Deploying in VMware ESX

Prerequisites and Guidelines

Before you proceed with deploying the Nexus Dashboard cluster in VMware ESX, you must:

  • Ensure that the ESX form factor supports your scale and services requirements.

    Scale and services support and co-hosting vary based on the cluster form factor and the specific services you plan to deploy. You can use the Nexus Dashboard Capacity Planning tool to verify that the virtual form factor satisfies your deployment requirements.


    Some services (such as Nexus Dashboard Fabric Controller) may require only a single ESX virtual node for one or more specific use cases. In that case, the capacity planning tool will indicate the requirement and you can simply skip the additional node deployment step in the following section.

  • Review and complete the general prerequisites described in Deployment Overview and Requirements.

    Note that this document describes how to initially deploy the base Nexus Dashboard cluster. If you want to expand an existing cluster with additional nodes (such as worker or standby), see the "Infrastructure Management" chapter of the Cisco Nexus Dashboard User Guide instead, which is available from the Nexus Dashboard UI or online at Cisco Nexus Dashboard User Guide

  • Review and complete any additional prerequisites described in the Release Notes for the services you plan to deploy.

  • When deploying in VMware ESX, you can deploy two types of nodes:

    • Data Node—node profile designed for data-intensive applications, such Nexus Dashboard Insights

    • App Node—node profile designed for non-data-intensive applications, such Nexus Dashboard Orchestrator


    If you plan to add worker nodes to your cluster:

    Ensure you have enough system resources:

    Table 1. Deployment Requirements

    Nexus Dashboard Version

    Data Node Requirements

    App Node Requirements

    Release 2.3.x

    • VMware ESXi 7.0, 7.0.1, 7.0.2, 7.0.3

    • VMware vCenter 7.0.1, 7.0.2 if deploying using vCenter

    • Each VM requires the following:

      • 32 vCPUs with physical reservation of at least 2.2GHz

      • 128GB of RAM with physical reservation

      • 3TB SSD storage for the data volume and an additional 50GB for the system volume

        Data nodes must be deployed on storage with the following minimum performance requirements:

        • The SSD must be attached to the data store directly or in JBOD mode if using a RAID Host Bus Adapter (HBA)

        • The SSDs must be optimized for Mixed Use/Application (not Read-Optimized)

        • 4K Random Read IOPS: 93000

        • 4K Random Write IOPS: 31000

    • We recommend that each Nexus Dashboard node is deployed in a different ESXi server.

    • VMware ESXi 7.0, 7.0.1, 7.0.2, 7.0.3

    • VMware vCenter 7.0.1, 7.0.2 if deploying using vCenter

    • Each VM requires the following:

      • 16 vCPUs with physical reservation of at least 2.2GHz

      • 64GB of RAM with physical reservation

      • 500GB HDD or SSD storage for the data volume and an additional 50GB for the system volume

        Some services require App nodes to be deployed on faster SSD storage while other services support HDD. Check the Nexus Dashboard Capacity Planning tool to ensure that you use the correct type of storage.

    • We recommend that each Nexus Dashboard node is deployed in a different ESXi server.

  • After each node's VM is deployed, ensure that the VMware Tools' periodic time synchronization is disabled as described in the deployment procedure in the next section.

  • VMware vMotion is not supported for Nexus Dashboard cluster nodes.

  • VMware Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS) is not supported for Nexus Dashboard cluster nodes.

  • Because Nexus Dashboard is a platform infrastructure, it is not possible to bring down all services.

    In other words, if you want to take a snapshot of the virtual machine (such as for debugging purposes), the snapshot must have all Nexus Dashboard services running.

  • You can choose to deploy the nodes directly in ESXi or using vCenter.

    If you want to deploy using vCenter, following the steps described in Deploying Nexus Dashboard Using VMware vCenter.

    If you want to deploy directly in ESXi, following the steps described in Deploying Nexus Dashboard Directly in VMware ESXi.

Deploying Nexus Dashboard Using VMware vCenter

This section describes how to deploy Cisco Nexus Dashboard cluster using VMware vCenter. If you prefer to deploy directly in ESXi, follow the steps described in Deploying Nexus Dashboard Directly in VMware ESXi instead.

Before you begin


Step 1

Obtain the Cisco Nexus Dashboard OVA image.

