Information About ISG MIB
ISG MIB Overview
The ISG MIB feature introduces MIB support in Cisco software. The ISG MIB is accessed using remote SNMP software clients. MIB table objects are accessed as read-only through GET, GETNEXT, GETBULK, SET, and TRAP (notification) requests.
Subscriber Session MIB
The CISCO-SUBSCRIBER-SESSION-MIB contains objects to monitor subscriber session details, session statistics, and job tables to query specific subscriber information.
The following tables are implemented from this MIB:
Subscriber Session Table—This table contains detailed information about a subscriber session. Each row in the table represents a subscriber session. The table row (subscriber session) can be indexed through the ifIndex object, which is unique for each subscriber session.
Subscriber Session Statistics Table—This table provides ISG box-wide subscriber session aggregate statistics information. Each subscriber’s session statistics are accessed based on the scope of aggregation. Session type and entity are used to define the scope of aggregation.
Subscriber Session Job Tables and Notification—These tables allow an Element Management System (EMS) or Network Management System (NMS) to submit a job to perform a query on a subset of the current subscriber sessions maintained by the ISG system. The EMS or NMS can create a job and provision it to perform an operation with specified parameters. Every query is a job for the ISG MIB and has a unique Job ID associated with it.
Dynamic Template MIB
The CISCO-DYNAMIC-TEMPLATE-MIB contains subscriber service information. This information is captured through Dynamic Template MIB definitions and presented in Object Identification (OID) format.
The following tables from the Dynamic Template MIB capture information about subscriber services, subscriber service association with sessions, and subscriber service usage:
Template Table—This table stores basic subscriber service profile information. Each entry in the template table corresponds to a unique subscriber service. This table entry is uniquely identified with a service name.
Template Association Table—This table is used to identify the list of subscriber services associated with each session.
Template Usage Table—This table is used to identify the list of subscriber sessions using a particular subscriber service.