- 1, a through b
- ca trust-point through clock mode
- clock rate through cwmp wan default
- dampening through debug smrp group
- debug smrp mcache through e
- f through h
- icmp idle-timeout through ipv6 nd autoconfig prefix
- ipv6 nd cache expire through l
- m
- n through q
- r
- sa ipsec through show dxi pvc interface
- show eap registrations through show mvr source ports
- show mvrp interface through snmp-server enable traps ospf rate-limit
- snmp-server enable traps ospf retransmit through u
- v through z
- Index
n through q
Finding IOS Command Information
First Published: February 2008
Last Updated: January 2014
This document contains a list of the commands supported in many different software releases and on many different platforms. Some of the commands may not be supported in your Cisco IOS software release. To search for a command, use the alphabet key at the top part of this document and then scroll down until you find the command of interest, or use the Find function in your web browser. To access the documentation for a particular command, click the link to the command reference designator to the right of the command name. This list is intended to be used online only.
Alternatively, you may search for commands using the Command Lookup Tool (https://tools.cisco.com/Support/CLILookup), where you will be prompted to provide your Cisco.com username and password.
ANCP | Cisco IOS Access Node Control Protocol Command Reference |
ATK | Cisco IOS AppleTalk Command Reference |
AN | Cisco IOS Autonomic Networking Command Reference |
ATM | Cisco IOS Asynchronous Transfer Mode Command Reference |
BBA | Cisco IOS Broadband Access Aggregation and DSL Command Reference |
BGP | Cisco IOS IP Routing: BGP Command Reference |
BR | Cisco IOS Bridging Command Reference |
CE | Cisco IOS Carrier Ethernet Command Reference |
CF | Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference |
CSA | Cisco IOS Software Activation Command Reference |
DB | Cisco IOS Debug Command Reference |
DEC | Cisco IOS DECnet Command Reference |
DIA | Cisco IOS Dial Technologies Command Reference |
EIGRP | Cisco IOS IP Routing: EIGRP Command Reference |
EM | Cisco IOS Embedded Menu Manager Command Reference |
FHP | Cisco IOS First Hop Redundancy Protocols Command Reference |
FNF | Cisco IOS Flexible NetFlow Command Reference |
HA | Cisco IOS High Availability Command Reference |
IAD | Cisco IOS IP Addressing Services Command Reference |
IAP | Cisco IOS IP Application Services Command Reference |
IBM | Cisco IOS IBM Networking Command Reference |
IMC | Cisco IOS IP Multicast Command Reference |
IMO | Cisco IOS IP Mobility Command Reference |
IPV6 | Cisco IOS IPv6 Command Reference |
IPX | Cisco IOS Novell IPX Command Reference |
IR | Cisco IOS Interface and Hardware Component Command Reference |
IRI | Cisco IOS IP Routing: Protocol-Independent Command Reference |
IRS | Cisco IOS IP Routing: ISIS Command Reference |
ISG | Cisco IOS Intelligent Services Gateway Command Reference |
ISO | Cisco IOS ISO CLNS Command Reference |
ISW | Cisco IOS IP Switching Command Reference |
LISP | Cisco IOS IP Routing: LISP Command Reference |
LSW | Cisco IOS LAN Switching Command Reference |
MM | Cisco IOS Media Monitoring Command Reference |
MP | Cisco IOS Multiprotocol Label Switching Command Reference |
MSP | Cisco IOS Media Services Proxy Command Reference |
MTR | Cisco IOS Multi-Topology Routing Command Reference |
MWG | Cisco IOS Mobile Wireless Gateway GPRS Support Node Command Reference |
MWH | Cisco IOS Mobile Wireless Home Agent Command Reference |
MWP | Cisco IOS Mobile Wireless Radio Access Networking Command Reference |
MWR | Cisco IOS Mobile Wireless Radio Access Networking Command Reference |
NF | Cisco IOS NetFlow Command Reference |
NM | Cisco IOS Network Management Command Reference |
