Credentials Management

SAN Credentials Management

Choose Settings > SAN Credentials Management to display the SNMP access details to the fabric seed switch. If the user has validated the access to all the fabrics, the SNMP credentials for all the seed switches of the fabrics is displayed.

The switch credentials window for the Cisco Nexus Dashboard Fabric Controller has the following fields:



Seed Switch

IP address of the switch.


Specifies the username of the Cisco Nexus Dashboard Fabric Controller user.


Displays the encrypted form of the switch SNMP user.


Specifies if the SNMP protocol is validated or not.

The default value is false.


Specifies the Authentication protocol.

The default value is NOT_SET.


Displays the status of the switch.

Before the Cisco Nexus Dashboard Fabric Controller user configures the fabric using SNMP, the user must furnish and validate SNMP credentials on the seed switch of the fabric. If the user does not provide valid credentials for the fabric seed switch, the Switch Credentials table shows the default values for SNMPv3/SSH and AuthPrivacy fields.

The following table describes the action items, in the Actions menu drop-down list, that appear on Settings > SAN Credentials Management.

Action Item



Select a row from the table and choose Edit to update the switch credentials information.


Clears the switch credentials.


Revalidates the switch credentials.