Cisco Cyber Vision Beta Version

Introduction of the Cisco Cyber Vision Beta Version

Cisco Cyber Vision Center offers a beta UI experience, with informative, easy-to-handle dashboards that present data on assets, vulnerabilities, alerts, and organization hierarchies. You can quickly apply data filters to view necessary information.

The UI experience is a beta feature. To access the beta UI and its features, write to and follow all the instructions provided in the reply. This access allows you to enable the Cisco Cyber Vision Beta UI alongside the existing classic UI.

To access the beta user interface, click Go to Cyber Vision beta at the top right corner of the main page. A GO TO CYBER VISION BETA pop-up will appear. Click Go to Cyber Vision beta again.


The Cyber Vision Sensor performs the following roles:

  • Collects Industrial Network Traffic: The Cisco Cyber Vision Sensor captures industrial network flows (passive) and queries devices (active). If the server is not accessible, it stores data locally.

  • Decodes Common Industrial Protocols: The Cisco Cyber Vision Sensor decodes most OT and IT communication protocols to analyze packet payloads and extract meaningful information.

  • Sends Metadata to the Cyber Vision Server: The sensor sends metadata to the server for storage, analysis, and visualization. This only adds three to five percent extra traffic to the network.

Dashboard for the New UI

The Dashboard appears when you log into beta version of Cyber Vision Service. The two dashlets, Assets and Vulnerabilities, are shown in the middle panel of the dashboard. Each number is hyperlinked to specific information. The Assets or Vulnerabilities interface appears depending on your selection. Hover over the "i" icon near either topic for definitions of terms, vulnerability categories, and value ranges.

The Vulnerabilities are categorized in the following ranges:


CVSS Score


9.0 - 10


7.0 - 8.9


4.0 - 6.9


0.1 - 3.9

The Dashboard includes an additional Trend chart: the Highlighted Vulnerabilities. It shows the top five vulnerabilities.

Filter the Highlighted Vulnerabilities by Affected Assets or CVSS Score. The filter is available at the top right corner of the Highlighted Vulnerabilities field. The selection appears in the Highlighted Vulnerabilities table once sorted. Click any hyperlink in this panel for more information. The CVSS Score is the default option. You can change it to Affected Assets in your preferred browser. Navigate to other pages, return to the Dashboard, or log out and log back in using the same browser, and your settings will be retained. The vulnerability hyperlinks lead you to a new interface, which provides Details and Affected Assets information for each listed vulnerability.

Active View

The new UI provides a filter functionality called Active View.The Active View filter is available on the Dashboard, Asset Visibility, and Alerts pages. After you apply the filter to one page, the same data reflects on the other two pages.

There are three different ways to filter data:

  • Organization Hierarchy: Use this field to filter the data according to Organization Hierarchy and its sub levels.

  • Data sources: Use this field to filter the data according to Data sources.

  • Functional Group: Use this field to filter the data according to Functional Group.

Filter the Data in Active View

To filter the data in Active View:


Step 1

From the main menu, choose Dashboard, Asset Visibility, or Alerts > Active View.

Step 2

Click the drop-down arrow of the first filter, and check the checkboxes to select Organization Hierarchy and its sub-levels.

Step 3

Click the drop-down arrow of the second filter, and check the checkbox to select Data sources.

Step 4

Click the drop-down arrow of the third filter, and check the checkbox to select Functional Group.

Step 5

Click Apply Changes.

What to do next

After applying changes in the Active View, the same view becomes available on the Dashboard, Asset Visibility, and Alerts pages, and the assets, vulnerabilities, and alerts data are filtered accordingly.

Asset Visibility

The Asset Visibility tab is available in the new beta UI. The left panel displays the Asset Visibility function.

The Asset Visibility page displays two dashlets—Assets and Vulnerabilities—in the middle panel, with each number hyperlinked to specific information. The page also shows an asset list in table format and includes the Active View filter functionality.

Asset list

Asset Selection

From the main menu, choose Asset Visibility. Select the assets using the following methods:

  • To select a few assets:

    • Check the checkbox to select a few assets one by one.

