File System Commands

This chapter contains the following sections:

File Specification

The files may be located on:

  • Network: TFTP servers and/or SCP servers - Network files

  • Active FLASH - Flash files

  • mass-storage connected to a USB port of Active - USB files. Only one mass-storage is supported.

Note. Although inside the switch supports the File System on FLASH of all stack units the File System CLI commands allow access only to flash files on Active unit. Needed file synchronizations between Active unit and other units is performed by the switch automatically.

Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) are used to specify the location of a file or a directory. The URL has the following syntax:

<url> ::= tftp://<location>/<file-path> | scp://[<username>:<password>@]<location>/<file-path> | usb://<file-path> | flash://<file-path> | <current-directory>[/<file-path>] | <higher-directory>[/<file-path>] | <file-path>

<username> ::= string up to 70 characters

<password> :: = string up to 70 characters

<location> ::= <ipv4-address> | <ipv6-address> | <dns-name>

<current-directory> ::= [{usb | flash}:][.]

<higher-directory> ::= [{usb | flash}:]..

<file-path> ::= [<directories-path>/]<filename>

<directories-path> ::= <directory-name> | <directories-path>/<directory-name>

The maximum number of directories in <directories-path> is 16.

<directory-name> ::= string up to 63 characters

<filename> ::= string up to 63 characters

Filenames and directory names consist only of characters from the portable filename character set. The set includes the following characters:

  • A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

  • a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

  • <space>

  • 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 . _ -

The last three characters are the <period>, <underscore>, and <hyphen> characters, respectively.

If an URL includes spaces it must be enclosed by the " characters.

For example:

"flash://aaa it/alpha/file 125"

The maximal length of URL is 160 characters

The following File systems are supported on USB:

  • FAT32—Full support.

  • NTFS—Partially support: read only.

The switch supports the following predefined URL aliases:

  • active-image—The predefined URL alias specifies the Active Image file. This file has the following permissions:



  • inactive-image—The predefined URL alias specifies the Inactive Image file. This file has the following permissions:



  • running-config—The predefined URL alias specifies the Running Configuration File.

  • startup-config—The predefined URL alias specifies the Startup Configuration File. This file has the following permissions:


  • localization. The predefined URL alias specifies the Secondary Language Dictionary files. These files have the following permissions:


  • logging. The predefined URL alias specifies the Syslog file. This file has the following permissions:


  • mirror-config. The predefined URL alias specifies the Mirror Configuration file. This file has the following permissions:



Example 1. The following example specifies a file on TFTP server using an IPv4 address:


Example 2. The following example specifies a file on TFTP server using an IPv6 address:

Example 3. The following example specifies a file on TFTP server using a DNS name:

Example 4. The following example specifies a file on FLASH:


Example 5. The following example specifies files using the current directory:


Example 6. The following example specifies a file using the higher directory:


Example 7. The following example specifies a file on mass-storage device connected to the USB port:


Example 8. The following example specifies files on mass-storage device connected to the USB port using the current directory:


Example 9. The following example specifies a file on mass-storage device connected to the USB port using the higher directory:


System Flash Files

The system files used by the switch are in the flash://system/ directory. A user cannot add, delete, and rename the system files and directories, a user cannot create new directories under the system directory.

The system files are divided to the following groups:

  • Inner System files. The files are created by the switch itself. For example the Syslog file.

  • Files installed/Uninstalled by user. This group includes the following files:

    Active and Inactive Images

    Startup Configuration

    Secondary Language Dictionary

Additionally, the following commands from previous versions can be used too:

Note. Reset to Factory Default removes all files from the FLASH except the following files:

  • active-image

  • inactive-image

  • mirror-config

  • localization

The flash://system/ directory contains the following directories:

  • flash://system/images/—The directory contains the Active and Inactive Image files.

  • flash://system/configuration/—The directory contains the Startup and Mirror Configuration files.

  • flash://system/localization/—The directory contains the Secondary Language Dictionary files.

