- 1, a through b
- ca trust-point through clock mode
- clock rate through cwmp wan default
- dampening through debug smrp group
- debug smrp mcache through e
- f through h
- icmp idle-timeout through ipv6 nd autoconfig prefix
- ipv6 nd cache expire through l
- m
- n through q
- r
- sa ipsec through show dxi pvc interface
- show eap registrations through show mvr source ports
- show mvrp interface through snmp-server enable traps ospf rate-limit
- snmp-server enable traps ospf retransmit through u
- v through z
- Index
icmp idle-timeout through ipv6 nd autoconfig prefix
Finding IOS Command Information
First Published: February 2008
Last Updated: January 2014
This document contains a list of the commands supported in many different software releases and on many different platforms. Some of the commands may not be supported in your Cisco IOS software release. To search for a command, use the alphabet key at the top part of this document and then scroll down until you find the command of interest, or use the Find function in your web browser. To access the documentation for a particular command, click the link to the command reference designator to the right of the command name. This list is intended to be used online only.
Alternatively, you may search for commands using the Command Lookup Tool (https://tools.cisco.com/Support/CLILookup), where you will be prompted to provide your Cisco.com username and password.
ANCP | Cisco IOS Access Node Control Protocol Command Reference |
ATK | Cisco IOS AppleTalk Command Reference |
AN | Cisco IOS Autonomic Networking Command Reference |
ATM | Cisco IOS Asynchronous Transfer Mode Command Reference |
BBA | Cisco IOS Broadband Access Aggregation and DSL Command Reference |
BGP | Cisco IOS IP Routing: BGP Command Reference |
BR | Cisco IOS Bridging Command Reference |
CE | Cisco IOS Carrier Ethernet Command Reference |
CF | Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference |
CSA | Cisco IOS Software Activation Command Reference |
DB | Cisco IOS Debug Command Reference |
DEC | Cisco IOS DECnet Command Reference |
DIA | Cisco IOS Dial Technologies Command Reference |
EIGRP | Cisco IOS IP Routing: EIGRP Command Reference |
EM | Cisco IOS Embedded Menu Manager Command Reference |
FHP | Cisco IOS First Hop Redundancy Protocols Command Reference |
FNF | Cisco IOS Flexible NetFlow Command Reference |
HA | Cisco IOS High Availability Command Reference |
IAD | Cisco IOS IP Addressing Services Command Reference |
IAP | Cisco IOS IP Application Services Command Reference |
IBM | Cisco IOS IBM Networking Command Reference |
IMC | Cisco IOS IP Multicast Command Reference |
IMO | Cisco IOS IP Mobility Command Reference |
IPV6 | Cisco IOS IPv6 Command Reference |
IPX | Cisco IOS Novell IPX Command Reference |
IR | Cisco IOS Interface and Hardware Component Command Reference |
IRI | Cisco IOS IP Routing: Protocol-Independent Command Reference |
IRS | Cisco IOS IP Routing: ISIS Command Reference |
ISG | Cisco IOS Intelligent Services Gateway Command Reference |
ISO | Cisco IOS ISO CLNS Command Reference |
ISW | Cisco IOS IP Switching Command Reference |
LISP | Cisco IOS IP Routing: LISP Command Reference |
LSW | Cisco IOS LAN Switching Command Reference |
MM | Cisco IOS Media Monitoring Command Reference |
MP | Cisco IOS Multiprotocol Label Switching Command Reference |
MSP | Cisco IOS Media Services Proxy Command Reference |
MTR | Cisco IOS Multi-Topology Routing Command Reference |
MWG | Cisco IOS Mobile Wireless Gateway GPRS Support Node Command Reference |
MWH | Cisco IOS Mobile Wireless Home Agent Command Reference |
MWP | Cisco IOS Mobile Wireless Radio Access Networking Command Reference |
MWR | Cisco IOS Mobile Wireless Radio Access Networking Command Reference |
NF | Cisco IOS NetFlow Command Reference |
NM | Cisco IOS Network Management Command Reference |
ODR | Cisco IOS IP Routing: ODR Command Reference |
OER | Cisco IOS Optimized Edge Routing Command Reference |
OSPF | Cisco IOS IP Routing: OSPF Command Reference |
PFR | Cisco IOS Performance Routing Command Reference |
QOS | Cisco IOS Quality of Service Solutions Command Reference |
RIP | Cisco IOS IP Routing: RIP Command Reference |
SAF | Cisco IOS Service Advertisement Framework Command Reference |
SBCD | Cisco Unified Border Element (SP Edition) Command Reference: Distributed Model |
