Site Survey
We recommend that you perform a radio site survey before installing the equipment. A site survey reveals problems such as interference, Fresnel zone, or logistics problems. A proper site survey involves temporarily setting up mesh links and taking measurements to determine whether your antenna calculations are accurate. Determine the correct location and antenna before drilling holes, routing cables, and mounting equipment.
Note |
When power is not readily available, we recommend you to use an unrestricted power supply (UPS) to temporarily power the mesh link. |
Pre-Survey Checklist
Before attempting a site survey, determine the following:
How long is your wireless link?
Do you have a clear line of sight?
What is the minimum acceptable data rate within which the link runs?
Is this a point-to-point or point-to-multipoint link?
Do you have the correct antenna?
Can the access point installation area support the weight of the access point?
Do you have access to both of the mesh site locations?
Do you have the proper permits, if required?
Do you have a partner? Never attempt to survey or work alone on a roof or tower.
Have you configured the 1500 series before you go onsite? It is always easier to resolve configuration or device problems first.
Do you have the proper tools and equipment to complete your task?
Cellular phones or handheld two-way radios can be helpful to do surveys.
Outdoor Site Survey
Deploying WLAN systems outdoors requires a different skill set to indoor wireless deployments. Considerations such as weather extremes, lightning, physical security, and local regulations need to be taken into account.
When determining the suitability of a successful mesh link, define how far the mesh link is expected to transmit and at what radio data rate. Remember that the data rate is not directly included in the wireless routing calculation, and we recommend that the same data rate is used throughout the same mesh.
Design recommendations for mesh links are as follows:
MAP deployment cannot exceed 35 feet in height above the street.
MAPs are deployed with antennas pointed down toward the ground.
Typical 5-GHz RAP-to-MAP distances are 1000 to 4000 feet.
RAP locations are typically towers or tall buildings.
Typical 5-GHz MAP-to-MAP distances are 500 to 1000 feet.
MAP locations are typically short building tops or streetlights.
Typical 2.4-GHz MAP-to-client distances are 500 to 1000 feet (depends upon the type of access point).
Clients are typically laptops, Smart Phones, Tablets, and CPEs. Most of the clients operate in the 2.4-GHz band.
In release 8.2 and above 2.4GHz radios can be used for backhaul and slightly longer distances can be achieved; howver at the same time lower throughput is expected.
Determining a Line of Sight
When you determine the suitability of a successful link, you must define how far the link is expected to transmit and at what radio data rate. Very close links, one kilometer or less, are fairly easy to achieve assuming there is a clear line of sight (LOS)–a path with no obstructions.
Because mesh radio waves have very high frequency in the 5-GHz band, the radio wavelength is small; therefore, the radio waves do not travel as far as radio waves on lower frequencies, given the same amount of power. This higher frequency range makes the mesh ideal for unlicensed use because the radio waves do not travel far unless a high-gain antenna is used to tightly focus the radio waves in a given direction.
This high-gain antenna configuration is recommended only for connecting a RAP to the MAP. To optimize mesh behavior, omnidirectional antennas are used because mesh links are limited to one mile (1.6 km). The curvature of the earth does not impact line-of-sight calculations because the curvature of the earth changes every six miles (9.6 km).
In addition to free space path loss and line of sight, weather can also degrade a mesh link. Rain, snow, fog, and any high humidity condition can slightly obstruct or affect the line of sight, introducing a small loss (sometimes referred to as rain fade or fade margin), which has little effect on the mesh link. If you have established a stable mesh link, the weather should not be a problem; however, if the link is poor to begin with, bad weather can degrade performance or cause loss of link.
Ideally, you need a line of sight; a white-out snow storm does not allow a line of sight. Also, while storms may make the rain or snow itself appear to be the problem, many times it might be additional conditions caused by the adverse weather. For example, perhaps the antenna is on a mast pipe and the storm is blowing the mast pipe or antenna structure and that movement is causing the link to come and go, or there might be a large build-up of ice or snow on the antenna.
Fresnel Zone
A Fresnel zone is an imaginary ellipse around the visual line of sight between the transmitter and receiver. As radio signals travel through free space to their intended target, they could encounter an obstruction in the Fresnel area, degrading the signal. Best performance and range are attained when there is no obstruction of this Fresnel area. Fresnel zone, free space loss, antenna gain, cable loss, data rate, link distance, transmitter power, receiver sensitivity, and other variables play a role in determining how far your mesh link goes. Links can still occur as long as 60 percent to 70 percent of the Fresnel area is unobstructed, as illustrated in Figure 1.
Figure 2 illustrates an obstructed Fresnel zone.
