Traffic Monitoring Commands

This module describes the Cisco IOS XR Software commands to monitor traffic on the router.

For detailed information about monitoring traffic concepts, configuration tasks, and examples, see the Traffic Monitoring chapter in the System Monitoring Configuration Guide for Cisco NCS 5500 Series Routers.

show drops all

To display the exact packet drop location in a node, use the show drops all command in the XR EXEC mode.

show drops all { commands location | location | ongoing location } { node-id | all }

Syntax Description


Displays commands executed.


Specifies location of line card or route processor.


Shows drops occuring since last executed.

Command Default


Command Modes

XR EXEC mode

Command History



Release 7.3.5

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

No specific guidelines impact the use of this command.

Task ID

Task ID







The show drops all location all command displays packet drops for all nodes on all locations.

The command outputs given here are truncated.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#show drops all location all
Checking for drops on 0/4/CPU0

show controllers npu stats counters-all instance all location:
[np:Slot: 4, instance: 2] ENQ_DISCARDED_PACKET_COUNTER   : 48
[np:Slot: 4, instance: 3] ENQ_DISCARDED_PACKET_COUNTER   : 38

show controllers npu stats counters-all detail instance all location:
[np:Slot: 4, instance: 5] FDR P1FDRDscrdCntA                   : 4536
[np:Slot: 4, instance: 5] FDR P1FDRDscrdCntB                   : 4536

show spp node-counters:
[spp:fretta/classify] dropped in classify node: 6
[spp:fretta/classify] lnx l2 drop in classify node: 6

show controller fia statistics detail instance all location:
[fia:FIA Statistics Rack: 0, Slot: 4, instance: 2] FDR P1FDRDscrdCntA: 4536
[fia:FIA Statistics Rack: 0, Slot: 4, instance: 2] FDR P1FDRDscrdCntB: 4536
[fia:FIA Statistics Rack: 0, Slot: 4, instance: 2] FDR P2FDRDscrdCntA: 4536
[fia:FIA Statistics Rack: 0, Slot: 4, instance: 2] FDR P2FDRDscrdCntB: 4536

show controller fia diagshell all "diag counter nZ" location:
[fia:R/S/I: 0/4/0] DRCA0 DrcaCntGddr5BistDataErrGlobal: 96
[fia:R/S/I: 0/4/0] DRCA0 DrcaCntGddr5BistDbiErrGlobal: 96
[fia:R/S/I: 0/4/0] DRCB0 DrcbCntGddr5BistDataErrGlobal: 96
[fia:R/S/I: 0/4/0] DRCB0 DrcbCntGddr5BistDbiErrGlobal: 96
[fia:R/S/I: 0/4/0] DRCC0 DrccCntGddr5BistDbiErrGlobal: 96


The show drops all ongoing location all command displays the packet drops since last executed.

Router#show drops all ongoing location all
Checking for ongoing drops on 0/4/CPU0

Checking for ongoing drops on 0/4/CPU0

Checking for ongoing drops on 0/3/CPU0

show controllers npu stats counters-all instance all location:
[np:Slot: 3, instance: 3] ENQ_DISCARDED_PACKET_COUNTER   : +1950

show controllers npu stats counters-all detail instance all location:
[np:Slot: 3, instance: 0] IQM1 TotDscrdByteCnt                 : +133008

show controller fia statistics detail instance all location:

[fia:FIA Statistics Rack: 0, Slot: 3, instance: 0] IQM0 QueueEnqDscrdPktCnt: +1304

show controller fia diagshell all "diag counter nZ" location:
[fia:R/S/I: 0/3/1] IQM0 IqmQueueEnqDiscardedPacketCounter: +45
Checking for ongoing drops on 0/RP0/CPU0

show interfaces:
[Interface:Bundle-Ether10000] input errors: +65
[Interface:Bundle-Ether10001] input errors: +65
[Interface:Bundle-Ether10002] input errors: +65
[Interface:Bundle-Ether10003] input errors: +64
[Interface:Bundle-Ether10004] input errors: +65
[Interface:Bundle-Ether10005] input errors: +65
[Interface:Bundle-Ether10006] input errors: +65
[Interface:Bundle-Ether10007] input errors: +64
[Interface:Bundle-Ether10008] input errors: +64
[Interface:Bundle-Ether10009] input errors: +65
[Interface:Bundle-Ether20001] input errors: +65