ODR | Cisco IOS IP Routing: ODR Command Reference |
OER | Cisco IOS Optimized Edge Routing Command Reference |
OSPF | Cisco IOS IP Routing: OSPF Command Reference |
PFR | Cisco IOS Performance Routing Command Reference |
QOS | Cisco IOS Quality of Service Solutions Command Reference |
RIP | Cisco IOS IP Routing: RIP Command Reference |
SAF | Cisco IOS Service Advertisement Framework Command Reference |
SBCD | Cisco Unified Border Element (SP Edition) Command Reference: Distributed Model |
SBCU | Cisco Unified Border Element (SP Edition) Command Reference: Unified Model |
SEC | Cisco IOS Security Command Reference |
SLA | Cisco IOS IP SLAs Command Reference |
SLB | Cisco IOS Server Load Balancing Command Reference |
SM | Cisco IOS Software Modularity Command Reference |
SSG | Cisco IOS Service Selection Gateway Command Reference |
TSV | Cisco IOS Terminal Services Command Reference |
VPD | Cisco IOS VPDN Command Reference |
VR | Cisco IOS Voice Command Reference |
VS | Cisco IOS Virtual Switch Command Reference |
WAN | Cisco IOS Wide-Area Networking Command Reference |
WL | Cisco IOS Wireless LAN Command Reference |
n through q
n3-requests MWG
na-carrier-id-table SBCD
na-dst-address-table SBCD
na-dst-prefix-table SBCD
na-src-account-table SBCD
na-src-address-table SBCD
na-src-adjacency-table SBCD
na-src-name-anonymous-table SBCD
na-src-prefix-table SBCD
nai IPV6
nai (proxy mobile IPv6) IPV6, IMO
nai (proxy mobile ipv6) through tunnel mode gre IMO
name (dial peer cor custom) VR, DIA
name (view) SEC
name elan-id ATM
name local-seg-id ATM
name preempt ATM
name server-atm-address ATM
name-connection CF
named-key SEC
nas-port format d (bba) BBA
nas-port-id format c BBA
nat SLB
nat (IKEv2 profile) SEC
nat (session border controller) SBCD
nat force-on SBCD
nat symmetric check-media-src VR
nat symmetric role VR
nat user-address SSG
nat64 enable IAD
nat64 logging IAD
nat64 logging translations IAD
nat64 map-t IAD
nat64 prefix IAD
nat64 prefix stateless IAD
nat64 prefix stateful IAD
nat64 route IAD
nat64 service ftp IAD
nat64 settings IAD
nat64 settings eif IAD
nat64 settings flow-entries disable IAD
nat64 settings mtu minimum IAD
nat64 switchover replicate http IAD
nat64 translation IAD
nat64 v4 IAD
nat64 v4v6 IAD
nat64 v6v4 IAD
national bit (controller) IR
national bit (interface) IR
national reserve IR
nbns primary MWG
nbns-list SEC
nbns-list (policy group) SEC
nbns-server SEC
ncia IBM
ncia client IBM
ncia rsrb IBM
ncia server IBM
negotiation IR
neighbor accept-route-legacy-rt BGP
neighbor bmp-activate BGP
neighbor translate-update BGP
neighbor (L2VPN Pseudowire Switching) WAN
neighbor (MPLS) MP
neighbor (OSPF) OSPF
neighbor (RIP) RIP
neighbor (VPLS transport mode) MP
neighbor (annex g) VR
neighbor (service-family) SAF
neighbor (tgrep) VR
neighbor activate BGP, MP, IPV6
neighbor additional-paths BGP
neighbor advertise additional-paths BGP
neighbor advertise best-external BGP
neighbor advertise diverse-path BGP
neighbor advertise-map BGP
neighbor advertisement-interval BGP
neighbor allow-policy BGP
neighbor allowas-in MP
neighbor announce rpki state BGP
neighbor as-override MP
neighbor capability orf prefix-list BGP
neighbor cluster-id BGP
neighbor database-filter all out OSPF
neighbor default-originate BGP
neighbor description BGP, EIGRP
neighbor disable-connected-check BGP
neighbor distribute-list BGP
neighbor dmzlink-bw BGP
neighbor ebgp-multihop BGP, IPV6
neighbor fall-over BGP
neighbor filter-list BGP
neighbor ha-mode graceful-restart BGP
neighbor inherit peer-policy BGP
neighbor inherit peer-session BGP
neighbor inter-as-hybrid MP
neighbor internal-vpn-client BGP
neighbor local-as BGP
neighbor maximum-prefix BGP
neighbor maximum-prefix (BGP) BGP
neighbor maximum-prefix (EIGRP) EIGRP
neighbor next-hop-self BGP
neighbor next-hop-unchanged BGP, IPV6
neighbor override-capability-neg IPV6, MP
