License Commands

license activate ap-count eval

To activate an evaluation access point license on the Cisco Flex 7500 Series and Cisco 8500 Series Wireless LAN Controllers, use the license activate ap-count eval command.

license activate ap-count eval

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

By default, in release 7.3 Cisco Flex 7500 Series Controllers and Cisco 8500 Series Wireless LAN Controllers support 6000 APs.

Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.

Usage Guidelines

When you activate this license, the controller prompts you to accept or reject the End User License Agreement (EULA) for the given license. If you activate a license that supports a smaller number of APs than the current number of APs connected to the controller, the activation command fails.


The following example shows how to activate an evaluation AP-count license on a Cisco Flex 7500 Series controller:

(Cisco Controller) > license activate ap-count eval

license activate feature

To activate a feature license on Cisco Flex 7500 Series and Cisco 8500 Series Wireless LAN Controllers, use the license activate feature command.

license activate feature license_name

Syntax Description


Name of the feature license. The license name can be up to 50 case-sensitive characters.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to activate a data DTLS feature license on a Cisco Flex 7500 Series controller:

(Cisco Controller) > license activate feature data-DTLS 

license add ap-count

To configure the number of access points (APs) that an AP license can support on Cisco Flex 7500 and 8500 Series Wireless LAN controllers, use the license add ap-count command.

license add ap-count count

Syntax Description


Number of APs that the AP license supports. The range is from 1 to the maximum number of APs that the controller can support. The count must be a multiple of 5.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.

Usage Guidelines

Right to Use (RTU) licensing allows you to enable a desired AP license count on the controller after accepting the End User License Agreement (EULA). You can now easily add AP counts on a controller without using external tools. RTU licensing is available only on Cisco Flex 7500 and 8500 series Wireless LAN controllers.

You can use this command to increase the count of an existing AP license. When you activate a license that supports a smaller number of APs than the current number of APs connected to the controller, the activation command fails.


The following example shows how to configure the count of an AP license on a Cisco Flex 7500 Series controller:

(Cisco Controller) > license add ap-count 5000

license add feature

To add a license for a feature on the Cisco 5520 WLC, Cisco Flex 7510 WLC, Cisco 8510 WLC, Cisco 8540 WLC, and Cisco Virtual Controller, use the license add feature command.

license add feature license_name

Syntax Description


Name of the feature license. The license name can be up to 50 case-sensitive characters. For example, data_encryption.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.

This command is applicable to Cisco Flex 7510 WLC and Cisco 8510 WLC.

8.1 This command is applicable to Cisco 5520 WLC, Cisco Flex 7510 WLC, Cisco 8510 WLC, Cisco 8540 WLC, and Cisco vWLC.


The following example shows how to add a data_encryption feature license:

(Cisco Controller) > license add feature data_encryption

license clear

To remove a license from the Cisco 5500 Series Controller, use the license clear command.

license clear license_name

Syntax Description


Name of the license.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.

Usage Guidelines

You can delete an expired evaluation license or any unused license. You cannot delete unexpired evaluation licenses, the permanent base image license, or licenses that are in use by the controller.


The following example shows how to remove the license settings of the license named wplus-ap-count:

(Cisco Controller) > license clear wplus-ap-count

license comment

To add comments to a license or delete comments from a license on the Cisco 5500 Series Controller, use the license comment command.

license comment { add | delete} license_name comment_string

Syntax Description


Adds a comment.


Deletes a comment.


Name of the license.


License comment.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to add a comment “wplus ap count license” to the license name wplus-ap-count:

(Cisco Controller) > license comment add wplus-ap-count Comment for wplus ap count license

license deactivate ap-count eval

To deactivate an evaluation access point license on the Cisco Flex 7500 Series and Cisco 8500 Series Wireless LAN Controllers, use the license deactivate ap-count eval command.

license deactivate ap-count eval

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to deactivate an evaluation AP license on a Cisco Flex 7500 Series controller:

(Cisco Controller) > license deactivate ap-count eval

license deactivate feature

To deactivate a feature license on Cisco Flex 7500 Series and Cisco 8500 Series Wireless LAN controllers, use the license deactivate feature command.

license deactivate feature license_name

Syntax Description


Name of the feature license. The license name can be up to 50 case-sensitive characters.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to deactivate a data DTLS feature license on a Cisco Flex 7500 Series controller:

(Cisco Controller) > license deactivate feature data_DTLS 

license delete ap-count

To delete an access point (AP) count license on the Cisco Flex 7500 Series and Cisco 8500 Series Wireless LAN Controllers, use the license delete ap-count command.

license delete ap-count count

Syntax Description


Number of APs that the AP license supports. The range is from 1 to the maximum number of APs that the controller can support. The count must be a multiple of 5.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to delete an AP count license on a Cisco Flex 7500 Series controller:

(Cisco Controller) > license delete ap-count 5000

license delete feature

To delete a license for a feature on Cisco Flex 7500 Series and Cisco 8500 Series Wireless LAN controllers, use the license delete feature command.

license delete feature license_name

Syntax Description


Name of the feature license.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to delete the High Availability feature license on a Cisco Flex 7500 Series controller:

(Cisco Controller) > license delete feature high_availability

license install

To install a license on the Cisco 5500 Series Controller, use the license install command.

license install url

Syntax Description


URL of the TFTP server (tftp://server_ip/path/filename).