It is possible to calculate the radius of the Fresnel zone (in feet) at any particular distance along the path using the following equation:
F1 = 72.6 X square root (d/4 x f)
F1 = the first Fresnel zone radius in feet
D = total path length in miles
F = frequency (GHz)
Normally, 60 percent of the first Fresnel zone clearance is recommended, so the above formula for 60 percent Fresnel zone clearance can be expressed as follows:
0.60 F1= 43.3 x square root (d/4 x f)
These calculations are based on a flat terrain.
Figure 3 shows the removal of an obstruction in the Fresnel zone of the wireless signal.
Fresnel Zone Size in Wireless Mesh Deployments
To give an approximation of size of the maximum Fresnel zone to be considered, at a possible minimum frequency of 4.9 GHz, the minimum value changes depending on the regulatory domain. The minimum figure quoted is a possible band allocated for public safety in the USA, and a maximum distance of one mile gives a Fresnel zone of clearance requirement of 9.78 ft = 43.3 x SQR(1/(4*4.9)). This clearance is relatively easy to achieve in most situations. In most deployments, distances are expected to be less than one mile, and the frequency greater than 4.9 GHz, making the Fresnel zone smaller. Every mesh deployment should consider the Fresnel zone as part of its design, but in most cases, it is not expected that meeting the Fresnel clearance requirement is an issue.
Hidden Nodes Interference
The mesh backhaul uses the same 802.11a channel for all nodes in that mesh, which can introduce hidden nodes into the WLAN backhaul environment.
Figure 1 shows the following three MAPs:
If MAP X is the route back to the RAP for MAP Y and Z, both MAP X and MAP Z might be sending traffic to MAP Y at the same time. MAP Y can see traffic from both MAP X and Z, but MAP X and Z cannot see each other because of the RF environment, which means that the carrier sense multi-access (CSMA) mechanism does not stop MAP X and Z from transmitting during the same time window; if either of these frames is destined for a MAP, it is corrupted by the collision between frames and requires retransmission.
Although all WLANs at some time can expect some hidden node collisions, the fixed nature of the MAP makes hidden node collisions a persistent feature of the mesh WLAN backhaul under some traffic conditions such as heavy loads and large packet streams.
Both the hidden node problem and the exposed node problem are inherent to wireless mesh networks because mesh access points share the same backhaul channel. Because these two problems can affect the overall network performance, the Cisco mesh solution seeks to mitigate these two problems as much as possible. For example, the AP1500s have at least two radios: one for backhaul access on a 5-GHz channel and the other for 2.4-GHz client access. In addition, the radio resource management (RRM) feature, which operates on the 2.4-GHz radio, enables cell breathing and automatic channel change, which can effectively decrease the collision domains in a mesh network.
There is an additional solution that can help to further mitigate these two problems. To reduce collisions and to improve stability under high load conditions, the 802.11 MAC uses an exponential backoff algorithm, where contending nodes back off exponentially and retransmit packets whenever a perceived collision occurs. Theoretically, the more retries a node has, the smaller the collision probability will be. In practice, when there are only two contending stations and they are not hidden stations, the collision probability becomes negligible after just three retries. The collision probability increases when there are more contending stations. Therefore, when there are many contending stations in the same collision domain, a higher retry limit and a larger maximum contention window are necessary. Further, collision probability does not decrease exponentially when there are hidden nodes in the network. In this case, an RTS/CTS exchange can be used to mitigate the hidden node problem.
Preferred Parent Selection
You can configure a preferred parent for a MAP. This feature gives more control to you and enables you to enforce a linear topology in a mesh environment. You can skip AWPP and force a parent to go to a preferred parent.
Preferred Parent Selection Criteria
The child AP selects the preferred parent based on the following criteria:
The preferred parent is the best parent.
The preferred parent has a link SNR of at least 20 dB (other parents, however good, are ignored).
The preferred parent has a link SNR in the range of 12 dB and 20 dB, but no other parent is significantly better (that is, the SNR is more than 20 percent better). For an SNR lower than 12 dB, the configuration is ignored.
The preferred parent is not in the blocked list.
The preferred parent is not in silent mode because of dynamic frequency selection (DFS).
The preferred parent is in the same bridge group name (BGN). If the configured preferred parent is not in the same BGN and no other parent is available, the child joins the parent AP using the default BGN.
Configuring a Preferred Parent
To configure a preferred parent, enter the following command:
(Cisco Controller) > config mesh parent preferred AP_name MAC
AP_name is the name of the child AP that you have to specify.
MAC is the MAC address of the preferred parent that you have to specify.