Checking for ongoing drops on 0/2/CPU0

show controller fia statistics detail instance all location:
[fia:FIA Statistics Rack: 0, Slot: 2, instance: 0] IQM0 IqmCntCmdErrorsFilterA: +4590
[fia:FIA Statistics Rack: 0, Slot: 2, instance: 0] IQM0 IqmCntCmdErrorsFilterB: +4590
[fia:FIA Statistics Rack: 0, Slot: 2, instance: 0] IQM0 IrppCntCmdErrorsFilterA: +4590
[fia:FIA Statistics Rack: 0, Slot: 2, instance: 0] IQM0 IrppCntCmdErrorsFilterB: +4590
[fia:FIA Statistics Rack: 0, Slot: 2, instance: 0] IQM1 IqmCntCmdErrorsFilterA: +4590
[fia:FIA Statistics Rack: 0, Slot: 2, instance: 0] IQM1 IqmCntCmdErrorsFilterB: +4590

show controller fia diagshell all "diag counter nZ" location:
[fia:R/S/I: 0/2/0] IPS0 IpsFsmrqDelayCounter: +9
[fia:R/S/I: 0/2/0] IPS1 IpsFsmrqDelayCounter: +7
[fia:R/S/I: 0/2/1] IPS0 IpsFsmrqDelayCounter: +10
[fia:R/S/I: 0/2/1] IPS1 IpsFsmrqDelayCounter: +7

show interfaces:
[Interface:HundredGigE0/2/0/28] input errors: +113

show controllers npu stats counters-all

To display the various statistics for the NPU, use the show controllers npu stats counters-all command in the XR EXEC mode.

show controller npu stats counters-all { detail instance { instance-id location { node-id | | | path | | | all } | all location { node-id | | | path | | | all } } | instance { instance-id location { node-id | | | path | | | all } | all location { node-id | | | path | | | all } } } [ output-modifiers { begin line | exclude line | file | include line | utility line } ]

Syntax Description

detail instance instance-id

Displays detailed information about a given instance.

detail instance all

Displays detailed information about all instances.

instance instance-id

Displays information about a given instance.

instance all

Displays information about all instances.

location node-id

Specifies the node. The node-id argument is entered in the rack/slot/module notation. Displays the information about a specific node.

location all

Displays information about all nodes.

output-modifiers begin line

Displays information from the line that matches to the given content.

For example, if you want to display the running configuration starting from the interface configurations, you can enter as | begin interface.

output-modifiers exclude line

Displays information by filtering out lines that contain the given content.

For example, if you want to view a configuration but skip all lines that mention "interface", you can enter as | exclude interface.

output-modifiers include line

Displays information that includes the content that you have given.

For example, if you want to view lines that contain the word "interface" within a configuration, you can enter as | include interface.

output-modifiers utility line

Specifies various Unix command-line tools to manipulate or analyze the command's output.

For example, if you want to sort the output of a command alphabetically, you can enter as | utility sort.

output-modifiers file

Saves the information to a specific file.

For example, if you want to save information to a specific file, you can enter as | file filename vrf vrfname.

You can save the content in the following locations:

  • filename - Save the output to a specified filename in VRF.

  • append - Add the output to the end of an existing file.

  • config - Save the output to the device's configuration.

  • disk0 - Store the output on the device's disk0 storage.

  • ftp - Transfer and save the output to an FTP server.

  • harddisk - Save the output to the device's internal hard disk.

  • http - Send the output to an HTTP server.

  • https - Send the output to an HTTPS server.

  • rootfs - Save the output to the root file system of the device.

  • scp - Securely copy the output to a remote server using SCP.

  • sftp - Securely transfer the output to a remote server using SFTP.

  • tftp - Transfer the output to a TFTP server.

Command Default


Command Modes

XR EXEC mode

Command History



Release 7.3.5

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

No specific guidelines impact the use of this command.

Task ID

Task ID





read, write




The show controllers npu stats counters-all command displays the NPU statistics for all instance and all locations.

Router# show controller npu stats counters-all instance all location all

FIA Statistics Rack: 0, Slot: 0, Asic instance: 0

Per Block Statistics:


  RX_TOTAL_BYTE_COUNTER          = 161392268790033002
  RX_TOTAL_PKT_COUNTER           = 164628460653364

  CPU_PACKET_COUNTER             = 0
  NIF_PACKET_COUNTER             = 164628460651867
  OAMP_PACKET_COUNTER            = 32771143
  OLP_PACKET_COUNTER             = 4787508
  RCY_PACKET_COUNTER             = 67452938
  IRE_FDT_INTRFACE_CNT           = 192

