Configuring and Validating SNMP

Configuring and Validating SNMP

SNMP (simple network monitoring protocol) applications used in Cisco URWB software for network management functionalities.

The following illustration shows the SNMP process. SNMP agent receives a request from SNMP client, and it passes the request to the subagent. The subagent then returns a response to the SNMP agent and the agent creates an SNMP response packet and sends the response to the remote network management station that initiated the request.

Figure 1. SNMP Process

Configuring SNMP from CLI

The following CLI commands are used for SNMP (Simple Network Monitoring Protocol) configuration.


  • SNMP CLI logic modified for SNMP configuration, all parameters of SNMP are required to be configured before enable SNMP feature by CLI “configure snmp enabled”.

  • All the related configurations of SNMP will be removed automatically when disable SNMP feature.

To enable or disable SNMP functionality use the following CLI command.
Device# configure snmp [enable | disable]
To specify the SNMP protocol version, use the following CLI command.
Device#configure snmp version {v2c | v3}
To specify the SNMP v2c community ID number (SNMP v2c only), use the following CLI command.
Device#configure snmp v2c community-id <length 1-64>
To specify the SNMP v3 username (SNMP v3 only), use the following CLI command.
Device#configure snmp v3 username <length 32>
To specify the SNMP v3 user password (SNMP v3 only), use the following CLI command.
Device#configure snmp v3 password <length 8-64>
To specify the SNMP v3 authentication protocol (SNMP v3 only), use the following CLI command.
Device#configure snmp auth-method <md5|sha>
To specify the SNMP v3 encryption protocol (SNMP v3 only), use the following CLI command.
Device#configure snmp encryption {des | aes | none}

Possible encryption values are des or aes. Alternatively, enter none if a v3 encryption protocol is not needed.

To specify the SNMP v3 encryption passphrase (SNMP v3 only), use the following CLI command.
Device#configure snmp secret <length 8-64>
To specify the SNMP periodic trap settings, use the following CLI command.
Device#configure snmp periodic-trap {enable | disable}
To specify the notification trap period for periodic SNMP traps, use the following CLI command.
Device#configure snmp trap-period <1-2147483647>
Notification value trap period measured in minutes.
To enable or disable SNMP event traps, use the following CLI command.
Device#configure snmp event-trap {enable | disable}
To specify the SNMP NMS hostname or IP address, use the following CLI command.
Device#configure snmp nms-hostname {hostname |Ip Address}
To Disable SNMP configuration, use the following CLI command:
Device#configure snmp disabled
SNMP is disabled and all sensitive information and credentials have been cleared. Please respecify all valid values to enable SNMP again.

Example of SNMP configuration.

CLI for SNMP v2:
Device#configure snmp v2 community-id <length 1-64>
Device #configure snmp nms-hostname hostname/Ip Address
Device #configure snmp trap-period <1-2147483647>
Device #configure snmp periodic-trap enable/disable
Device #configure snmp event-trap enable/disable
Device #configure snmp version v2c
Device #configure snmp enabled
CLI for SNMP v3:
Device #configure snmp nms-hostname hostname/Ip Address
Device #configure snmp trap-period <1-2147483647>
Device #configure snmp v3 username <length 32>
Device #configure snmp v3 password <length 8-64>
Device #configure snmp auth-method <md5|sha>
Device #configure snmp encryption <aes|des|none>
Device #configure snmp secret <length 8-64>
Device #configure snmp periodic-trap enable/disable
Device #configure snmp event-trap enable/disable
Device #configure snmp version v3
Device #configure snmp enabled

Validating SNMP from CLI

To validate a SNMP, use the following show commands.

Show SNMP info:
Device# show snmp
SNMP: enabled
Version: v3
Username: username
Password: password
Authentication method: SHA
Encryption: AES
Encryption Passphrase: passphrase
Engine ID: 0x8000000903c0f87fe5f314
Periodic Trap: enabled
Notification Period (minutes): 5
Event Trap: enabled
NMS hostname:
Device# show snmp
SNMP: enabled
Version: v2c
Community ID: test
Periodic Trap: enabled
Notification Period (minutes): 5
Event Trap: enabled
NMS hostname:
Device# show system status snmpd
Service Status
Service Name : snmpd
Loaded : loaded
Active : active (running)
Main ProcessID : 6437
Running Since : Mon 2022-09-19 14:45:27 UTC; 3h 34min ago
Service Restart : 0

Configuring SNMP from GUI

The following images shows the configuration of SNMP from GUI

GUI for SNMP v2:

GUI for SNMP v3:

Disable SNMP via GUI