  • flash://system/syslog/—The directory contains the Syslog file.

  • flash://system/applications/—The directory contains inner system files managed by the switch applications.

Flash File System on Stack

The CLI commands provide access only to files located on the Active unit FLASH. The switch performs automatically synchronization files between Active unit and Member units:

  • The Standby unit’s Flash File system is fully synchronized with the Active unit’s Flash File System.

  • For non-Standby Member units File system only the following files are synchronized:

    • Active Image file

    • Inactive Image file

    • Secondary Language Dictionary files

    • All other files and directories are deleted.

boot config

To install a file as Startup Configuration after reload, use the boot config command in Privileged EXEC mode. To uninstall the Startup configuration file, use the no form of this command.


boot config startup-config-url

boot config running-config

boot config mirror-config

no boot config


  • startup-config-urlthe url of a file. The predefined URLs cannot be configured.

Command Mode

Privileged EXEC mode

User Guidelines

Use the boot config startup-config-url command to install Startup Configuration from the startup-config-url file. The file must be a text file containing CLI commands. The command performs the following actions:

  • Copies the file into the system directory flash://system/configuration/

  • Converts the file format from the text format in the inner binary format.

  • Installs the converted file as Startup Configuration. The previous Startup Configuration file is deleted.

  • Installs Startup Configuration on Standby unit.

Use the boot config running-config command to install Startup Configuration from Running Configuration.

Use the boot config mirror-config command to install Startup Configuration from the Mirror Configuration file.

Use the no boot config command, to uninstall Startup Configuration. The uninstalled file is deleted.


Example 1. The following example installs Startup Configuration from a TFTP server:

switchxxxxxx#  boot config tftp://1.1.1./confiration-files/config-v1.9.dat

Example 2. The following example installs Startup Configuration from FLASH:

switchxxxxxx#  boot config flash://confiration-files/config-v1.9.dat

Example 3. The following example unsets the current Startup Configuration:

switchxxxxxx#  no boot config

Example 4. The following example installs Startup Configuration from the Running Configuration file:

switchxxxxxx#  boot config running-config

Example 5. The following example installs Startup Configuration from the Mirror Configuration file:

switchxxxxxx#  boot config mirror-config

boot localization

To install a file as the Secondary Language Dictionary file, use the boot localization command in Privileged EXEC mode. To remove all the installed language files, use the no form of this command.


boot localization dictionary-url

no boot localization


  • dictionary-url—the url of a file. The predefined URLs cannot be configured.

Default Configuration

Default language.

Command Mode

Privileged EXEC mode

User Guidelines

Use the boot localization dictionary-url command to install aSecondary Language Dictionary from the dictionary-url file. The command performs the following actions:

  • Copies the file into the system directory flash://system/localization/

  • Validates installed file format and if the file language is supported by the device. If the file does not have the correct format, or if the file language is not supported by the device, the file is not copied and the command will finish with an error.

  • Replaces the relevant language file on device with the installed file. Update of language file does not change the active secondary language used by web GUI user.

  • Installs Secondary Language Dictionary relevant file on all the all other stack units.

Use the no boot dictionary command, to uninstall Secondary Language Dictionary. The uninstalled files are deleted.


Example 1. The following example installs the Secondary Language Dictionary file from a TFTP server:

switchxxxxxx#  boot localization tftp://

Example 2. The following example installs the Secondary Language Dictionary file from FLASH:

switchxxxxxx#  boot localization flash://web-dictionaries/germany-dictionary.lang

boot system

To install the system (active) image that the switch loads at startup, use the boot system command in Privileged EXEC mode.


boot system image-url

boot system inactive-image


  • image-url—The URL of a file. The predefined URLs cannot be configured.

Default Configuration

No default.

Command Mode

Privileged EXEC mode

User Guidelines

Use the boot system image-url command to install a new active image from the image-url file. The command performs the following actions:

  • Copies the file into the system directory flash://system/image/

  • Validates its format. If the file does not have the correct image format the file is deleted and the command is finished with an error.