  MMU_IDR_PACKET_COUNTER         = 697231761913

  ENQUEUE_PKT_CNT                = 164640311902277
  DEQUEUE_PKT_CNT                = 164640311902198
  DELETED_PKT_CNT                = 0

show controllers npu stats traps-all

To display all the trap events statistics within the NPU, use the show controllers npu stats traps-all command in the XR EXEC mode.

show controller npu stats traps-all { detail instance { instance-id location { node-id | | | path | | | all } | all location { node-id | | | path | | | all } } | instance { instance-id location { node-id | | | path | | | all } | all location { node-id | | | path | | | all } } | latest instance instance-id location { node-id | | | path | | | all } | nonzero instance { instance-id location { node-id | | | path | | | all } | all location { node-id | | | path | | | all } } } [ output-modifiers { begin line | exclude line | file | include line | utility line } ]

Syntax Description

detail instance instance-id

Displays detailed information about a given instance.

detail instance all

Displays detailed information about all instances.

instance instance-id

Displays NPU information about a given instance.

instance all

Displays NPU information about all instances.

latest instance instance-id

Displays the most recent hardware statistics about a given instance.

nonzero instance instance-id

Displays information about a given instance by excluding traps with both zero packets accepted and zero packets dropped.

nonzero instance all

Displays information about all instances by excluding traps with zero packets accepted and zero packets dropped.

location node-id

Specifies the node. The node-id argument is entered in the rack/slot/module notation. Displays the information about a specific node.

location all

Displays information about all nodes.

output-modifiers begin line

Displays information from the line that matches to the given content.

For example, if you want to display the running configuration starting from the interface configurations, you can enter as | begin interface.

output-modifiers exclude line

Displays information by filtering out lines that contain the given content.

For example, if you want to view a configuration but skip all lines that mention "interface", you can enter as | exclude interface.

output-modifiers include line

Displays information that includes the content that you have given.

For example, if you want to view lines that contain the word "interface" within a configuration, you can enter as | include interface.

output-modifiers utility line

Specifies various Unix command-line tools to manipulate or analyze the command's output.

For example, if you want to sort the output of a command alphabetically, you can enter as | utility sort.

output-modifiers file

Saves the information to a specific file.

For example, if you want to save information to a specific file, you can enter as | file filename vrf vrfname.

You can save the content in the following locations:

  • WORD - Save the output to a specified filename.

  • append - Add the output to the end of an existing file.

  • config - Save the output to the device's configuration.

  • disk0 - Store the output on the device's disk0 storage.

  • ftp - Transfer and save the output to an FTP server.

  • harddisk - Save the output to the device's internal hard disk.

  • http - Send the output to an HTTP server.

  • https - Send the output to an HTTPS server.

  • rootfs - Save the output to the root file system of the device.

  • scp - Securely copy the output to a remote server using SCP.

  • sftp - Securely transfer the output to a remote server using SFTP.

  • tftp - Transfer the output to a TFTP server.

Command Default


Command Modes

XR EXEC mode

Command History



Release 7.3.5

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

No specific guidelines impact the use of this command.

Task ID

Task ID





read, write




The show controllers npu stats traps-all command displays packets that are locally processed and packets that are dropped by the CPU.

Router# show controllers npu stats traps-all instance all location 0/RP0/CPU0 

Trap Type                                     NPU  Trap TrapStats   Policer Packet    Packet
                                              ID    ID      ID              Accepted  Dropped
RxTrapMimSaMove(CFM_DOWM_MEP_DMM)             0    6    0x6         32037   0         0         
RxTrapMimSaUnknown(RCY_CFM_DOWN_MEP_DMM)      0    7    0x7         32037   0         0         
RxTrapAuthSaLookupFail (IPMC default)         0    8    0x8         32033   0         0         
RxTrapSaMulticast                             0    11   0xb         32018   0         0         
RxTrapArpMyIp                                 0    13   0xd         32001   0         0         
RxTrapArp                                     0    14   0xe         32001   11        0         
RxTrapDhcpv4Server                            0    18   0x12        32022   0         0         
RxTrapDhcpv4Client                            0    19   0x13        32022   0         0         
RxTrapDhcpv6Server                            0    20   0x14        32022   0         0         
RxTrapDhcpv6Client                            0    21   0x15        32022   0         0         
RxTrapL2Cache_LACP                            0    23   0x17        32003   0         0         
RxTrapL2Cache_LLDP1                           0    24   0x18        32004   0         0         
RxTrapL2Cache_LLDP2                           0    25   0x19        32004   1205548   0         
RxTrapL2Cache_LLDP3                           0    26   0x1a        32004   0         0         

The above sample displays only a part of the actual output; the actual output displays more details.