neighbor password BGP
neighbor path-attribute discard BGP
neighbor path-attribute treat-as-withdraw BGP
neighbor peer-group (assigning members) BGP, IPV6
neighbor peer-group (creating) BGP, IPV6
neighbor prefix-length-size BGP
neighbor prefix-list BGP
neighbor remote-as BGP, MP, IPV6
neighbor remove-private-as BGP
neighbor route-reflector-client BGP, IPV6
neighbor route-server-client BGP
neighbor send-community BGP, MP, IPV6
neighbor send-label explicit-null MP
neighbor shutdown BGP
neighbor slow-peer detection BGP
neighbor slow-peer split-update-group dynamic BGP
neighbor slow-peer split-update-group static BGP
neighbor soft-reconfiguration BGP
neighbor soo BGP
neighbor suppress-signaling-protocol BGP, MP
neighbor timers BGP
neighbor translate-topology MTR
neighbor translate-update IPV6
neighbor ttl-security BGP
neighbor unsuppress-map BGP
neighbor update-source BGP, MP, IPV6
neighbor version BGP
neighbor weight BGP
net IRS
netbios access-list (IPX) IPX
netbios access-list bytes IBM
netbios access-list host IBM
netbios enable-name-cache IBM
netbios input-access-filter bytes IBM
netbios input-access-filter host IBM
netbios name-cache IBM
netbios name-cache name-len IBM
netbios name-cache proxy-datagram IBM
netbios name-cache query-timeout IBM
netbios name-cache recognized-timeout IBM
netbios name-cache timeout IBM
netbios nbf DIA
netbios output-access-filter bytes IBM
netbios output-access-filter host IBM
netbios-name-server IAD
netbios-node-type IAD
netconf beep initiator CNS
netconf beep listener CNS
netconf lock-time CNS
netconf max-message CNS
netconf max-sessions CNS
netconf ssh CNS
netflow-sampler NF
netmask SEC
network (BGP and multiprotocol BGP) BGP, IPV6
network (DHCP) IAD
network (EIGRP) EIGRP
network (IPX Enhanced IGRP) IPX
network (RIP) RIP
network (mobile networks) IMO
network (ssg-redirect) SSG
network area OSPF
network backdoor BGP
network-behind-mobile MWG
network-clock (BITS) IR
network-clock base-rate VR
network-clock clear lockout IR
network-clock hold-off global IR
network-clock quality-level IR
network-clock set lockout IR
network-clock synchronization automatic IR
network-clock synchronization ssm option IR
network-clock-participate VR
network-clock-priority DIA
network-clock-select (ATM) ATM
network-clock-switch VR
network-id ATM
network-id (session border controller) SBCD
network-list SSG
next-address MP
next-hop-self EIGRP
next-server IAD
nhrp group IAD
nhrp map group IAD
nls CBL
nls ag-id auth-key CBL
nls resp-timeout CBL
no channelized IR
no crypto engine software ipsec SEC
no crypto xauth SEC
no ip inspect SEC
no ip ips sdf builtin SEC
no menu CF
no snmp-server SNMP
noisefloor VR
non-linear VR
non-revertive CE
non-standard (config-radius-server) SEC
non-tcp QOS
non-tcp contexts QOS
nonce SAF
notify CF
notify (MGCP profile) VR
notify redirect VR
notify redirect (dial peer) VR
notify syslog CF
notify telephone-event VR
nrzi-encoding IR
nsap VR
nsf IRI
nsf (IS-IS) HA
nsf (OTV) WAN
nsf cisco helper disable OSPF
nsf ietf helper disable OSPF
nsf ietf helper strict-lsa-checking OSPF
nsf interface wait HA
nsf interval HA
nsf t3 HA
nsr OSPF
ntp allow mode private BSM
ntp authentication-key BSM, IPV6
ntp broadcast BSM
ntp broadcast client BSM, IPV6
ntp clock-period BSM
ntp max-associations BSM, IPV6
ntp maxdistance BSM
ntp multicast client BSM, IPV6
ntp orphan BSM
ntp panic update BSM
ntp passive BSM
null-called-number VR
num-exp VR
num-packets SLA
number DIA
numbering-type VR
oam ais-rdi ATM
oam protocol CE
oam queue ATM
oam retry cc ATM
oam-ac emulation-enable MP, WAN
oam-ac segment endpoint ATM
oam-pvc manage cc ATM
oam-pvc manage cc deny ATM
oam-range ATM
oam-svc ATM
object (expression) SNMP
object (tracking) IAP
object id SNMP
object id (event trigger) SNMP
object list SNMP
object-group (Catalyst 6500 series switches) SEC
