System Health Check Commands

This module describes the system health check commands available on the router. These commands are used to proactively monitor the health of the router.

For detailed information about system health check concepts, configuration tasks, and examples, see the System Health Check chapter in the System Monitoring Configuration Guide for Cisco NCS 5500 Series RoutersSystem Monitoring Configuration Guide for Cisco NCS 540 Series RoutersSystem Monitoring Configuration Guide for Cisco NCS 560 Series Routers.


To configure the health check cadence and metrics of a system, use the healthcheck command in Configuration mode. To disable health check, use the no form of this command.


Health check service is an optional RPM. You must download and install the package explicitly to use the service.

healthcheck cadence <cadence-configuration> {enable} {metric | cpu | fabric-health | filesystem | fpd | free-mem | | shared-mem}

no healthcheck metric <metric-name>

Syntax Description


Collects data about system health for enabled metrics at a configured time interval. The cadence can range from 30 to 1800 seconds.


Enables health check service on the Route Processor (RP).

metric {cpu | fabric-health | filesystem | fpd | free-mem | shared-mem}

Specifies the configurable metrics based on a threshold that applies only to system resources (CPU, free-mem, shared-mem and filesystem).

Command Default

Health check is disabled.

Command Modes

XR Config mode

Command History



Release 7.1.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines


Task ID

Task ID


root-system or diag or cisco-support or monitor or root-lr

read, write


This example shows how to enable health check service:

Router(config)#healthcheck enable

This example shows how to configure cadence (in seconds) at which data about system health is collected:

Router(config)#healthcheck cadence 30

This example shows how to configure the average utilization threshold of CPU metric:

Router(config)#healthcheck metric cpu avg-util 15-minute

healthcheck metric

To disable the health check for the metrics of a system, use the healthcheck metric command in Configuration mode.

healthcheck metric { cpu | fabric-health | filesystem | fpd | free-mem | shared-mem | platform | redundancy | interface-counters | asic-errors | fabric-stats } disable

Syntax Description


Specifies system health data for cpu configurations


Specifies system health data for fabric configurations


Specifies system health data for file-system usage configurations


Specifies system health data for fpd configurations


Specifies system health data for free memory


Specifies system health data for shared memory


Specifies system health data for platform configuration


Specifies system health data for redundancy configuration


Specifies system health data for interface counters


Specifies system health data for asic-errors


Specifies system health data for fabric statistics


Disables the collection of health-check information

Command Default

Health-check for metrics is enabled.

Command Modes

XR Config mode

Command History



Release 7.1.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines


Task ID

Task ID



read, write, execute


This example shows how to disable health check service for plaform:

Router(config)#healthcheck metric platform disable

This example shows how to disable health check service for interface-counters:

Router(config)#healthcheck metric intf-counters disable

show healthcheck metric

To view the detailed information about the utilization and state of each metric used to check the health of the system, use the show healthcheck metric command in EXEC mode.

show healthcheck metric cpu | free-mem | shared-mem | filesystem | fpd | fabric-health | platform | redundancy | interface-counters { summary | | | detail } | asic-errors { summary | | | detail } | fabric-stats { summary | | | detail }

Syntax Description

cpu | free-mem | shared-mem | filesystem

Name of the system resource for which the metric is viewed.

fpd | fabric-health | platform | redundancy

Name of the infrastructure service for which the metric is viewed.

interface-counters | asic-errors | fabric-stats

Name of the counters for which the metric is viewed.

Command Default


Command Modes

XR EXEC mode

Command History



Release 7.1.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

No specific guidelines impact the use of this command.

Task ID

Task ID





This is sample output from the show healthcheck metric command to view the CPU usage:

Router#show healthcheck metric cpu 
CPU Metric State: Normal
Last Update Time: <date-time>
CPU Service State: Enabled
Number of Active Nodes: 2
Configured Thresholds:
   Minor: 20%
   Severe: 50%
   Critical: 75%
Node Name: 0/RP0/CPU0
    CPU 1 Minute Average Usage: 6%
    CPU 5 Minute Average Usage: 5%
    CPU 15 Minute Average Usage: 5% *
Node Name: 0/0/CPU0
    CPU 1 Minute Average Usage: 4%
    CPU 5 Minute Average Usage: 4%
    CPU 15 Minute Average Usage: 3% *
'*' indicates the traceked average CPU utilization


This is sample output from the show healthcheck metric platform :

Router#show healthcheck metric platform 
Platform Metric State: Normal ==========> Health of the metric
Last Update Time: 25 Jun 05:17:03.508172 =====> Timestamp at which the metric data was collected
Platform Service State: Enabled =====> Service state of Platform
Number of Racks: 1 ======> Total number of racks in the testbed
Rack Name: 0 
Number of Slots: 12
Slot Name: RP0 
Number of Instances: 2
Instance Name: CPU0 
Node Name 0/RP0/CPU0 
Card Type 8800-RP 
Card Redundancy State Active 
Admin State NSHUT 
Oper State IOS XR RUN


This is sample output from the show healthcheck metric interface-counters :

Router#show healthcheck interface-counters summary
Interface-counters Health State: Normal ==========> Health of the metric
Last Update Time: 25 Jun 05:59:33.965851 =====> Timestamp at which the metric data was collected
Interface-counters Service State: Enabled =====> Service state of the metric
Interface MgmtEth0/RP0/CPU0/0 =====> Configured interface for healthcheck monitoring
Counter-Names Count Average Consistently-Increasing
output-buffers-failures 0 0 N
Counter-Names =====> Name of the counters
Count =====> Value of the counter collected at "Last Update Time"
Average =====> Average of all values available in buffer
Consistently-Increasing =====> Trend of the counter values, as per data available in buffer
Router#show healthcheck interface-counters detail all
Last Update Time: 25 Jun 06:01:35.217089 =====> Timestamp at which the metric data was collected
Interface MgmtEth0/RP0/CPU0/0 =====> Configured interface for healthcheck monitoring
Following table displays data for last <x=5> values collected in periodic cadence intervals
Counter-name Last 5 values
LHS = Earliest RHS = Latest
output-buffers-failures 0 0 0 0 0 
parity-packets-received 0 0 0 0 0

show healthcheck report

To view the health check report for enabled metrics in the system, use the show healthcheck report command in XR EXEC mode.

show healthcheck report

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.

Command Default


Command Modes

XR EXEC mode

Command History



Release 7.1.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

No specific guidelines impact the use of this command.

Task ID

Task ID





This is sample output from the show healthcheck report command:

Router#show healthcheck report 
Healthcheck report for enabled metrics
  State: Normal
  State: Normal
  State: Normal
  State: Normal
  State: Warning
One or more FPDs are in NEED UPGD state
  State: Normal

show healthcheck status

To view the status of health check service and configured parameters for each of the enabled metrics, use the show healthcheck status command in XR EXEC mode.

show healthcheck status

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.

Command Default


Command Modes

XR EXEC mode

Command History



Release 7.1.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

No specific guidelines impact the use of this command.

Task ID

Task ID





This is sample output from the show healthcheck status command:

Router#show healthcheck status 
Healthcheck status: Enabled

Collector Cadence: 60 seconds

System Resource metrics
      Thresholds: Minor: 10%
                  Severe: 20%
                  Critical: 30%

       Tracked CPU utilization: 15 min avg utilization

        Thresholds: Minor: 10%
                    Severe: 8%
                    Critical: 5%

        Thresholds: Minor: 80%
                    Severe: 95%
                    Critical: 99%

        Thresholds: Minor: 80%
                    Severe: 95%
                    Critical: 99%

Infra Services metrics



To configure a system healthcheck use-case, use the use-case command in the healthcheck configuration mode.

Prior to Cisco IOS XR Release 24.1.1:

use-case { asic-reset { disable | drop-tolerance drop-tolerance-value } | packet-drop { disable | drop-tolerance drop-tolerance-value } }

From Cisco IOS XR Release 24.1.1 onwards:

use-case { asic-reset { disable | drop-tolerance drop-tolerance-value } | packet-drop { disable | window-size window-size-value | tolerance { high | medium | low } drop-tolerance-value } }

Syntax Description


Specify ASIC reset system healthcheck use-case


Disable ASIC reset or packet-drop use-case. By default the use-case is enabled.

drop-tolerance drop-tolerance-value

Configure packet-drop tolerance value

Default value: 10

Range for drop-tolerance-value : 0 - 100

This option is removed from Release 24.1.1 onwards


Specify packet-drop system healthcheck use-case

window-size window-size-value

Configure the number of cadence intervals to alert you of packet-drops.

Default value: 10

Range for window-size-value : 5-20

This option is available from Release 24.1.1 onwards

tolerance { high | medium | low } drop-tolerance-value

Specify the NPU trap tolerance level and the drop-tolerance value.

Range for drop-tolerance-value : 0-1000000

This option is available from Release 24.1.1 onwards

Command Default

Health check use-case is enabled.

Command Modes

healthcheck configuration mode

Command History

Release Modification

Release 24.2.1

window-size and tolerance keywords are introduced

drop-tolerance keyword is removed

Release 7.3.3 / Release 7.5.4

This command was introduced

Usage Guidelines

System Health check and use-cases are not part of the base package and you must explicitly install the ‘xr-healthcheck’optional package to use this service.

Task ID

Task ID


root-system or diag or cisco-support or monitor or root-lr

read, write


This example shows you how to configure the ASIC reset use-case:

Router(config)# healthcheck
Router(config-healthcheck)# use-case asic-reset drop-tolerance 10
Router(config-healthcheck)# enable

This example shows you how to configure the packet-drop use-case prior to Cisco IOS XR Release 24.1.1:

Router(config)# healthcheck
Router(config-healthcheck)# use-case packet-drop drop-tolerance 10
Router(config-healthcheck)# enable

This example shows you how to configure the packet-drop use-case from Cisco IOS XR Release 24.1.1 onwards:

Router# conf t
Router(config)# healthcheck
Router(config-healthcheck)# use-case packet-drop window-size 5
Router(config-healthcheck)# use-case packet-drop tolerance high 100
Router(config-healthcheck)# enable
Router(config-healthcheck)# commit