Sample PGW, Unified CM, and IP Unity Transactions

Revised: 08/12/2010, OL-23270-01

This document explains the sample PGW, Unified CM and IP Unity transactions in Unified UCS.

Associate IP Unity VoiceMail Server with PGW Transaction

Associate Unified CM Cluster with PGW for MWI Support Transaction

Add Voicemail Service

Add VoiceMail Pilot Number Transaction on PGW

Add VoiceMail Pilot Number Transaction on Movius

Associate E164 Number to VoiceMail Pilot Number Transaction

Add Location VoiceMail Service Transaction on PGW

Add Location VoiceMail Service Transaction on Unified CM

Add VoiceMail Account Transaction on Unified CM

Add Default VoiceMail Class of Service Transaction

Add VoiceMail Account Transaction on IP Unity

Adding a AA Pilot on PGW

Enabling Auto Attendant on Movius Organization

Load PGW Transaction

Load Unified CM Clusters Transaction

Add Country Transactions

Add Customers Transaction

Add Locations Transactions

Move Phone Inventory Transaction

Add PSTN Published Number Transaction

Add Emergency Published Number Transaction

Assign Range of E164 Numbers to Internal Numbers Transactions

Register Phone Transaction

Add End User Transaction

Add User Extension Mobility Transaction

Configure BO2OT for Customer Transaction

Add Overlay Area Codes Transaction

Associate IP Unity VoiceMail Server with PGW Transaction

USM invokes the PGW driver and uses the mml scripts in the ConnectTransitToVMSvr transaction (ConnectTransitToVMSvr-IPUnity mml script name) of the PGW model worksheet to configure the EGRV dial plan to detect calls destined for IP Unity, modify the B number, and route the call to IP Unity.

For example

; 032 A CPID for the IP UNITY system. 
;EGRV DP - Result set to modified B number to Nat. and route it to IPUNITY 
;EGRV DP - B Number Analysis -ResultSet gotoIPUnity trigger on IpUnity CPID 

Associate Unified CM Cluster with PGW for MWI Support Transaction

USM invokes the PGW driver and uses the mml scripts in the ConnectIPPBXTransit transaction (ConnectIPPBXTransit mml script name) of the PGW model worksheet to configure the ROUT dial plan to detect MWI calls from IP Unity to the customer's phones

For example

; ConnectIPPBXTransit: add per-CCM cluster support for MWI signals when Cluster is 
connected to PGW that is directly connected to IP Unity 
 ; 101 A CPID for the IP PBX system. 
; 9999 A constant of All 9's to length of RIDs in the system. 
;  Can't used 9999 , change to 9999 A constant of All 9's to length of RIDs in the system. 
; Add entry into ROUT to handle MWI calls from IP Unity calls to this customer s phones 

Add Voicemail Service

USM invokes the PGW driver and uses the mml scripts in the ConnectIPPBXTransit transaction (AddVMService-IPUnity mml script name) of the PGW model worksheet to do the following:

ICCM dial plan to route MWI calls from Movius to correct per-customer vmail dialplan., prefix an A the B number and switch analysis to VOICEMAILDIALPLAN base on the AA service pilot FINT

Add VM Service into Per-customer Ingress (#CUSTDIALPLAN#, for example 0005) dial plan

Per-country (R#PADDEDCC#, for example R044) dial plan, PSTN to voicemail calls, prefix B with Movius CPID+RID

Per Custome Voicemail Dial plan (#VOICEMAILDIALPLAN, i. e. 000G), to support outgoing calls from Movius

For example:

