
To verify the checksum of a file on a flash memory file system or compute an MD5 signature for a file, use the verify command.

verify {{{/md5 flash-filesystem} [expected-md5-signature]} | {/ios flash-filesystem} | flash-filesystem}

Syntax Description

/md5 flash-filesystem

Computes an MD5 signature for a file; valid values are bootflash:, disk0:, disk1:, flash:, or sup-bootflash:.


(Optional) MD5 signature.

/ios flash-filesystem

Verifies the compressed Cisco IOS image checksum; valid values are bootflash:, disk0:, disk1:, flash:, or sup-bootflash:.


Device where the flash memory resides; valid values are bootflash:, disk0:, disk1:, flash:, or sup-bootflash:.

Command Default

The default device is the current working device.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Support for this command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Each software image that is distributed on disk uses a single checksum for the entire image. This checksum is displayed only when the image is copied into the flash memory.

The Readme file, which is included with the image on the disk, lists the name, file size, and checksum of the image. Review the contents of the Readme file before loading or duplicating the new image so that you can verify the checksum when you copy it into the flash memory or onto a server.

Use the verify /md5 command to verify the MD5 signature of a file before using it. This command validates the integrity of a copied file by comparing a precomputed MD5 signature with the signature that is computed by this command. If the two MD5 signatures match, the copied file is identical to the original file.

You can find the MD5 signature that is posted on the page with the image.

You can use the verify /md5 command in one of the following ways:

Verify the MD5 signatures manually by entering the verify /md5 filename command.

Check the displayed signature against the MD5 signature that is posted on the page.

Allow the system to compare the MD5 signatures by entering the verify /md5 {flash-filesystem:filename} {expected-md5-signature} command.

After completing the comparison, the system returns with a verified message. If an error is detected, the output is similar to the following:

Router# verify /md5 disk0:c6msfc2-jsv-mz 0f
 %Error verifying disk0:c6msfc2-jsv-mz
 Computed signature  = 0f369ed9e98756f179d4f29d6e7755d3
 Submitted signature = 0f

To display the contents of the flash memory, enter the show flash command. The listing of the flash contents does not include the checksum of the individual files. To recompute and verify the image checksum after the image has been copied into the flash memory, enter the verify command.

A colon (:) is required after the specified device.


This example shows how to use the verify command:

Router# verify cat6k_r47_1.cbi
File cat6k_r47_1.cbi verified OK.

This example shows how to check the MD5 signature manually:

Router# verify /md5 c6msfc2-jsv-mz
 verify /md5 (disk0:c6msfc2-jsv-mz) = 0f369ed9e98756f179d4f29d6e7755d3 

This example shows how to allow the system to compare the MD5 signatures:

Router# verify /md5 disk0:c6msfc2-jsv-mz 0f369ed9e98756f179d4f29d6e7755d3
 verified /md5 (disk0:c6sup12-jsv-mz) = 0f369ed9e98756f179d4f29d6e7755d3

This example shows how to verify the compressed checksum of the Cisco IOS image:

Router# verify /ios disk0:c6k222-jsv-mz 
Verified compressed IOS image checksum for disk0:c6k222-jsv-mz 

Related Commands


copy /noverify

Disables the automatic image verification for the current copy operation.

file verify auto

Verifies the compressed Cisco IOS image checksum.

show file systems (flash file system)

Lists available file systems.

show flash

Displays the layout and contents of flash memory.

vlan (config-VLAN submode)

To configure a specific VLAN, use the vlan command in config-VLAN submode. To delete a VLAN, use the no form of this command.

vlan vlan-id

no vlan vlan

Syntax Description


Number of the VLAN; valid values are from 1 to 4094.