object-group network SEC
object-group security SEC
object-group service SEC
object-list SNMP
occur-at (ips-auto-update) SEC
ocsp SEC
ocsp url SEC
odap client IAD
odap server IAD
oer OER
oer-map OER
offer call-hold VR
offload (backup) IBM
offload (primary) IBM
offload alias IBM
offset-list (EIGRP) EIGRP
offset-list (RIP) RIP
on SEC
one-minute SEC
open-ring CE
operating mode BBA
operation VR
operation-packet priority SLA
optimize WAN
optimize tfo WAN
optimize timestamp SLA
option (Flexible NetFlow) FNF, MM
option (editor) SBCD
option (session border controller) SBCD
option ext IAD
option hex IAD
option-editor SBCD
option-profile SBCD
options SBCD
options (ruleset) TSV
options-ping VR
options-ping (dial-peer) VR
origin IAD
origin-host SBCD
origin-host (Rf interface) SBCD
origin-realm SBCD
origin-realm (Rf interface) SBCD
ospfv3 area IPV6
ospfv3 authentication IPV6
ospfv3 bfd IPV6
ospfv3 cost IPV6
ospfv3 database-filter IPV6
ospfv3 dead-interval IPV6
ospfv3 demand-circuit IPV6
ospfv3 encryption IPV6
ospfv3 flood-reduction IPV6
ospfv3 hello-interval IPV6
ospfv3 mtu-ignore IPV6
ospfv3 network IPV6
ospfv3 priority IPV6
ospfv3 retransmit-interval IPV6
ospfv3 transmit-delay IPV6
other-xtr-probe LISP
otv active-source WAN
otv adjacency-server unicast-only WAN
otv control-group WAN
otv data-group WAN
otv filter-fhrp WAN
otv fragmentation WAN
otv isis authentication WAN
otv isis csnp-interval WAN
otv isis hello padding WAN
otv isis hello-interval WAN
otv isis hello-multiplier WAN
otv isis lsp-interval WAN
otv isis metric WAN
otv isis overlay WAN
otv isis priority WAN
otv isis retransmit-interval WAN
otv isis retransmit-throttle-interval WAN
otv isis site WAN
otv join-interface WAN
otv mac flood WAN
otv site bridge-domain WAN
otv site-identifier WAN
otv suppress arp-nd WAN
otv use-adjacency-server unicast-only WAN
otv vpn-name WAN
oui CBL
out-of-band telemetry SEC
outbound SBCD
outbound data-pid IR
outbound data-rate IR
outbound frequency IR
outbound id IR
outbound modulation-type IR
outbound retry-interval VR
outbound sync ip address IR
outbound viterbi-rate IR
outbound-flood-rate SBCD
outdscp IMO
outer-cos SLA
outer-vlan SLA
outgoing SEC
outgoing called-number VR
outgoing calling-number VR
outgoing dialpeer VR
outgoing media local ipv4 VR
outgoing media remote ipv4 VR
outgoing port VR
outgoing signaling local ipv4 VR
outgoing signaling remote ipv4 VR
output attenuation VR
output-delay RIP
output-rate CBL
overhead VR
overhead j0 IR
overhead j1 IR
overload-time-threshold SBCD
overload-time-threshold (session border controller) SBCD
override CBL
override default-router IAD
override utilization high IAD
override utilization low IAD
owner SLA
pac key SEC
pac key through port-misuse SEC
package appcommon VR
package callsetup VR
package language VR
package persistent VR
package segment max-pdu-size SBCD
package session_xwork VR
package through pattern VR
packet drop during-authorization WAN
packet retries WL
packet-size SLA
packetcable CBL
packetcable authorize vanilla-docsis-mta CBL
packetcable element-id CBL
packetcable gate maxcount CBL
packetcable timer CBL
packetcable-em transport radius SBCD
pad TSV
padding CF
pagp learn-method LSW
pagp port-priority LSW
pagp rate LSW
pagp timer LSW
param VR
param access-method VR
param account-id-method VR
param accounting enable VR
param accounting-list VR
param authen-list VR
param authen-method VR
param authentication enable VR
param convert-discpi-after-connect VR
param dsn-script VR
param event-log VR
param fax-dtmf VR
param global-password VR
param language VR
param mail-script VR
param mode VR
param pin-len VR
param prompt VR
param redirect-number VR
param reroutemode VR
param retry-count VR
param security VR
param uid-len VR
param voice-dtmf VR
param warning-time VR
parameter SEC
parameter (editor) SBCD
