
The pages accessible from the Downloads menu in the upper-right corner of the screen allow you to create and manage:

n Search result message data CSVs

n Remediation error log CSVs

n EML download requests


You can download the search result message data in CSV format if you need to leverage email data for security, compliance, analytical, or management purposes. The CSV organizes the data by the following attributes:

n Message ID

n Verdict (BEC, scam, phishing, malicious, spam, graymail, neutral, or no verdict)

n Last Action (quarantine, junkmail, trash, or inbox)

n Remediation Method (automatic, manual, or API)

n Retrospective Verdict (TRUE or FALSE)

n Received (date and time)

n Display Name

n Sender

n Reply to

n Return Path

n Envelope From

n Sending IP

n Receiving IP

n X-Originating IP

n Recipients

n Subject

n Attachments

n URLs

n Direction (incoming, outgoing, or internal)

n Rule Name

n Rule Type

n Source

n Delivered to

n Envelope to

You can download message data in two ways:

n From the Messages page, as described in Download Search Results. Use this option if you want to download specific filtered data or data for a longer time period. It will create a CSV file of the data for messages in the current search and filter results.

n From the Downloads > Messages (CSV) tab, as described below. This is useful if you want to download all message data from a specific time period such as the Last 24 hours, Last 7 days, or a specific day or week.

To create and download a CSV of your message data from the Downloads page:

1. Select Downloads > Messages (CSV) .

2. Click Create CSV .

3. In the dialog that displays, select the date range you want to create a download for, then click Create CSV .

4. When your download is ready, download the file by clicking the Download icon under the Actions column.

EML Downloads

Super-admin and admin users can request EML downloads from the expanded message view. Small downloads happen immediately; larger downloads are available from the Downloads page until they are downloaded or for 7 days, whichever comes first. Files can be downloaded one time from the Downloads page. You can reach the Downloads page directly from Downloads > Download EML .

To request and download an EML file:

1. From the message report, click the Request EML Download button. Smaller messages are downloaded immediately.

2. For slower downloads, a banner indicating that your request is in progress appears. Click the text to be taken to the Downloads: Download EML page.

3. When your download is ready, download your file by clicking the Download icon under the Actions column.

Remediation Error Log

If a remediation error occurs, a notification is shown under the Notifications (bell icon) menu. The remediation error log allows you to investigate any remediation failures for individual mailboxes. For example, a Move to Trash request could be unsuccessful if the message had already been deleted by the mailbox owner. The remediation error log would show this as Resource is not found .

The remediation error log is a CSV file that organizes the data by the following attributes:

n Request ID

n Timestamp

n User Email ID

n Folder Request

n Mailbox

n Action Type

n Reason

You can request an error log download directly from a notification by expanding the notification and clicking Request Download .

Alternatively, complete the following steps to create and download a remediation error log:

1. Select Downloads > Remediation Error Log .

2. Click Create CSV .

3. In the dialog that displays, select the date range you want to create a download for, then click Create CSV .

4. When your download is ready, download the file by clicking the Download icon under the Actions column.