  1. Browse to the Software Download page.

  2. Choose the Nexus Dashboard release version you want to download.

  3. Click the Download icon next to the Nexus Dashboard OVA image (nd-dk9.<version>.ova).

Step 2

Log in to your VMware vCenter.

Depending on the version of your vSphere client, the location and order of configuration screens may differ slightly. The following steps provide deployment details using VMware vSphere Client 6.7.

Step 3

Start the new VM deployment.

  1. Right-click the ESX host where you want to deploy.

  2. Then select Deploy OVF Template...

    The Deploy OVF Template wizard appears.

Step 4

In the Select an OVF template screen, provide the OVA image.

  1. Provide the image.

    If you hosted the image on a web server in your environment, select URL and provide the URL to the image as shown in the above screenshot.

    If your image is local, select Local file and click Choose Files to select the OVA file you downloaded.

  2. Click Next to continue.

Step 5

In the Select a name and folder screen, provide a name and location for the VM.

  1. Provide the name for the virtual machine.

  2. Select the location for the virtual machine.

  3. Click Next to continue

Step 6

In the Select a compute resource screen, select the ESX host.

  1. Select the vCenter data center and the ESX host for the virtual machine.

  2. Click Next to continue

Step 7

In the Review details screen, click Next to continue.

Step 8

In the Configuration screen, select the node profile you want to deploy.

  1. Select either App or Data node profile based on your use case requirements.

    For more information about the node profiles, see Prerequisites and Guidelines.

  2. Click Next to continue

Step 9

In the Select storage screen, provide the storage information.

  1. From the Select virtual disk format drop-down, select Thick Provision Lazy Zeroed.

  2. Select the datastore for the virtual machine.

    We recommend a unique datastore for each node.

  3. Click Next to continue

Step 10

In the Select networks screen, choose the VM network for the Nexus Dashboard's Management and Data networks and click Next to continue.

There are two networks required by the Nexus Dashboard cluster:

  • fabric0 is used for the Nexus Dashboard cluster's Data Network

  • mgmt0 is used for the Nexus Dashboard cluster's Management Network.

For more information about these networks, see Prerequisites and Guidelines in the "Deployment Overview and Requirements" chapter.

Step 11

In the Customize template screen, provide the required information.

  1. Provide the size for the node's data volume.

    We recommend using the default values for the required data volume.

    The default values will be pre-populated based on the type of node you are deploying, with App node having a single 500GB disk and Data node having a single 3TB disk.

    Note that in addition to the data volume, a second 50GB system volume will also be configured but cannot be customized.

  2. Provide and confirm the Password.

    This password is used for the rescue-user account on each node.



    You must provide the same password for all nodes or the cluster creation will fail.

  3. Provide the Management Network IP address and netmask.

  4. Provide the Management Network IP gateway.

  5. Click Next to continue.

Step 12

In the Ready to complete screen, verify that all information is accurate and click Finish to begin deploying the first node.

Step 13

Repeat previous steps to deploy the second and third nodes.



If you are deploying a single-node cluster, you can skip this step.

You do not need to wait for the first node's VM deployment to complete, you can begin deploying the other two nodes simultaneously. The steps to deploy the second and third nodes are identical to the first node's.

Step 14

Wait for the VM(s) to finish deploying.

Step 15

Ensure that the VMware Tools periodic time synchronization is disabled, then start the VMs.

To disable time synchronization:

  1. Right-click the node's VM and select Edit Settings.

  2. In the Edit Settings window, select the VM Options tab.

  3. Expand the VMware Tools category and uncheck the Synchronize guest time with host option.

Step 16

Open your browser and navigate to https://<node-mgmt-ip> to open the GUI.

The rest of the configuration workflow takes place from one of the node's GUI. You can choose any one of the nodes you deployed to begin the bootstrap process and you do not need to log in to or configure the other two nodes directly.

Enter the password you provided in a previous step and click Begin Setup

Step 17

Provide the Cluster Details.

In the Cluster Details screen of the initial setup wizard, provide the following information:

  1. Provide the Cluster Name for this Nexus Dashboard cluster.

  2. Click +Add NTP Host to add one or more NTP servers.

    You must provide an IP address, fully qualified domain name (FQDN) are not supported.

