
The initial Secure Malware Analytics Appliance network configuration is completed during the appliance setup using the Admin UI, as documented in the Cisco Threat Grid Appliance Getting Started Guide. This chapter provides additional information about using the Admin TUI to make changes to your initial network configuration:

Modifying Network Configuration

The initial network configuration is completed using the Admin TUI. If you want to make changes to your initial network configuration, perform the following steps.


If you are using DHCP to obtain IPs, see the Network section.


Step 1

Login to Admin TUI.



If you are configured for LDAP Only authentication, you can only log into Admin TUI using LDAP. If authentication mode is set to System Password or LDAP, the Admin TUI login only allows the System login.

Step 2

In the Admin TUI interface, choose CONFIG_NETWORK.

The Network Configuration console opens and displays the current network settings.

Step 3

Make any necessary changes (you need to backspace over the old entry before you can enter the new one).

Step 4

Leave the Dirty network DNS Name blank.

Step 5

After you finish updating the network settings, tab down and choose Validate to verify your entries.

If errors occur, fix the invalid values and choose Validate again.

After validation, the Network Configuration Confirmation page displays the entered values

Step 6

Choose Apply to apply your configuration settings.

Detailed information about the configuration changes that have been made are displayed.

Step 7

Choose OK.

The Network Configuration console refreshes again and displays the IP addresses. Network configuration is now complete.

Reconnecting to Admin TUI

Admin TUI remains open on the console and can be accessed either by attaching a monitor to the appliance or, if CIMC is configured, via remote KVM.

To reconnect to the Admin TUI, SSH into the Admin IP address as the user threatgrid. The required password is either the initial randomly generated password, which is visible initially in the Admin TUI, or the new Admin password you created during the first step of the Admin UI configuration. For more information, refer to the latest Cisco Secure Malware Analytics Appliance Getting Started Guide in Configuration Guides.

Configuring Network in Recovery Mode

Network configuration in recovery mode mirrors the full system (v2.7 and later):

  • All interfaces are brought up.

  • Firewall rules and policy routing restricts which processes can communicate on which interfaces.


Support mode traffic on port 19791 is allow-listed across all three interfaces.

Perform the following steps to set up networking in recovery mode.


Step 1

Reboot the Secure Malware Analytics Appliance (Operations > Power > Reboot) and then choose Recovery Mode in the boot menu.

Step 2

Once the system is up, press Enter several times to get a clean command prompt.

Step 3

Enter netctl clean and provide the following information:

  • Configuration type (dhcp|static)[Current: DHCP]: static

  • IP Address (ipaddr) - <Clean IP Address>

  • Netmask (ipaddr) -<Netmask>

  • Gateway Address - <Clean network gateway>

  • DNS name of this interface's address - Enter DNS name of this interface's address

  • Primary DNS server for LAN addresses - Enter primary DNS server address

  • Secondary DNS server for LAN addresses - Enter secondary DNS server address

  • Save this profile? (Yes|No) - Enter Yes

Step 4

Enter netconfig-apply to apply the configuration.

The appliance will attempt to open an outbound support connection on the Clean interface on port 19791/tcp.