; AddVMService-IPUnity: add Customer support for voicemail 
; 0005 - Customer DialPlan 
; 000G Voicemail Service Dialplan 
; 032 A CPID for the IP UNITY system. 
; 1001 A RID that uniquely identifies a VM Service 
; 9999 A constant of All 9's to length of RIDs in the system. 
; 666 Voicemail Service Site Code 
; 9 - pstn breakout code for voicemail 
; 90 - pstn breakout code plus National Direct Dialing Code 
; 2 - EXT plus NDD digits 
; 944 - pstn breakout code plus International Direct Dialing Code 
; 3 - EXT plus IDD digits 
; 8 - intersite prefix 
; 100 - CCM Cluster CPID 
; 1009999999001 - The MWI On number on the cluster 
; 1009999999002 The MWI Off number on the cluster  
; 11 - sizeof FINT + 1 
; 11 - sizeof FINT + 2 
; 3 - sizeof (VMEXTNNDD) + 1  
; 4 sizeof (VMEXTNIDD) + 1  
numan-add:dialplan:custgrpid="000G", OVERDEC="YES" 
;allow change to Cust specific MWI dialplan 
; check for per-customer voicemail pilot to route MWI calls from IP unity to correct 
per-customer vmail dialplan;  
; Resultset to prefix A to the B number and switch analysis to VOICEMAILDIALPLAN base on 
the AA service pilot FINT (the A number ) from ICCM 
; add  VM service routing into customer dialplan 
numan-add:resultset:custgrpid="0005", name="0321001CR9FNT" 
dw1="0005cr9fnt", dw2="2",dw3="5",setname="0321001CR9FNT" 
;B handle, call is to onnet vmail pilot, add CR to B for C1 vmail partition. Go to next 
dialplan, RDN is already modded by A RDN case  
;PSTN to voicemail calls, prefix B with IPUnity CPID+RID. Now consistent with routing to 
; Add entry into ROUT to handle calls to IP Unity calls for this customer  
; Add outdialing support for Voicemail service 
; resultset to handle AA transfers to PSTNNAT 
; resultset to handle AA transfers to PSTNINTL 
; resultset to handle AA transfers to Extensions 
;CT=8  - OnNet calls - 
; B number Analysis to handle AA calls 
; InterSite Calls 
; National Calls 
; International Calls 
;MWI  handling for customer - change to the customer's MWI dialplan

Add VoiceMail Pilot Number Transaction on PGW

USM invokes the PGW driver and uses the mml scripts in the AddVMServicePilot transaction (AddVMServicePilotIPPBX-IPUnity mml script name) of the PGW model worksheet to configure the per-customer VoiceMail Dial Plan MWI On and Off Numbers. This is done per each CUCM cluster associated on 2.3.6

For example

;AddVMServicePilotIPPBX-IPUnity:  add logic for connecting CCM cluster to voicemail when 
CCM is connected to PGW with direct connection to IP Unity 
; 000G A unique dialplan number within PGW to be used for the customer s 
; 100 This is the CPID of the CCM cluster. This value changes each time the routine is 
; 9999 All 9's to length of RIDs in the system.
; 666 All 9's to length of Site Location Codes in the system. 
; 001 Constant Digit string used within the "MWI On" number. The MWI On number on each 
cluster will be 1009999666001 
; 002 Constant Digit string used within the "MWI Off" number. The MWI Off number on each 
cluster will be 1009999666002 
;MWI  handling for customer - change to the customer's MWI dialplan 

Add VoiceMail Pilot Number Transaction on Movius

USM invokes the "IP Unity Any" driver and uses the XML scripts in the AddVMServicePilot transaction (Movius_xml table name) of the IPUnity model worksheet to create and configure a per-customer Organization.

For example:

<AddOrgRequest requestId="">

Associate E164 Number to VoiceMail Pilot Number Transaction

USM invokes the PGW driver and adds 3 lines to the FNT x10 DB table to do the following:

Per-customer Ingress (#CUSTDIALPLAN#, for example 0005) dial plan, to detect and convert the configured VoiceMail Pilot number to E164 number

Per-customer Egress (#EGRESSCUSTDIALPLAN#, for example 0006) dial plan, to detect and convert the configured E164 number to VoiceMail Pilot number

Per-country (R#PADDEDCC#, for example R044) dial plan, to detect the configured E164 number.