Command Default

The defaults are as follows:

vlan-name is "VLANxxxx" where "xxxx" represents four numeric digits (including leading zeroes) equal to the VLAN ID number.

media type is ethernet.

state is active.

said-value is 100000 plus the VLAN ID number.

mtu-size default is dependent upon the VLAN type:



trcrf—1500 if V2 is not enabled, 4472 if it is enabled


trbrf—1500 if V2 is not enabled, 4472 if it is enabled

ring-number is that no ring number is specified.

bridge-number is that no bridge number is specified.

parent-vlan-id is that no parent VLAN is specified.

type is that no STP type is specified.

tb-vlan1 and tb-vlan2 is 0, which means that no translational-bridge VLAN is specified.

Command Modes

config-VLAN submode

Command History



Support for this command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

VLAN 1 parameters are factory configured and cannot be changed. You cannot delete VLAN 1.

Once you are in the config-VLAN submode, this syntax is available:

{are hops} {backupcrf mode} {bridge type | bridge-num} {exit} {media type} {mtu mtu-size} {name vlan-name} {parent parent-vlan-id} {private-vlan} {remote-span} {ring ring-number} {said said-value} {shutdown} {state {suspend | active}} {stp type type} {ste hops} {tb-vlan1 tb-vlan1-id} {tb-vlan2 tb-vlan2-id}

no {are | backupcrf | {bridge type} | exit | media | mtu | name | parent | private-vlan | remote-span | ring | said | shutdown | state | {stp type type} | {ste hops}}

are hops

Specifies the maximum number of All Route Explorer hops for this VLAN. Valid values are from 0 to 13; 0 is assumed if no value is specified.

backupcrf mode

Enables or disables the backup CRF mode of the VLAN; valid values are enable or disable.

bridge type | bridge-num

Specifies the bridging characteristics of the VLAN or identification number of the bridge; valid type values are srb or srt. Valid bridge-num values are from 0 to 15.


Applies changes, increments the revision number, and exits config-VLAN submode.

media type

Specifies the media type of the VLAN; valid values are ethernet, fd-net, fddi, trcrf, and trbrf.

mtu mtu-size

Specifies the maximum transmission unit (packet size in bytes) that the VLAN can use; valid values are from 1500 to 18190.

name vlan-name

Defines a text string that is used as the name of the VLAN (1 to 32 characters).

parent parent-vlan-id

Specifies the ID number of the parent VLAN of FDDI or Token Ring-type VLANs; valid values are from 1 to 1005.


(Optional) Configures the VLAN as a PVLAN; see the private-vlan command.


Configures the VLAN as an RSPAN VLAN.

ring ring-number

Specifies the ring number of FDDI or Token Ring-type VLANs; valid values are from 0 to 65535.

said said-value

Specifies the security-association identifier; valid values are from 1 to 4294967294.


Shuts down VLAN switching.

state {suspend | active}

Specifies whether the state of the VLAN is active or suspended.

stp type type

Specifies the STP type; valid values are ieee, ibm, and auto.

ste hops

Specifies the maximum number of hops for Spanning Tree Explorer frames; valid values are from 0 to 13.

tb-vlan1 tb-vlan1-id

Specifies the ID number of the first translational VLAN for this VLAN. Valid values are from 1 to 1005; 0 is assumed if no value is specified.

tb-vlan2 tb-vlan2-id

Specifies the ID number of the second translational VLAN for this VLAN. Valid values are from 1 to 1005; 0 is assumed if no value is specified.

Caution If you enter the shutdown command and then the no shutdown command in the config-vlan mode on a PVLAN (primary or secondary), the PVLAN type and association information is deleted. You will have to reconfigure the VLAN to be a PVLAN.

The VLANs in the suspended state do not pass packets.

The VLANs that are created or modified are not committed until you exit config-VLAN submode.

If you define vlan-range in global configuration mode, you are not allowed to set the vlan-name in config-vlan submode.

The maximum length of a Layer 2 VLAN name is 32 characters.

Note If you attempt to add a new VLAN and the VLAN already exists, no action occurs.