  • Installs the copied file as the active image that will be used be loaded at startup. The previous active image file is save as inactive image. The previous inactive image is deleted.

  • Installs the new active image in all stack units.

Use the boot system inactive-image command to set the inactive image as active one and the active image as inactive one.

The command installs the inactive image as active in all stack units.


Example 1. The following example sets a new active image from a TFTP server:

switchxxxxxx#  boot system tftp://

Example 2. The following example sets a new active image from FLASH:

switchxxxxxx#  boot system flash://images/image-v1-1.ros

Example 3. The following example sets the inactive image:

switchxxxxxx#  boot system inactive-image


To change the current directory or file system, use the cd command in User EXEC mode.


cd url


  • url—Specifies a directory on FLASH or on USB.

Default Configuration

The flash root directory (flash://)

Command Mode

User EXEC mode

User Guidelines

When a terminal session is started the current directory of the session is set to flash://. Use the cd command to change the current directory.


Example 1. The following example sets a new current directory on FLASH:

switchxxxxxx>  pwd
switchxxxxxx>  cd date/aaa
switchxxxxxx> pwd

Example 2. The following example sets a new current directory on USB:

switchxxxxxx> pwd
switchxxxxxx> cd usb://
switchxxxxxx> pwd


To copy any file from a source to a destination, use the copy command in Privileged EXEC mode.


copy src-url dst-url

*copy {running-config | startup-config} dst-url

copy {running-config | startup-config} dst-url [exclude | include-encrypted | include-plaintext]

copy src-url running-config

copy running-config startup-config

copy tech-support cbd usb://<file-path>


  • src-url—The location URL of the source file to be copied. The predefined URL aliases can be configured.

  • dst-url—The URL of the destination file or the directory to be copied. The predefined URL aliases cannot be configured.

  • exclude—The file does not include sensitive data in the file being copied.

  • include-encrypted—The file includes sensitive data in its encrypted form. This secure option is applied by default, if no secure option is configured.

  • include-plaintext—The file includes sensitive data in its plaintext form.

  • tech-support cbd — Indicates that the source is the Cisco Business Dashboard (CBD) tech support information. If this source is selected, the destination can only be USB. If specified filename does not include the ".zip" suffix, this suffix will be added automatically to copied filename (full path length up to 160 characters).

Command Mode

Privileged EXEC mode

User Guidelines

The following guidelines are relevant:

  • You cannot copy one network file to another network file.

  • Localization is not supported as a predefined src-url or dst-url.

  • Use the copy src-url dst-url command to copy any file. If the dst-url argument defines an existed flash file the command fails if this file does not have the writable permission. If the dst-url argument defines a directory file then the file is copied into the directory with the same name. No file format validation or conversion is performed. If the src-url argument and dst-url arguments define flash files the dst-url file will have the permissions of the src-url file. If the src-url argument defines a non-flash file and the dst-url argument defines a flash files the dst-url file will have the following permissions:

    • readable

    • writable

  • Use the copy src-url running-config command to add a file to the Running Configuration file.


Example 1. The following example copies file file1 from the TFTP server to the flash://aaa/file1 file:

switchxxxxxx# copy tftp:// flash://aaa/file1

Example 2. The following example saves the Startup configuration file in the tftp:// file:

*switchxxxxxx# copy startup-config tftp:// or switchxxxxxx# copy startup-config tftp:// include-encrypted

Example 3. The following example copies the Running Configuration file to the Startup configuration:

switchxxxxxx# copy running-config startup-config



If ssd configuration in show running-config or startup-config reads “file SSD indicator plaintext”, the copied file will have sensitive information in plaintext.

If ssd configuration in show running-config or startup-config reads “file SSD indicator encrypted ”, the copied file will have sensitive information encrypted.

If ssd configuration in show running-config or startup-config reads “file SSD indicator exclude ”, the copied file will not include sensitive information will be excluded.

