

The following table describes the fields that appear on Switches window.



Switch Name

Specifies name of the switch.

IP Address

Specifies IP address of the switch.

Fabric Name

Specifies the associated fabric name for the switch.

Status Specifies the status of the switch.


Specifies the health status of the switch. The following are health status:
  • Healthy

  • Critical

  • Warning

  • OK


Specifies the total number of ports on switch.

Used Ports

Specifies the total number of used ports on switch.


Specifies the switch model.

Serial Number

Specifies the serial number of the switch.

Release Specifies the release number of the switch.
Up Time

Specifies the switch up time details.

The following table describes the action items, in the Actions menu drop‐down list, that appear on SAN > Switches > Switches.

Action Item


Device Manager

You can log in to Device Manager for required switch. The Device Manager login window appears, enter credentials and log in.

See Device Manager to view descriptions and instructions for using the Cisco MDS 9000 Device Manager.

Tech Support

Allows you to initiate log collection. For more information, see Tech Support.

Execute CLI

Allows you to run multiple CLI commands on multiple switches and collect output as zipped text file for each switch. For more information, see Execute CLI.

Device Manager

See Device Manager chapter for descriptions and instructions for using the Cisco MDS 9000 Device Manager.


Device Manger session is terminated when you navigate to another tab on the Switch Overview screen.

Tech Support

From the Actions drop-down list, select Tech Support to initiate log collection. A window appears.

  • Enter time in Session timeout field in minutes, by default time is 20 minutes.

  • Enter the command in Command text field and click Run.

  • A confirmation window appears stating 'Data submitted successfully, tech support starting', click Confirm and status changes to Completed.

  • You can download the report, click Download Tech Support.

Execute CLI

From Release 12.1.2e, Cisco NDFC SAN Controller allows you to execute CLI commands on switches. You can collect the output from the CLI commands in .zip file for each switch.

To execute CLI commands on switches, do the following:

  1. On the Cisco NDFC UI, choose SAN > Switches > Switches.

  2. Select the switches on which you want to execute the CLI commands.

    You can select more than one switch to run the set of CLI commands simultaneously.

  3. From the Actions drop-down list, choose Execute CLI .

    The Execute Switch CLI screen is displayed.

  4. On the Configure tab, click on the hyperlink under Selected Switches to view the selected switches on which the CLIs will be executed.

  5. In the CLI Commands text box, enter the CLI commands to be executed on the switches.

    Ensure that you enter one command per line.

  6. Click Execute.

    A Success confirmation message appears.

  7. On the Execute tab, the tables displays switch, associated fabric and the CLI execution status.

  8. Click on Download output to download the command output.


    If switch is not reachable via CLI then the output in zip file will indicate an error.

Enhanced Role-based Access Control

Starting from SAN Controller Release 12.0.1(a), all RBAC is in Nexus Dashboard. User-roles and access are defined from Nexus Dashboard for fabrics on NDFC.

Nexus Dashboard admin role is considered as Network-admin role in NDFC.

DCNM had five roles to perform various access and operations. If a user is access a fabric with network stage role has access to all other fabrics as a network stage role. Therefore, a username is restricted with their role in DCNM.

Cisco NDFC Release 12.0.1(a) has same five roles but you can do granular RBAC with integration of Nexus Dashboard. If a user accesses a fabric as a network stage role, the same user can access different fabric with other user role such as admin or operator role. Therefore, a user can have different access on the different fabrics in NDFC.

NDFC RBAC supports following roles:

  • NDFC Access Admin

  • NDFC Device Upgrade Admin

  • NDFC Network Admin

  • NDFC Network Operator

  • NDFC Network Stager

The following table describes the user roles and their privileges in NDFC.



NDFC Access Admin



NDFC Device Upgrade Admin


NDFC Network Admin


NDFC Network Operator


NDFC Network Stager


The following roles are supported on DCNM for backward compatibility:

  • SAN admin (mapped to network-admin)

  • Global-admin (mapped to network-admin)

  • SAN network-admin (mapped to network-admin)

  • Server-admin (mapped to network-admin)


In any window, the actions that are restricted by the user role that is logged in are grayed out.

NDFC Network Admin

A user with the NDFC Network Admin role can perform all the operations in SAN Controller.

From Cisco Nexus Dashboard Fabric Controller Release 12.1.1e, a user with this role can perform all operations for MSD fabrics in Networks and VRFs.