parameter (session border controller) SBCD
parameter change notify interval BBA
parameter-editor SBCD
parameter-map type SEC
parameter-map type content-scan global SEC
parameter-map type inspect SEC, IPV6
parameter-map type inspect-global SEC
parameter-map type inspect-vrf SEC
parameter-map type inspect-zone SEC
parameter-map type mitigation SEC
parameter-map type ooo global SEC
parameter-map type protocol-info SEC
parameter-map type regex SEC
parameter-map type trend-global SEC
parameter-map type urlf-glob SEC
parameter-map type urlfilter SEC
parameter-map type urlfpolicy SEC
parameter-map type waas WAN
parameter-profile SBCD
parameters SLA
paramspace VR
paramspace appcommon event-log VR
paramspace appcommon security VR
paramspace callsetup mode VR
paramspace callsetup reroutemode VR
paramspace language VR
paramspace session_xwork convert-discpi-after-connect VR
parity CF
parser cache CF
parser command serializer CF
parser config cache interface CF
parser config partition CF
parser maximum CF
parser view SEC
parser view superview SEC
partial-fill ATM
partition CF
partition avoidance IRS
pass SEC
pass-body SBCD
passive SEC
passive-interface IRI
passive-interface (EIGRP) EIGRP
passive-interface (IPv6) IPV6, MP
passive-interface (OSPFv3) IPV6
passthrough WAN
passthru downstream ipv6 ISG
password WAN
password (DFP agent) SLB
password (ISG) ISG
password (L2TP) WAN
password (SAF) SAF
password (ca-trustpoint) SEC, IPV6
password (dot1x credentials) SEC
password (line configuration) SEC
password (satellite initial configuration) IR
password 5 SEC
password encryption aes SEC
password logging SEC
path IBM
path (archive configuration) CF
path-discover SLA
path-echo SLA
path-jitter SLA
path-specifer MM
paths-of-statistics-kept SLA
pattern VR
pattern (parameter-map) SEC
payload-compression IR
payload-encapsulation WL
payload-size IR
payload-type asymmetric SBCD
pcscf MWG
peak-time1 CBL
peer (IKEv2 keyring) SEC
peer (session border controller) SBCD
peer address ipv4 SEC
peer default ip address DIA
peer default ipv6 address pool IPV6
peer ip address forced DIA
peer match aaa-pools DIA
peer pool backup DIA
peer pool static DIA
peer port SLB
peer reactivate SEC
peer secret SLB
peer-cert-verify enable WAN
peer-cipherlist WAN
peer-ssl-version WAN
penalty-period CBL
per-box aggressive-aging SEC
per-box max-incomplete SEC
per-box max-incomplete aggressive-aging SEC
per-box tcp syn-flood limit SEC
percentile SLA
period (CFM-AIS-link) CE
periodic CF
periodic (OER) OER
periodic (PfR) PFR
periodic-interval OER
periodic-interval (PfR) PFR
periodic-rel-pxf enable CBL
periodic-report interval VR
periodic-report interval through pulse-digit-detection VR
permission (dial peer voice) DIA
permit SEC
permit (Catalyst 6500 series switches) SEC
permit (IP) SEC
permit (IPX extended) IPX
permit (IPX standard) IPX
permit (MAC ACL) SEC
permit (NLSP) IPX
permit (SAP filtering) IPX
permit (reflexive) SEC
permit (webvpn acl) SEC
permit hostname (SIP) VR
permit link-local IPV6
pfr PFR
pfr-map PFR
pfs SEC
phone context VR
phone number VR
phone-number HA
physical-layer IR
pickup direct VR
pickup group VR
pickup local VR
ping (MTR) MTR
ping (privileged) CF
ping atm interface atm ATM
ping docsis CBL
ping ethernet CE
ping ethernet evc CE
ping ethernet mpid vlan CE
ping ethernet vlan CE
ping ip CF
ping ipv6 IPV6
ping mpls MP
ping mpls mldp MP
ping mpls tp MP
ping sna IBM
ping srb CF
ping-bad-rsp-codes SBCD
ping-enable SBCD
ping-fail-count SBCD
ping-interval SBCD
ping-lifetime SBCD
ping-suppression SBCD
pki trustpoint SEC
pki-server SEC
platform bfd allow-svi IRI
platform bfd enable-offload IRI
platform console IR
platform cwan acl software-switched IR
platform enable controller CSA
platform hardware throughput level IR
platform ip features sequential QOS, IR
platform ipsec fips-mode QOS
platform ipsec llq QOS