For example:


back to Associating E164 Number to VoiceMail Pilot Number (Section 2.4.5)

Add Location VoiceMail Service Transaction on PGW

USM invokes the PGW driver and uses the mml scripts in the AddLocationVM transaction (AddLocationVM-IPUnity mml script name) of the PGW model worksheet to configure the per-customer VoiceMail dial plan (for example 000G) with per-location logic to support MWI calls from IP Unity.

For example:

; AddLocationVM-IPUnity: add per location logic to support Mwi calls from IP unity. 
; 000G A unique dialplan number within PGW to be used for the customer s voicemail 
; 100 CPID for the CCM Cluster where the location resides.
; 0010 RID for the new location.
; 111 The Site Location Code (SLC) for the new location 
; if the B-number from IP Unity starts with the location s Site Location Code then use the 
result-set created above 

Add Location VoiceMail Service Transaction on Unified CM

USM invokes the IPPBX driver on the selected Unified CM Cluster to do the following:

Remove Route Pattern

Add Route Pattern

Remove Route Pattern

Add Route Pattern

Remove Translation Pattern

Add Translation Pattern

Add Voicemail Pilot

Add Voicemail Profile

Update all phones in the location

Update all lines in the phone with the VM Profile

Remove Translation pattern, CSS and partition for PLAR

Remove Route Pattern

<removeRoutePattern xmlns="">

Add Route Pattern

<releaseCause>Call Rejected</releaseCause>

Remove Route Pattern

<removeRoutePattern xmlns="">

Add Route Pattern

<addRoutePattern xmlns="">
<releaseCause>Call Rejected</releaseCause>

Remove Translation Pattern

<removeTransPattern xmlns="">

Add Translation Pattern

<addTransPattern xmlns="">

Add Voicemail Pilot

<addVoiceMailPilot xmlns="">
<description>VM Pilot for location10</description>

Add Voicemail Profile

<addVoiceMailProfile xmlns="">
<description>VM Profile for location10</description>
<voiceMailPilot uuid="{C713DD9C-8B49-3692-B12D-42BFFD7DA116}">

Update all phones in the location

For example

<updatePhone xmlns="">
<line uuid="{cff950f0-6380-b958-60f4-3161d4779bbe}" index="1">
<dirn uuid="{cff950f0-6380-b958-60f4-3161d4779bbe}">
<ringSetting>Use System Default</ringSetting>
<consecutiveRingSetting>Use System Default</consecutiveRingSetting>
<mwlPolicy>Use System Policy</mwlPolicy>
<phoneTemplateName>Standard 7945 SIP</phoneTemplateName>
<userLocale>English United States</userLocale>
<networkLocale>United Kingdom</networkLocale>
<deviceSecurityMode>Use System Default</deviceSecurityMode>
<service uuid="{73a4d252-cc52-8db9-4802-c86a8deed384}">
<service uuid="{9cb76602-3a87-25ab-6faa-388b28260dc0}">
<telecasterServiceName>Phone Services</telecasterServiceName>
<name>Phone Services</name>
<urlLabel>Phone Services</urlLabel>

Update all lines in the phone with the VM Profile

For example

<updateLine xmlns="">
<description> Line 1000010111001 for a phone</description>
<autoAnswer>Auto Answer Off</autoAnswer>
<cfaCSSPolicy>With Configured CSS</cfaCSSPolicy>

Remove Translation pattern, CSS and partition for PLAR

<removeTransPattern xmlns="">
<removeCSS xmlns="">
removeRoutePartition xmlns="">

Add VoiceMail Account Transaction on Unified CM

USM invokes the IPPBX driver on the selected Unified CM Cluster to update the line configured for the user.

For example

<updateLine xmlns="">
<description> Line 1000010111007 for a phone</description>
<autoAnswer>Auto Answer Off</autoAnswer>
<cfaCSSPolicy>With Configured CSS</cfaCSSPolicy>

Add Default VoiceMail Class of Service Transaction

USM invokes the "IP Unity Any" driver and uses the XML scripts in the BasicVoiceMail transaction (IPUnity_model_xml table name) of the IPUnity_Any model worksheet to create and configure the per-organization Class of Service: StandardVoiceMail

For example

<AddCosRequest requestId="">

Add VoiceMail Account Transaction on IP Unity

USM invokes the "IP Unity Any" driver and uses the XML scripts in the AddVoiceMailAcct transaction (IPUnity_model_xml table name) of the IPUnity_Any model worksheet to create and configure a User.