For extended-range VLANs (1006 to 4094), only the private-vlan, rspan, and mtu VLAN parameters are configurable. The rest of the VLAN parameters for extended-range VLANs are set to default.

When you define vlan-name, the name must be unique within the administrative domain.

The SAID is documented in 802.10. When the no form is used, the VLAN's SAID is returned to the default. When you define the said-value, the name must be unique within the administrative domain.

The bridge bridge-number argument is used only for Token Ring-net and FDDI-net VLANs and is ignored in other types of VLANs. When the no form is used, the VLAN's source-routing bridge number returns to the default.

The parent VLAN resets to the default if the parent VLAN is deleted or the media keyword changes the VLAN type or the VLAN type of the parent VLAN.

The tb-vlan1 and tb-vlan2 are used to configure translational-bridge VLANs of a specified type of VLAN and are not allowed in other VLAN types. Translational-bridge VLANs must be different VLAN types than the affected VLAN; if two VLANs are specified, the two must be different VLAN types.

A translational-bridge VLAN resets to the default if you delete the translational-bridge VLAN or if you enter the media keyword to change the VLAN type or the VLAN type of the corresponding translational-bridge VLAN.

The shutdown keyword does not support extended-range VLANs.

To find out if a VLAN has been shut down internally, check the Status field in the show vlan command output. If a VLAN is shut down internally, these values appear in the Status field:

act/ishut—VLAN status is active but shut down internally.

sus/ishut—VLAN status is suspended but shut down internally.


This example shows how to add a new VLAN with all default parameters to the new VLAN database:

Router(config-vlan)# vlan 2

This example shows how to cause the device to add a new VLAN, specify the media type and parent VLAN ID number 3, and set all other parameters to the defaults:

Router(config-vlan)# media ethernet parent 3
VLAN 2 modified:
    Media type ETHERNET
    Parent VLAN 3

This example shows how to delete VLAN 2:

Router(config-vlan)# no vlan 2

This example shows how to return to the default settings for the MTU for its type and translational-bridge VLANs:

Router(config-vlan)# no mtu tb-vlan1 tb-vlan2

Related Commands


show vlan

Displays VLAN information.

vlan (global configuration mode)

To add a VLAN and enter config-VLAN submode, use the vlan command. To delete the VLAN, use the no form of this command.

vlan {vlan-id | vlan-range}

no vlan {vlan-id | vlan-range}

Syntax Description


Number of the VLAN; valid values are from 1 to 4094.


Range of configured VLANs; see the "Usage Guidelines" section for a list of valid values.

Command Default

This command has no default settings.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History



Support for this command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

VLAN 1 parameters are factory configured and cannot be changed.

The specified VLAN is added or modified in the VLAN database when you exit config-VLAN submode.

When you enter the vlan vlan-id command, a new VLAN is created with all default parameters in a temporary buffer and causes the CLI to enter config-VLAN submode. If the vlan-id that you entered matches an existing VLAN, nothing happens except that you enter config-VLAN submode.

If you define vlan-range, you are not allowed to set the vlan-name in config-VLAN submode.

You can enter the vlan-range using a comma (,), a dash (-), and the number.

See the vlan (config-VLAN submode) command for information on the commands that are available in the config-VLAN submode.


This example shows how to add a new VLAN and enter config-VLAN submode:

Router (config)# vlan 2
Router (config-vlan)# 

This example shows how to add a range of new VLANs and enter config-VLAN submode:

Router (config)# vlan 2,5,10-12,20,25,4000
Router (config-vlan)# 

This example shows how to delete a VLAN:

Router (config)# no vlan 2
Router (config)# 

Related Commands


vlan (config-VLAN submode)

Configures a specific VLAN.

vlan access-log

To configure the VACL-logging properties, including the log-table size, redirect-packet rate, and logging threshold, use the vlan access-log command. To return to the default settings, use the no form of this command.

vlan access-log {{maxflow max-number} | {ratelimit pps} | {threshold pkt-count}}

no vlan access-log {maxflow | ratelimit | threshold}

Syntax Description

maxflow max-number

Specifies the maximum log-table size. Valid values are from 0 to 2048; 0 deletes the contents of the log table.

ratelimit pps

Specifies the maximum redirect VACL-logging packet rate; valid values are from 0 to 5000.

threshold pkt-count

Specifies the logging-update threshold; valid values are from 0 to 2147483647. 0 means that the threshold is not set.