  • To select a range of assets currently on the screen

    • To add or reduce the number of assets per page, click the drop-down arrow of Show Records at the bottom right of the screen.

    • Select the main checkbox at the top of the checkbox column.

  • To select all assets currently on the screen:

    • Select the main checkbox at the top of the checkbox column.

Table Setting


Step 1

From the main menu, choose Asset Visibility.

Step 2

Click the Settings icon at the top right of the table.

The Table Settings pop-up appears.

Step 3

Click Edit Table Columns.

Step 4

Enable the toggle switch for required fields.

Step 5

Click Apply.

Step 6

To display previous Table Settings, click Reset All Settings.

Asset Deletion

The system automatically deletes assets removed from the production line after 30 days. However, if the sensor or network definition is not properly configured and it detects assets not intended to be monitored by Cisco Cyber Vision, you can use the delete asset feature to remove the unnecessary assets after fixing the configuration.

To delete an asset, follow these steps:


Step 1

From the main menu, choose Asset Visibility.

Step 2

Select the checkboxes of all the assets that need to be deleted.

Step 3

Click Delete.

A warning pop-up appears.

Step 4

Click Delete.



An asset can reappear if sensors detect it again.

Asset Summary

An asset is a physical machine of the industrial network such as a switch, an engineering station, a controller, a PC, a server, and so on. In the UI, a single asset icon can represent multiple physical assets or multiple components. The graphic interface complies with the logic of management and inventory, focusing on users’ needs. Technically, an asset is an aggregation of components with similar properties. These components share the same characteristics, such as IP address, MAC address, NetBIOS name. The aggregation of components into an asset and the definition of the asset type are based on a set of rules defined within the system.

Asset Vulnerability List

Vulnerabilities are weaknesses detected on assets that potential attackers can exploit to perform malevolent actions on the network.

Vulnerabilities are detected in Cisco Cyber Vision through rules stored in the Knowledge Database. These rules are sourced from several CERTs (Computer Emergency Response Teams), manufacturers, and partner manufacturers (such as Schneider or Siemens). Technically, vulnerabilities are generated from the correlation of the Knowledge Database rules and normalized asset and component properties. A vulnerability is detected when an asset or a component matches a Knowledge Database rule.

Vulnerability List

There are two ways to browse vulnerabilities:

Overlay Vulnerability Details: From the main menu, choose Asset Visibility > Vulnerabilities. The vulnerability list appears. It shows details such as CVE ID, CVSS Score, and the number of Affected Assets.

Overlay Affected Assets: Use the Vulnerabilities tab for a specific asset to view details related to that asset. From the main menu, choose Asset Visibility. Click the asset name in the Name column and click Vulnerabilities. The Vulnerabilities field gives the following details:

  • A list of Active Alerts

  • A list of CVE ID

  • Name

  • CVSS Score

  • Action: You can acknowledge a vulnerability to stop alerts.

Asset Vulnerability

To measure the severity of a vulnerability, Common Vulnerability and Exposure (CVE) entries are often assigned a CVSS (Common Vulnerability Scoring System) score. The CVSS score provides a numerical evaluation, out of 10, of the overall threat raised by the presence of a given vulnerability on a computer system. The base CVSS score is computed by considering aspects such as the complexity of the attack needed to exploit the vulnerability, the attack vector (local or through a network), and the possible impacts of an exploitation on the system. Security teams use CVSS scores as part of their vulnerability management program to prioritize severe vulnerabilities and improve the security posture of computer systems. While CVSS is currently on version 3.1, version 2 is still widely used. Both versions are supported by Cisco Cyber Vision.

CVSS scores are divided into the following four categories:




Critical vulnerability


High severity vulnerability


Medium severity vulnerability


Low severity vulnerability

To see information about all vulnerabilities:

  • From the main menu, choose Dashboard > Vulnerabilities.

  • Hover over the "i" icon given beside the Vulnerabilities. Pop-up shows the CVSS Score ranges.

Vulnerability Acknowledgment

You can acknowledge a vulnerability to stop alerts.


Step 1

From the main menu, choose Asset Visibility.

Step 2

Click the asset name from the Name column.

Step 3

Click Vulnerabilities.

Step 4

Click Acknowledge to acknowledge the vulnerability.

A sidebar will appear.

Step 5

Add/Edit comment in the box.

Step 6

Click Acknowledge on this asset.

Cancel a Vulnerability Acknowledgment

Step 1

From the main menu, choose Asset Visibility.

Step 2

Click the asset name in the Name column.

Step 3

Click Vulnerabilities and locate the acknowledged vulnerability that needs to be canceled.

Step 4

Click Acknowledged to cancel the vulnerability acknowledgment.

A sidebar will appear.

Step 5

Add/Edit comment in the box.

Step 6

Click Un-acknowledge.

Primary Interface

Assets are composed of properties gathered from the network, including MAC and IP addresses. For each asset, the system lists the collected MAC and IP addresses and indicates whether a MAC address is associated with an IP address. The Interfaces section shows the collected MAC, MAC+IP, or IP addresses, representing the various interfaces of a single asset. Additionally, the system selects a primary interface for use in different visualizations within the product.


The user can change the primary interface.

To see the Primary Interface:

  • From the main menu, choose Asset Visibility.

  • Click the asset name from the Name column.

  • Click Interfaces. The selected interface will appear in the Asset Visibility and its Summary page.


The Properties tab lists all the different properties collected from the network for an asset, organized by protocol.

To see Properties:

  • From the main menu, choose Asset Visibility.

  • Click the asset name in the Name column.

  • Click Properties.

Communications (Mini Map)

The communications map shows the different communications of a given asset. It helps users assess its internal communications. The map displays all communications with other internal assets. Users can filter by protocol to see specific communications. Selecting a communication opens a side panel with details, such as observed protocols and exchange volumes, and provides information about the source or destination asset.

To see Communications:

  • From the main menu, choose Asset Visibility.

  • Click the asset name in the Name column.

  • Click Communications.

Asset Clustering

Cisco Cyber Vision provides this new functionality in the new UI.

Manual asset grouping based on network definitions and their communications is a difficult task. Asset clustering simplifies this by organizing assets into functional groups based on their network communication patterns. Only assets that are not already assigned to a functional group will be considered. The system runs an algorithm to extract and preprocess data, perform data modeling and analysis, identify functional groups, and consolidate the results. It then suggests a list of groups.


Step 1

From the main menu, choose Configuration > Functional Groups > Start asset clustering.

Step 2


The system shows the number of ungrouped assets and suggests a list of Functional Groups.

Step 3

To review, click Functional Group name.

Step 4

To change the Functional Group name, click Edit Name.

Step 5

Click Accept.

The functional group is created.



When you click Discard, the recommended assets ungroup and are included in the next run.

Step 6

To see all the functional groups.

  1. From the main menu, choose Dashboard/Asset Visibility/Alerts.

  2. In the Active View area, click the drop-down arrow of Functional Groups.

    The drop-down list will include the groups that were accepted in Step 5.

The system may suggest adding new assignments to the functional group. If you reevaluate the group, the system will suggest changes.

Delete the Functional Group


Step 1

From the main menu, choose Asset Visibility.

Step 2

Click the group name from the Functional Group column.

The View Functional Group side panel appears.

Step 3

Click Delete group.

The Delete Group window appears.

Step 4

Click Delete.

Remove Asset from Functional Group

The Remove from Group option is disabled if any groups are pending in the recommendations. You must either accept or discard all groups to enable this feature.

To remove asset from functional group:


Step 1

From the main menu, choose Asset Visibility.

Step 2

Check the checkbox to select the asset name in the Name column.

Step 3

Click Remove from group.

The Remove From Group pop-up appears with a note.

Step 4

Click Remove.


The Alerts feature has a separate dashboard page in the new Cisco Cyber Vision user interface. The left panel presents the Alerts tab. It has Active View filter functionality so that the data can be filtered as per requirement. Additionally, it displays the following alert type details:

Alert Type: It shows the name of the alert type.

24h Count: It shows the number of active alerts detected in the last 24 hours.

Total Count: It displays the total number of active alerts.

Last Alert Detected: It displays the date and time of the last alert.

Action: It allows you to Pause or Resume the Alert Type.

Alerts are used to monitor anomalies. By default, the system includes one alert type: Critical vulnerabilities in monitored entities. This alert monitors vulnerabilities on assets and cannot be edited. However, you can add or edit alert rules within this alert type based on specific vulnerabilities.

The alert type, Critical vulnerabilities in monitored entities, has a default alert rule called Global_OH_Critical, which comes with the application. It monitors all vulnerabilities with a CVSS score above a set threshold of 9, impacting all assets. You can delete this alert rule if it is not required. You can edit parameters like the CVSS Score Threshold. The entity type is pre-selected and non-editable, but organization hierarchy levels can be changed. When a vulnerability matches the alert rule criteria, users will see the alerts on the Alerts tab.

Add New Alert Rule

You can add alert rules to monitor asset vulnerabilities. Adding an alert rule will affect the alert count displayed on the Alerts page.


Step 1

From the main menu, choose Alerts.

Step 2

Locate the alert type and click its name.

The side panel appears.

Step 3

Click Add new rule.

The Add Alert Rule panel appears.

Step 4

Add Alert Rule Name.

Step 5

Add CVSS Score Threshold.



Enter a CVSS Score Threshold number between 7 and 10.

Step 6

Click the radio button to select an Entity Type.

Two entity types are available for selection. It depends on how you want to monitor your network:

  1. Click Organization Hierarchy.

    Check the checkbox for the Organizational level.

    To monitor assets without data sources, check the checkbox for Asset seen by unknown data sources.

  2. Click Functional Groups.

    Check the checkbox to choose one or more functional groups.

    To monitor assets not part of any functional group, check the checkbox for Assets that are not part of any functional group.

Step 7

Click Save.

Edit Alert Rule

You can edit alert rules to monitor asset vulnerabilities. Editing an alert rule will change the alert count displayed on the Alerts page.


Step 1

From the main menu, choose Alerts.

Step 2

Locate the alert type and click its name.

The side panel appears.

Step 3

Locate the alert rule and click the ellipsis (…) in the Actions column.

Step 4

Click Edit.

Change the required details.

Step 5

Click Save.

Delete Alert Rule

You can delete alert rules if not required. Deleting an alert rule will reduce the alert count displayed on the Alerts page.


Step 1

From the main menu, choose Alerts.

Step 2

Locate the alert type and click its name.

The side panel appears.

Step 3

Locate the alert rule and click the ellipsis (…) in the Actions column.

Step 4

Click Delete.

A warning pop-up appears.

Step 5

Click Delete.

Acknowledge Vulnerability on the Assets

Acknowledge a vulnerability to stop receiving alerts. When you acknowledge a vulnerability on an asset, the corresponding alerts are cleared, and it reduces the alert count displayed on the Alerts page.


Step 1

From the main menu, choose Asset Visibility.

Step 2

Click the asset name that has alerts.

Step 3

Click Vulnerabilities.

Step 4

Click the filter icon from the top right corner of the table.

Step 5

Click the drop-down arrow of the Active Alerts column.

Step 6

Select Yes from the drop-down list.

Vulnerabilities with active alerts appear.

Step 7

Click Acknowledge.

A side panel will appear with details of the vulnerability.

Step 8

Add a comment in the Add/Edit Comment field.

Step 9

To acknowledge the vulnerability, click Acknowledge on this asset.



Deleting an asset from the Asset Visibility page clears all alerts related to that asset from the system.

Pause Alert Type

You can pause an alert type to temporarily stop new alerts from being generated for all alert rules within that type. Previously generated alerts remain unaffected.


Step 1

From the main menu, choose Alerts.

Step 2

Locate alert type.

Step 3

Click Pause from Actions column.

A warning pop-up appears.

Step 4

Click Yes.

Resume Alert Type

Resuming the paused alert type will generate new alerts for all active alert rules.


Step 1

From the main menu, choose Alerts.