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.

Usage Guidelines

We recommend that the access point count be the same for the base-ap-count and wplus-ap-count licenses installed on your controller. If your controller has a base-ap-count license of 100 and you install a wplus-ap-count license of 12, the controller supports up to 100 access points when the base license is in use but only a maximum of 12 access points when the wplus license is in use.

You cannot install a wplus license that has an access point count greater than the controller's base license. For example, you cannot apply a wplus-ap-count 100 license to a controller with an existing base-ap-count 12 license. If you attempt to register for such a license, an error message appears indicating that the license registration has failed. Before upgrading to a wplus-ap-count 100 license, you would first have to upgrade the controller to a base-ap-count 100 or 250 license.


The following example shows how to install a license on the controller from the URL tftp://

(Cisco Controller) > license install tftp://

license modify priority

To raise or lower the priority of the base-ap-count or wplus-ap-count evaluation license on a Cisco 5500 Series Controller, use the license modify priority command.

license modify priority license_name { high | low}

Syntax Description


Ap-count evaluation license.


Modifies the priority of an ap-count evaluation license.


Modifies the priority of an ap-count evaluation license.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.

Usage Guidelines

If you are considering upgrading to a license with a higher access point count, you can try an evaluation license before upgrading to a permanent version of the license. For example, if you are using a permanent license with a 50 access point count and want to try an evaluation license with a 100 access point count, you can try out the evaluation license for 60 days.

AP-count evaluation licenses are set to low priority by default so that the controller uses the ap-count permanent license. If you want to try an evaluation license with an increased access point count, you must change its priority to high. If you no longer want to have this higher capacity, you can lower the priority of the ap-count evaluation license, which forces the controller to use the permanent license.


You can set the priority only for ap-count evaluation licenses. AP-count permanent licenses always have a medium priority, which cannot be configured.


If the ap-count evaluation license is a wplus license and the ap-count permanent license is a base license, you must also change the feature set to wplus.


To prevent disruptions in operation, the controller does not switch licenses when an evaluation license expires. You must reboot the controller in order to return to a permanent license. Following a reboot, the controller defaults to the same feature set level as the expired evaluation license. If no permanent license at the same feature set level is installed, the controller uses a permanent license at another level or an unexpired evaluation license.


The following example shows how to set the priority of the wplus-ap-count to high:

(Cisco Controller) > license modify priority wplus-ap-count high

license revoke

To rehost a license on a Cisco 5500 Series WLC, use the license revoke command.

license revoke { permission_ticket_url | rehost rehost_ticket_url}

Syntax Description


URL of the TFTP server (tftp://server_ip/path/filename) where you saved the permission ticket.


Specifies the rehost license settings.


URL of the TFTP server (tftp://server_ip/path/filename) where you saved the rehost ticket.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.

Usage Guidelines

Before you revoke a license, save the device credentials by using the license save credential url command.

You can rehost all permanent licenses except the permanent base image license. Evaluation licenses and the permanent base image license cannot be rehosted.

In order to rehost a license, you must generate credential information from the controller and use it to obtain a permission ticket to revoke the license from the Cisco licensing site, Next, you must obtain a rehost ticket and use it to obtain a license installation file for the controller on which you want to install the license.

For detailed information on rehosting licenses, see the “Installing and Configuring Licenses” section in the Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Configuration Guide.


The following example shows how to revoke the license settings from the saved permission ticket URL tftp://

(Cisco Controller) > license revoke tftp://

The following example shows how to revoke the license settings from the saved rehost ticket URL tftp://

(Cisco Controller) > license revoke rehost tftp://

license save

To save a backup copy of all installed licenses or license credentials on the Cisco 5500 Series Controller, use the license save command.

license save credential url

Syntax Description


Device credential information.


URL of the TFTP server (tftp://server_ip/path/filename).

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.

Usage Guidelines

Save the device credentials before you revoke the license by using the license revoke command.


The following example shows how to save a backup copy of all installed licenses or license credentials on tftp://

(Cisco Controller) > license save credential tftp://

license smart

To register or deregister a device using Cisco Smart Software Licensing platform, use the license smart command.

license smart { register | deregister} idtoken

Syntax Description


To add and activate a device on Cisco Smart Software License platform


To delete a device on Cisco Smart Software License platform


unique id for the device

Command History

Release Modification


This command was introduced.


The following example shows how to register a device on Cisco Smart Software License platform:

(Cisco Controller) > license smart register RkMxJbjKMV11hmpgh46mAgXSNKmticyJzu0xDfYgf8xflkiYbZsCqprt