Command Default

The defaults are as follows:

max-number is 500.

pps is 2000 pps.

pkt-count is not set.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History



Support for this command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Due to the rate-limiting function for redirected packets, VACL-logging counters may not be accurate.

Only denied IP packets are logged.

When the log-table size is full, the logging packets from the new flows are dropped by the software.

The packets that exceed the maximum redirect VACL-logging packet rate limit are dropped by the hardware.

A logging message is displayed if the flow threshold is reached before the 5-minute interval.

If you do not configure the maximum log-table size, maximum packet rate, or threshold, or if you enter the no form of the commands, the default values are assumed.


This example shows how to set the maximum log-table size:

Router(config)# vlan access-log maxflow 500

This example shows how to set the maximum redirect VACL-logging packet rate after which packets are dropped:

Router(config)# vlan access-log ratelimit 200

This example shows how to set the logging-update threshold:

Router(config)# vlan access-log threshold 3500

Related Commands


show vlan access-log

Displays information about the VACL logging including the configured logging properties.

vlan access-map

To create a VLAN access map or enter VLAN access-map command mode, use the vlan access-map command. To remove a mapping sequence or the entire map, use the no form of this command.

vlan access-map name [seq#]

no vlan access-map name [seq#]

Syntax Description


VLAN access-map tag.


(Optional) Map sequence number; valid values are 0 to 65535.

Command Default

This command has no default settings.

Command Default

Global configuration (config)

Command History



Support for this command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

If you enter the sequence number of an existing map sequence, you enter VLAN access-map mode.

If you do not specify a sequence number, a number is automatically assigned. You can enter one match clause and one action clause per map sequence.

If you enter the no vlan access-map name [seq#] command without entering a sequence number, the whole map is removed.

Once you enter VLAN access-map mode, the following commands are available:

actionSpecifies the packet action clause; see the action command section.

defaultSets a command to its defaults.

endExits from configuration mode.

exitExits from VLAN access-map configuration mode.

matchSpecifies the match clause; see the match command section.

noNegates a command or sets its defaults.


This example shows how to enter VLAN access-map mode:

Router(config)# vlan access-map Bob

Related Commands



Sets the packet action clause.


Specifies the match clause by selecting one or more ACLs for a VLAN access-map sequence.

show vlan access-map

Displays the contents of a VLAN-access map.

vlan database

To enter VLAN-configuration submode, use the vlan database command.

vlan database

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

This command has no default settings.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Support for this command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

After you are in VLAN-configuration submode, you can access the manipulation commands in the VLAN-database editing buffer, including:

abortExits mode without applying the changes.

applyApplies current changes and increments the revision number.

exitApplies changes, increments the revision number, and exits mode.

noNegates a command or sets its defaults; valid keywords are vlan and vtp.

resetAbandons current changes and releases the current database.

showDisplays database information.

vlanAccesses subcommands to add, delete, or modify values that are associated with a single VLAN. For information about the vlan subcommands, see the vlan (config-VLAN submode) command.

vtpAccesses subcommands to perform VTP administrative functions. For information about the vtp subcommands, see the vtp command.


This example shows how to enter VLAN-configuration mode:

Router# vlan database

This example shows how to exit VLAN-configuration mode without applying changes after you are in VLAN-configuration mode:

Router(vlan)# abort

This example shows how to delete a VLAN after you are in VLAN-configuration mode:

Router(vlan)# no vlan 100
Deleting VLAN 100...

