,outside) static $(ref.{{ properties["resourceNamePrefix"] }}-elb-ip.address)
object network defaultGateway
nat (outside,inside) dynamic interface
! Route Add
route inside 2
route management 3
license smart register idtoken <licenseIDToken>

Build the GCP Cloud Function Package

The ASA virtual GCP auto scale solution requires that you build two archive files that deliver the cloud functions in the form of a compressed ZIP package.



See the auto scale deployment instructions for information on how to build the and packages.

These functions are as discrete as possible to carry out specific tasks and can be upgraded as needed for enhancements and new release support.

Input Parameters

The following table defines the template parameters and provides an example. Once you decide on these values, you can use these parameters to create the ASA virtual device when you deploy the GCP Deployment Manager template into your GCP project.

Table 1. Template Parameters

Parameter Name

Allowed Values/Type


Resource Creation Type



All the resources are created with name containing this prefix.

Example: demo-test



Valid regions supported by GCP


Name of the region where project will be deployed.

Example: us-central1


String [ Email Id]

Email address that identifies the service account.



Name of the connector that handles the traffic between your serverless environment and your VPC network.

Example: demo-test-vpc-connector



Name of the GCP storage bucket where the cloud function ZIP package will be uploaded.

Example: demo-test-bkt


Decimal (0,1]

The average CPU utilization of the VMs in the instance group the autoscaler should maintain.

Example: 0.5



Tag of the firewall rule that allows packets from health check probe IP ranges.

Example: demo-test-healthallowall




Tag of the firewall rules that allows communication in Inside VPC.

Example: demo-test-inside-allowall




Name of Inside VPC.

Example: demo-test-inside




Name of Inside subnet.

Example: demo-test-inside-subnt




Machine type for the ASA virtual VM.

Example: e2-standard-4



The maximum ASA virtual instances allowed in the instance group.

Example: 3



Tag of the firewall rules which allows communication in Management VPC.

Example: demo-test-mgmt-allowall



Name of Management VPC.

Example: demo-test-mgmt



Name of Management Subnet.

Example: demo-test-mgmt-subnt



The minimum ASA virtual instances available in the Instance Group at any given time.

Example: 1



Tag of the firewall rules which allows communication in outside VPC.

Example: demo-test-outside-allowall



Name of Outside VPC.

Example: demo-test-outside



Name of Outside Subnet.

Example: demo-test-outside-subnt



SSH key of the ASA virtual VM.



Image of the ASA virtual which is to be used in the project.


Application server IP address


Internal IP address of the inside Linux machine.


Inside VPC Gateway IP address


Gateway of Inside VPC.


Management VPC Gateway IP address


Gateway of Management VPC.


Deploy the Auto Scale Solution


Step 1

Clone the Git repository to a local folder.

git clone git_url -b branch_name 


Step 2

Create the bucket in gcloud CLI.

gsutil mb -c nearline gs://bucket_name


Step 3

Build compressed Zip packages:

  1. Create compressed Zip packages consisting of the following files from the folders scalein_action and scaleout_action.




  2. Rename the compressed Zip packages to and



    Navigate inside the folder, select the files, right-click, and select ‘compress | archive’ to make a .zip that GCP can read.

Step 4

Upload the compressed Zip packages ( and to the Cloud Editor workspace.

Step 5

Upload the following files from the deployment manager template to the Cloud Editor workspace.

  • asav_autoscale.jinja

  • asav_autoscale_params.yaml

  • pre_deployment.jinja

  • pre_deployment.yaml

Step 6

Copy the compressed Zip packages to the Bucket Storage.

  • gsutil cp gs://bucket_name
  • gsutil cp gs://bucket_name


Step 7

Create VPC and Subnet for inside, outside, and management interfaces.

In the management VPC, you need to have /28 subnet, for example,

Step 8

You need three firewall rules for the interfaces inside, outside, and management. Also, you should have a firewall rule to allow the health check probes.

Step 9

Update the parameters in the Jinja and YAML files for the Pre-Deployment and ASA virtual Autoscale deployment.

  1. Open the asav_autoscale_params.yaml file and update the following parameters:

    • resourceNamePrefix: <resourceNamePrefix>

    • region: <region>

    • serviceAccountMailId: <serviceAccountMailId>

    • publicKey: <publicKey>

    • insideVPCName: <Inside-VPC-Name>

    • insideVPCSubnet: <Inside-VPC-Subnet>

    • outsideVPCName: <Outside-VPC-Name>

    • outsideVPCSubnet: <Outside-VPC-Subnet>

    • mgmtVPCName: <Mgmt-VPC-Name>

    • mgmtVPCSubnet: <Mgmt-VPC-Subnet>

    • insideFirewallRuleName: <Inside-Network-Firewall-Tag>

    • outsideFirewallRuleName: <Outside-Network-Firewall-Tag>

    • mgmtFirewallRuleName: <Mgmt-Network-Firewall-Tag>

    • healthCheckFirewallRuleName: <HealthCheck-IP-Firewall-Tag>

    • machineType: <machineType>



    For the ASA virtual auto scale, the cpuUtilizationTarget: 0.5 parameter is set and you can edit it according to your requirements.

    This value signifies 50% CPU usage of all the ASA virtual Instance Group.