Example 4. The following example copies the Syslog file to a TFTP server:

switchxxxxxx# copy logging tftp://

Example 5. The following example copies a file from the mass-storage device connected to the USB port to Flash:

switchxxxxxx# copy usb://aaa/file1.txt flash://dir1/file2


To delete a local file, use the delete command in Privileged EXEC mode.


delete url

delete startup-config


  • url—Specifies the local URL of the local file to be deleted. The predefined and network URLs cannot be configured.

  • file-name—Specifies the name of SNA user file to delete.

Command Mode

Privileged EXEC mode

User Guidelines

The delete url command cannot delete a network file.

Use the delete startup-config command to delete the Startup Configuration file.


Example 1. The following example deletes the file called ‘backup/config’ from FLASH:

switchxxxxxx# cd flash://backup/
switchxxxxxx# delete aaa.ttt
Delete flash://backup/aaa.ttt? [Y/N]Y

Example 2. The following example deletes the file called ‘aaa/config’ from the mass-storage device connected to the USB port:

switchxxxxxx# delete usb://aaa/config
Delete usb://aaa/config? [Y/N]Y


To display a list of files on a file system, use the dir command in User EXEC mode.


dir [url]


  • url—Specifies the local URL of the directory to be displayed. The predefined and network URLs cannot be configured. If the argument is omitted the current directory is used.

Command Mode

User EXEC mode

User Guidelines

The command cannot be applied to a network directory.

Use the dir command without the argument to display the current directory.


The following example displays the flash://mng/ directory:

switchxxxxxx> dir flash://mng/
134560K of 520000K are free
Directory of flash://mng/
Permission  File Size     Last Modified      File Name
----------  ---------  --------------------  ------------------
 drw-         4720148  Dec 12 2010 17:49:36  bin
 -r--              60  Dec 12 2011 17:49:36  config-list
 -r--             160  Feb 12 2011 17:49:36  image-list
 -r-x         6520148  Nov 29 2010  7:12:30  image1
 -rw-            2014  Nov 20 2010  9:12:30  data


To create a new directory, use the mkdir command in Privileged EXEC mode.


mkdir url


  • url—Specifies the URL of the created directory. The predefined and network URLs cannot be configured.

Command Mode

Privileged EXEC mode

User Guidelines

The mkdir command cannot be applied to a network directory.

The mkdir command cannot create a directory into the flash://system/ directory.

All directories defined in the url argument except the created one must exist.


Example 1. The following example creates a directory on FLASH:

switchxxxxxx# mkdir flash://date/aaa/

Example 2. The following example creates a directory on the mass-storage device connected to the USB port:

switchxxxxxx# mkdir usb://newdir/


To display the contents of a file, use the more command in User EXEC mode.


more url


  • url—Specifies the local URL or predefined file name of the file to display.

Command Mode

User EXEC mode


The following example displays the running configuration file contents:

switchxxxxxx> more running-config
no spanning-tree
interface range gi/11-48
speed 1000
no lldp run
line console
exec-timeout 0


To show the current directory, use the pwd command in User EXEC mode.


pwd [usb: I flash:]


  • usb:—Display the current directory on the USB driver.

  • flash:—Display the current directory on the FLASH driver.

Command Mode

User EXEC mode

User Guidelines

Use the pwd usb: I flash: command to show the current directory on the specified driver.

Use the pwd command to show the current directory set by the recent cd command.


The following example uses the cd command to change the current directory and then uses the pwd command to display that current directory:

switchxxxxxx> pwd
switchxxxxxx> cd date/aaa
switchxxxxxx> pwd


To reload the operating system, use the reload command in Privileged EXEC mode.


reload [in [hhh:mm | mmm] | at hh:mm [day month]] | cancel]

reload cancel


  • in hhh:mm | mmm—Schedules a reload of the image to take effect in the specified minutes or hours and minutes. The reload must take place within approximately 24 days.

  • at hh:mm—Schedules a reload of the image to take place at the specified time (using a 24-hour clock). If you specify the month and day, the reload is scheduled to take place at the specified time and date. If you do not specify the month and day, the reload takes place at the specified time on the current day (if the specified time is later than the current time) or on the next day (if the specified time is earlier than the current time). Specifying 00:00 schedules the reload for midnight. The reload must take place within 24 hours.

  • day—Number of the day in the range from 1 to 31.

  • month—Month of the year. (Range: Jan–Dec)

  • cancel—Cancels a scheduled reload.

Command Mode

Privileged EXEC mode

User Guidelines

Use the reload command to reload the switch.

Use the reload {in hhh:mm | mmm | at hh:mm [day month]} command the command to specify scheduled switch reload.

The at keyword can be configured only if the system clock has been set on the switch.

When you specify the reload time using the at keyword, if you specify the month and day, the reload takes place at the specified time and date. If you do not specify the month and day, the reload takes place at the specified time on the current day (if the specified time is later than the current time), or on the next day (if the specified time is earlier than the current time). Specifying 00:00 schedules the reload for midnight. The reload must take place within 24 days.

Use the reload cancel command to cancel the scheduled reload.


Example 1. The following example reloads the switch:

switchxxxxxx# reload
This command will reset the whole system and disconnect your current session. Do you want to continue? (Y/N) [Y]

Example 2. The following example reloads the image in 10 minutes:

switchxxxxxx# reload in 10
This command will reset the whole system and disconnect your current session. Reload is scheduled for 11:57:08 UTC Fri Apr 21 2012 (in 10 minutes). Do you want to continue? (Y/N) [Y]

Example 3. The following example reloads the image at 12:10 24 Aug:

switchxxxxxx# reload at 12:10 24 Aug
This command will reset the whole system and disconnect your current session. Reload is scheduled for 12:10:00 UTC Sun Aug 24 2014 (in 1 hours and 12 minutes). Do you want to continue ? (Y/N)[N]

Example 4. The following example reloads the image at 13:00:

switchxxxxxx# reload at 13:00 soft
This command will reset the whole system and disconnect your current session. Reload is scheduled for 13:00:00 UTC Fri Apr 21 2012 (in 1 hour and 3 minutes). Do you want to continue? (Y/N) [Y]

Example 5. The following example cancels a reload.

switchxxxxxx# reload cancel
Reload cancelled.


To rename a local file or directory, use the rename command in Privileged EXEC mode.


rename url new-url


  • url—Specifies the URL of the file or directory to be renamed. The predefined and network URLs cannot be configured.

  • new-url—Specifies the new URL of the renamed file or directory. The predefined and network URLs cannot be configured.

Command Mode

Privileged EXEC mode

User Guidelines

The url and new-url arguments must specifies the same driver.

The command cannot rename a network file or network directory.

The command cannot rename a file or directory into the flash://system directory.


Example 1. The following example renames the flash://bin/text1.txt file to flash://archive/text1sav.txt:

switchxxxxxx# cd flash://archive
switchxxxxxx# rename flash://bin/text1.txt ./text1sav.txt

Example 2. The following example renames the flash://a/b directory to the flash://e/g/h directory:

switchxxxxxx# pwd
switchxxxxxx> dir flash://a
  • d-directory
  • r-readable
  • w-writable
  • x-executable
134560K of 520000K are free
Directory of flash://a
File Name     Permission  File Size      Last Modified
---------     ----------  ---------   --------------------
b                drw-        472148   Dec 13 2010 15:49:36
switchxxxxxx> dir flash://e/g/h
  • d-directory
  • r-readable
  • w-writable
  • x-executable
134560K of 520000K are free
Directory of flash://e/g/h
File Name     Permission  File Size      Last Modified
---------     ----------  ---------   --------------------
switchxxxxxx# rename flash://a/b flash://e/g/h
switchxxxxxx# pwd
switchxxxxxx> dir flash://a
  • d-directory
  • r-readable
  • w-writable
  • x-executable
134560K of 520000K are free
Directory of flash://mng/
File Name     Permission  File Size      Last Modified
---------     ----------  ---------   --------------------
switchxxxxxx> dir flash://e/g/h
  • d-directory
  • r-readable
  • w-writable
  • x-executable
134560K of 520000K are free
Directory of flash://e/g/h
File Name     Permission  File Size      Last Modified
---------     ----------  ---------   --------------------
c                drw-        720148   Dec 12 2010 17:49:36


To remove a local directory, use the rmdir command in Privileged EXEC mode.


rmdir url


  • url—Specifies the URL of the file or directory to be deleted. The predefined and network URLs cannot be configured.

Command Mode

Privileged EXEC mode

User Guidelines

Only empty directory can be deleted.

The command cannot remove a network directory.

The command cannot remove a directory into the flash://system directory.


Example 1. The following example removes the directory called ‘backup/config/’ from FLASH:

switchxxxxxx# rmdir flash://backup/config/
Remove flash://backup/config? [Y/N]Y

Example 2. The following example removes the directory called ‘aaa/config’ from the mass-storage device connected to the USB port:

switchxxxxxx# rmdir usb://aaa/config/
Remove directory usb://aaa/config? [Y/N]Y

service mirror-configuration

Use the service mirror-configuration Global Configuration mode command to enable the mirror-configuration service. Use no service mirror-configuration command to disable the service.


service mirror-configuration

no service mirror-configuration


This command has no arguments or keywords.

Default Configuration

The default configuration is mirror-configuration service enabled.

Command Mode

Global Configuration mode

User Guidelines

The mirror-configuration service automatically keeps a copy of the last known stable configuration (startup configuration that has not been modified for 24H).

When this service is disabled, the mirror-configuration file is deleted.


Example 1 - The following example disables the mirror-configuration service:

switchxxxxxx(config)# no service mirror-configuration

This operation will delete the mirror-config file if exists. Do you want to continue? (Y/N) [N]

Example 2 - The following example enables the mirror-configuration service

switchxxxxxx(config)# service mirror-configuration

Service is enabled.

show bootvar / show version

To display the active system image file that was loaded by the device at startup, and to display the system image file that will be loaded after rebooting the switch, use the show bootvar or show version command in User EXEC mode.


show bootvar

show version


This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode

User EXEC mode

User Guidelines

The show bootvar and show version commands have the same functionality.


Example 1. The following example gives an example of the command output after reload:

switchxxxxxx# show bootvar
Active-image: flash://system/images/image_v12-03.ros
  Version: 12.03
  MD5 Digest: 23FA000012857D8855AABC7577AB5562
  Date: 04-Jul-2014
  Time: 15:03:07
Inactive-image: flash://system/images/image_v12-01.ros
  Version: 12.01
  MD5 Digest: 3FA000012857D8855AABC7577AB8999
  Date: 04-Feb-2001
  Time: 11:13:17

Example 2. This example continues the inactive one, after applying the boot system tftp:// command:

switchxxxxxx# show bootvar
Active-image: flash://system/images/image_v12-03.ros
  Version: 12.03
  MD5 Digest: 63FA000012857D8855AABEA7451265456
  Date: 04-Jul-2014
  Time: 15:03:07
  Inactive after reboot
Inactive-image: flash://system/images/image_v14-01.ros
  Version: 14.01
  MD5 Digest: 23FA000012857D8855AABC7577AB5562
  Date: 24-Jul-2014
  Time: 23:11:17
  Active after reboot

Example 3. This example continues the inactive one, after a system reload:

switchxxxxxx# show bootvar
Active-image: flash://system/images/image_v14-01.ros
  Version: 14.01
  MD5 Digest: 23FA000012857D8855AABC7577AB5562
  Date: 24-Jul-2014
  Time: 23:11:17
Inactive-image: flash://system/images/image_v12-03.ros
  Version: 12.03
  MD5 Digest: 63FA000012857D8855AABEA7451265456
  Date: 04-Jul-2014
  Time: 15:03:07