platform ipv6 acl fragment hardware IPV6
platform ipv6 acl icmp optimize neighbor-discovery IPV6
platform ipv6 acl punt extension-header IPV6
platform mpls load-balance ingress-port MP
platform multicast oce flag suppress IMC
platform netflow rp sampling scale NF
platform performance-monitor rate-limit MM
platform port-channel local-significance LSW
platform punt-keepalive IR
platform punt-police queue QOS
platform qos marker-statistics QOS
platform qos match-statistics per-ace QOS
platform qos match-statistics per-filter QOS
platform redundancy bias HA
platform scp retry interval IR
platform shell CF
platform time-source IR
platform trace boottime process forwarding-manager module interfaces IR
platform trace runtime process forwarding-manager module mfr WAN
platform trace runtime process forwarding-manager module wccp IAP
platform trace runtime process forwarding-manager module mfr WAN
platform vfi dot1q-transparency QOS
platform vfi provision vlan LSW
playout-delay (dial peer) VR
playout-delay (voice-port) VR
playout-delay mode (dial-peer) VR
playout-delay mode (voice-port) VR
plim qos input QOS
plim qos input map cos (Classify CoS Values for VLAN) QOS
plim qos input map cos (classify CoS values for VLAN) QOS
pm fec threshold IR
pm optics report IR
pm optics threshold IR
pm otn report IR
pm otn threshold IR
poison-reverse (IPv6 RIP) IPV6
police QOS
police (EtherSwitch) QOS
police (ISG) ISG
police (percent) QOS
police (policy map) QOS
police (two rates) QOS
police (zone policy) SEC
police profile VR
police rate MWG
police rate (control-plane) QOS
police rate pdp QOS
policy (ERM) ERM
policy (resource group) ERM
policy (session border controller) SBCD
policy config-sync reload HA
policy dynamic identity SEC
policy group SEC
policy static sgt SEC
policy-map copp-peruser QOS
policy-map type class-routing ipv4 unicast MTR
policy-map type control ISG
policy-map type control mitigation SEC
policy-map type control tms SEC
policy-map type inspect SEC, IPV6
policy-map type inspect urlfilter SEC
policy-map type mace WAN
policy-map type performance-monitor MM
policy-map type service ISG
policy-map type waas WAN
policy-name ISG
policy-peer ISG
policy-rules OER
policy-rules (PfR) PFR
poll-interval SNMP
pool IBM
pool (isakmp-group) SEC
pool ipv4 IMO
pool ipv6 IMO
pool-member VPD
pool-range DIA
port (Annex G neighbor BE) VR
port (DFP agent) SLB
port (HTTP probe) SLB
port (IKEv2 cluster) SEC
port (IPv6 RIP) IPV6
port (MGCP profile) VR
port (OER) OER
port (PfR) PFR
port (SBE H.248) SBCD
port (TCP probe) SLB
port (custom UDP probe) SLB
port (global) DIA
port (iSCSI interface) MWG
port (interface) IR
port (session border controller) SBCD
port (ssg-redirect) SSG
port (supplementary-service) VR
port (twamp) SLA
port access-map IR
port media VR
port modem autotest DIA
port signal VR
port-channel hash-distribution IR
port-channel load-balance IR, CE
port-channel load-balance (interface) IR, CE
port-channel load-balance mpls IR, CE
port-channel load-balance weighted rebalance IR, CE
port-channel load-balancing vlan-manual IR
port-channel load-defer IR, LSW
port-channel min-links IR
port-channel per-module load-balance IR
port-channel port load-defer IR, LSW
port-channel standalone-disable IR
port-forward SEC
port-forward (policy group) SEC
port-list SSG
port-misuse SEC
port-parameters IAD
port-range SBCD
port-range (ipv4) SBCD
port-range (ipv6) SBCD
port0 CE
port0 service instance CE
port1 CE
port1 service instance CE
pos ais-shut IR
pos delay triggers IR
pos flag IR
pos flag s1-byte rx-communicate ATM, IR
pos framing IR
pos report IR
pos scramble-atm IR
pos threshold IR
pots call-waiting VR
pots country VR
pots dialing-method VR
pots disconnect-supervision VR
pots disconnect-time VR
pots distinctive-ring-guard-time VR
pots encoding VR
pots forwarding-method VR
pots line-type VR
pots prefix filter VR