You can freeze a particular fabric or all fabrics in SAN Controller if you are a user with the NDFC Network Admin role.


Make sure that the switch user role for discovery or add switches or LAN credentials for NDFC must have the network-admin role.

NDFC Device Upgrade Admin

A user with the NDFC Device Upgrade Admin role can perform operations only in Image Management window.

See the Image Management section for more information.

NDFC Access Admin

A user with the NDFC Access Admin role can perform operations only in Interface Manager window for all fabrics.

An NDFC access admin can perform the following actions:

  • Add, edit, delete and deploy layer 2 port channels, and vPC.

  • Edit host vPC, and ethernet interfaces.

  • Save, preview, and deploy from management interfaces.

  • Edit interfaces for LAN classic, and IPFM fabrics.

    Apart from nve, management, tunnel, subinterface, SVI, interface grouping, and loopback interfaces

However, a user with the SAN Controller access admin role can’t perform the following actions:

  • Cannot edit layer 3 port channels, ST FEX, AA FEX, loopback interfaces, nve interfaces, and subinterfaces.

  • Cannot edit member interfaces and port channels of Layer 3, ST FEX, AA FEX.

  • Cannot edit interfaces with policy associated from underlay and link for easy fabrics.

  • Cannot edit peer link port channel.

  • Cannot edit management interface.

  • Cannot edit tunnel.


The icons and buttons are grayed out for this role when the fabric or SAN Controller is in deployment-freeze mode.

NDFC Network Stager

A user with the NDFC Network Stager role can make configuration changes on SAN Controller. A user with the NDFC Network Admin role can deploy these changes later. A network stager can perform the following actions:

  • Edit interface configurations

  • View or edit policies

  • Create interfaces

  • Change fabric settings

  • Edit or create templates

However, a network stager cannot perform the following actions:

  • Cannot make any configuration deployments to switches.

  • Cannot perform deployment-related actions from the SAN Controller Web UI or the REST APIs.

  • Cannot access the administration options like licensing, creating more users, and so on.

  • Cannot move switches in and out of maintenance mode.

  • Cannot move fabrics in and out of deployment-freeze mode.

  • Cannot install patches.

  • Cannot upgrade switches.

  • Cannot create or delete fabrics.

  • Cannot import or delete switches.

NDFC Network Operator

A network operator can view fabric builder, fabric settings, preview configurations, policies, and templates. However, a network operator cannot perform the following actions:

  • Cannot change expected configurations of any switch within any fabric.

  • Cannot deploy any configurations to switches.

  • Cannot access the administration options like licensing, creating more users, and so on.

The difference between a network operator and a network stager is that, as a network stager you can only define intent for existing fabrics, but cannot deploy those configurations.

Only a network admin can deploy the changes and edits that are staged by a user with the network stager role.

Choosing Default Authentication Domain

By default login screen on Nexus Dashboard chooses the local domain for authentication. You can change domain at login time by choosing available domains from drop-down list.

Nexus Dashboard supports local and remote authentication. The remote authentication providers for Nexus Dashboard include RADIUS, and TACACS. For more information on authentication support, refer https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/dcn/nd/2x/user-guide/cisco-nexus-dashboard-user-guide-211.pdf.

The following table describes RBAC comparison between DCNM and NDFC access:

DCNM 11.5(x) NDFC 12.0.x and 12.1.x
  • User has a single role.

  • All APIs and resources are accessed with this single role.

  • User can have a different role in different Nexus Dashboard for security domains.

  • Security domain contains single Nexus Dashboard, and each Nexus Dashboard contains single NDFC Fabric.

A single role is associated with the user by disabling or restricting the access to options in DCNM.

A single role displays only privileged resources on the selected page and restricted access are grayed out based on security domain associated with selected resource on further options on NDFC.

DCNM AV Pair format with shells, roles, and optional access constraints.

Nexus Dashboard AV Pair format with shells, domains.

Supported roles based on deployment type LAN, SAN, or PMN.

Supported roles such as network-admin, network-operator, device-upg-admin, network-stager, access-admin are in NDFC.

Support for legacy roles for backward compatibility. Nexus Dashboard admin role as network-admin of DCNM.

The following table describes DCNM 11.5(x) AV Pair format:

Cisco DCNM Role RADIUS Cisco-AV-Pair Value TACACS+ Shell Cisco-AV-Pair Value


shell:roles = "network-operator" dcnm-access="group1 group2 group5"

cisco-av-pair=shell:roles="network-operator" dcnm-access="group1 group2 group5"


shell:roles = "network-admin" dcnm-access="group1group2 group5"

cisco-av-pair=shell:roles="network-admin" dcnm-access="group1 group2 group5"

The following table describes NDFC 12.x AV Pair format:

User Role AVPair Value

NDFC Access Admin


NDFC Device Upgrade Admin


NDFC Network Admin


NDFC Network Operator


NDFC Network Stager


The AV pair string format differs when configuring a read/write role, read-only role, or a combination of read/write and read-only roles for a specific user. A typical string includes the domain, followed by the read-write roles separated from the read-only roles using the slash (/) character; individual roles are separated by the pipe (|) character:


Nexus Dashboard Security Domains

Access control information about a user login contains authentication data like user ID, password, and so on. Based on the authorization data, you can access resources accordingly. Admins in Cisco Nexus Dashboard can create security domains and group various resource types, resource instance, and map them into a security domain. The admins define an AV-pair for each user, which defines the access privileges for users to different resources in Cisco Nexus Dashboard. When you create a fabric, a site is created in Nexus Dashboard with the same fabric name. You can create and view these sites from Nexus Dashboard > Sites.

The SAN Controller REST APIs use this information to perform any action by checking the authorization.


When accessing REST APIs, you can verify passed payload in JSON format. Ensure that the payload is an appropriate JSON format.

When you upgrade from SAN Controller Release 11.x, each fabric is mapped to an autogenerated site of the same name. All these sites are mapped into the all security domain in Nexus Dashboard.

All resources are placed in all domain before they are assigned or mapped to other domains. The all security domain does not include all the available security domains in Nexus Dashboard.


A group of security domains along with read and write roles for each domain are specified using AV-pairs. Administrators define AV-pair for each user. The AV-pair defines the access privileges to users across various resources in Nexus Dashboard.

The AV-pair format is as follows:

"avpair": "shell:domains=security-domain/write-role-1|write-role-2,security-domain/write-role-1|write-role2/read-role-1|read-role-2"
For example: "avpair":
"shell:domains=all/network-admin/app-user|network-operator". "all/admin/" makes user super-user and it's best to avoid examples with all/admin/"

The write role is inclusive of read role as well. Hence, all/network-admin/ and all/network-admin/network-admin are the same.


From SAN Controller Release 12.0.1a supports the existing AV-pair format that you created in SAN Controller Release 11.x. However, if you are creating a new AV-pair, use the format that is mentioned above. Ensure that the shell: domains must not have any spaces.

Specifying Cisco NX-OS User Roles and SNMPv3 Parameters on AAA Servers

You can use the VSA cisco-AV-pair on AAA servers to specify user role mapping for the Cisco NX-OS device using this format:

shell:roles="roleA roleB …"

If you do not specify the role option in the cisco-AV-pair attribute, the default user role is network-operator.

You can also specify your SNMPv3 authentication and Privacy protocol attributes as follows:

shell:roles="roleA roleB..." snmpv3:auth=SHA priv=AES-128

The SNMPv3 authentication protocol options are SHA and MD5. The Privacy protocol options are AES-128 and DES. If you do not specify these options in the cisco-AV-pair attribute, MD5 and DES are the default authentication protocols.

Creating a Security Domain

To create a security domain from Cisco Nexus Dashboard, perform the following steps:

  1. Log into Cisco Nexus Dashboard.

  2. Choose Administrative > Security.

  3. Navigate to Security Domains tab.

  4. Click Create Security Domain.

  5. Enter the required details and click Create.

Creating a User

To create a user from Cisco Nexus Dashboard, perform the following steps:

  1. Log into Cisco Nexus Dashboard.

  2. Choose Administrative > Users.

  3. Click Create Local User.

  4. Enter the required details and click Add Security Domain.

  5. Choose a domain from the drop-down list.

  6. Assign a SAN Controller service read or write role by checking the appropriate check box.

  7. Click Save.

Switch Overview

UI Path: SAN > Switches > Switch Overview

The Switch Overview menu includes the following sub menus:

Viewing Switch Summary

You can view information about switch along with the switch summary on Switch Overview tab. Navigate SAN > Switches, click on required switch. A slide-in pane appears. Click Launch icon to view the Switch Overview window.

