次のコマンドを使用して、環境ステータス レポートを取得および表示できます。
debug environment
debug platform software cman env monitor polling
debug ilpower
debug power [inline | main]
show diag all eeprom
show diag slot R0 eeprom detail
show environment
show environment all
show inventory
show platform all
show platform diag
show platform software status control-processor
show version
show power
show power inline
環境モニタリング システムにより、これらのパラメータの値が 60 秒ごとに更新されます。これらのコマンドの簡単な例を以下に示します。
debug environment:例
Router# debug environment location P0
Environmental sensor Temp: Temp 1 P0 debugging is on
Environmental sensor Temp: Temp 2 P0 debugging is on
Environmental sensor Temp: Temp 3 P0 debugging is on
Environmental sensor V: PEM Out P0 debugging is on
Environmental sensor I: PEM In P0 debugging is on
Environmental sensor I: PEM Out P0 debugging is on
Environmental sensor W: In pwr P0 debugging is on
Environmental sensor W: Out pwr P0 debugging is on
Environmental sensor RPM: fan0 P0 debugging is on
*Sep 12 00:45:13.956: Sensor: Temp: Temp 1 P0, In queue 1
*Sep 12 00:45:13.956: State=Normal Reading=29
*Sep 12 00:45:13.956: Rotation count=0 Poll period=60000
*Sep 12 00:45:13.956: Sensor: Temp: Temp 1 P0 State=Normal Reading=29
*Sep 12 00:45:13.956: Inserting into queue 1 on spoke 173.
*Sep 12 00:45:13.956: Rotation count=60 Displacement=0
*Sep 12 00:45:13.956: Sensor: Temp: Temp 2 P0, In queue 1
*Sep 12 00:45:13.956: State=Normal Reading=33
*Sep 12 00:45:13.956: Rotation count=0 Poll period=60000
*Sep 12 00:45:13.956: Sensor: Temp: Temp 2 P0 State=Normal Reading=34
*Sep 12 00:45:13.956: Inserting into queue 1 on spoke 173.
*Sep 12 00:45:13.956: Rotation count=60 Displacement=0
*Sep 12 00:45:13.956: Sensor: Temp: Temp 3 P0, In queue 1
*Sep 12 00:45:13.956: State=Normal Reading=34
*Sep 12 00:45:13.956: Rotation count=0 Poll period=60000
*Sep 12 00:45:13.956: Sensor: Temp: Temp 3 P0 State=Normal Reading=35
*Sep 12 00:45:13.956: Inserting into queue 1 on spoke 173.
*Sep 12 00:45:13.956: Rotation count=60 Displacement=0
*Sep 12 00:45:13.956: Sensor: V: PEM Out P0, In queue 1
*Sep 12 00:45:13.956: State=Normal Reading=12709
*Sep 12 00:45:13.956: Rotation count=0 Poll period=60000
*Sep 12 00:45:13.956: Sensor: V: PEM Out P0 State=Normal Reading=12724
*Sep 12 00:45:13.956: Inserting into queue 1 on spoke 173.
*Sep 12 00:45:13.956: Rotation count=60 Displacement=0
*Sep 12 00:45:13.956: Sensor: I: PEM In P0, In queue 1
*Sep 12 00:45:13.956: State=Normal Reading=1
*Sep 12 00:45:13.956: Rotation count=0 Poll period=60000
*Sep 12 00:45:13.956: Sensor: I: PEM In P0 State=Normal Reading=1
*Sep 12 00:45:13.956: Inserting into queue 1 on spoke 173.
*Sep 12 00:45:13.956: Rotation count=60 Displacement=0
*Sep 12 00:45:13.956: Sensor: I: PEM Out P0, In queue 1
*Sep 12 00:45:13.956: State=Normal Reading=4
*Sep 12 00:45:13.956: Rotation count=0 Poll period=60000
*Sep 12 00:45:13.956: Sensor: I: PEM Out P0 State=Normal Reading=4
*Sep 12 00:45:13.956: Inserting into queue 1 on spoke 173.
*Sep 12 00:45:13.956: Rotation count=60 Displacement=0
*Sep 12 00:45:13.956: Sensor: W: In pwr P0, In queue 1
*Sep 12 00:45:13.956: State=Normal Reading=92
*Sep 12 00:45:13.956: Rotation count=0 Poll period=60000
*Sep 12 00:45:13.956: Sensor: W: In pwr P0 State=Normal Reading=92
*Sep 12 00:45:13.956: Inserting into queue 1 on spoke 173.