    After you enter the IP address, click the green checkmark icon to save it.

  3. Click +Add DNS Provider to add one or more DNS servers.

    After you enter the IP address, click the green checkmark icon to save it.

  4. Provide a Proxy Server.

    For clusters that do not have direct connectivity to Cisco cloud, we recommend configuring a proxy server to establish the connectivity, which will allow you to mitigate risk from exposure to non-conformant hardware and software in your fabrics.

    If you want to skip proxy configuration, click the information (i) icon next to the field, then click Skip.

  5. (Optional) If your proxy server required authentication, change Authentication required for Proxy to Yes and provide the login credentials.

  6. (Optional) Expand the Advanced Settings category and change the settings if required.

    Under advanced settings, you can configure the following:

    • Provide one or more search domains by clicking +Add DNS Search Domain.

      After you enter the IP address, click the green checkmark icon to save it.

    • Provide custom App Network and Service Network.

      The application overlay network defines the address space used by the application's services running in the Nexus Dashboard. The field is pre-populated with the default value.

      The services network is an internal network used by the Nexus Dashboard and its processes. The field is pre-populated with the default value.

      Application and Services networks are described in the Prerequisites and Guidelines section earlier in this document.

  7. Click Next to continue.

Step 18

In the Node Details screen, provide the node's information.

  1. Click the Edit button next to the first node.

  2. In the Password field, enter the password for this node and click Validate.

    This will auto-populate the Serial Number and Management Network information for the node.

  3. Provide the node's Name.

  4. Provide the node's Data Network information.

    The Management Network information is already pre-populated with the information you provided for the first node.

    You must provide the data network IP address/netmask (for example, and gateway (for example, Optionally, you can also provide the VLAN ID for the network. For most deployments, you can leave the VLAN ID field blank.

  5. (Optional) Provide IPv6 addresses for the management and data networks.

    Nexus Dashboard supports either IPv4 or dual stack IPv4/IPv6 for the management and data networks.



    If you want to provide IPv6 information, you must do that now during cluster bootstrap process. If you deploy the cluster using only IPv4 stack and want to add IPv6 information later, you would need to redeploy the cluster.

    All nodes in the cluster must be configured with either only IPv4 or dual IPv4/IPv6 stack.

  6. (Optional) If required, Enable BGP for the data network.

    BGP configuration is required for the Persistent IPs feature required by some services, such as Nexus Dashboard Insights with NDFC fabrics. This feature is described in detail in the "Persistent IP Addresses" sections of the Nexus Dashboard User's Guide.



    You can enable BGP at this time or in the Nexus Dashboard GUI after the cluster is deployed.

    When you enable BGP, you must also provide the following information:

    • ASN (BGP Autonomous System Number) of this node.

      You can configure the same ASN for all nodes or a different ASN per node.

    • BGP Peer Details, which includes the peer's IPv4 or IPv6 address and peer's ASN.

  7. Click Save to save the changes.

Step 19

In the Node Details screen, click Add Node to add the second node to the cluster.



If you are deploying a single-node cluster, you can skip this step and proceed with Step 21.

The Node Details window opens.

  1. In the Deployment Details section, provide the node's Management IP Address and Password for the rescue-user you configured when deploying the node's VM, then click Verify.

    This will auto-populate the Serial Number and Management Network information for the node.

  2. Provide the node's Name.

  3. Provide the node's Data Network IP address and gateway.

    The Management Network information will be pre-populated with the information pulled from the node based on the management IP address and credentials you provided in the previous sub-step.

    You must provide the data network IP address/netmask (for example, and gateway (for example, Optionally, you can also provide the VLAN ID for the network. For most deployments, you can leave the VLAN ID field blank.

  4. (Optional) Provide IPv6 information for the management and data networks.

    Nexus Dashboard supports either IPv4 or dual stack IPv4/IPv6 for the management and data networks.



    If you want to provide IPv6 information, you must do it during cluster bootstrap process. If you deploy the cluster using only IPv4 stack and want to add IPv6 information later, you would need to redeploy the cluster.

    All nodes in the cluster must be configured with either only IPv4 or dual IPv4/IPv6 stack.

  5. (Optional) If required, Enable BGP for the data network.

  6. Click Save to save the changes.

Step 20

Repeat the previous step to add the 3rd node.



If you are deploying a single-node cluster, you can skip this step and proceed with Step 21.

Step 21

In the Node Details screen, click Next to continue.

After you've provided the information for all 3 nodes in the cluster, continue to the next screen of the bootstrap process.

Step 22

In the Confirmation screen, review and verify the configuration information and click Configure to create the cluster.

During the node bootstrap and cluster bring-up, the overall progress as well as each node's individual progress will be displayed in the UI. If you do not see the bootstrap progress advance, manually refresh the page in your browser to update the status.

It may take up to 30 minutes for the cluster to form and all the services to start. When cluster configuration is complete, the page will reload to the Nexus Dashboard GUI.

Step 23

Verify that the cluster is healthy.

It may take up to 30 minutes for the cluster to form and all the services to start.

After all three nodes are ready, you can log in to any one node via SSH and run the following command to verify cluster health:

  1. Verify that the cluster is up and running.

    You can check the current status of cluster deployment by logging in to any of the nodes and running the acs health command.

    While the cluster is converging, you may see the following outputs:

    $ acs health
    k8s install is in-progress
    $ acs health
    k8s services not in desired state - [...]
    $ acs health
    k8s: Etcd cluster is not ready
    When the cluster is up and running, the following output will be displayed:
    $ acs health
    All components are healthy
  2. Log in to the Nexus Dashboard GUI.

    After the cluster becomes available, you can access it by browsing to any one of your nodes' management IP addresses. The default password for the admin user is the same as the rescue-user password you chose for the first node of the Nexus Dashboard cluster.

Step 24

Configure the Network Scale parameters for your cluster.

This is described in the Infrastructure Management > Cluster Configuration section of the Cisco Nexus Dashboard User Guide, which is also available directly from your Nexus Dashboard's Help Center.

Deploying Nexus Dashboard Directly in VMware ESXi

This section describes how to deploy Cisco Nexus Dashboard cluster directly in VMware ESXi. If you prefer to deploy using vCenter, follow the steps described in Deploying Nexus Dashboard Directly in VMware ESXi instead.

Before you begin


Step 1

Obtain the Cisco Nexus Dashboard OVA image.

  1. Browse to the Software Download page.

  2. Choose the Nexus Dashboard release version you want to download.

  3. Click the Download icon next to the Nexus Dashboard OVA image (nd-dk9.<version>.ova).

Step 2

Log in to your VMware ESXi.

Depending on the version of your ESXi server, the location and order of configuration screens may differ slightly. The following steps provide deployment details using VMware ESXi 6.7.

Step 3

Right-click the host and select Create/Register VM.

Step 4

In the Select creation type screen, choose Deploy a virtual machine from an OVF or OVA file, then click Next.

Step 5

In the Select OVF and VMDK files screen, provide the virtual machine name (for example, nd-node1) and the OVA image you downloaded in the first step, then click Next.

Step 6

In the Select storage screen, choose the datastore for the VM, then click Next.

Step 7

In the Select OVF and VMDK files screen, provide the virtual machine name (for example, nd-node1) and the OVA image you downloaded in the first step, then click Next.

Step 8

In the Deployment options screen, choose Disk Provisioning: Thick, uncheck the Power on automatically option, then click Next to continue.

There are two networks, fabric0 is used for the data network and mgmt0 is used for the management network.

Step 9

In the Ready to complete screen, verify that all information is accurate and click Finish to begin deploying the first node.

Step 10

Repeat previous steps to deploy the second and third nodes.



If you are deploying a single-node cluster, you can skip this step.

You do not need to wait for the first node deployment to complete, you can begin deploying the other two nodes simultaneously.

Step 11

Wait for the VM(s) to finish deploying.

Step 12

Ensure that the VMware Tools periodic time synchronization is disabled, then start the VMs.

To disable time synchronization:

  1. Right-click the node's VM and select Edit Settings.

  2. In the Edit Settings window, select the VM Options tab.

  3. Expand the VMware Tools category and uncheck the Synchronize guest time with host option.

Step 13

Open one of the node's console and configure the node's basic information.

  1. Begin initial setup.

    You will be prompted to run the first-time setup utility:

    [ OK ] Started atomix-boot-setup.
           Starting Initial cloud-init job (pre-networking)...
           Starting logrotate...
           Starting logwatch...
           Starting keyhole...
    [ OK ] Started keyhole.
    [ OK ] Started logrotate.
    [ OK ] Started logwatch.
    Press any key to run first-boot setup on this console...
  2. Enter and confirm the admin password

    This password will be used for the rescue-user SSH login as well as the initial GUI password.



    You must provide the same password for all nodes or the cluster creation will fail.

    Admin Password:
    Reenter Admin Password:
  3. Enter the management network information.

    Management Network:
      IP Address/Mask:
  4. For the first node only, designate it as the "Cluster Leader".

    You will log into the cluster leader node to finish configuration and complete cluster creation.

    Is this the cluster leader?: y
  5. Review and confirm the entered information.

    You will be asked if you want to change the entered information. If all the fields are correct, choose n to proceed. If you want to change any of the entered information, enter y to re-start the basic configuration script.

    Please review the config
    Management network:
      IP Address/Mask:
    Cluster leader: no
    Re-enter config? (y/N): n

Step 14

Repeat previous step to configure the initial information for the second and third nodes.

You do not need to wait for the first node configuration to complete, you can begin configuring the other two nodes simultaneously.



You must provide the same password for all nodes or the cluster creation will fail.

The steps to deploy the second and third nodes are identical with the only exception being that you must indicate that they are not the Cluster Leader.

Step 15

Open your browser and navigate to https://<node-mgmt-ip> to open the GUI.

The rest of the configuration workflow takes place from one of the node's GUI. You can choose any one of the nodes you deployed to begin the bootstrap process and you do not need to log in to or configure the other two nodes directly.

Enter the password you provided in a previous step and click Begin Setup

Step 16

Provide the Cluster Details.

In the Cluster Details screen of the initial setup wizard, provide the following information:

  1. Provide the Cluster Name for this Nexus Dashboard cluster.

  2. Click +Add NTP Host to add one or more NTP servers.

    You must provide an IP address, fully qualified domain name (FQDN) are not supported.

    After you enter the IP address, click the green checkmark icon to save it.

  3. Click +Add DNS Provider to add one or more DNS servers.

    After you enter the IP address, click the green checkmark icon to save it.

  4. Provide a Proxy Server.

    For clusters that do not have direct connectivity to Cisco cloud, we recommend configuring a proxy server to establish the connectivity, which will allow you to mitigate risk from exposure to non-conformant hardware and software in your fabrics.

    If you want to skip proxy configuration, click the information (i) icon next to the field, then click Skip.

  5. (Optional) If your proxy server required authentication, change Authentication required for Proxy to Yes and provide the login credentials.

  6. (Optional) Expand the Advanced Settings category and change the settings if required.

    Under advanced settings, you can configure the following:

    • Provide one or more search domains by clicking +Add DNS Search Domain.

      After you enter the IP address, click the green checkmark icon to save it.

    • Provide custom App Network and Service Network.

      The application overlay network defines the address space used by the application's services running in the Nexus Dashboard. The field is pre-populated with the default value.

      The services network is an internal network used by the Nexus Dashboard and its processes. The field is pre-populated with the default value.

      Application and Services networks are described in the Prerequisites and Guidelines section earlier in this document.

  7. Click Next to continue.

Step 17

In the Node Details screen, provide the node's information.

  1. Click the Edit button next to the first node.

  2. In the Password field, enter the password for this node and click Validate.

    This will auto-populate the Serial Number and Management Network information for the node.

  3. Provide the node's Name.

  4. Provide the node's Data Network information.

    The Management Network information is already pre-populated with the information you provided for the first node.

    You must provide the data network IP address/netmask (for example, and gateway (for example, Optionally, you can also provide the VLAN ID for the network. For most deployments, you can leave the VLAN ID field blank.

  5. (Optional) Provide IPv6 addresses for the management and data networks.

    Nexus Dashboard supports either IPv4 or dual stack IPv4/IPv6 for the management and data networks.



    If you want to provide IPv6 information, you must do that now during cluster bootstrap process. If you deploy the cluster using only IPv4 stack and want to add IPv6 information later, you would need to redeploy the cluster.