The following are the default cards that appear in the Summary tab:



Switch Information

Displays details of switch such as name, health status, IP address, model, version and other switch information.

Event Analytics

Displays events with Critical, Major, Minor, and Warning severity. In this card, click Launch icon to navigate to events tab for more information.


Displays the resource utilization of switch in the graph form.


Displays the switches on which the modules are discovered, the models name and the count.


Displays the switch interface summary information.

Port Usage

Displays the ports inventory summary information.


To view the inventory information for modules from the SAN Controller Web UI, perform the following steps:


Step 1

Choose SAN > Switch > Switch Overview > Modules. Similarly you can view modules from fabric overview window, SAN > Fabric > Fabric Overview > Modules

The Modules tab is displayed with a list of all the switches and its details for a selected Scope.

You can view required information in table, enter details in Filter by Attributes.

Step 2

You can view the following information.

  • Name displays the module name.

  • Model displays the model name.

  • Serial Number column displays the serial number.

  • Type column displays the type of the module.

  • Oper. Status column displays the operation status of the module.

  • Slot column displays the slot number.

  • HW Revision column displays the hardware version of the module.

  • Software Revision column displays the software version of the module.

  • Asset ID column displays the asset id of the module.

Viewing Interface

UI Path: SAN > Switch > Switch Overview > Interface

Similarly you can view interface on fabric overview window.

SAN > Fabric > Fabric Overview > Interface

The following table describes the fields that appear on the Interfaces tab.




Specifies the interface name.

Admin. Status

Specifies the administration status of the interface.

Oper. Status

Specifies the operational status of the interface.


Specifies the reason for failure.


Specifies the speed of the interface in Gbs.


Specifies the mode of the interface.


Specifies the name of the switch.


Specifies the name of the connected VSAN.

Connected To

Specifies the connection details.

Connected To Type

Specifies the type of connection.


Specifies the details about the interface.


Specifies the port owner name.

Port Group

Specifies the port group number for the interface connected.

To perform various operations on the inventory tab, follow the below procedures:


Step 1

To perform no shutdown for an interface, select the check box for the required interface and choose Actions > No Shutdown.

A warning window appears, click Confirm.

Step 2

To shutdown an interface, select the check box for the required interface and choose Actions > Shutdown.

A warning window appears, click Confirm.

Step 3

To assign a port owner for an interface, do the following:

  1. Select the check box for the required interface and choose Actions > Owner.

  2. In the Set Port Owner dialog box that appears, enter a required name and click Apply.

Step 4

To set up diagnostic for an interface, select the check box for the required interface and choose Actions > Link Diagnostics.

Viewing Switch Licenses

You can view the following information on Licenses tab.

  • Feature column displays the feature names of the selected switch.

  • Status column displays the status of licenses. Status will be either In Use or Unused.

  • Type column displays the type of the licenses.

  • Warnings column displays the grace period of licenses and its expiry date.

You can use Filter by attribute to view required information.

Click Refresh icon to refresh the table.

Viewing Backup

You can view the following information on Backup tab.

  • Switch column displays the switch name.

  • Backup Date column displays the backup date.

  • Backup Tag column displays the backup tag name.

  • Backup Type column displays the type of backup.

  • Configuration File column displays the configuration files that are archived for that device.

You can use Filter by attribute to view required information.

Click Refresh icon to refresh the table.

The following table describes the actions you can perform in this tab:



Copy to bootflash

Refer to Copy Bootflash.


Refer to Compare.


Refer to Export.

Edit tag

To edit a tag of a switch. Choose check box for a required switch, choose Actions > Edit tag and click OK.

Mark as golden

To mark switch as a golden backup. Choose check box for a required switch, choose Actions > Mark as golden. A confirmation window appears, click Confirm.

Refer to Golden backup section for more information.

Remove as golden

To remove switch from a golden backup. Choose check box for a required switch, choose Actions > Remove as golden. A confirmation window appears, click Confirm.


To delete switch from a backup. Choose check box for a required switch, choose Actions > Delete. A confirmation window appears, click Confirm.

This sections contains the following:

Copy Bootflash

You can copy the configuration files to the same device, to another device, or multiple devices concurrently.

Perform the following task to view the status of tasks:


Step 1

From SAN Controller home page, choose SAN> Switch > Switch Overview > Backup.

Step 2

Click Copy to bootflash.

Copy to bootflash page appears, displaying the Source Configuration Preview and Selected Devices area.