*Sep 12 00:45:13.956: Rotation count=60 Displacement=0
*Sep 12 00:45:13.956: Sensor: W: Out pwr P0, In queue 1
*Sep 12 00:45:13.956: State=Normal Reading=46
*Sep 12 00:45:13.956: Rotation count=0 Poll period=60000
*Sep 12 00:45:13.956: Sensor: W: Out pwr P0 State=Normal Reading=46
*Sep 12 00:45:13.956: Inserting into queue 1 on spoke 173.
*Sep 12 00:45:13.956: Rotation count=60 Displacement=0
*Sep 12 00:45:13.956: Sensor: RPM: fan0 P0, In queue 1
*Sep 12 00:45:13.956: State=Normal Reading=3192
*Sep 12 00:45:13.956: Rotation count=0 Poll period=60000
*Sep 12 00:45:13.956: Sensor: RPM: fan0 P0 State=Normal Reading=3180
*Sep 12 00:45:13.956: Inserting into queue 1 on spoke 173.
*Sep 12 00:45:13.956: Rotation count=60 Displacement=0
debug platform software cman env monitor polling:例
Router# debug platform software cman env monitor polling
platform software cman env monitor polling debugging is on
*Sep 12 00:46:13.962: IOS-RP-ENVMON: sensor READ callback Temp: Temp 1, P0, 29
*Sep 12 00:46:13.962: IOS-RP-ENVMON: sensor READ callback Temp: Temp 2, P0, 34
*Sep 12 00:46:13.962: IOS-RP-ENVMON: sensor READ callback Temp: Temp 3, P0, 35
*Sep 12 00:46:13.962: IOS-RP-ENVMON: sensor READ callback V: PEM Out, P0, 12709
*Sep 12 00:46:13.962: IOS-RP-ENVMON: sensor READ callback I: PEM In, P0, 1
*Sep 12 00:46:13.962: IOS-RP-ENVMON: sensor READ callback I: PEM Out, P0, 4
*Sep 12 00:46:13.962: IOS-RP-ENVMON: sensor READ callback W: In pwr, P0, 93
*Sep 12 00:46:13.962: IOS-RP-ENVMON: sensor READ callback W: Out pwr, P0, 48
*Sep 12 00:46:13.962: IOS-RP-ENVMON: sensor READ callback RPM: fan0, P0, 3192
*Sep 12 00:46:13.962: IOS-RP-ENVMON: sensor READ callback Temp: Temp 1, P1, 33
*Sep 12 00:46:13.962: IOS-RP-ENVMON: sensor READ callback Temp: Temp 2, P1, 32
*Sep 12 00:46:13.962: IOS-RP-ENVMON: sensor READ callback Temp: Temp 3, P1, 36
*Sep 12 00:46:13.962: IOS-RP-ENVMON: sensor READ callback V: PEM Out, P1, 12666
*Sep 12 00:46:13.962: IOS-RP-ENVMON: sensor READ callback I: PEM In, P1, 1
*Sep 12 00:46:13.962: IOS-RP-ENVMON: sensor READ callback I: PEM Out, P1, 4
*Sep 12 00:46:13.963: IOS-RP-ENVMON: sensor READ callback W: In pwr, P1, 55
*Sep 12 00:46:13.963: IOS-RP-ENVMON: sensor READ callback W: Out pwr, P1, 46
*Sep 12 00:46:13.963: IOS-RP-ENVMON: sensor READ callback RPM: fan0, P1, 2892
*Sep 12 00:46:13.963: IOS-RP-ENVMON: sensor READ callback RPM: fan0, P2, 4894
*Sep 12 00:46:13.963: IOS-RP-ENVMON: sensor READ callback RPM: fan1, P2, 4790
*Sep 12 00:46:13.963: IOS-RP-ENVMON: sensor READ callback RPM: fan2, P2, 5025
