- Unpacking the Router
- Site Preparation and Installation Safety (Read before Installing)
- Hardware Features - Description and Specifications
- Mounting and Grounding the Router
- Opening and Closing the Router Chassis
- Making Network, Power, and Other Connections
- Powering Off the Router
- Unmounting the Router
- Installing Connected Grid Modules
- Antennas
- About the SD Flash Memory Module
- Installing Battery Backup Units (BBUs)
- Installing External, Non-Cisco Radio Modules
- LED Locations and States
- Appendix - Starting a Router Terminal or Console Session
- Appendix - Cable and Connector Specifications
Using the SD Flash Memory Module
This section describes the Secure Digital (SD) flash memory module (or SD card) used with the Cisco 1240 Connected Grid Router (CGR 1240 or router), and includes instructions for installing and removing the SD card.
■Securing the SD Card with a Password
SD Flash Memory Module
The router features an SD card connector, which supports a single Cisco SD flash memory module (SD card). The SD card stores router data and software, including:
■Network management software configuration
The topics in this section include:
SD Card File System
The SD card uses a Linux-based EXT2/3 file system. The router configuration is stored in a binary file in an invisible partition on the card.
Supported SD Cards
Table 26 lists the SD cards that can be used with the router.
Accessing the SD Card
The SD card and SD card LED are accessed from the router exterior, though the router SD card port, shown in Figure 84.
Caution: Do not remove the SD card from the router; removing the SD card causes the router to stop operating.
The topics in this section include:
■Accessing the SD Card on a Router with a Mounting Bracket
Accessing the SD Card on a Router with a Mounting Bracket
When the Cisco mounting bracket is attached to the router, the bracket blocks access to the SD card port slot on the router exterior. To access the SD card slot without removing the router from the bracket or any mounting installation that uses the bracket, refer to the instructions in Mounting the Router.
Figure 84 SD Card Port Location on Router Exterior
Figure 85 SD Card Slot with SD Card Inserted
SD Card Status
The SD card LED is located directly next to the SD card slot, and is visible when the SD card slot seal is removed. This section describes the LED states and descriptions.
Figure 86 SD Card LED Location
Table 27 SD Flash Memory Module LED States
Securing the SD Card with a Password
Note: The CLI cited in this section work for both the CG-OS and Cisco IOS operating systems.
The SD card contents can be secured with a password. Once a password is set, the password must be supplied before data can be accessed on the SD card.
The SD card password must be set during system initialization, and you will be notified that the system must be rebooted for the new password to take effect. The password can be set at the CLI or through the CG-NMS.
To set and remove SD card passwords and display their status, see:
■Setting and Removing an SD Card Password
■Displaying the SD Card Password Status
Setting and Removing an SD Card Password
To set a password for the SD-card, use the sd-card password password command in global configuration mode to set the password. Use the no sd-card password command in global configuration mode to remove the password.
Displaying the SD Card Password Status
The SD Card password status can be:
■Password set/reset, reboot pending
To determine the status of the SD card password, you can use the show sd-card password status command in user EXEC mode.
The command output indicates that the SD card is password secured but the router must be rebooted for the password to apply.
The status of an SD card fully secured by a password the status is [Locked], and an SD card unsecured by a password has [Unlocked] status.
Related Commands
Note: The commands in this section work on routers running the Cisco CG-OS or Cisco IOS operating systems.
■copy running-config startup-config
copy running-config startup-config
To save the router current software configuration to the SD card, use the copy running-config startup-config command in user EXEC mode:
sd-card password
To set a password for the SD card, use the sd-card password password command in global configuration mode.
no sd-card password
To remove the SD card password, use the no sd-card password command in global configuration mode.
show sd-card password status
To determine the status of the SD card password, use the show sd-card password status command in user EXEC mode.
Field Replacement of the SD Card
The SD card can contain either the IOS operating system or the CGIOS operating system. There are different procedures for replacing each version.
SD Card Replacement with the IOS Operating System
1. If your router is using a battery backup system, you will need to disable it before powering down the device.
2. Unplug the power cord from the router.
3. Once the router has powered off, remove the old SD card from the SD card slot.
4. Insert the new SD card into the SD card slot.
5. Connect the power cord to the router.
6. If there is no change in the binary version of the OS, the router will autoboot correctly.
a. Once the router completely boots up and is running, skip to step 13.
7. If there is a difference in the binary version of the OS, the router will stop at the rommon-1 prompt
8..From the rommon-1 prompt, confirm the availability of hypervisor and the IOS image using the following commands:
9. Set the hypervisor boot string using the following command:
10. Set the IOS boot string using the following command:
12. Once the router has reloaded and comes back up, it is ready to use.
13. If your router is using a battery backup system, you will need to re-enable it.
SD Card Replacement with the CGOS Operating System
The procedure for replacing the SD card running CGOS is more complex because the CGOS stores all the configuration and encrypted private keys and certificates in different SD card partitions. IOS stores all of these in the NVRAM of the CGR1000 router mainboard.
Prior to replacing the SD card, make sure that the running configuration on the SD card is backed up to a tftp server. For example:
After backing up the running configuration, replace the SD card using the following steps:
1. If your router is using a battery backup system, you will need to disable it before powering down the device.
2. Unplug the power cord from the router.
3. Once the router has powered off, remove the old SD card from the SD card slot.
4. Insert the new SD card into the SD card slot.
5. Connect the power cord to the router.
6. If there is no change in the binary version of the CG-OS kickstart and system images, the router will autoboot correctly. Once the router completely boots up, go to step 11.
7. If there is a difference in the binary version of the CG-OS kickstart and system images, the router will stop at the loader> prompt.
8. From the prompt, confirm the availability of kickstart and the system images using the following commands:
10. Once the kickstart image has finished booting, load the system image:
11. When the system image finishes loading, the System Admin Account Setup dialog will be shown.
12. Enter a password for the admin account when the prompt Enter the password for admin: is shown.
13. Skip the Basic configuration dialog by entering no.
14. Log into the router using admin and password that you entered in the step 12.
15. Configure the IP address for an Ethernet interface (e.g. Ethernet 2/1) and use tftp to copy the configuration file you obtained from the original SD card to the bootflash. For example:
16. Restore the original configuration.
17. Set the CG-GOS boot kickstart and system variables:
18. Save the running-config to the startup-config, and reload the router:
19. Once the router has reloaded and comes back up, it is ready to use.
20. If the router has any certificate trustpoint in the original configuration, its certificate and CA certificate must be re-acquired for the trust-point via SCEP or manual certificate import.
21. If your router is using a battery backup system, you will need to re-enable it: