Syslog Support

Cisco enterprise NFVIS can send syslog messages to syslog servers configured by the user. Syslogs are sent for Network Configuration Protocol (NETCONF) notifications from NFVIS.

Syslog Message Format

Syslog messages have the following format:

<Timestamp> hostname %SYS-<Severity>-<Event>: <Message>

Sample Syslog messages:

2017 Jun 16 11:20:22 nfvis %SYS-6-AAA_TYPE_CREATE: AAA authentication type tacacs created successfully AAA authentication set to use tacacs server
2017 Jun 16 11:20:23 nfvis %SYS-6-RBAC_USER_CREATE: Created rbac user successfully: admin
2017 Jun 16 15:36:12 nfvis %SYS-6-CREATE_FLAVOR: Profile created: ISRv-small
2017 Jun 16 15:36:12 nfvis %SYS-6-CREATE_FLAVOR: Profile created: ISRv-medium
2017 Jun 16 15:36:13 nfvis %SYS-6-CREATE_IMAGE: Image created: ISRv_IMAGE_Test
2017 Jun 19 10:57:27 nfvis %SYS-6-NETWORK_CREATE: Network testnet created successfully
2017 Jun 21 13:55:57 nfvis %SYS-6-VM_ALIVE: VM is active: ROUTER

Configuring Syslog Servers

To configure a remote Syslog server:

configure terminal 
system settings logging host 
port 3500
transport tcp 


A maximum of 4 remote syslog servers can be configured. The remote syslog server can be specified using its IP address or DNS name. The default protocol for sending syslogs is UDP with a default port of 514. For TCP, the default port is 601.

To configure syslog severity:

configure terminal
system settings logging severity error


The severity levels are:
  • debug

  • informational

  • alert

  • notice

  • warning

  • error

  • critical

  • emergency

By default, the logging severity of syslogs is informational which means all syslogs at informational severity and higher will be logged.

To configure syslog facility:

configure terminal
system settings logging facility local5


The logging facility can be changed to a facility from local0 to local7

By default, NFVIS sends syslogs with the facility of local7

Syslog Support APIs and Commands



  • /api/config/system/settings/logging

  • /api/operational/system/settings/logging

  • system settings logging host

  • system settings logging severity

  • system settings logging facility