*Sep 12 00:46:13.963: IOS-RP-ENVMON: sensor READ callback RPM: fan3, P2, 5001
*Sep 12 00:46:13.963: IOS-RP-ENVMON: sensor READ callback W: fan pwr, P2, 8
*Sep 12 00:46:13.963: IOS-RP-ENVMON: sensor READ callback Temp: Inlet 1, R0, 25
*Sep 12 00:46:13.963: IOS-RP-ENVMON: sensor READ callback Temp: Inlet 2, R0, 28
*Sep 12 00:46:13.963: IOS-RP-ENVMON: sensor READ callback Temp: Outlet 1, R0, 30
*Sep 12 00:46:13.963: IOS-RP-ENVMON: sensor READ callback Temp: Outlet 2, R0, 35
*Sep 12 00:46:13.963: IOS-RP-ENVMON: sensor READ callback V: 12v, R0, 12735
*Sep 12 00:46:13.963: IOS-RP-ENVMON: sensor READ callback V: 5v, R0, 5125
*Sep 12 00:46:13.963: IOS-RP-ENVMON: sensor READ callback V: 3.3v, R0, 3352
*Sep 12 00:46:13.963: IOS-RP-ENVMON: sensor READ callback V: 1.05v, R0, 1052
*Sep 12 00:46:13.963: IOS-RP-ENVMON: sensor READ callback V: 2.5v, R0, 0
*Sep 12 00:46:13.963: IOS-RP-ENVMON: sensor READ callback V: 1.8v, R0, 0
*Sep 12 00:46:13.963: IOS-RP-ENVMON: sensor READ callback V: 1.2v, R0, 0
*Sep 12 00:46:13.963: IOS-RP-ENVMON: sensor READ callback V: 1.15v, R0, 0
*Sep 12 00:46:13.963: IOS-RP-ENVMON: sensor READ callback V: 1.1v, R0, 0
*Sep 12 00:46:13.963: IOS-RP-ENVMON: sensor READ callback V: 1.0v, R0, 0
*Sep 12 00:46:13.963: IOS-RP-ENVMON: sensor READ callback V: 1.8v PCH, R0, 1787
*Sep 12 00:46:13.963: IOS-RP-ENVMON: sensor READ callback V: 1.5v PCH, R0, 1516
*Sep 12 00:46:13.963: IOS-RP-ENVMON: sensor READ callback V: 1.5v CPUC, R0, 1526
*Sep 12 00:46:13.963: IOS-RP-ENVMON: sensor READ callback V: 1.5v CPUI, R0, 1529
*Sep 12 00:46:13.963: IOS-RP-ENVMON: sensor READ callback V: 1.0v PCH, R0, 1009
*Sep 12 00:46:13.963: IOS-RP-ENVMON: sensor READ callback V: 1.5v QLM, R0, 0
*Sep 12 00:46:13.963: IOS-RP-ENVMON: sensor READ callback V: VCore, R0, 0
*Sep 12 00:46:13.963: IOS-RP-ENVMON: sensor READ callback V: VTT, R0, 0
*Sep 12 00:46:13.963: IOS-RP-ENVMON: sensor READ callback V: 0.75v CPUI, R0, 0
*Sep 12 00:46:13.963: IOS-RP-ENVMON: sensor READ callback V: 0.75v CPUC, R0, 0
*Sep 12 00:46:13.963: IOS-RP-ENVMON: sensor READ callback I: 12v, R0, 7
*Sep 12 00:46:13.963: IOS-RP-ENVMON: sensor READ callback W: pwr, R0, 81
debug ilpower:例
Router# debug ilpower ?
cdp ILPOWER CDP messages
controller ILPOWER controller
event ILPOWER event
ha ILPOWER High-Availability
port ILPOWER port management
powerman ILPOWER powerman
registries ILPOWER registries
scp ILPOWER SCP messages
debug power [inline|main]:例
この例では、1 台の 1000 W 電源と 1 台の 450 W 電源があります。インラインパワーおよび主電源の出力を示します。
Router# debug power ?
inline ILPM inline power related
main Main power related
Router# debug power
POWER all debug debugging is on
Router# show debugging | include POWER
POWER main debugging is on
POWER inline debugging is on
*Jan 21 01:29:40.786: %ENVIRONMENTAL-6-NOTICE: V: PEM Out, Location: P1, State: Warning, Reading: 0 mV
*Jan 21 01:29:43.968: %IOSXE_PEM-6-PEMOK: The PEM in slot P1 is functioning properly
*Jan 21 01:29:43.968: %PLATFORM_POWER-6-MODEMATCH: Main power is in Boost mode
*Jan 21 01:29:43.968: Power M: Received Msg for 12V/Main, total power 1450, Run same as cfg Yes
*Jan 21 01:29:43.968: Power M: Received Msg for POE/ILPM, total power 500, Run same as cfg No
*Jan 21 01:29:43.968: Power I: Updating pool power is 500 watts
*Jan 21 01:29:43.968: Power I: Intimating modules of total power 500 watts
*Jan 21 01:29:46.488: Power M: Received Msg for 12V/Main, total power 1450, Run same as cfg Yes
*Jan 21 01:29:46.488: Power M: Received Msg for POE/ILPM, total power 500, Run same as cfg No
*Jan 21 01:29:46.488: Power I: Updating pool power is 500 watts
*Jan 21 01:29:46.488: Power I: Intimating modules of total power 500 watts
show diag all eeprom:例
Router# show diag all eeprom
Product Identifier (PID) : ISR4451/K9
Version Identifier (VID) : V01
PCB Serial Number : FOC15507S9K
Hardware Revision : 1.0
Asset ID : P1B-R2C-CP1.0
Power/Fan Module P0 EEPROM data:
Product Identifier (PID) : XXX-XXXX-XX
Version Identifier (VID) : XXX
PCB Serial Number : DCA1547X047
CLEI Code : 0000000000
Power/Fan Module P1 EEPROM data:
Product Identifier (PID) : XXX-XXXX-XX
Version Identifier (VID) : XXX
PCB Serial Number : DCA1533X022
CLEI Code : 0000000000
Power/Fan Module P2 EEPROM data is not initialized
Internal PoE is not present
Slot R0 EEPROM data:
Product Identifier (PID) : ISR4451/K9
Version Identifier (VID) : V01
PCB Serial Number : FOC15507S9K
Hardware Revision : 1.0
Slot F0 EEPROM data:
Product Identifier (PID) : ISR4451-FP
Version Identifier (VID) : V00
PCB Serial Number : FP123456789
Hardware Revision : 4.1
Slot 0 EEPROM data:
Product Identifier (PID) : ISR4451/K9
Version Identifier (VID) : V01
PCB Serial Number : FOC15507S9K
Hardware Revision : 1.0
Slot 1 EEPROM data:
Product Identifier (PID) : ISR4451/K9
Version Identifier (VID) : V01
PCB Serial Number : FOC15507S9K
Hardware Revision : 1.0
Slot 2 EEPROM data:
Product Identifier (PID) : ISR4451/K9
Version Identifier (VID) : V01
PCB Serial Number : FOC15507S9K
Hardware Revision : 1.0
SPA EEPROM data for subslot 0/0:
Product Identifier (PID) : ISR441-4X1GE
Version Identifier (VID) : V01
PCB Serial Number : JAB092709EL
Top Assy. Part Number : 68-2236-01
Top Assy. Revision : A0
Hardware Revision : 2.2
SPA EEPROM data for subslot 0/1 is not available
SPA EEPROM data for subslot 0/2 is not available
SPA EEPROM data for subslot 0/3 is not available
SPA EEPROM data for subslot 0/4 is not available
SPA EEPROM data for subslot 1/0 is not available
SPA EEPROM data for subslot 1/1 is not available
SPA EEPROM data for subslot 1/2 is not available
SPA EEPROM data for subslot 1/3 is not available
SPA EEPROM data for subslot 1/4 is not available
SPA EEPROM data for subslot 2/0 is not available
SPA EEPROM data for subslot 2/1 is not available
SPA EEPROM data for subslot 2/2 is not available
SPA EEPROM data for subslot 2/3 is not available
SPA EEPROM data for subslot 2/4 is not available
show environment:例
この例で、スロット POE0 および POE1 の出力に注目してください。Cisco IOS XE 3.10 以降では、外部 PoE モジュールがサポートされています。
Router# show environment
Number of Critical alarms: 0
Number of Major alarms: 0
Number of Minor alarms: 0
Slot Sensor Current State Reading
---- ------ ------------- -------
P0 Temp: Temp 1 Normal 28 Celsius
P0 Temp: Temp 2 Normal 43 Celsius
P0 Temp: Temp 3 Normal 44 Celsius
P0 V: PEM Out Normal 12404 mV
P0 I: PEM In Normal 1 A
P0 I: PEM Out Normal 7 A
P0 P: In pwr Normal 106 Watts
P0 P: Out pwr Normal 87 Watts
P0 RPM: fan0 Normal 2952 RPM
P2 RPM: fan0 Normal 4421 RPM
P2 RPM: fan1 Normal 4394 RPM
P2 RPM: fan2 Normal 4433 RPM
P2 RPM: fan3 Normal 4410 RPM
P2 P: pwr Normal 6 Watts
POE0 Temp: Temp 1 Normal 44 Celsius
POE0 I: 12v In Normal 2 A
POE0 V: 12v In Normal 12473 mV
POE0 P: In pwr Normal 25 Watts
POE1 Temp: Temp 1 Normal 40 Celsius
POE1 I: 12v In Normal 2 mA
POE1 V: 12v In Normal 12473 mV
POE1 P: In pwr Normal 20 Watts
R0 Temp: Inlet 1 Normal 24 Celsius
R0 Temp: Inlet 2 Normal 26 Celsius
R0 Temp: Outlet 1 Normal 33 Celsius
R0 Temp: Outlet 2 Normal 32 Celsius
R0 Temp: core-B Normal 43 Celsius
R0 Temp: core-C Normal 38 Celsius
R0 V: 12v Normal 12355 mV
R0 V: 5v Normal 5090 mV
R0 V: 3.3v Normal 3331 mV
R0 V: 3.0v Normal 2998 mV
R0 V: 2.5v Normal 2436 mV
R0 V: 1.05v Normal 1049 mV
R0 V: 1.8v Normal 1798 mV
R0 V: 1.2v Normal 1234 mV
R0 V: Vcore-C Normal 1155 mV
R0 V: 1.1v Normal 1104 mV
R0 V: 1.0v Normal 1012 mV
R0 V: 1.8v-A Normal 1782 mV
R0 V: 1.5v-A Normal 1505 mV
R0 V: 1.5v-C1 Normal 1516 mV
R0 V: 1.5v-B Normal 1511 mV
R0 V: Vcore-A Normal 1099 mV
R0 V: 1.5v-C2 Normal 1492 mV
R0 V: Vcore-B1 Normal 891 mV
R0 V: Vcore-B2 Normal 904 mV
R0 V: 0.75v-B Normal 754 mV
R0 V: 0.75v-C Normal 759 mV
R0 I: 12v Normal 8 A
R0 P: pwr Normal 86 Watts
0/1 P: pwr Normal 5 Watts
P1 Temp: Temp 1 Normal 30 Celsius
P1 Temp: Temp 2 Normal 38 Celsius
P1 Temp: Temp 3 Normal 39 Celsius
P1 V: PEM Out Normal 12404 mV
P1 I: PEM In Normal 1 A
P1 I: PEM Out Normal 6 A
P1 P: In pwr Normal 86 Watts
P1 P: Out pwr Normal 68 Watts
P1 RPM: fan0 Normal 2940 RPM
show environment all:例
Router# show environment all
Sensor List: Environmental Monitoring
Sensor Location State Reading
Temp: Temp 1 P0 Normal 29 Celsius
Temp: Temp 2 P0 Normal 43 Celsius
Temp: Temp 3 P0 Normal 44 Celsius
V: PEM Out P0 Normal 12404 mV
I: PEM In P0 Normal 1 A
I: PEM Out P0 Normal 8 A
P: In pwr P0 Normal 111 Watts
P: Out pwr P0 Normal 91 Watts
RPM: fan0 P0 Normal 2940 RPM
RPM: fan0 P2 Normal 4419 RPM
RPM: fan1 P2 Normal 4395 RPM
RPM: fan2 P2 Normal 4426 RPM
RPM: fan3 P2 Normal 4412 RPM
P: pwr P2 Normal 6 Watts
Temp: Temp 1 POE0 Normal 44 Celsius
I: 12v In POE0 Normal 2 A
V: 12v In POE0 Normal 12473 mV
P: In pwr POE0 Normal 25 Watts
Temp: Temp 1 POE1 Normal 40 Celsius
I: 12v In POE1 Normal 2 mA
V: 12v In POE1 Normal 12473 mV
P: In pwr POE1 Normal 20 Watts
Temp: Inlet 1 R0 Normal 24 Celsius
Temp: Inlet 2 R0 Normal 27 Celsius
Temp: Outlet 1 R0 Normal 33 Celsius
Temp: Outlet 2 R0 Normal 32 Celsius
Temp: core-B R0 Normal 49 Celsius
Temp: core-C R0 Normal 37 Celsius
V: 12v R0 Normal 12355 mV
V: 5v R0 Normal 5084 mV
V: 3.3v R0 Normal 3331 mV
V: 3.0v R0 Normal 2998 mV
V: 2.5v R0 Normal 2433 mV
V: 1.05v R0 Normal 1052 mV
V: 1.8v R0 Normal 1798 mV
V: 1.2v R0 Normal 1226 mV
V: Vcore-C R0 Normal 1155 mV
V: 1.1v R0 Normal 1104 mV
V: 1.0v R0 Normal 1015 mV
V: 1.8v-A R0 Normal 1782 mV
V: 1.5v-A R0 Normal 1508 mV
V: 1.5v-C1 R0 Normal 1513 mV
V: 1.5v-B R0 Normal 1516 mV
V: Vcore-A R0 Normal 1099 mV