show controllers npu stats voq

To display statistics related to the Virtual Output Queues (VOQs) on the NPU, use the show controllers npu stats voq command in the XR EXEC mode.

show controller npu stats voq { base voq-base number { instance { instance-id location { node-id | | | path | | | all } | all location { node-id | | | path | | | all } } | src-slice slice-id instance { instance-id location { node-id | | | path | | | all } | all location { node-id | | | path | | | all } } } | ingress interface { voq-Interface-handle-number instance { instance-id location { node-id | | | path | | | all } | all location { node-id | | | path | | | all } } | CEM R/S/I/P/B instance { instance-id location { node-id | | | path | | | all } | all location { node-id | | | path | | | all } } | EH R/S/I/P/B instance { instance-id location { node-id | | | path | | | all } | all location { node-id | | | path | | | all } } | Fi R/S/I/P/B instance { instance-id location { node-id | | | path | | | all } | all location { node-id | | | path | | | all } } | Fo R/S/I/P/B instance { instance-id location { node-id | | | path | | | all } | all location { node-id | | | path | | | all } } | FH R/S/I/P/B instance { instance-id location { node-id | | | path | | | all } | all location { node-id | | | path | | | all } } | Gi R/S/I/P/B instance { instance-id location { node-id | | | path | | | all } | all location { node-id | | | path | | | all } } | Hu R/S/I/P/B instance { instance-id location { node-id | | | path | | | all } | all location { node-id | | | path | | | all } } | Mg R/S/I/P/B instance { instance-id location { node-id | | | path | | | all } | all location { node-id | | | path | | | all } } | PTP R/S/I/P instance { instance-id location { node-id | | | path | | | all } | all location { node-id | | | path | | | all } } | Te R/S/I/P/B instance { instance-id location { node-id | | | path | | | all } | all location { node-id | | | path | | | all } } | TF R/S/I/P/B instance { instance-id location { node-id | | | path | | | all } | all location { node-id | | | path | | | all } } | TH R/S/I/P/B instance { instance-id location { node-id | | | path | | | all } | all location { node-id | | | path | | | all } } | all instance { instance-id location { node-id | | | path | | | all } | all location { node-id | | | path | | | all } } } } [ output-modifiers { begin line | exclude line | file | include line | utility line } ]

Syntax Description

base voq-base number

Specifies the voq-base number.

src-slice slice-id instance

Specifies the slice id.

ingress interface <voq-Interface handle number>

Specifies voq-Interface handle number.

ingress interface CEM

Specifies circuit emulation interface.

ingress interface EH

Specifies 800 Gigabit ethernet interface type.

ingress interface Fi

Specifies 50 Gigabit ethernet interface type.

ingress interface Fo

Specifies 40 Gigabit ethernet interface type.

ingress interface FH

Specifies 400 Gigabit ethernet interface type.

ingress interface Gi

Specifies Gigabit ethernet interface type.

ingress interface Hu

Specifies 100 Gigabit ethernet interface type.

ingress interface Mg

Specifies ethernet interface type.

ingress interface PTP

Specifies ethernet interface type.

ingress interface Te

Specifies 10 Gigabit ethernet interface type.

ingress interface TF

Specifies 25 Gigabit ethernet interface type.

ingress interface TH

Specifies 200 Gigabit ethernet interface type.

ingress interface all

Specifies all interface type.


Specifies the Rack/Slot/Instance/Port/Breakout of the voq.

location node-id

Specifies the node. The node-id argument is entered in the rack/slot/module notation. Displays the information about a specific node.

location all

Displays information about all nodes.

output-modifiers begin line

Displays information from the line that matches to the given content.

For example, if you want to display the running configuration starting from the interface configurations, you can enter as | begin interface.

output-modifiers exclude line

Displays information by filtering out lines that contain the given content.

For example, if you want to view a configuration but skip all lines that mention "interface", you can enter as | exclude interface.

output-modifiers include line

Displays information that includes the content that you have given.

For example, if you want to view lines that contain the word "interface" within a configuration, you can enter as | include interface.

output-modifiers utility line

Specifies various Unix command-line tools to manipulate or analyze the command's output.

For example, if you want to sort the output of a command alphabetically, you can enter as | utility sort.

output-modifiers file

Saves the information to a specific file.

For example, if you want to save information to a specific file, you can enter as | file filename vrf vrfname.

You can save the content in the following locations:

  • filename - Save the output to a specified filename in VRF.

  • append - Add the output to the end of an existing file.

  • config - Save the output to the device's configuration.

  • disk0 - Store the output on the device's disk0 storage.

  • ftp - Transfer and save the output to an FTP server.

  • harddisk - Save the output to the device's internal hard disk.

  • http - Send the output to an HTTP server.

  • https - Send the output to an HTTPS server.

  • rootfs - Save the output to the root file system of the device.

  • scp - Securely copy the output to a remote server using SCP.

  • sftp - Securely transfer the output to a remote server using SFTP.

  • tftp - Transfer the output to a TFTP server.

Command Default


Command Modes

XR EXEC mode

Command History



Release 7.3.5

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

No specific guidelines impact the use of this command.

Task ID

Task ID





read, write




The show controllers npu stats voq command displays packets that are processed on the NPU and dropped in the interface VoQs.

Router# show controllers npu stats voq ingress interface hundredGigE 0/0/0/16 instance all location 0/RP0/CPU0 

Interface Name    =   Hu0/0/0/16
Interface Handle  =      f0001b0
Location          =   0/RP0/CPU0
Asic Instance     =            0
VOQ Base          =        10288
Port Speed(kbps)  =    100000000
Local Port        =        local
VOQ Mode          =            8
Shared Counter Mode =          2
       ReceivedPkts    ReceivedBytes   DroppedPkts     DroppedBytes
TC_{0,1} = 114023724       39908275541     113945980       39881093000     
TC_{2,3} = 194969733       68239406550     196612981       68814543350     
TC_{4,5} = 139949276       69388697075     139811376       67907466750     
TC_{6,7} = 194988538       68242491778     196612926       68814524100 

show fwd statistics

To display the forwarder driver statistics information, use the show fwd statistics command in the XR EXEC mode.

show fwd statistics { all { detail location { node-id | | | path } | location { node-id | | | path } | [ output-modifiers ] } | egress { detail location { node-id | | | path } | location { node-id | | | path } | [ output-modifiers ] } | ingress { detail location { node-id | | | path } | location { node-id | | | path } | [ output-modifiers ] } } [ output-modifiers { begin line | exclude line | file | include line | utility line } ]

Syntax Description


Displays all packet statistics.


Displays egress packet statistics.


Displays ingress packet statistics.

location node-id

Specifies the node. The node-id argument is entered in the rack/slot/module notation. Displays the information about a specific node.

output-modifiers begin line

Displays information from the line that matches to the given content.

For example, if you want to display the running configuration starting from the interface configurations, you can enter as | begin interface.

output-modifiers exclude line

Displays information by filtering out lines that contain the given content.

For example, if you want to view a configuration but skip all lines that mention "interface", you can enter as | exclude interface.

output-modifiers include line

Displays information that includes the content that you have given.

For example, if you want to view lines that contain the word "interface" within a configuration, you can enter as | include interface.

output-modifiers utility line

Specifies various Unix command-line tools to manipulate or analyze the command's output.

For example, if you want to sort the output of a command alphabetically, you can enter as | utility sort.

output-modifiers file

Saves the information to a specific file.

For example, if you want to save information to a specific file, you can enter as | file filename vrf vrfname.

You can save the content in the following locations:

  • filename - Save the output to a specified filename in VRF.

  • append - Add the output to the end of an existing file.

  • config - Save the output to the device's configuration.

  • disk0 - Store the output on the device's disk0 storage.

  • ftp - Transfer and save the output to an FTP server.

  • harddisk - Save the output to the device's internal hard disk.

  • http - Send the output to an HTTP server.

  • https - Send the output to an HTTPS server.

  • rootfs - Save the output to the root file system of the device.

  • scp - Securely copy the output to a remote server using SCP.

  • sftp - Securely transfer the output to a remote server using SFTP.

  • tftp - Transfer the output to a TFTP server.

Command Default


Command Modes

XR EXEC mode

Command History



Release 7.3.5

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

No specific guidelines impact the use of this command.

Task ID

Task ID





read, write


The show fwd statistics command displays the forwarder driver statistics information on a particular node or location.

Router# Show fwd statistics all location 0/RP1/CPU0
rx_pkts: 485060
punt_pkts: 416647
ingress_total_drops: 6117
inject_pkts: 103632
tx_pkts: 101434
tx_null_ifh_pkts: 6006
mcast_all_lccpu_pkts: 1206
lpts_all_lccpu_pkts: 0
mgmt_loopback_pkts: 0
lpts_loopback_pkts: 5788
dlrsc_rp_loopback_pkts: 0
local_node_loopback_pkts: 2198
hw_ts_offset_exceeded: 0
egress_total_drops: 0

show spp client

To display the client information within the Software Packet Path (SPP), use the show spp client command in the XR EXEC mode.

show spp client { detail location { node-id | | | path | | | all } | location { node-id | | | path | | | all } | punt { queues location { node-id | | | path | | | all } | status location { node-id | | | path | | | all } } | [ output-modifiers ] } [ output-modifiers { begin line | exclude line | file | include line | utility line } ]

Syntax Description

location node-id

Specifies the node. The node-id argument is entered in the rack/slot/module notation. Displays the information about a specific node.

location all

Displays information about all nodes.

punt queues

Specifies client punt queues.

punt status

Specifies client punt status.

output-modifiers begin line

Displays information from the line that matches to the given content.