Example 4. This example continues the inactive one, after applying the boot system inactive-image command:

switchxxxxxx# show bootvar
Active-image: flash://system/images/image_v14-01.ros
  Version: 14.01
  MD5 Digest: 23FA000012857D8855AABC7577AB5562
  Date: 24-Jul-2014
  Time: 23:11:17
  Inactive after reboot
Inactive-image: flash://system/images/image_v12-03.ros
  Version: 12.03
  MD5 Digest: 63FA000012857D8855AABEA7451265456
  Date: 04-Jul-2014
  Time: 15:03:07
Active after reboot

Example 5. This example continues the inactive one, after a system reload:

switchxxxxxx# show bootvar
Active-image: flash://system/images/image_v12-03.ros
  Version: 12.03
  MD5 Digest: 63FA000012857D8855AABEA7451265456
  Date: 04-Jul-2014
  Time: 15:03:07
Inactive-image: flash://system/images/_image_v12-03.ros
  Version: 12.03
  MD5 Digest: 63FA000012857D8855AABEA7451265456
  Date: 04-Jul-2014
  Time: 15:03:07

Example 7. The following example gives an example of the command output after applying the boot system command two times:

switchxxxxxx# show bootvar
Active-image: flash://system/images/image_v12-03.ros
  Version: 12.03
  MD5 Digest: 63FA000012857D8855AABEA7451265456
  Date: 04-Jul-2014
  Time: 15:03:07
Inactive-image: flash://system/images/image_v12-01.ros
  Version: 12.01
  MD5 Digest: 3FA000012857D8855AABC7577AB8999
  Date: 04-Feb-2001
  Time: 11:13:17
switchxxxxxx# boot system tftp://
switchxxxxxx# show bootvar
Active-image: flash://system/images/image_v12-03.ros
  Version: 12.03
  MD5 Digest: 63FA000012857D8855AABEA7451265456
  Date: 04-Jul-2014
  Time: 15:03:07
  Inactive after reboot
Inactive-image: flash://system/images/image_v14-01.ros
  Version: 14.01
  MD5 Digest: 23FA000012857D8855AABC7577AB5562
  Date: 24-Jul-2014
  Time: 23:11:17
  Active after reboot
switchxxxxxx# boot system tftp://
switchxxxxxx# show bootvar
Active-image: flash://system/images/image_v12-03.ros
  Version: 12.03
  MD5 Digest: 63FA000012857D8855AABEA7451265456
  Date: 04-Jul-2014
  Time: 15:03:07
  Inactive after reboot
Inactive-image: flash://system/images/image_v14-04.ros
  Version: 14.01
  MD5 Digest: 23FA000012857D8855AABC7577AB5562
  Date: 24-Jul-2014
  Time: 23:11:17
  Active after reboot

Example 8. The following example gives an example of the command output after applying the boot system tftp:// command and the boot system inactive-image command:

switchxxxxxx# show bootvar
Active-image: flash://system/images/image_v12-03.ros
  Version: 12.03
  MD5 Digest: 63FA000012857D8855AABEA7451265456
  Date: 04-Jul-2014
  Time: 15:03:07
Inactive-image: flash://system/images/image_v12-01.ros
  Version: 12.01
  MD5 Digest: 3FA000012857D8855AABC7577AB8999
  Date: 04-Feb-2001
  Time: 11:13:17
switchxxxxxx# boot system tftp://
switchxxxxxx# show bootvar
Active-image: flash://system/images/image_v12-03.ros
  Version: 12.03
  MD5 Digest: 63FA000012857D8855AABEA7451265456
  Date: 04-Jul-2014
  Time: 15:03:07
  Inactive after reboot
Inactive-image: flash://system/images/image_v14-01.ros
  Version: 14.01
  MD5 Digest: 23FA000012857D8855AABC7577AB5562
  Date: 24-Jul-2014
  Time: 23:11:17
  Active after reboot
switchxxxxxx# boot system inactive-image
switchxxxxxx# show bootvar
Active-image: flash://system/images/image_v12-03.ros
  Version: 12.03
  MD5 Digest: 63FA000012857D8855AABEA7451265456
  Date: 04-Jul-2014
  Time: 15:03:07
Inactive-image: flash://system/images/image_v14-01.ros
  Version: 14.01
  MD5 Digest: 23FA000012857D8855AABC7577AB5562
  Date: 24-Jul-2014
  Time: 23:11:17

show mirror-configuration service

To display the mirror-configuration service status, use the show mirror-configuration service command in User EXEC mode.