For example

<AddUserRequest requestId="2" ver="1">
<userType>StdMailbox</userType> <firstName>a</firstName>
<outgoingCAID>0</outgoingCAID> <numberingPlanID>101</numberingPlanID> 
<phoneType>1</phoneType> <telephone>111007</telephone>
<languageID>1</languageID> <langSelectionMenuEnabled>false</langSelectionMenuEnabled> 

Adding a AA Pilot on PGW

USM invokes the PGW driver and uses the mml scripts in the AddAAServicePilot transaction (AddAAServicePilot mml script name) of the PGW model worksheet to do the following:

Configures EGRV dialplan to detect calls to AA and route them to OGAA dial plan

Configure the per-customer OGAA dial plan to handle calls to AA.

Configure ICCM to handle calls from AA.

; AddAAServicePilot: add Customer support for AutoAttendant 
; 0005 - Customer DialPlan 
; 000V Voicemail Service Dialplan 
; 032 A CPID for the IP UNITY system. 
; 1004 A RID that uniquely identifies a VM Service 
; #IPUNITYRESRID# A constant of All 9's to length of RIDs in the system. 
; 999 AA Service Site Code 
; 098 AA Extension 
; EGRV - B number is AA service pilot goto OGAA dp 
; OGAA - Handling call to AA 
; Handling call from AA 

Enabling Auto Attendant on Movius Organization

USM invokes the "IP Unity Any" driver to enable autoAttendant on the organization:

For example

<ModifyOrgRequest requestId="">	

Load PGW Transaction

USM invokes the PGW driver and uses the mml scripts in the InitTransit transaction of the PGW MML model worksheet to prepare the initial core dial plans on the PGW:

CTRY dial plan

EGRV dial plan

LOGW dial plan

ROUT dial plan

OGAA dial plan

RDNI dial plan

RDNO dial plan

OGAA dial plan

Load Unified CM Clusters Transaction

USM invokes CCM 7.1.x driver and uses the definitions in the InitIPPBX transaction of the CCM model worksheet.


Step 1 Verify that the MOH_<winshostname>; for example, MOH_e2c1p is configured on the Unified CM, if the MOH server was selected.

Step 2 Verify that the Login/Logout and Phone Services IP Phone services are configured on the Unified CM.

Step 3 Verify that all phone button templates defined in USM are configured on Unified CM.

Step 4 Verify that the defaultaar has been configured in Unified CMs 5.x, 6.x and 7.x.

Step 5 Create the Unified CM Groups that were defined in USM, for example: e2PhoneGroupClu1 and e2TrunkGroupClu1.

Step 6 Update various Service Parameters. To check which service parameters are updated in USM, do the following:

a. Go to Network > PBX Devices.

b. Select the Unified CM clster you want to check the parameters

c. Click View CCM Config

d. Click CCM Cluster Config

Step 7 Create user ac (Used for Attendant Console)

Step 8 Create the Time Periods defined in the model: AllDayEveryDay, StandardBusinessHrs, ExtendedBusinessHrs and WeekendHrs

Step 9 Create the Time Schedules defined in the model: alldayeveryday, standardbusinessschedule, extendedbusinessschedule and weekendschedule

Step 10 Create non-site specific Partitions: IncominToCluster, IncomingFromIPU, IncomingFromOffnet, OutOfService, NullPartition, and AllowMWI

Step 11 Create Non-Site specific CSSs: IncomingToCluster, IncomingFromIPU and IncomingFromOffnet