This example shows how to turn off pruning after you are in VLAN-configuration mode:

Router(vlan)# no vtp pruning
Pruning switched OFF

Related Commands


show vlan

Displays VLAN information.

vlan dot1q tag native

To enable dot1q tagging for all VLANs in a trunk, use the vlan dot1q tag native command. To clear the configuration, use the no form of this command.

vlan dot1q tag native

no vlan dot1q tag native

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History



Support for this command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The vlan dot1q tag native command configures the switch to tag native-VLAN traffic and admit only 802.1Q-tagged frames on 802.1Q trunks, dropping any untagged traffic, including untagged traffic in the native VLAN.

Follow these configuration guidelines when configuring Layer 2-protocol tunneling:

On all the service-provider edge switches, you must enable spanning-tree BPDU filtering on the 802.1Q-tunnel ports by entering the spanning-tree bpdufilter enable command.

Ensure that at least one VLAN is available for native-VLAN tagging. If you use all the available VLANs and then enter the vlan dot1q tag native command, native-VLAN tagging is not enabled.

On all the service-provider core switches, enter the vlan dot1q tag native command to tag native-VLAN egress traffic and drop untagged native-VLAN ingress traffic.

On all the customer switches, either enable or disable native-VLAN tagging on each switch.

Note If you enable dot1q tagging on one switch and disable it on another switch, all traffic is dropped; you must identically configure dot1q tagging on each switch.


This example shows how to enable dot1q tagging for all VLANs in a trunk:

Router(config)# vlan dot1q tag native

Related Commands


show vlan dot1q tag native

Displays native VLAN-tagging information.

vlan filter

To apply a VLAN access map, use the vlan filter command. To clear the VLAN access maps from VLANs or interfaces, use the no form of this command.

vlan filter map-name {vlan-list vlan-list | interface interface number}

no vlan filter map-name {vlan-list [vlan-list] | interface [interface interface-number]}

Syntax Description


VLAN access-map tag.


VLAN list; valid values are from 1 to 4094.

interface interface

Specifies the interface type; valid values are pos, atm, or serial. See the "Usage Guidelines" section for additional information.


Interface number; see the "Usage Guidelines" section for additional information.

Command Default

This command has no default settings.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History



Support for this command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

When configuring an action clause in a VLAN access map, note the following:

You can apply the VLAN access map to one or more VLANs or WAN interfaces.

The vlan-list argument can be a single VLAN ID, a list of VLAN IDs, or VLAN ID ranges (vlan-id-vlan-id). Multiple entries are separated by a hyphen (-) or a comma (,).

If you delete a WAN interface that has a VACL applied, the VACL configuration on the interface is also removed.

You can apply only one VLAN access map to each VLAN or WAN interface.

VACLs that are applied to VLANs are active only for VLANs with a Layer 3-VLAN interface configured. VACLs that are applied to VLANs without a Layer 3-VLAN interface are inactive. Applying a VLAN access map to a VLAN without a Layer 3-VLAN interface creates an administratively down Layer 3-VLAN interface to support the VLAN access map. If creation of the Layer 3-VLAN interface fails, the VACL is inactive.

When entering the no form of this command, the vlan-list argument is optional (but the keyword vlan-list is required). If you do not enter the vlan-list argument, the VACL is removed from all VLANs where the map-name argument is applied.

When entering the no form of this command for WAN interfaces, the interface argument is optional (but the interface keyword is required). If you do not enter the interface argument, the VACL is removed from interfaces where the map-name is applied.

The vlan filter map-name interface command accepts only ATM, POS, or serial interface types. If your Catalyst 6500 series switch is not configured with any of these interface types, the interface interface interface-number keyword and argument are not provided.

The interface-number format can be mod/port or slot/port-adapter/port; it can include a subinterface or channel-group descriptor.