Step 2

Locate alert type.

Step 3

Click Resume from Actions column.

A warning pop-up appears.

Step 4

Click Yes.


Organization Hierarchy

The organization Hierarchy represents a hierarchical structure of levels that allows for the logical grouping of entities. Each node in the hierarchy is referred to as a level. Global is the root level of the hierarchy. The application supports nesting up to ten sub-levels. Once you reach this limit, you cannot add more levels, as it is the system-defined nesting limit.

Create Organization Hierarchy


Step 1

From the main menu, choose Configuration > Organization Hierarchy.

Step 2

Locate the level in the table where you need to add a sub-level and click the ellipsis (…) under the Action column.

Step 3

From the drop-down list, choose Add Level.

Step 4

Enter the Level Name.

Step 5

Click Add.



Admin must define all the organization hierarchies in the organization.

Edit Organization Hierarchy


The Global level does not have an edit option because it is a system-defined level.


Step 1

From the main menu, choose Configuration > Organization Hierarchy.

Step 2

Locate the level in the table that you need to edit and click the ellipsis (…) under the Action column.

Step 3

From the drop-down list, choose Edit.

The Edit Level pop-up appears.

Step 4

Edit the Level Name.



You can only edit the name of the Organization Hierarchy.

Step 5

Click Save.

After saving, the changes to the organization hierarchy will be applied to the child levels.

Delete Organization Hierarchy


Global does not have a delete option because that is a system-defined level.


The delete option does not appear for the level if:

  • The level has child levels.

  • The level has a non-zero count. This means that entities, such as sensors or PCAPs, are assigned to it.


Step 1

From the main menu, choose Configuration > Organization Hierarchy.

Step 2

Locate the level in the table that you need to delete and click the ellipsis (…) under the Action column.

Step 3

From the drop-down list, choose Delete.

A warning appears.

Step 4

Click Delete.

Network Definition

To provide an accurate asset inventory and security posture assessment of your network, Cyber Vision must know which networks you want to monitor. By defining the internal IT and OT networks of your organization, you can specify the IP addresses and VLANs of your networks, thereby making the data more relevant. Cisco provides default network configurations based on RFC1918 addresses. We ship the product with default private network (,,

The Cyber Vision Service treats all assets seen via PCAP analysis or through sensors as part of the same "network." This can lead to inaccuracies in aggregating components into physical assets or inundate you with data about assets you may not care about. Cyber Vision solves this by allowing you to define your network into the following three types:

  • OT Internal: Assets such as PLCs or HMIs.

  • IT Internal: Assets such as laptops and other IT-related items.

  • External: Cyber Vision will not store assets found in this type of network and will remove them from the asset inventory.


The network administrator will know what type of networks you will need. They will choose the network type and check for duplicate IP ranges.


The network definitions are created in the Classic UI. In the new Beta UI, you can only view these definitions but cannot create or modify them.

Cyber Vision automatically defines the OT Internal network as the RFC1918 (IPv4) or RFC 4193 (IPv6) subnets, and External networks as everything else. You can edit or delete these and add your own customizable network definitions.

To define a subnetwork, use the classic UI. See Define a subnetwork.

To see all the added networks, from the main menu choose Configuration > Network Definition. The Network Definition page shows the total number of networks categorized into three types: IT, OT, and External.


Cyber Vision allows you to upload Packet Capture (PCAP) data that captures network traffic from your OT network. You can import PCAP files to Cisco Cyber Vision.

A PCAP file captures communication packets between various assets. When imported into Cisco Cyber Vision, the assets are identified and created with their respective properties and communication patterns. Once created, assets appear not only on the dashboard but across the system on all pages.

To upload PCAP, use the classic UI. See PCAP Upload.


PCAP files are imported using the Classic UI. In the Beta UI, you can only view the PCAP files that have already been uploaded.

Uploaded PCAPs appear in Configuration > PCAPs.

To assign multiple PCAP files to the Organization Hierarchy, follow these steps:


Step 1

From the main menu, choose Configuration > PCAPs.

Step 2

Click Assign at the end of the row for the PCAP file you need to assign.