  2. Open the asav_autoscale.jinja file and update the following parameters.

    • host: <Application server IP address>

    • route inside <Inside VPC Gateway IP address> 2

    • route management <Management VPC Gateway IP address> 3

    • license smart register idtoken: <licenseIDToken>

  3. Open the pre_deployment.yaml file and update the following parameters.

    • resourceNamePrefix: <resourceNamePrefix>

    • region: <region>

    • serviceAccountMailId: <serviceAccountMailId>

    • vpcConnectorName: <VPC-Connector-Name>

    • bucketName: <bucketName>

Step 10

Create three secrets for the following using the Secret Manager GUI. See

  • asav-en-password

  • asav-new-password

  • asav-private-key

Step 11

Create the VPC connector.

gcloud beta compute networks vpc-access connectors create <vpc-connector-name> 
--region <region> --subnet=</28 subnet name>


gcloud beta compute networks vpc-access connectors create demo-vpc-connector 
--region us-central1 --subnet=outside-connect-28
Create request issued for: [demo-vpc-connector]
Waiting for operation [projects/asavgcp-poc-4krn/locations/us-central1/operations/
10595de7-837f-4c19-9396-0c22943ecf15] to complete...done.
Created connector [demo-vpc-connector].

Step 12

Deploy the pre-deployment YAML configuration.

gcloud deployment-manager deployments create <pre-deployment-name> 
--config pre_deployment.yaml


gcloud deployment-manager deployments create demo-predeployment 
--config pre_deployment.yaml                                                                      
The fingerprint of the deployment is b'9NOy0gsTPgg16SqUEVsBjA=='
Waiting for create [operation-1624383045917-5c55e266e596d-4979c5b6-66d1025c]...done.
Create operation operation-1624383045917-5c55e266e596d-4979c5b6-66d1025c 
completed successfully

Step 13

Create the ASA virtual auto scale deployment.

gcloud deployment-manager deployments create <deployment-name> 
--config asav_autoscale_params.yaml


gcloud deployment-manager deployments create demo-asav-autoscale 
--config asav_autoscale_params.yaml
The fingerprint of the deployment is b'1JCQi7Il-laWOY7vOLza0g=='
Waiting for create [operation-1624383774235-5c55e51d79d01-1a3acf92-4f3daf16]...done.
Create operation operation-1624383774235-5c55e51d79d01-1a3acf92-4f3daf16 
completed successfully.

Step 14

Create a route for ILB to forward the packets from the inside application to the Internet.

gcloud beta compute routes create <ilb-route-name> 
--network=<inside-vpc-name> --priority=1000 --destination-range= 
--next-hop-ilb=<ilb-forwarding-rule-name> --next-hop-ilb-region=<region>


gcloud beta compute routes create demo-ilb --network=sdt-test-asav-inside 
--priority=1000 --destination-range= --next-hop-ilb=demo-asav-fr-ilb 
Created [

Step 15

Create Cloud Router and Cloud NAT.

gcloud compute routers create <cloud-router-name> 
--project=<project-name> --region <region> --network=<outside-vpc-name> 
gcloud compute routers nats create <cloud-nat-name> 
--router=<cloud-router-name> --nat-all-subnet-ip-ranges --auto-allocate-nat-external-ips 


gcloud compute routers create demo-cloud-router --project=asavgcp-poc-4krn 
--region us-central1 --network=sdt-test-asav-outside --advertisement-mode=custom
Creating router [demo-cloud-router]...done.

gcloud compute routers nats create demo-cloud-nat 
--router=demo-cloud-router --nat-all-subnet-ip-ranges 
--auto-allocate nat-external-ips --region=us-central1
Creating NAT [demo-cloud-nat] in router [demo-cloud-router]...done.

Auto Scale Logic

  • The autoscaler treats the target CPU utilization level as a fraction of the average use of all vCPUs over time in the instance group.

  • If the average utilization of your total vCPUs exceeds the target utilization, the autoscaler adds more VM instances. If the average utilization of your total vCPUs is less than the target utilization, the autoscaler removes instances.

  • For example, setting a 0.75 target utilization tells the autoscaler to maintain an average utilization of 75% among all vCPUs in the instance group.

  • Only CPU utilization metrics are used in scaling decisions.

  • This logic is based on the assumption that load balancer will try to equally distribute connections across all ASAs, and on average, all ASAs should be loaded equally.

Logging and Debugging

Logs of cloud functions can be viewed as follows.

  • Scale Out function logs

    Figure 7. Scale Out Function Logs
  • Scale In function log

    Figure 8. Scale In Function Log

Guidelines and Limitations

  • Only IPv4 is supported.

  • Supported licensing is BYOL only. PAYG is not available for ASA virtual on GCP.

  • The external Load Balancer is created by the template, and therefore, any specific DNS requirements for Load Balancer's public IP are out of the scope.

  • An assumption is made that the application is behind a user-created Load Balancer, and the ASA virtual will route all traffic to this Load Balancer (instead of directly sending traffic to a specific application IP).

  • Details about the need for TAGs, redundancy, and Load Balancer affinity configurations are not considered.

  • ASA virtual credentials are visible to you as:

    • Clear text in the serverless code.

    • In all the instances in the Instance Group.

    • In the Instance Template, if you are using a shared GCP account.

    Such sensitive data can be protected using the public key service in GCP.


Cisco recommends tracking the ASA virtual registration with the licensing server periodically to check if the scaled-out ASAs are registering with the licensing server as expected, and scaled-in ASA virtual instances are getting removed from the license server).


The following are common error scenarios and debugging tips for ASA virtual auto scale for GCP:

  • not found—Make sure that the Zip package is made only from the files. You can go to cloud functions and check the file tree. There should not be any folder.

  • Error while deploying the template—Make sure that all the parameters values within “<>” are filled in. jinja and .yaml as well, or the deployment by the same name exists already.

  • Google Function cannot reach ASA virtual—Make sure that the VPC connector is created and the same name is mentioned in the YAML parameter file.

  • Authentication Failed while SSH-ing ASA virtual—Make sure that the Public and Private key pair is correct.

  • License Registration Failed—Make sure that the License ID token is correct. Also, ensure that the Cloud NAT is created and ASA virtual is able to reach