show mirror-configuration service

Command Mode

User EXEC mode


The following example displays the status of the mirror-configuration service

switchxxxxxx# show mirror-configuration service
Mirror-configuration service is enabled

show reload

To display the reload status on the switch, use the show reload command in User EXEC mode.


show reload


This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode

User EXEC mode

User Guidelines

You can use the show reload command to display a pending image reload.


Example 1. The following example displays information when scheduled reload has been configured:

switchxxxxxx> show reload
Image reload scheduled for 00:00:00 UTC Sat April 20 (in 3 hours and 12 minutes)

Example 2. The following example displays information when scheduled reload has not been configured:

switchxxxxxx> show reload
No scheduled reload

show running-config

To display the contents of the currently running configuration file, use the show running-config command in Privileged EXEC mode.

show running-config [interface interface-id-list | detailed | brief]


  • interface interface-id-list—Specifies a list of interface IDs. The interface IDs can be one of the following types: Ethernet port, port-channel or VLAN.

  • detailed—Displays configuration with SSL and SSH keys and certificates.

  • brief—Displays configuration without SSL and SSH keys and certificates.

Default Configuration

All interfaces are displayed. If the detailed or brief keyword is not specified, the brief keyword is applied.

Command Mode

Privileged EXEC mode


The following example displays the running configuration file contents.

switchxxxxxx# show running-config
v1.2.5.76 / R750_NIK_1_2_584_002
CLI v1.0
file SSD indicator encrypted
ssd config
ssd file passphrase control unrestricted
no ssd file integrity control
ssd-control-end cb0a3fdb1f3a1af4e4430033719968c0
unit-type unit 1 network te uplink none
unit-type unit 2 network te uplink none
unit-type unit 3 network te uplink none
unit-type unit 4 network te uplink none
no spanning-tree
interface range gi1/0/1-4
speed 1000
no lldp run
interface vlan 1
ip address
line console
exec-timeout 0

show startup-config

To display the Startup Configuration file contents, use the show startup-config command in Privileged EXEC mode.


show startup-config [interface interface-id-list]


  • interface interface-id-list—Specifies a list of interface IDs. The interface IDs can be one of the following types: Ethernet port, port-channel or VLAN.

Command Mode

Privileged EXEC mode


The following example displays the startup configuration file contents.

switchxxxxxx# show startup-config
v1.2.5.76 / R750_NIK_1_2_584_002
CLI v1.0
file SSD indicator encrypted
ssd config
ssd file passphrase control unrestricted
no ssd file integrity control
ssd-control-end cb0a3fdb1f3a1af4e4430033719968c0
no spanning-tree
interface range gi1/0/1-4
speed 1000
no lldp run
interface vlan 1
ip address
line console
exec-timeout 0


To save the running configuration to the startup configuration file, use the write command in Privileged EXEC mode.



write memory


This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode

Privileged EXEC mode

User Guidelines

Use the write command or the write memory command to save the Running Configuration file into the Startup Configuration file.


The following example shows how to overwrite the startup-config file with the running-config file with the write command.

switchxxxxxx# write
Overwrite file [startup-config] ?[Yes/press any key for no]....15-Sep-2010 11:27
:48 %COPY-I-FILECPY: Files Copy - source URL running-config destination URL flash://startup-config
15-Sep-2010 11:27:50 %COPY-N-TRAP: The copy operation was completed successfully
Copy succeeded