Step 12 Create Partition to CSS mappings for the created CSSs

Step 13 Create a GL-DP-Trunk device pool

Step 14 Create a location-bvsm location

Step 15 Create a gatekeeper, for example

Step 16 Create H.225 Trunks (Gatekeeper Controlled): e2c1-External, e2c1-Offnet and e2c1-Vmail

Step 17 Reset the H.225 Trunks

Step 18 Create Route Groups: EXTERNAL, OFFNETTRUNK and VOICEMAIL


Add Country Transactions

This section has two topics:

Add Country Transaction on PGW

Add Country Transaction on Unified CM

Add Country Transaction on PGW

USM invokes the PGW driver and uses the mml scripts in the AddCountryTransits transaction of the PGW MML model worksheet to:

Step 1 Configure the CTRY dial plan with country specific information

Step 2 Create and configure country specific dial plans on the PGW as follows:

E#PADDEDCC# dial plan, for example E044

F#PADDEDCC# dial plan, for example F044

H#PADDEDCC# dial plan, for example H044

L#PADDEDCC# dial plan, for example L044

N#PADDEDCC# dial plan, for example N044

P#PADDEDCC# dial plan, for example P044

R#PADDEDCC# dial plan, for example R044

S#PADDEDCC# dial plan, for example S044

Step 3 Configure the ILGW dial plan with country specific information.

Add Country Transaction on Unified CM

USM invokes the CCM7.1.x drivers and uses the definitions in the AddCountry transaction of the CCM model worksheet to create and configure on all Unified CM Clusters:

Country Specific Route Lists; for example, PSTNNAT044, PSTNINT044, and EMERGENCY044

Associate country specific Route Lists to the EXTERNAL Route Group

Add Customers Transaction

USM invokes the PGW 9.6.1 driver and uses the mml scripts in the AddCustomer transaction of the PGW MML model worksheet.


Step 1 Add and configure customer specific dial plans on the PGW as follows:

Per-customer Ingress dial plan (#CUSTDIALPLAN#), for example 0001

Per-customer Egress dial plan (#EGRESSCUSTDIALPLAN#), for example 0002

Per-customer Egress dial plan 2 (#EGRESSCUSTDIALPLAN2#), for example 0003

Per-customer Central Legacy PBX dial plan (#COMMONLEGACYPBX#), for example 0004

Step 2 Configure the core ICCM and ROUT dial plans with customer specific information.

Add Locations Transactions

The following two topics are explianed in this section:

Add Locations Transaction on PGW

Add Locations Transaction on Unified CM

Add Locations Transaction on PGW

USM invokes the PGW 9.6.1 driver and uses the mml scripts in the AddLocationFirstInCountry and AddLocation transactions of the PGW_9_6_1 model worksheet.


Step 1 Configure the AddLocationFirstInCountry transaction as follows:

Per-customer Ingress (#CUSTDIALPLAN#) dial plan, for example 0001

Per-customer Egress 2 (#EGRESSCUSTDIALPLAN2#) dial plan, for example 0003

with location specific information. This transaction is executed for each first location per Country and per Customer.

Step 2 Configure the AddLocation transaction as follows:

Per-customer Ingress (#CUSTDIALPLAN#) dial plan, for example 0001

Per-customer Egress (#EGRESSCUSTDIALPLAN#) dial plan, for example 0002

Per-customer Egress 2 (#EGRESSCUSTDIALPLAN2#) dial plan, for example 0003

Per-country R#PADDEDCC# dial plan, for example R044

Core ROUT dial plan

Add Locations Transaction on Unified CM

USM invokes the CCM drivers and uses the definitions in the AddLocation transaction of the CCM model worksheet to create and configure on the selected Unified CM Cluster (Generic Hosted UCS 7.1(a) model is shown below):

Site specific location, for example location-bvsm-1

55 Per-location Partitions (Call Routing, Internal, 24x7, Standard Business Hours, Extended Business Hours, Weekend, Call Blocking, Call Forwarding and CLIR partitions), for example AllowInternal1, Site1, AllowPSTNServices24Hour1, AllowInterSiteCF1, etc

