Configuring and Validating Fluidmax Fast Failover

Configuring and Validating Fluidmax Fast Failover

Before you configure Fluidmax fast failover, use the following pre-conditions.
  1. Primary and backup primary node should have same configuration, it includes the same channel’s parameters (frequency, channel width, etc.) as well as the Fluidmax parameters like role, cluster ID.

  2. Fluidmax redundancy provides resilience for node-failure type of faults (eg. power loss or catastrophic hardware fault on the primary node).

  3. Enable Fluidmax fast failover using Fluidmax CLI commands on all devices except vehicle devices.


    IW9167E supports both Gateway + MP (Mesh Point) – MP (with same tower ID) and ME (Mesh End) – ME fast failover.

Configuring Fluidmax Fast Failover from CLI

To configure Fluidmax fast failover, use the following CLI commands.

Device# configure modeconfig mode meshpoint

Modeconfig – configure current operating mode of device. Mode could mesh end, mesh point or global gateway (L3).

Device# configure mpls fastfail status [enable | disable]

Mpls - Configure mpls data frame packets for specified device.

Fastfail - Configure the fast failover feature status (enable or disable).

Device# configure mpls fastfail timeout <0 – 65535>

Fastfail timeout - Set the fast failover timeout for device failure detection.

Device# configure dot11Radio [1|2] mode fluidmax [primary|secondary]

Fluidmax - Set the interface in Fluidmax mode.

Primary | Secondary - Fluidmax role for the unit, either primary or secondary.

Device# configure dot11Radio [1|2] mode fluidmax cluster id fluidmesh

cluster id - Set Fluidmax Cluster ID assigned to the interface.

Device# configure dot11Radio [1|2] mode fluidmax tower [enable|disable]

Tower – Enable or disable Fluidmax Tower ID for specified interface.


Radio interface setting must be the same on both ME (Mesh End) point to multi point primaries.

Validating Fluidmax Fast Failover from CLI

To validate Fluidmax fast failover, use the following show commands.

Device# show mpls config
Device# show dot11Radio <interface> fluidmax (check Fluidmax Primary ID and working state)


Device# show mpls config
layer 2
cluster ID
MPLS fast failover: enabled
Node failover timeout: 100 ms
MPLS tunnels:
Idp_id 381877266 debug 0 auto_pw 1
Local_gw global_gw pwlist {}