    All nodes in the cluster must be configured with either only IPv4 or dual IPv4/IPv6 stack.

  6. (Optional) If required, Enable BGP for the data network.

    BGP configuration is required for the Persistent IPs feature required by some services, such as Nexus Dashboard Insights with NDFC fabrics. This feature is described in detail in the "Persistent IP Addresses" sections of the Nexus Dashboard User's Guide.



    You can enable BGP at this time or in the Nexus Dashboard GUI after the cluster is deployed.

    When you enable BGP, you must also provide the following information:

    • ASN (BGP Autonomous System Number) of this node.

      You can configure the same ASN for all nodes or a different ASN per node.

    • BGP Peer Details, which includes the peer's IPv4 or IPv6 address and peer's ASN.

  7. Click Save to save the changes.

Step 18

In the Node Details screen, click Add Node to add the second node to the cluster.



If you are deploying a single-node cluster, you can skip this step.

The Node Details window opens.

  1. In the Deployment Details section, provide the node's Management IP Address and Password for the rescue-user you configured when deploying the node's VM, then click Verify.

    This will auto-populate the Serial Number and Management Network information for the node.

  2. Provide the node's Name.

  3. Provide the node's Data Network IP address and gateway.

    The Management Network information will be pre-populated with the information pulled from the node based on the management IP address and credentials you provided in the previous sub-step.

    You must provide the data network IP address/netmask (for example, and gateway (for example, Optionally, you can also provide the VLAN ID for the network. For most deployments, you can leave the VLAN ID field blank.

  4. (Optional) Provide IPv6 information for the management and data networks.

    Nexus Dashboard supports either IPv4 or dual stack IPv4/IPv6 for the management and data networks.



    If you want to provide IPv6 information, you must do it during cluster bootstrap process. If you deploy the cluster using only IPv4 stack and want to add IPv6 information later, you would need to redeploy the cluster.

    All nodes in the cluster must be configured with either only IPv4 or dual IPv4/IPv6 stack.

  5. (Optional) If required, Enable BGP for the data network.

  6. Click Save to save the changes.

Step 19

Repeat the previous step to add the 3rd node.



If you are deploying a single-node cluster, you can skip this step.

Step 20

In the Node Details screen, click Next to continue.

After you've provided the information for all 3 nodes in the cluster, continue to the next screen of the bootstrap process.

Step 21

In the Confirmation screen, review and verify the configuration information and click Configure to create the cluster.

During the node bootstrap and cluster bring-up, the overall progress as well as each node's individual progress will be displayed in the UI. If you do not see the bootstrap progress advance, manually refresh the page in your browser to update the status.

It may take up to 30 minutes for the cluster to form and all the services to start. When cluster configuration is complete, the page will reload to the Nexus Dashboard GUI.

Step 22

Verify that the cluster is healthy.

It may take up to 30 minutes for the cluster to form and all the services to start.

After all three nodes are ready, you can log in to any one node via SSH and run the following command to verify cluster health:

  1. Verify that the cluster is up and running.

    You can check the current status of cluster deployment by logging in to any of the nodes and running the acs health command.

    While the cluster is converging, you may see the following outputs:

    $ acs health
    k8s install is in-progress
    $ acs health
    k8s services not in desired state - [...]
    $ acs health
    k8s: Etcd cluster is not ready
    When the cluster is up and running, the following output will be displayed:
    $ acs health
    All components are healthy
  2. Log in to the Nexus Dashboard GUI.

    After the cluster becomes available, you can access it by browsing to any one of your nodes' management IP addresses. The default password for the admin user is the same as the rescue-user password you chose for the first node of the Nexus Dashboard cluster.


There may be an issue during the bootstrap process on 3-node vND (ESX) clusters which can cause the 'acs health' command to show the following error: 'k8s: services not in desired state - aaamgr,cisco-intersightdc,eventmonitoring,infra-kafka,kafka,mongodb,sm,statscollect'

Contact Cisco TAC and open a case referring to open Bug ID CSCwf65557 requesting root access to run the workaround command on each node.

Step 23

Configure the Network Scale parameters for your cluster.

This is described in the Infrastructure Management > Cluster Configuration section of the Cisco Nexus Dashboard User Guide, which is also available directly from your Nexus Dashboard's Help Center.