This example shows how to apply a VLAN access map on VLANs 7 through 9:

Router(config)# vlan filter ganymede vlan-list 7-9 

Related Commands



Sets the packet action clause.


Specifies the match clause by selecting one or more ACLs for a VLAN access-map sequence.

show vlan filter

Displays information about the VLAN filter.

vlan internal allocation policy

To configure the allocation direction of the internal VLAN, use the vlan internal allocation policy command. To return to the default settings, use the no form of this command.

vlan internal allocation policy {ascending | descending}

no vlan internal allocation policy

Syntax Description


Allocates internal VLANs from 1006 to 4094.


Allocates internal VLANs from 4094 to 1006.

Command Default


Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History



Support for this command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

You can configure internal VLAN allocation to be from 1006 and up or from 4094 and down.

Internal VLANs and user-configured VLANs share the 1006 to 4094 VLAN spaces. A first in, first out (FIFO) policy is used in allocating these spaces.

You must perform a system reboot before the vlan internal allocation policy command changes can take effect. During system bootup, internal VLANs that are required for features in the startup-config file are allocated first. The user-configured VLANs in the startup-config file are configured next. If you configure a VLAN that conflicts with an existing internal VLAN, the VLAN that you configured is put into a nonoperational status until the internal VLAN is freed and becomes available.

After you enter the write memory command and the system reloads, the reconfigured allocation is used by the port manager.


This example shows how to configure VLANs in a descending order as the internal VLAN-allocation policy:

Router(config)# vlan internal allocation policy descending 

Related Commands


show vlan internal usage

Displays information about the internal VLAN allocation.

vlan mapping dot1q

To map an 802.1Q VLAN to an ISL VLAN, use the vlan mapping dot1q command. To remove a specified mapping or all 802.1Q VLAN-to-ISL VLAN mappings, use the no form of this command.

vlan mapping {dot1q dot1q-vlan-id} {isl isl-vlan-id}

no vlan mapping {dot1q dot1q-vlan-id | all}

Syntax Description

dot1q dot1q-vlan-id

Specifies the VLAN ID of the 802.1Q VLAN from which the mapping occurs as traffic leaves and enters 802.1Q trunks on the local device; valid values are from 1 to 4094.

isl isl-vlan-id

Specifies the VLAN ID of the ISL VLAN onto which the mapping occurs as traffic leaves and enters 802.1Q trunks on the local device and specifies the VLAN ID of the 802.1Q VLAN for which to discard traffic as it arrives at a local device; valid values are from 1 to 4094.


Removes all 802.1Q VLAN-to-ISL VLAN mappings.

Command Default

The default for 802.1Q VLAN IDs 1 to 4094 is an identity mapping.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History



Support for this command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

VLAN 1 parameters are factory configured and cannot be changed.

You can map up to eight VLANs. You can map only one 802.1Q VLAN to an ISL VLAN. For example, if 802.1Q VLAN 800 has been automatically mapped to ISL VLAN 800, do not manually map any other 802.1Q VLANs to ISL VLAN 800.

You cannot overwrite existing 802.1Q-VLAN mapping. If the 802.1Q-VLAN number already exists, the command is aborted. You must first clear that mapping.

If the table is full, the command is aborted with an error message indicating that the table is full.


This example shows how to map traffic arriving on 802.1Q trunks on VLAN 1001 to ISL VLAN 888 on the local device, discard traffic arriving on 802.1Q trunks on VLAN 888, and map traffic on ISL VLAN 888 on the local device to 802.1Q VLAN 1001 as it leaves the device:

Router(config)# vlan mapping dot1q 1001 isl 888

This example shows how to clear the mapping of 802.1Q VLAN 1001 to ISL VLAN 888. The result is that 802.1Q VLAN 1001 traffic is discarded when it arrives on the local device, and 802.1Q VLAN 888 traffic is mapped to ISL VLAN 888 (both are their default states):

Router(config)# no vlan mapping dot1q 1001
No mapping for 1022 

Related Commands


show vlan

Displays VLAN information.

vlan (config-VLAN submode)

Configures a specific VLAN.

vlan database

Enters VLAN-configuration submode.