pots prefix number VR
pots ringing-freq VR
pots silence-time VR
pots tone-source VR
power client WL
power inline IR
power local WL
ppp DIA
ppp accm DIA
ppp accounting through quit SEC
ppp acfc local DIA
ppp acfc remote DIA
ppp authentication SEC, MWP, IPV6
ppp authentication ms-chap-v2 SEC
ppp authorization SEC
ppp bap call DIA
ppp bap callback DIA
ppp bap drop DIA
ppp bap link types DIA
ppp bap max DIA
ppp bap monitor load DIA
ppp bap number DIA
ppp bap timeout DIA
ppp bcp tagged-frame IBM
ppp bridge appletalk DIA
ppp bridge ip DIA
ppp bridge ipx DIA
ppp callback (DDR) DIA
ppp callback (PPP client) DIA
ppp caller name DIA
ppp chap hostname SEC
ppp chap password SEC
ppp chap refuse SEC
ppp chap wait SEC
ppp direction DIA
ppp dnis DIA
ppp eap identity SEC
ppp eap local SEC
ppp eap password SEC
ppp eap refuse SEC
ppp eap wait SEC
ppp encrypt mppe DIA
ppp hold-queue DIA
ppp ip address-save aaa-acct-vsa BBA
ppp ipcp default route DIA
ppp ipcp predictive DIA
ppp iphc max-header DIA
ppp iphc max-period DIA
ppp iphc max-time DIA
ppp ipv6cp address unique IPV6, BBA
ppp lcp delay DIA
ppp lcp echo mru verify BBA
ppp lcp fast-start DIA
ppp lcp predictive DIA
ppp link reorders DIA
ppp loopback no-backoff IR
ppp loopback ignore DIA
ppp max-bad-auth DIA
ppp max-configure DIA
ppp max-failure DIA
ppp max-terminate DIA
ppp microcode DIA
ppp mru match DIA
ppp ms-chap refuse DIA
ppp ms-chap-v2 refuse DIA
ppp mtu adaptive DIA
ppp multilink endpoint DIA
ppp multilink fragment delay DIA
ppp multilink fragment disable BBA, DIA
ppp multilink fragment maximum DIA
ppp multilink fragment size DIA
ppp multilink fragmentation DIA
ppp multilink idle-link DIA
ppp multilink interleave DIA
ppp multilink links maximum DIA
ppp multilink links minimum DIA
ppp multilink load-threshold DIA
ppp multilink multiclass DIA
ppp multilink multiclass local DIA
ppp multilink multiclass remote DIA
ppp multilink ncp sequenced DIA
ppp multilink slippage DIA
ppp mux MWR
ppp mux delay MWR
ppp mux frame MWR
ppp mux pid MWR
ppp mux subframe count MWR
ppp mux subframe length MWR
ppp ncp override local IPV6, BBA
ppp pap refuse SEC
ppp pap sent-username SEC
ppp pap wait DIA
ppp pfc local DIA
ppp pfc remote DIA
ppp quality DIA
ppp reliable-link DIA
ppp timeout aaa DIA
ppp timeout authentication DIA
ppp timeout idle DIA
ppp timeout idle (template) DIA
ppp timeout multilink link add DIA
ppp timeout multilink link remove DIA
ppp timeout multilink lost-fragment DIA
ppp timeout ncp BBA, IPV6, DIA
ppp timeout retry DIA
ppp unique address accept-access BBA, IPV6
ppp-regeneration MWG
pppoe enable BBA
pppoe limit max-sessions BBA
pppoe limit per-mac BBA
pppoe limit per-vc BBA
pppoe limit per-vlan BBA
pppoe max-sessions BBA
pppoe server circuit-id delay BBA
pppoe server remote-id delay BBA
pppoe service BBA
pppoe-client control-packets vlan cos BBA
pppoe-client dial-pool-number BBA
pppoe-sessions threshold BBA
pptp flow-control receive-window VPD
pptp flow-control static-rtt VPD
pptp tunnel echo VPD
prc-interval IRS
prc-interval (IPX) IPX
prc-interval (IPv6) IPV6
prc-interval (OTV) WAN
pre-dial delay VR
pre-shared-key (IKEv2 keyring) SEC
preamble-short WL
precedence QOS
precedence (Frame Relay VC-bundle-member) WAN
precedence (WRED group) QOS
precedence (session border controller) SBCD
precision SLA
predictor SLB
predictor hash address (firewall farm) SLB
preempt-priority QOS
preemption enable VR
preemption guard timer VR
preemption level VR
preemption tone timer VR
preference (DHCPv6 Guard) IAD
preference (dial-peer) VR
preferred-nnserver IBM
preferred-path MP
preferred-transport SBCD
prefix (Annex G) VR
prefix (session border controller) SBCD
prefix (stcapp-fac) VR
prefix (stcapp-fsd) VR
prefix object SNMP
prefix-delegation aaa IAD, IPV6
prefix-delegation pool IAD, IPV6
prefix-glean IPV6
prefix-length-size BGP
prefix-suppression OSPF
