Configure Breakout
Step 1 |
configure |
Step 2 |
controller optics R/S/I/P Example:
Enters the Optics controller mode. |
Step 3 |
otn framing framing type Example:
Configures OTN framing. |
Step 4 |
commit |
Example: Configure Breakout mode for Controller
The following example shows how to configure breakout-mode for a controller using Cisco IOS XR commands:
RP/0/# configure terminal
RP/0/(config)# controller optics 0/0/0/1
RP/0/(config)# controller optics 0/0/0/1 breakout-mode 1
RP/0/(config)# controller optics 0/0/0/1 breakout-mode 1 otn framing opu2