Source Preview area shows the contents of running/startup/version configuration file which is copied to the devices.

Step 3

In the Selected Devices area, check the device name check box to copy the configuration to the device.



You can select multiple destination devices to copy the configuration.

The selected devices area shows the following fields:

  • Device Name - Specifies the target device name to which the source configuration is copied.

  • IP Address - Specifies the IP Address of the destination device.

  • Group - Specifies the group to which the device belongs.

  • Status - Specifies the status of the device.

Step 4

Click Copy.

A confirmation window appears.

Step 5

Click Yes to copy the configuration to the destination device configuration.

Compare Configuration Files

This feature allows you to compare the configuration file with another version of the same device or with the configuration file of another device.

Perform the following task to compare the configuration files.


Step 1

Check the check box and select two configuration files to compare.

The first file that you selected is designated as Source and the second configuration file is designated as the Target file.

Step 2

Navigate to SAN> Switch > Switch Overview > Compare.

Step 3

Click Compare Configuration.

View Config Diff page appears, displaying the difference between the two configuration files.

The Source and Target configuration files content is displayed in two columns. From the drop-down list in the right-top corner, choose All to view the entire configuration. You can also choose Changed to view the configuration differences of the configuration files.

The differences in the configuration file are show in the table, with legends.

  • Red: Diff configuration details.

  • Green: New added configuration.

  • Blue: Modified configuration details.

Step 4

Click Copy to Target to copy the source configuration to the target configuration file. Click Cancel to revert to the configuration details page.

The Copy Configuration window displays the source configuration preview and the target device of the destination configuration. The selected devices area shows the following fields:

  • Device Name—Specifies the target device name to which the source configuration is copied.

  • IP Address—Specifies the IP Address of the destination device.

  • Group—Specifies the group to which the device belongs.

  • Golden Config—Specifies the version of the destination configuration.

  • Status—Specifies the status of the device.

Step 5

Click Yes to copy the configuration to the destination device configuration.

Export Configuration

You can export a configuration file from the SAN Controller server. Perform the following task to export a configuration file.


Step 1

From SAN Controller home page, choose Configure > Backup, select a configuration to export.

Step 2

Click Export Configuration.

The files are downloaded in your local system. You can use the third-party file transfer tools to transfer these files to an external server.

Viewing of Port Usage

You can view the following information on Port Usage tab.

  • Port Speed column displays the speed of the port.

  • Used Ports column displays the total ports with the mentioned port speed.

  • Available Ports column displays the available ports for the port speed.

  • Total Ports column displays the total ports with the mentioned speed.

  • Estimated Day Left column displays the estimated days left for the ports.

You can use Filter by attribute to view required information.

Click Refresh icon to refresh the table.

Used ports displays the total used ports for the selected switch.Total ports displays the total available ports for the selected switch.

Viewing Bootflash

You can view the following information on Bootflash tab.

  • Primary Bootflash Summary card displays the total, used and available space.

  • Secondary Bootflash Summary card displays the total, used and available space.

  • Directory Listing area displays check box for Primary Bootflash and Secondary Bootflash.

    This area shows the filename, size, and last modified date for all the files and directories on the switch bootflash. Choose Actions > Delete to delete files to increase the available space on the switch.

Device Manager

See Device Manager chapter for descriptions and instructions for using the Cisco MDS 9000 Device Manager.


Device Manger session is terminated when you navigate to another tab on the Switch Overview screen.


You can view the interfaces of the UCS switches through SAN > Switches > Switch Overview, on the SAN Controller Web UI.


Ensure that the UCS switches are listed on SAN Controller and the status of these switches are correct. You can view these tabs only for UCS switches.

Blades tab displays information of all server blades attached to the UCS FI.

The UCS has three tabs namely:

  • Blades

  • vNICs

  • vHBAs

The blades tab displays all blade information as cards. Click More Details icon on each blade area to view details on the side panel of the selected blade.

You can click Collapse All or Expand All icon to collapse all or expand all blade areas respectively.

Blades tab displays information of all server blades attached to the UCS FI. Primary UCS FI only in redundancy setup or standalone UCS FI are displayed.


vNICs tab displays the list of vNIC for that UCS FI. Click the chart icon will show the 24 hour traffic for the vNIC.


vHBAs tab displays the list of vHBA for that particular UCS FI. Click the chart icon to view 24hour traffic for the vHBA.