V: 1.5v-C2 R0 Normal 1492 mV
V: Vcore-B1 R0 Normal 1031 mV
V: Vcore-B2 R0 Normal 901 mV
V: 0.75v-B R0 Normal 754 mV
V: 0.75v-C R0 Normal 754 mV
I: 12v R0 Normal 8 A
P: pwr R0 Normal 97 Watts
P: pwr 0/1 Normal 5 Watts
Temp: Temp 1 P1 Normal 30 Celsius
Temp: Temp 2 P1 Normal 39 Celsius
Temp: Temp 3 P1 Normal 39 Celsius
V: PEM Out P1 Normal 12404 mV
I: PEM In P1 Normal 1 A
I: PEM Out P1 Normal 6 A
P: In pwr P1 Normal 87 Watts
P: Out pwr P1 Normal 66 Watts
RPM: fan0 P1 Normal 2940 RPM
show inventory:例
Router# show inventory
NAME: "Chassis", DESCR: "Cisco ISR4451 Chassis"
PID: ISR4451/K9 , VID: V01, SN: FGL160110QZ
NAME: "Power Supply Module 0", DESCR: "450W AC Power Supply for Cisco ISR4450"
NAME: "Power Supply Module 1", DESCR: "450W AC Power Supply for Cisco ISR4450"
NAME: "Fan Tray", DESCR: "Cisco ISR4450 Fan Assembly"
NAME: "POE Module 0", DESCR: "Single POE for Cisco ISR4451"
PID: PWR-POE-4400 , VID: , SN: FHH1638P00E
NAME: "POE Module 1", DESCR: "Single POE for Cisco ISR4451"
PID: PWR-POE-4400 , VID: , SN: FHH1638P00G
NAME: "GE-POE Module", DESCR: "POE Module for On Board GE for Cisco ISR4400"
PID: 800G2-POE-2 , VID: V01, SN: FOC151849W9
NAME: "module 0", DESCR: "Cisco ISR4451 Built-In NIM controller"
PID: ISR4451/K9 , VID: , SN:
NAME: "NIM subslot 0/2", DESCR: " NIM-4MFT-T1/E1 - T1/E1 Serial Module"
PID: NIM-4MFT-T1/E1 , VID: V01, SN: FOC16254E6W
NAME: "NIM subslot 0/3", DESCR: "NIM SSD Module"
PID: NIM-SSD , VID: V01, SN: FHH16510032
NAME: "NIM subslot 0/0", DESCR: "Front Panel 4 ports Gigabitethernet Module"
PID: ISR4451-X-4x1GE , VID: V01, SN: JAB092709EL
NAME: "module 1", DESCR: "Cisco ISR4451 Built-In SM controller"
PID: ISR4451/K9 , VID: , SN:
NAME: "SM subslot 1/0", DESCR: "SM-X-1T3/E3 - Clear T3/E3 Serial Module"
PID: SM-X-1T3/E3 , VID: V01, SN: FOC164750RG
NAME: "module 2", DESCR: "Cisco ISR4451 Built-In SM controller"
PID: ISR4451/K9 , VID: , SN:
NAME: "SM subslot 2/0", DESCR: "SM-ES3X-24-P: EtherSwitch SM L3 + PoEPlus + MACSec + 24 10/100/1000"
PID: SM-ES3X-24-P , VID: V01, SN: FHH1629007C
NAME: "module R0", DESCR: "Cisco ISR4451 Route Processor"
PID: ISR4451/K9 , VID: V01, SN: FOC15507S95
NAME: "module F0", DESCR: "Cisco ISR4451 Forwarding Processor"
PID: ISR4451/K9 , VID: , SN:
Cisco ISR 4321 では、show inventory コマンドで電源およびファントレイのシリアル番号は表示されません。
show platform:例
Router# show platform
Chassis type: ISR4451/K9
Slot Type State Insert time (ago)
--------- ------------------- --------------------- -----------------
0 ISR4451/K9 ok 3d11h
0/0 ISR4451-X-4x1GE ok 3d11h
0/2 NIM-4MFT-T1/E1 ok 3d11h
0/3 NIM-SSD ok 3d11h
1 ISR4451/K9 ok 3d11h
1/0 SM-X-1T3/E3 ok 3d11h
2 ISR4451/K9 ok 3d11h
2/0 SM-ES3X-24-P ok 3d11h
R0 ISR4451/K9 ok, active 3d11h
F0 ISR4451/K9 ok, active 3d11h
P0 XXX-XXXX-XX ok 3d11h
P1 XXX-XXXX-XX ok 3d11h
P2 ACS-4450-FANASSY ok 3d11h
POE0 PWR-POE-4400 ok 3d11h
POE1 PWR-POE-4400 ok 3d11h
GE-POE 800G2-POE-2 ok 3d11h
show platform diag:例
Router# show platform diag
Chassis type: ISR4451/K9
Slot: 0, ISR4451/K9
Running state : ok
Internal state : online
Internal operational state : ok
Physical insert detect time : 00:01:04 (3d10h ago)
Software declared up time : 00:01:43 (3d10h ago)
CPLD version : 12121625
Firmware version : 15.3(1r)S
Sub-slot: 0/0, ISR4451-X-4x1GE
Operational status : ok
Internal state : inserted
Physical insert detect time : 00:03:03 (3d10h ago)
Logical insert detect time : 00:03:03 (3d10h ago)
Sub-slot: 0/2, NIM-4MFT-T1/E1
Operational status : ok
Internal state : inserted
Physical insert detect time : 00:03:03 (3d10h ago)
Logical insert detect time : 00:03:03 (3d10h ago)
Sub-slot: 0/3, NIM-SSD
Operational status : ok
Internal state : inserted
Physical insert detect time : 00:03:03 (3d10h ago)
Logical insert detect time : 00:03:03 (3d10h ago)
Slot: 1, ISR4451/K9
Running state : ok
Internal state : online
Internal operational state : ok
Physical insert detect time : 00:01:04 (3d10h ago)
Software declared up time : 00:01:44 (3d10h ago)
CPLD version : 12121625
Firmware version : 15.3(1r)S
Sub-slot: 1/0, SM-X-1T3/E3
Operational status : ok
Internal state : inserted
Physical insert detect time : 00:03:03 (3d10h ago)
Logical insert detect time : 00:03:03 (3d10h ago)
Slot: 2, ISR4451/K9
Running state : ok
Internal state : online
Internal operational state : ok
Physical insert detect time : 00:01:04 (3d10h ago)
Software declared up time : 00:01:45 (3d10h ago)
CPLD version : 12121625
Firmware version : 15.3(1r)S
Sub-slot: 2/0, SM-ES3X-24-P
Operational status : ok
Internal state : inserted
Physical insert detect time : 00:03:03 (3d10h ago)
Logical insert detect time : 00:03:03 (3d10h ago)
Slot: R0, ISR4451/K9
Running state : ok, active
Internal state : online
Internal operational state : ok
Physical insert detect time : 00:01:04 (3d10h ago)
Software declared up time : 00:01:04 (3d10h ago)
CPLD version : 12121625
Firmware version : 15.3(1r)S
Slot: F0, ISR4451/K9
Running state : ok, active
Internal state : online
Internal operational state : ok
Physical insert detect time : 00:01:04 (3d10h ago)
Software declared up time : 00:02:39 (3d10h ago)
Hardware ready signal time : 00:00:00 (never ago)
Packet ready signal time : 00:02:48 (3d10h ago)
CPLD version : 12121625
Firmware version : 15.3(1r)S
State : ok
Physical insert detect time : 00:01:29 (3d10h ago)
State : ok
Physical insert detect time : 00:01:29 (3d10h ago)
Slot: P2, ACS-4450-FANASSY
State : ok
Physical insert detect time : 00:01:29 (3d10h ago)
Slot: POE0, PWR-POE-4451
State : ok
Physical insert detect time : 00:01:29 (3d10h ago)
Slot: POE1, PWR-POE-4451
State : ok
Physical insert detect time : 00:01:29 (3d10h ago)
Slot: GE-POE, 800G2-POE-2
State : ok
Physical insert detect time : 00:01:29 (3d10h ago)
show platform software status control-processor:例
Router# show platform software status control-processor
RP0: online, statistics updated 2 seconds ago
Load Average: health unknown
1-Min: 0.13, status: health unknown, under
5-Min: 0.07, status: health unknown, under
15-Min: 0.06, status: health unknown, under
Memory (kb): healthy
Total: 3971244
Used: 2965856 (75%)
Free: 1005388 (25%)
Committed: 2460492 (62%), status: health unknown, under 0%
Per-core Statistics
CPU0: CPU Utilization (percentage of time spent)
User: 1.00, System: 2.90, Nice: 0.00, Idle: 96.00
IRQ: 0.10, SIRQ: 0.00, IOwait: 0.00
CPU1: CPU Utilization (percentage of time spent)
User: 10.71, System: 29.22, Nice: 0.00, Idle: 60.06
IRQ: 0.00, SIRQ: 0.00, IOwait: 0.00
CPU2: CPU Utilization (percentage of time spent)
User: 0.80, System: 1.30, Nice: 0.00, Idle: 97.90
IRQ: 0.00, SIRQ: 0.00, IOwait: 0.00
CPU3: CPU Utilization (percentage of time spent)
User: 10.61, System: 34.03, Nice: 0.00, Idle: 55.25
IRQ: 0.00, SIRQ: 0.10, IOwait: 0.00
CPU4: CPU Utilization (percentage of time spent)
User: 0.60, System: 1.20, Nice: 0.00, Idle: 98.20
IRQ: 0.00, SIRQ: 0.00, IOwait: 0.00
CPU5: CPU Utilization (percentage of time spent)
User: 13.18, System: 35.46, Nice: 0.00, Idle: 51.24
IRQ: 0.00, SIRQ: 0.09, IOwait: 0.00
CPU6: CPU Utilization (percentage of time spent)
User: 0.80, System: 2.40, Nice: 0.00, Idle: 96.80
IRQ: 0.00, SIRQ: 0.00, IOwait: 0.00
CPU7: CPU Utilization (percentage of time spent)
User: 10.41, System: 33.63, Nice: 0.00, Idle: 55.85
IRQ: 0.00, SIRQ: 0.10, IOwait: 0.00
show diag slot RO eeprom detail:例
Router# show diag slot R0 eeprom detail
Slot R0 EEPROM data:
EEPROM version : 4
Compatible Type : 0xFF
PCB Serial Number : FHH153900AU
Controller Type : 1902
Hardware Revision : 0.0
PCB Part Number : 73-13854-01
Top Assy. Part Number : 800-36894-01
Board Revision : 01
Deviation Number : 122081
Fab Version : 01
Product Identifier (PID) : CISCO------<0A>
Version Identifier (VID) : V01<0A>
Chassis Serial Number : FHH1539P00Q
Chassis MAC Address : 0000.0000.0000
MAC Address block size : 96
Asset ID : REV1B<0A>
Asset ID :
show version:例
Router# show version
Cisco IOS XE Software, Version 03.13.00.S - Standard Support Release
Cisco IOS Software, ISR Software (X86_64_LINUX_IOSD-UNIVERSALK9-M), Version 15.4(3)S, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc2)
Technical Support: http://www.cisco.com/techsupport
Copyright (c) 1986-2014 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Tue 27-May-14 05:36 by mcpre
Cisco IOS-XE software, Copyright (c) 2005-2014 by cisco Systems, Inc.
All rights reserved. Certain components of Cisco IOS-XE software are
licensed under the GNU General Public License ("GPL") Version 2.0. The
software code licensed under GPL Version 2.0 is free software that comes
with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You can redistribute and/or modify such
GPL code under the terms of GPL Version 2.0. For more details, see the
documentation or "License Notice" file accompanying the IOS-XE software,
or the applicable URL provided on the flyer accompanying the IOS-XE
Router uptime is 2 hours, 19 minutes
Uptime for this control processor is 2 hours, 22 minutes
System returned to ROM by reload
System image file is "tftp: isr4400-universalk9.03.13.00.S.154-3.S-std.SPA.bin"
Last reload reason: Reload Command
This product contains cryptographic features and is subject to United
States and local country laws governing import, export, transfer and
use. Delivery of Cisco cryptographic products does not imply
third-party authority to import, export, distribute or use encryption.
Importers, exporters, distributors and users are responsible for
compliance with U.S. and local country laws. By using this product you
agree to comply with applicable laws and regulations. If you are unable
to comply with U.S. and local laws, return this product immediately.
A summary of U.S. laws governing Cisco cryptographic products may be found at:
If you require further assistance please contact us by sending email to
Technology Package License Information:
Technology Technology-package Technology-package
Current Type Next reboot
appx None None None
uc None None None
security None None None
ipbase ipbasek9 Permanent ipbasek9
cisco 4451 ISR processor with 1213154K/6147K bytes of memory.
Processor board ID FHH1539P00Q
4 Gigabit Ethernet interfaces
32768K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.
4194304K bytes of physical memory.
3391455K bytes of Compact flash at bootflash:.
Configuration register is 0x0”