When you configure a preferred parent, ensure that you specify the MAC address of the actual mesh neighbor for the desired parent. This MAC address is the base radio MAC address that has the letter f as the final character. For example, if the base radio MAC address is 00:24:13:0f:92:00, then you must specify 00:24:13:0f:92:0f as the preferred parent. This is the actual MAC address that is used for mesh neighbor relationships.
The following example shows how to configure the preferred parent for the MAP1SB access point, where 00:24:13:0f:92:00 is the preferred parent’s MAC address:
(Cisco Controller) > config mesh parent preferred MAP1SB 00:24:13:0f:92:0f
To configure a preferred parent using the controller GUI, follow these steps:
Choose Wireless > Access Points > AP_NAME > Mesh.
Enter the MAC address of the preferred parent in the Preferred Parent text box.
To clear the Preferred Parent value, enter none in the Preferred Parent Text box.
Click Apply.
Note |
When the preferred parent is entered, no other mesh configurations can be made at the same time. You must apply the changes and wait for 90 seconds before other mesh changes can be made. |
Related Commands
The following commands are related to preferred parent selection:
To clear a configured parent, enter the following command:
(Cisco Controller) > config mesh parent preferred AP_name none
To get information about the AP that is configured as the preferred parent of a child AP, enter the following command:
(Cisco Controller) > show ap config general AP_name
The following example shows how to get the configuration information for the MAP1SB access point, where 00:24:13:0f:92:00 is the MAC address of the preferred parent:
(Cisco Controller) > show ap config general MAP1
Cisco AP Identifier.............................. 9
Cisco AP Name.................................... MAP1
Country code..................................... US - United States
Regulatory Domain allowed by Country............. 802.11bg:-A 802.11a:-A
AP Country code.................................. US - United States
AP Regulatory Domain............................. 802.11bg:-A 802.11a:-A
Switch Port Number .............................. 1
MAC Address...................................... 12:12:12:12:12:12
IP Address Configuration......................... DHCP
IP Address.......................................
IP NetMask.......................................
CAPWAP Path MTU.................................. 1485
Name Server......................................
Telnet State..................................... Disabled
Ssh State........................................ Disabled
Cisco AP Location................................ default location
Cisco AP Group Name.............................. default-group
Primary Cisco Switch Name........................ 4404
Primary Cisco Switch IP Address..................
Secondary Cisco Switch Name......................
Secondary Cisco Switch IP Address................ Not Configured
Tertiary Cisco Switch Name....................... 4404
Tertiary Cisco Switch IP Address.................
Administrative State ............................ ADMIN_ENABLED
Operation State ................................. REGISTERED
Mirroring Mode .................................. Disabled
AP Mode ......................................... Local
Public Safety ................................... Global: Disabled, Local: Disabled
AP subMode ...................................... WIPS
Remote AP Debug ................................. Disabled
S/W Version ....................................
Boot Version ...................................
Mini IOS Version ................................
Stats Reporting Period .......................... 180
LED State........................................ Enabled
PoE Pre-Standard Switch.......................... Enabled
PoE Power Injector MAC Addr...................... Disabled
Power Type/Mode.................................. PoE/Low Power (degraded mode)
Number Of Slots.................................. 2
AP Model......................................... AIR-LAP1252AG-A-K9
IOS Version...................................... 12.4(10:0)
Reset Button..................................... Enabled
AP Serial Number................................. serial_number
AP Certificate Type.............................. Manufacture Installed
Management Frame Protection Validation........... Enabled (Global MFP Disabled)
AP User Mode..................................... CUSTOMIZED
AP username..................................... maria
AP Dot1x User Mode............................... Not Configured
AP Dot1x username............................... Not Configured
Cisco AP system logging host.....................
AP Up Time....................................... 4 days, 06 h 17 m 22 s
AP LWAPP Up Time................................. 4 days, 06 h 15 m 00 s
Join Date and Time............................... Mon Mar 3 06:19:47 2008
Ethernet Port Duplex............................. Auto
Ethernet Port Speed.............................. Auto
AP Link Latency.................................. Enabled
Current Delay................................... 0 ms
Maximum Delay................................... 240 ms
Minimum Delay................................... 0 ms
Last updated (based on AP Up Time).............. 4 days, 06 h 17 m 20 s
Rogue Detection.................................. Enabled
AP TCP MSS Adjust................................ Disabled
Mesh preferred parent............................ 00:24:13:0f:92:00
Co-Channel Interference
In addition to hidden node interference, co-channel interference can also impact performance. Co-channel interference occurs when adjacent radios on the same channel interfere with the performance of the local mesh network. This interference takes the form of collisions or excessive deferrals by CSMA. In both cases, performance of the mesh network is degraded. With appropriate channel management, co-channel interference on the wireless mesh network can be minimized.