To configure the global VTP state, use the vtp command. To return to the default value.

vtp {domain domain-name}

vtp {file filename}

vtp {interface interface-name} [only]

vtp {mode {client | server | transparent}}

vtp {password password-value}

vtp pruning

vtp {version {1 | 2}}

Syntax Description

domain domain-name

Sets the VTP-administrative domain name.

file filename

Sets the ASCII name of the IFS-file system file where the VTP configuration is stored.

interface interface-name

Sets the name of the preferred source for the VTP-updater ID for this device.


(Optional) Specifies to use only this interface's IP address as the VTP-IP updater address.

mode client

Sets the type of VTP-device mode to client mode.

mode server

Sets the type of VTP-device mode to server mode.

mode transparent

Sets the type of VTP-device mode to transparent mode.

password password-value

Specifies the adminstrative-domain password.


Enables the adminstrative domain to permit pruning.

version 1 | 2

Specifies the adminstrative-domain VTP-version number.

Command Default

The defaults are as follows:

vtp domain and vtp interface commands have no default settings.

filename is const-nvram:vlan.dat.

VTP mode is mode server.

No password is configured.

Pruning is disabled.

version 1.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History



Support for this command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Note The vtp pruning, vtp password, and vtp version commands are also available in privileged EXEC mode. We recommend that you use these commands in global configuration mode only; do not use these commands in privileged EXEC mode.

Extended-range VLANs are not supported by VTP.

When you define the domain-name, the domain name is case sensitive and can be from 1 to 32 characters.

The filename and interface-name are ASCII strings from 1 to 255 characters.

You must configure a password on each network device in the management domain when the switch is in secure mode.

Caution If you configure VTP in secure mode, the management domain does not function properly if you do not assign a management domain password to each network device in the domain.

A VTP version 2-capable network device can operate in the same VTP domain as a network device running VTP version 1 if VTP version 2 is disabled on the VTP version 2-capable network device (VTP version 2 is disabled by default).

Do not enable VTP version 2 on a network device unless all of the network devices in the same VTP domain are version 2 capable. When you enable VTP version 2 on a network device, all of the version 2-capable network devices in the domain enable VTP version 2.

In a Token Ring environment, you must enable VTP version 2 for VLAN switching to function properly.

Enabling or disabling VTP pruning on a VTP server enables or disables VTP pruning for the entire management domain.

Configuring VLANs as pruning eligible or pruning ineligible on a Catalyst 6500 series switch affects pruning eligibility for those VLANs on that switch only; it does not affect pruning eligibility on all network devices in the VTP domain.

The vtp password, vtp pruning, and vtp version commands are not placed in NVGEN but are included in the VTP transparent-mode startup configuration file.

Extended-range VLANs are not supported by VTP.

You can configure pruning in VTP-server mode; version is configurable in VTP-server mode or VTP transparent mode.

The password-value is an ASCII string from 8 to 64 characters identifying the administrative domain for the device.

VTP pruning causes information about each pruning-eligible VLAN to be removed from VTP updates if there are no stations belonging to that VLAN.

All Catalyst 6500 series switches in a VTP domain must run the same version of VTP. VTP version 1 and VTP version 2 do not operate on Catalyst 6500 series switches in the same VTP domain.

If all Catalyst 6500 series switches in a domain are VTP version 2 capable, you need to enable VTP version 2 on one Catalyst 6500 series switch; the version number is then propagated to the other version 2-capable Catalyst 6500 series switch in the VTP domain.

If you toggle the version 2 mode, certain default VLAN parameters are modified. See the Catalyst Supervisor Engine 32 PISA Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide—Release 12.2ZY for additional information.