For example, if you want to display the running configuration starting from the interface configurations, you can enter as | begin interface.

output-modifiers exclude line

Displays information by filtering out lines that contain the given content.

For example, if you want to view a configuration but skip all lines that mention "interface", you can enter as | exclude interface.

output-modifiers include line

Displays information that includes the content that you have given.

For example, if you want to view lines that contain the word "interface" within a configuration, you can enter as | include interface.

output-modifiers utility line

Specifies various Unix command-line tools to manipulate or analyze the command's output.

For example, if you want to sort the output of a command alphabetically, you can enter as | utility sort.

output-modifiers file

Saves the information to a specific file.

For example, if you want to save information to a specific file, you can enter as | file filename vrf vrfname.

You can save the content in the following locations:

  • filename - Save the output to a specified filename in VRF.

  • append - Add the output to the end of an existing file.

  • config - Save the output to the device's configuration.

  • disk0 - Store the output on the device's disk0 storage.

  • ftp - Transfer and save the output to an FTP server.

  • harddisk - Save the output to the device's internal hard disk.

  • http - Send the output to an HTTP server.

  • https - Send the output to an HTTPS server.

  • rootfs - Save the output to the root file system of the device.

  • scp - Securely copy the output to a remote server using SCP.

  • sftp - Securely transfer the output to a remote server using SFTP.

  • tftp - Transfer the output to a TFTP server.

Command Default


Command Modes

XR EXEC mode

Command History



Release 6.0.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

No specific guidelines impact the use of this command.

Task ID

Task ID







The show spp client command displays the client information within the SPP on a particular node or location.

Router# show spp client detail location 0/0/CPU0
Fri Sep  6 11:58:45.157 UTC
Client connections allowed: 1
Ctx allocator: 65536 items 65531 free 0 shortages

SPP Queues
    Main input queue at 0x0x3087516040
      Persistent: F, Mutex: T, Pulse: T, Blocking: T Invalid: F
      Head 1184, Tail 1184, Coalesced 0
      Cur 0, Max 2048, Enqueues 5280, High WM: 4 (14:02:40.278 Sep 05 24 UTC) Drops: 0
      elsize 8 coid 1 pid 4980 pulse_code 124 pulse_value 0 prio 10
netio, JID 212 (pid 6184)
  Reconnect Pending: F, Exited: F, Keep Queues: F, Pakman Client: T
    Current: 0, Limit: 32768, Available: 0, Enqueued: 0, Drops 0
    Control Queue at 0x0x3087e62400
      Punt SF: nused 0, is not scheduled
      Persistent: F, Mutex: T, Pulse: T, Blocking: F Invalid: F
      Head 0, Tail 0, Coalesced 0
      Cur 0, Max 10, Enqueues 0, High WM: 0 (13:55:40.406 Sep 05 24 UTC) Drops: 0
      elsize 8 coid 0 pid 6184 pulse_code 0 pulse_value 0 prio 10
    Punt Queue key 0x03000041 at 0x0x3087e5d940

The above sample displays only a part of the actual output; the actual output displays more details.

show spp node-counters

To display the node counters for the Software Packet Path (SPP), use the show spp node-counters command in the XR EXEC mode.

show spp node-counters { location { node-id | | | path | | | all } | [ output-modifiers ] } [ output-modifiers { begin line | exclude line | file | include line | utility line } ]

Syntax Description

location node-id

Specifies the node. The node-id argument is entered in the rack/slot/module notation. Displays the information about a specific node.

location all

Displays information about all nodes.

output-modifiers begin line

Displays information from the line that matches to the given content.

For example, if you want to display the running configuration starting from the interface configurations, you can enter as | begin interface.

output-modifiers exclude line

Displays information by filtering out lines that contain the given content.

For example, if you want to view a configuration but skip all lines that mention "interface", you can enter as | exclude interface.

output-modifiers include line

Displays information that includes the content that you have given.