36 Per-location CSSs (Static, Incoming Call, Phone, Line, Per COS, Presence CSSs and CLIR CSSs), for example TempOutOfServiceCSS1, IncomingToSite1, EmergencyOnly1, COS1International24Hour1, InternalCF, SUBSCRIBE, etc

Partition to CSS mappings for the created CSSs

7 Per-location Generic Route Patterns, for routing basic calls, and call forwarding, for example 1000100!, 8.!, [^89]XX, etc

4 Generic Translation Patterns, for example 1000100!, [^89]XX, 9999991000100111.!

Number of Country Specific per-location Route Patterns and Translation Patterns

2 Device pools for phones and faxes, for example devicepool1 and faxdevicepool1

Move Phone Inventory Transaction

USM invokes the IPPBX driver on the selected Unified CM Cluster to do the following:

Step 1 verify that the phone is not already configured (removePhone), for example


Step 2 Add a new phone (addPhone), for example:



<product>Cisco 7965</product>

<model>Cisco 7965</model>






<phoneTemplateName>Standard 7965 SIP</phoneTemplateName>


Note The next step is only executed on Unified CM 5.x clusters, since autogenerated device profiles are not used in Unified CM 6.x

Step 3 Create an autogenerated profile for the phone (createAutogeneratedProfile), for example:


Step 4 add a new line to the phone (addLine), for example:



<description>Line 88810001001110000 for a phone</description>































<autoAnswer>Auto Answer Off</autoAnswer>






Step 5 update the phone (updatePhone), for example:





















<line uuid="{e1cd8b3a-c74c-1053-1494-bd06fafd4a90}" index="1">



<dirn uuid="{e1cd8b3a-c74c-1053-1494-bd06fafd4a90}"></dirn>

<ringSetting>Use System Default</ringSetting>

<consecutiveRingSetting>Use System Default</consecutiveRingSetting>




<mwlPolicy>Use System Policy</mwlPolicy>



<phoneTemplateName>Standard 7965 SIP</phoneTemplateName>


<userLocale>English United States</userLocale>

<networkLocale>United States</networkLocale>

<deviceSecurityMode>Use System Default</deviceSecurityMode>



<service uuid="{be4d6290-f402-dc20-1717-55510000fcb5}">

<telecasterServiceName>Phone Services</telecasterServiceName>

<name>Phone Services</name>



<urlLabel>Phone Services</urlLabel>



<softkeyTemplateName>Standard Feature</softkeyTemplateName>







Step 6 Reset the phone (doDeviceReset), for example:



Add PSTN Published Number Transaction

USM invokes the PGW 9.6.1 driver and uses the mml scripts in the AddPSTNPubNum transaction of the PGW model worksheet to do the following:

Edit the relevant digmodstrings in the per-customer Ingress dial plan (#CUSTDIALPLAN#, for example 0001) with the configured PSTN Published number

Add Emergency Published Number Transaction

USM invokes the PGW9.6.1 driver and uses the mml scripts in the AddEmergNum transaction of the PGW_9_6_1 model worksheet to do the following:

Configure the per-customer Ingress dial plan (#CUSTDIALPLAN#, for example 0001) for the correct routing and number presentation of emergency calls from the relevant location.

Assign Range of E164 Numbers to Internal Numbers Transactions

Starting from Hosted UCS 6.1(a) USM invokes the PGW TimesTen driver and uses the TimesTen Input in the AssocaiteFNN transaction (AssociateFNN script) of the PGW_TimesTen_Any model worksheet to create an import file and transfer it to the PGW, where it invokes the HUCSprovx10 PGW script and inserts the associations into the PGW TimesTen database.