SBCU | Cisco Unified Border Element (SP Edition) Command Reference: Unified Model |
SEC | Cisco IOS Security Command Reference |
SLA | Cisco IOS IP SLAs Command Reference |
SLB | Cisco IOS Server Load Balancing Command Reference |
SM | Cisco IOS Software Modularity Command Reference |
SSG | Cisco IOS Service Selection Gateway Command Reference |
TSV | Cisco IOS Terminal Services Command Reference |
VPD | Cisco IOS VPDN Command Reference |
VR | Cisco IOS Voice Command Reference |
VS | Cisco IOS Virtual Switch Command Reference |
WAN | Cisco IOS Wide-Area Networking Command Reference |
WL | Cisco IOS Wireless LAN Command Reference |
icmp idle-timeout through ipv6 nd autoconfig prefix
icmp idle-timeout SEC
icmp idle-timeout through ip http ezvpn SEC
icmp-echo SLA
icmp-jitter SLA
icpif VR
icpif through irq global-request VR
id VR
id (CFM) CE
id (expression) SNMP
id aa-group IR
id software group IR
id vsat IR
ida-client server url SEC
identifier SEC
identifier interface ISG
identifier ip src-addr ISG
identity (IKEv2 keyring) IPV6, SEC
identity (IKEv2 profile) SEC
identity address ipv4 SEC
identity number SEC
identity policy SEC
identity policy (policy-map) QOS
identity profile SEC
identity profile eapoudp SEC
idle (SSG-radius-proxy-timers) SSG
idle (firewall farm TCP protocol) SLB
idle (firewall farm datagram protocol) SLB
idle (virtual server) SLB
idle-pattern IR
idle-time IBM
idle-timeout ATM
idle-timeout (SSG) SSG
idle-timeout (WSMA) WSMA
idle-timeout (WebVPN) SEC
idle-voltage VR
ids-service-module monitoring IR
if upon network-service-found ISG
if-mgr delete IR
if-state nhrp SEC
ignore VR
ignore (ISG) ISG
ignore lsa mospf OSPF
ignore-dcd IR
ignore-error-duration IR
ignore-hw local-loopback IR
ignore-lsp-errors ISO
ilmi manage ATM
ima active-links-minimum ATM
ima autorestart ATM
ima clock-mode ATM
ima differential-delay-maximum ATM
ima frame-length ATM
ima restart ATM
ima test ATM
ima version ATM
ima-group ATM
image encoding VR
image resolution VR
imc access-port IR
imc config file IR
imc dns IR
imc ip address default-gateway IR
imc ip address dhcp IR
imc ip dhcp IR
imc remote-manager IR
imc vlan IR
impedance VR
import SEC
import all IAD
import information refresh IAD, IPV6
import ipv4 BGP
import nis domain-name IAD, IPV6
import nisp domain-name IAD, IPV6
import path limit BGP
import path selection BGP
import sip domain-name IAD, IPV6
import topology MTR
ims media-service SBCD
ims pani SBCD
ims realm SBCD
ims rf SBCD
ims rx SBCD
ims rx preliminary-aar-forbid SBCD
inarp ATM
inarp (Frame Relay VC-bundle-member) WAN
inarp-vc ATM
inband-alerting VR
inbound SBCD
inbound secure SBCD
inbound ttl VR
include-local-lan SEC
inclusion-list CE
incoming SEC
incoming alerting VR
incoming called-number (call filter match list) VR
incoming called-number (dial peer) VR
incoming calling-number (call filter match list) VR
incoming dialpeer VR
incoming media local ipv4 VR
incoming media remote ipv4 VR
incoming port VR
incoming secondary-called-number VR
incoming signaling local ipv4 VR
incoming signaling remote ipv4 VR
incoming uri VR
index MP
index (voice class) VR
info-digits VR
information-element ssidl WL
information-type VR
infrastructure client WL
infrastructure-ssid WL
ingress-class-map QOS
inherit peer-policy BGP
inherit peer-session BGP
inherit profile SBCD
init-tech-list CBL
init-tech-ovr CBL
initial-contact force SEC
initial-delay (bmp) BGP
initiate mode SEC
initiate-to VPD
initiator ISG
initiator unclassified vlan CE
inject guard-tone VR
inject pause VR
inject tone VR
inner-cos SLA
inner-vlan SLA
input gain VR
input-queue RIP
insecure CF
inservice (DFP agent) SLB
inservice (WebVPN) SEC
inservice (firewall farm real server) SLB
inservice (firewall farm) SLB
inservice (server farm real server) SLB
inservice (server farm virtual server) SLB
inside bgp OER
inside bgp (PfR) PFR
inspect (config-profile) SEC
instance (Ethernet ring) CE
instance (MIB) SNMP
instance (resource group) ERM
instance range SNMP
instance repetition SNMP
int att IMO
integrity SEC
intensity VR
inter-as-hybrid MP
inter-packet gap 6502-mode IR
interface (OER) OER
interface (PfR) PFR
interface (RITE) SEC
interface (RLM server) VR
interface (VASI) SEC
interface (proxy mobile IPv6) IMO
interface analysis-module IR
interface atm ATM
interface atm ima ATM
interface auto-template MP
interface bri DIA
interface bvi IBM
interface cable CBL