For example, if you want to view lines that contain the word "interface" within a configuration, you can enter as | include interface.

output-modifiers utility line

Specifies various Unix command-line tools to manipulate or analyze the command's output.

For example, if you want to sort the output of a command alphabetically, you can enter as | utility sort.

output-modifiers file

Saves the information to a specific file.

For example, if you want to save information to a specific file, you can enter as | file filename vrf vrfname.

You can save the content in the following locations:

  • filename - Save the output to a specified filename in VRF.

  • append - Add the output to the end of an existing file.

  • config - Save the output to the device's configuration.

  • disk0 - Store the output on the device's disk0 storage.

  • ftp - Transfer and save the output to an FTP server.

  • harddisk - Save the output to the device's internal hard disk.

  • http - Send the output to an HTTP server.

  • https - Send the output to an HTTPS server.

  • rootfs - Save the output to the root file system of the device.

  • scp - Securely copy the output to a remote server using SCP.

  • sftp - Securely transfer the output to a remote server using SFTP.

  • tftp - Transfer the output to a TFTP server.

Command Default


Command Modes

XR EXEC mode

Command History



Release 6.0.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

No specific guidelines impact the use of this command.

Task ID

Task ID







The show spp node-counters command displays the node counters for the SPP on a particular node or location.

Router# show spp node-counters location 0/0/CPU0
      forwarded to spp clients:           10006
 forwarded NPU packet to NetIO:           10006
      dropped in classify node:              22
         Fwded to CoPP sampler:               2
                      PUNT ARP:               2
                     PUNT IFIB:           10006
               IFIB IPv4_STACK:           10000
                IFIB RAWIP6_FM:               6
        pkts injected into spp:           10002
  NetIO->NPU injected into spp:           10002
          NetIO->NPU PROTO ARP:               2
         NetIO->NPU PROTO IPV4:           10000
                ether raw pkts:           10030
                       ce pkts:           10002
              punted to client:           10008

The above sample displays only a part of the actual output; the actual output displays more details.

show controllers fia diagshell

To debug asics, use the show controllers fia diagshell command in the XR EXEC mode.

show controllers fia diagshell slot diagnostic command location { location node-id | | | all }

Syntax Description


Specifies the slot in the chassis where the FIA component is located.

diagnostic command

Enter specific commands available within the diagnostic shell to perform various checks and gather information.

location node-id

Specifies the node. The node-id argument is entered in the rack/slot/module notation. Displays the information about a specific node.

location all

Displays information about all nodes.

Command Default


Command Modes

XR EXEC mode

Command History



Release 7.3.5

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

No specific guidelines impact the use of this command.

Task ID

Task ID







The show controllers fia diagshell command to display port module information from NPU slot 0 for location 0/0/CPU0.

Router# show controllers fia diagshell 0 "PortMod info pm" location 0/0/CPU0
Node ID: 0/0/CPU0

R/S/I: 0/0/0
 PM id |    type     |    phys    | logic ports
   00  | Pm4x25      | 001 - 004  |001
   01  | Pm4x25      | 005 - 008  |005
   02  | Pm4x25      | 009 - 012  |009
   03  | Pm4x25      | 013 - 016  |013
   04  | Pm4x25      | 017 - 020  |017
   05  | Pm4x25      | 021 - 024  |021
   06  | Pm4x25      | 049 - 052  |no port attached
   07  | Pm4x25      | 053 - 056  |no port attached
   08  | Pm4x25      | 057 - 060  |no port attached
   09  | Pm4x25      | 061 - 064  |061
   10  | Pm4x25      | 065 - 068  |065
   11  | Pm4x25      | 069 - 072  |069
   12  | Pm4x10      | 025 - 028  |no port attached
   13  | Pm4x10      | 029 - 032  |no port attached
   14  | Pm4x10      | 033 - 036  |no port attached
   15  | Pm4x10      | 037 - 040  |no port attached
   16  | Pm4x10      | 041 - 044  |253
   17  | Pm4x10Q     | 041 - 044  |no port attached
   18  | Pm4x10      | 045 - 048  |no port attached
   19  | Pm4x10Q     | 045 - 048  |no port attached
   20  | Dnx_fabric  | 192 - 195  |256 - 259
   21  | Dnx_fabric  | 196 - 199  |260 - 263
   22  | Dnx_fabric  | 200 - 203  |264 - 267

The above sample displays only a part of the actual output; the actual output displays more details.

show controllers fia statistics

To display the fabric ASIC's statistical information about drop counters, packet counters, and error counters for a specific fabric plane or for all planes, use the show controllers fia statistics command in the XR EXEC mode.