Following is a sample Input file for 5 DDI mappings (1630411000-1630411004) generated for the HUCSprovx10 PGW script:
















Register Phone Transaction

USM invokes the IPPBX driver on the selected Unified CM Cluster to do the following:

Step 1 Delete the old line (created when the phone was moved to a location), and add a new line to the phone (addLine), for example:



<description>Line 10001002120201 for a phone</description>































<autoAnswer>Auto Answer Off</autoAnswer>






Step 2 Update the phone (updatePhone), for example:





















<line uuid="{e1cd8b3a-c74c-1053-1494-bd06fafd4a90}" index="1">



<dirn uuid="{e1cd8b3a-c74c-1053-1494-bd06fafd4a90}"></dirn>

<ringSetting>Use System Default</ringSetting>

<consecutiveRingSetting>Use System Default</consecutiveRingSetting>




<mwlPolicy>Use System Policy</mwlPolicy>



<phoneTemplateName>Standard 7965 SIP</phoneTemplateName>


<userLocale>English United States</userLocale>

<networkLocale>United States</networkLocale>

<deviceSecurityMode>Use System Default</deviceSecurityMode>



<service uuid="{be4d6290-f402-dc20-1717-55510000fcb5}">






<telecasterServiceName>Phone Services</telecasterServiceName>

<name>Phone Services</name>



<urlLabel>Phone Services</urlLabel>



<softkeyTemplateName>Softkey_Advanced</softkeyTemplateName> <defaultProfileName>ADP001D452CDA84</defaultProfileName> [see Note]







Note The <defaultProfileName> is only executed on Unified CM 5.x clusters, since autogenerated device profiles are not used in Unified CM 6.x

Step 3 Reset the phone (doDeviceReset), for example:



Add End User Transaction

USM invokes the IPPBX driver on the selected Unified CM Cluster to do the following:

Add the user (addUser), for example:










Add User Extension Mobility Transaction

USM invokes the IPPBX driver on the selected Unified CM Cluster to do the following:

Step 1 Add a device profile (addDeviceProfile), for example:



<product>Cisco 7961</product>

<model>Cisco 7961</model>






<phoneTemplateName>Standard 7961 SCCP</phoneTemplateName>


Step 2 Add a new line (addLine), for example:



<description>Line 1000100111202 for a phone</description>































<autoAnswer>Auto Answer Off</autoAnswer>






Step 3 Update the created device profile (updateDeviceProfile), for example:



<line uuid="{f7829840-69b4-1bf6-13ca-884a93cb2195}" index="1">



<dirn uuid="{f7829840-69b4-1bf6-13ca-884a93cb2195}"></dirn>

<ringSetting>Use System Default</ringSetting>

<consecutiveRingSetting>Use System Default</consecutiveRingSetting>




<mwlPolicy>Use System Policy</mwlPolicy>



<phoneTemplateName>Standard 7961 SCCP</phoneTemplateName>


<userLocale>English United States</userLocale>


<service uuid="{7f7c00ca-3ff5-73b6-60fc-caeac54ac430}">







<service uuid="{be4d6290-f402-dc20-1717-55510000fcb5}">

<telecasterServiceName>Phone Services</telecasterServiceName>

<name>Phone Services</name>



<urlLabel>Phone Services</urlLabel>





Step 4 Update the user (updateUser), for example:





Configure BO2OT for Customer Transaction

USM invokes the PGW driver and uses the EnableBO2OCT mml script (AddCustomer transaction) of the PGW model worksheet to do the following:

Configure the per-customer Egress Dial Plan 2 #EGRESSCUSTDIALPLAN2# to Mark Incoming OffNet calls.



; 0007 - Per Customer Egress Dial Plan 2



Add Overlay Area Codes Transaction

USM invokes the CCM6.1.x drivers and uses the definitions in the AddLocation transaction of the CCM model worksheet to create and configure on the selected CUCM Cluster (Generic HUCS 5.1(B) model).

9 US specific per-location translation Patterns for 10-digit (invoked by the LocationLocalArea-10 model) Local Dialling support: USALocalCalls24Hour, USALocalCLIOCalls24Hour, USALocalCallsStd, USALocalCLIOCallsStd, USALocalCallsExt, USALocalCLIOCallsExt, USALocalCallsWend, USALocalCLIOCallsWend, and USALocalCallsCF