prefixes OER
prefixes (PfR) PFR
preloaded-route VR
prepaid config ISG
presence VR
presence call-list VR
presence enable VR
pri-group IR
pri-group (pri-slt) VR
pri-group nec-fusion VR
primary SEC
primary (gateway accounting file) VR
printer CF
priority QOS
priority (10000 series) QOS
priority (LSP Attributes) MP
priority (OSPF) MTR
priority (SIP400) QOS
priority (session border controller) SBCD
priority level QOS
priority(firewall) SEC
priority-group QOS
priority-list default QOS
priority-list interface QOS
priority-list protocol QOS
priority-list protocol bstun IBM
priority-list protocol ip tcp IBM
priority-list protocol stun address IBM
priority-list queue-limit QOS
priority-queue cos-map QOS
priority-queue queue-limit QOS
privacy (session border controller) SBCD
privacy (supplementary-service) VR
privacy restrict outbound SBCD
privacy-policy VR
private CF
private-hosts SEC
private-hosts layer3 SEC
private-hosts mac-list SEC
private-hosts mode SEC
private-hosts promiscuous SEC
private-hosts vlan-list SEC
private-vlan LSW
private-vlan association LSW
private-vlan mapping LSW
private-vlan synchronize LSW
privilege level SEC
proactive enable IR
proactive rvrt-threshold IR
proactive rvrt-window IR
proactive trig-threshold IR
probe (PfR) PFR
probe (firewall farm real server) SLB
probe (server farm) SLB
probe-interval SLA
probe-packet priority SLA
probing interval VR
probing max-failures VR
process cpu statistics limit entry-percentage CF
process cpu threshold type CF
process-max-time CF
process-min-time percent OSPF, IPV6
profile (GDOI local server) SEC
profile (call home) HA
profile (diagnostic signature) HA
profile (profile map configuration) SEC
profile (session border controller) SBCD
profile flow MSP
profile flow port-map MSP
profile incoming DIA
profile packet SLA
profile perf-monitor MM
profile system MM
profile traffic SLA
profile-description CBL
progress_ind VR
prompt CF
prompt config CF
propagate sgt SEC
propagate sgt (config-if-cts-dot1x) SEC
proposal SEC
protect ATM
protect (Frame Relay VC-bundle-member) WAN
protect-tunnel CBL
protection (LSP Attributes) MP
protection (zone) SEC
protection local-prefixes MP
protocol (ATM) ATM
protocol (IPv6) IPV6
protocol (L2TP) WAN
protocol (OER) OER
protocol (VPDN) VPD
protocol datagram SLB
protocol gre IR
protocol ipv6 (ATM) IPV6
protocol pppoe (ATM VC) BBA
protocol pppovlan dot1q BBA
protocol rlm port VR
protocol shutdown IRS
protocol tcp SLB
provider VR
provision code BBA
proxy SEC
proxy (ISG RADIUS proxy) ISG
proxy (RADIUS proxy) ISG
proxy h323 VR
psc refresh interval MP
pseudowire (Layer 2) CE
pseudowire routing MP
pseudowire type MP
pseudowire-static-oam class MP
pseudowire-tlv template MP
pu (TN3270) IBM
pu (listen-point) IBM
pu dlur (listen-point) IBM
publickey SEC
pulse-digit-detection VR
pulse-time IR
purge connection SLB
purge radius framed-ip acct on-off (virtual server) SLB
purge radius framed-ip acct stop (virtual server) SLB
purge sticky SLB
pvc ATM
pvc (Frame Relay VC-bundle) WAN
pvc-in-range BBA
pwd CF
q850-cause VR
qllc accept-all-calls IBM
qllc dlsw IBM
qllc largest-packet IBM
qllc npsi-poll IBM
qllc partner IBM
qllc sap IBM
qllc srb IBM
qllc xid IBM
qos fax SBCD
qos police order parent-first QOS
qos pre-classify QOS
qos shape-timer QOS
qos sig SBCD
qos video SBCD
qos voice SBCD
qos-group (ATM VC bundle member) ATM
qos-group (PVS Bundle Member) SEC
qos-profile enforced CBL
qos-profile registered CBL
qsig decode VR
query certificate SEC
query ip dhcp SSG
query url SEC
query-interval VR
queue-depth QOS
queue-depth (OSPFv3) IPV6
queue-limit QOS
queue-limit atm clp QOS
queue-list default QOS
queue-list interface QOS
queue-list lowest-custom QOS
queue-list protocol QOS
queue-list protocol bstun IBM
queue-list protocol ip tcp IBM
queue-list queue byte-count QOS
queue-list queue limit QOS
quit SEC