show controller fia statistics { detail instance { instance-id location { node-id | | | path | | | all } | all location { node-id | | | path | | | all } } | instance { instance-id location { node-id | | | path | | | all } | all location { node-id | | | path | | | all } } } [ output-modifiers { begin line | exclude line | file | include line | utility line } ]

Syntax Description

detail instance instance-id

Displays detailed information about a given instance.

detail instance all

Displays detailed information about all instances.

instance instance-id

Displays information about a given instance.

instance all

Displays information about all instances.

location node-id

Specifies the node. The node-id argument is entered in the rack/slot/module notation. Displays the information about a specific node.

location all

Displays information about all nodes.

output-modifiers begin line

Displays information from the line that matches to the given content.

For example, if you want to display the running configuration starting from the interface configurations, you can enter as | begin interface.

output-modifiers exclude line

Displays information by filtering out lines that contain the given content.

For example, if you want to view a configuration but skip all lines that mention "interface", you can enter as | exclude interface.

output-modifiers include line

Displays information that includes the content that you have given.

For example, if you want to view lines that contain the word "interface" within a configuration, you can enter as | include interface.

output-modifiers utility line

Specifies various Unix command-line tools to manipulate or analyze the command's output.

For example, if you want to sort the output of a command alphabetically, you can enter as | utility sort.

output-modifiers file

Saves the information to a specific file.

For example, if you want to save information to a specific file, you can enter as | file filename vrf vrfname.

You can save the content in the following locations:

  • filename - Save the output to a specified filename in VRF.

  • append - Add the output to the end of an existing file.

  • config - Save the output to the device's configuration.

  • disk0 - Store the output on the device's disk0 storage.

  • ftp - Transfer and save the output to an FTP server.

  • harddisk - Save the output to the device's internal hard disk.

  • http - Send the output to an HTTP server.

  • https - Send the output to an HTTPS server.

  • rootfs - Save the output to the root file system of the device.

  • scp - Securely copy the output to a remote server using SCP.

  • sftp - Securely transfer the output to a remote server using SFTP.

  • tftp - Transfer the output to a TFTP server.

Command Default


Command Modes

XR EXEC mode

Command History



Release 7.3.5

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

No specific guidelines impact the use of this command.

Task ID

Task ID





read, write




The show controllers fia statistics command displays the statistical information about drop counters, packet counter and error counter for instance 0 and location 0/1/CPU0.

Router# show controllers fia statistics instance 0 location 0/1/CPU0

FIA Statistics Rack: 0, Slot: 1, Asic instance: 0

FIA Rx (To Fabric) Statistics.


 Input Pkt counters                                 Pkts             Bytes

    Rx pkts from pse                 :        665777182      288589641737

    Rx pkts from switch              :          5562700        2452202671

        bcast pkts from switch       :                0

        mcast pkts from switch       :          5444333

        ucast pkts from switch       :           118367

    Rx pkts enqueued(IQM)            :        665895523      293281221178

    Rx pkts dequeued(IQM)            :        665895523      293281221178

    Rx pkts sent to fabric           :        665895523


Cell counters:         

    Data cells sent to fabric        :       1544969295      293281221178

    Control cells sent to fabric     :     420450857496    

 Drop counters:         

     Rx burst error drops(NBI)        :                0

     Rx error drops(Switch)           :                0

     Rx error drops(pse)              :                0

    Rx pkt discard drops(IQM)        :          5443758        2337309048

     Pkt crc error drops(FDT)         :                0

     Unreachable dest cell drops      :                0

    Internal Error Count             :                0

    Internal Drop Count              :                0

The above sample displays only a part of the actual output; the actual output displays more details.

show netio drops

To display Network Input and Output (Netio) packet drops information, use the show netio drops command in XR EXEC mode.

show netio drops location node-id

Syntax Description

location node-id

Specifies the node. The node-id argument is entered in the rack/slot/module notation. Displays Netio drop counters for the designated node.

Command Default


Command Modes

XR EXEC mode

Command History



Release 6.0

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

No specific guidelines impact the use of this command.

Task ID

Task ID



show output


The show netio drops command displays the netio drops for location 0/RSP0/CPU0.

Router# show netio drops loc 0/rsp0/cpu0
Drops for interfaces on node 0/RSP0/CPU0
Interface: FINT0/RSP0/CPU0 (0x080000c0)
Interface input drops:         1008181180 pkts
Interface input errors:        47494 pkts
Interface input unknown proto: 0 pkts
Interface output drops:        255 pkts
Interface output errors:       0 pkts

The above sample displays only a part of the actual output; the actual output displays more details.