  1. To assign multiple PCAP files to the Organization Hierarchy, follow these steps:

    1. Check the checkboxes of the desired PCAP files.

    2. Click Assign Selected to Organization Hierarchy.

Step 3

Choose the Organization Hierarchy.

Step 4

Click Assign.



Each PCAP is responsible for Asset creation in Cisco Cyber Vision.

Sensor Applications

Cyber Vision Sensors capture network traffic and perform Deep Packet Inspection of industrial protocols to extract information. They send metadata to the center for storage and analytics. The sensor software is embedded into Cisco networking equipment as an IOx application. Sensors integrate into existing Cisco network devices such as routers and switches or can be deployed as standalone devices.

The Sensor Applications interface shows the Network Device Name, Health Status, Processing Status, and Organization Hierarchy.

Health status:

  • New

    This is the sensor's first status when it is detected by the Center. The sensor is asking the DHCP server for an IP address.

  • Request Pending

    The sensor has asked the Center for a certificate and is waiting for the authorization to be enrolled.

  • Authorized

    The sensor has just been authorized by the Admin or the Product user. The sensor remains as "Authorized" for only a few seconds before displaying as "Enrolled".

  • Enrolled

    The sensor has successfully connected with the Center. It has a certificate and a private key.

  • Disconnected

    The sensor is enrolled but isn't connected to the Center. The sensor may be shut down, encountering a problem, or there is a problem on the network.

Processing status:

  • Disconnected

    The sensor is enrolled but isn't connected to the Center. The sensor may be shut down, encountering a problem, or there is a problem on the network.

  • Not enrolled

    The sensor is not enrolled. The health status is New or Request Pending. The user must enroll the sensor for it to operate.

  • Normally processing

    The sensor is connected to the Center. Data are being sent and processed by the Center.

  • Waiting for data

    The sensor is connected to the Center. The Center has treated all data sent by the sensor and is waiting for more data.

  • Pending data

    The sensor is connected to the Center. The sensor is trying to send data to the Center but the Center is busy with other data treatment.

Installed sensors appear under Configuration > Sensor Applications.

Assign the Sensor to the Organization Hierarchy

To assign the sensor to the Organization Hierarchy, follow these steps:


Step 1

From the main menu, choose Configuration > Sensor Applications.

Step 2

Click Assign at the end of the network device row that needs assignment.

  1. To assign the multiple sensors to Organization Hierarchy, follow these steps:

    1. Check the checkboxes of the desired sensors.

    2. Click Assign Selected to Organization Hierarchy.

Step 3

Choose the Organization Hierarchy.

Step 4

Click Assign.



Each sensor is responsible for asset creation in Cisco Cyber Vision.

Use Cases

Review All PLC and SCADA Data Servers in the Paint Shop


Step 1

Organize Network in the Old UI.

  1. Define a network within the Network Organization section.

  2. Ensure that the network includes the subnet for both the PLC and SCADA network.

    For example, use the subnet

Step 2

From the main menu, choose Asset Visibility.

Step 3

Click the filter icon at the top-right corner of the table.

Step 4

To filter the asset list, search for the network name in the Network column.

Review the different assets in the paint shop.



Users cannot edit the network definition information in the new UI.

Step 5

To see the details of the assets, click the asset name.

Analyze and Acknowledge All Vulnerabilities with a CVSS Score Above Nine

Users can review vulnerabilities through either the vulnerability list for each asset or the comprehensive list of vulnerabilities. Both lists include a filter to display specific CVSS scores.


Step 1

From the main menu, choose Asset Visibility.

Step 2

Click the asset Name.

Step 3

Click Vulnerabilities.

Step 4

Click the filter icon at the top right corner of the table.

Step 5

Click the drop-down arrow of the CVSS Score column.

Step 6

Select Critical from the drop-down list.

This will show vulnerabilities with a CVSS score between 9.0 and 10.

Step 7

To acknowledge the vulnerability, click Acknowledge.

Acknowledging the vulnerability will hide it from dashboard counters, clear alerts, and make filtering easier.