This example shows how to set the device's management domain:

Router(config)# vtp domain DomainChandon

This example shows how to specify the file in the IFS-file system where the VTP configuration is stored:

Router(config)# vtp file vtpconfig
Setting device to store VLAN database at filename vtpconfig.   

This example shows how to set the VTP mode to client:

Router(config)# vtp mode client
Setting device to VTP CLIENT mode.

Related Commands


show vtp

Displays the VTP statistics and domain information.


To allocate the bandwidth between the standard transmit SRR, DWRR, or WRR queues, use the wrr-queue command. To return to the default settings, use the no form of this command.

wrr-queue [bandwidth | shape] {percent low-priority-queue-percentage [intermediate-priority-queue-percentages] high-priority-queue-percentage}

wrr-queue [bandwidth | shape] {percent low-priority-queue-weight [intermediate-priority-queue-weight] high-priority-queue-weight}

no wrr-queue [bandwidth | shape]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Enters the bandwidth keyword to configure DWRR or WRR.


(Optional) Enters the shape keyword to configure SRR.

percent low-priority-queue-percentage

(Optional) Specifies the minimum percentage; valid values are from 1 to 100.


(Optional) Intermediate percentage; valid values are from 1 to 100.


Maximum percentage; valid values are from 1 to 100.


Minimum weight; valid values are from 1 to 255.


(Optional) Intermediate weight; valid values are from 1 to 255.


Maximum weight; valid values are from 1 to 255.

Command Default

The defaults are listed in Table 2-96.

Table 2-96 Bandwidth Default Values

Port Types
Default Value











2q2t, 1p2q2t, and 1p2q1t




Command Modes

Interface configuration (config-if)

Command History



Support for this command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Shaped round robin (SRR) allows a queue to use only the allocated bandwidth. SRR is supported as an option on Supervisor Engine 32 SFP 1p3q8t ports and on 1p7q4t ports. Use of SRR prevents use of the strict priority queue. To configure SRR, any CoS or DSCP values mapped to a strict-priority queue must be remapped to a standard queue.

DWRR keeps track of any lower-priority queue under-transmission caused by traffic in a higher-priority queue and compensates in the next round. DWRR is the dequeuing algorithm on 1p3q1t, 1p2q1t, 1p3q8t, 1p7q4t, and 1p7q8t ports.

WRR allows a queue to use more than the allocated bandwidth if the other queues are not using any, up to the total bandwidth of the port. WRR is the dequeuing algorithm on all other ports.

The higher the percentage or weight that is assigned to a queue, the more transmit bandwidth is allocated to it. If you enter weights, the ratio of the weights divides the total bandwidth of the queue. For example, for three queues on a Gigabit Ethernet port, weights of 25:25:50 provide this division:

Queue 1—250 Mbps

Queue 2—250 Mbps

Queue 3—500 Mbps

WRR allows bandwidth sharing at the egress port. This command defines the bandwidths for egress WRR through scheduling weights.

The WRR weights are used to partition the bandwidth between the queues if all queues are nonempty. For example, entering weights of 1:3 means that one queue gets 25 percent of the bandwidth and the other queue gets 75 percent.

Entering weights of 1:3 do not necessarily lead to the same results as entering weights at 10:30. Weights at 10:30 mean that more data is serviced from each queue and the latency of packets being serviced from the other queue goes up. You should set the weights so that at least one packet (maximum size) can be serviced from the lower priority queue at a time. For the higher priority queue, set the weights so that multiple packets are serviced at any one time.

Percentages should add up to 100. You must enter percentages for all the standard transmit queues on the port.

The valid values for weight range from 1 to 255. You must enter weights for all the standard transmit queues on the port.


This example shows how to allocate a three-to-one bandwidth ratio:

Router(config-if)# wrr-queue bandwidth 3 1 

Related Commands


show queueing interface

Displays queueing information.

wrr-queue queue-limit

Sets the transmit-queue size ratio on an interface.