interface cable-modem CBL
interface cbr ATM
interface channel IBM
interface content-engine IR
interface ctunnel ISO
interface dialer DIA
interface event-log dump ftp VR
interface event-log error only VR
interface event-log max-buffer-size VR
interface fastethernet IR
interface fr-atm WAN
interface gigabitethernet IR, CBL
interface group-async IR
interface integrated-cable CBL
interface integrated-service-engine IR
interface ism IR
interface max-server-records VR
interface modular-cable CBL
interface multilink DIA
interface multiservice ISG
interface overlay WAN
interface port-channel IR, CBL
interface pos IR
interface range IR
interface satellite IR
interface sbc SBCD
interface serial DIA
interface serial multipoint WAN
interface service-engine IR
interface sm IR
interface stats VR
interface tunnel-tp MP
interface usb CBL
interface vg-anylan IR
interface virtual-ethernet MP
interface virtual-ppp DIA
interface virtual-template SEC, VPD, IPV6, DIA
interface virtual-tokenring IBM
interface vlan IBM
interface vmi IR
interface wideband-cable CBL
interface wlan-controller IR
interface xtagatm MP
interface-id snmp-if-index OSPF
interim-interval ISG
internal (DDNS-update-method) IAD
international CF
international bit IR
interval CBL
interval (BFD) IRI
interval (DFP agent) SLB
interval (DNS probe) SLB
interval (HTTP probe) SLB
interval (LSP discovery) SLA
interval (MPLS-TP) MP
interval (TCP probe) SLB
interval (WSP probe) SLB
interval (custom UDP probe) SLB
interval (params) SLA
interval (ping probe) SLB
interval duration MM
interval maximum IAD
interval minimum IAD
interwork cost SBCD
interwork maximum SBCD
invert data IR
invert rxclock IR
invert txclock IR
invite-timeout SBCD
ip (iSCSI interface) MWG
ip (webvpn url rewrite) SEC
ip access-list hardware permit fragments SEC
ip access-list log-update SEC
ip access-list logging hash-generation SEC
ip access-list logging interval SEC
ip access-list resequence SEC
ip accounting IAP
ip accounting mac-address IAP
ip accounting precedence IAP
ip accounting through ip sctp authenticate IAP
ip accounting-list IAP
ip accounting-threshold IAP
ip accounting-transits IAP
ip address (WebVPN) SEC
ip address (session border controller) SBCD
ip address authenticate trusted VR
ip address docsis CBL
ip address negotiated DIA
ip address pool (DHCP) IAD
ip address-pool DIA
ip admission SEC
ip admission consent banner SEC
ip admission name SEC
ip admission name bypass regex SEC
ip admission name http-basic SEC
ip admission name method-list SEC
ip admission name ntlm SEC
ip admission name order SEC
ip admission proxy http SEC
ip admission virtual-ip SEC
ip alias TSV
ip arp entry learn IAD
ip arp gratuitous IAD
ip arp gratuitous through ip dhcp ping packets IAD
ip arp incomplete IAD
ip arp inspection filter vlan IAD
ip arp inspection limit (interface configuration) IAD
ip arp inspection log-buffer IAD
ip arp inspection trust IAD
ip arp inspection validate IAD
ip arp inspection vlan IAD
ip arp inspection vlan logging IAD
ip arp poll IAD
ip arp proxy disable IAD
ip arp queue IAD
ip as-path access-list BGP
ip audit SEC
ip audit attack SEC
ip audit info SEC
ip audit name SEC
ip audit notify SEC
ip audit po local SEC
ip audit po max-events SEC
ip audit po protected SEC
ip audit po remote SEC
ip audit signature SEC
ip audit smtp SEC
ip auth-proxy (global configuration) SEC
ip auth-proxy (interface configuration) SEC
ip auth-proxy auth-proxy-banner SEC
ip auth-proxy max-login-attempts SEC
ip auth-proxy name SEC
ip auth-proxy watch-list SEC
ip authentication key-chain eigrp EIGRP
ip authentication mode eigrp EIGRP
ip bandwidth-percent eigrp EIGRP
ip bgp fast-external-fallover BGP
ip bgp-community new-format BGP
ip bootp server CF
ip broadcast-address IAP
ip cache-invalidate-delay ISW
ip cache-invalidate-delay through monitor event-trace cef ipv6 global ISW
ip casa IAP
ip cef ISW
ip cef accounting ISW
ip cef linecard ipc memory ISW
ip cef load-sharing algorithm ISW
ip cef optimize neighbor resolution ISW
ip cef table adjacency-prefix ISW
ip cef table consistency-check ISW
ip cef table event-log ISW
ip cef table resolution-timer ISW
ip cef traffic-statistics IAP, ISW
ip cgmp IMC
ip circuit VR
ip classless IAD
ip community-list BGP
ip dampening-change eigrp IMO
ip dampening-interval eigrp IMO
ip ddns update hostname IAD
ip ddns update method IAD
ip default-gateway IAD
ip default-network IRI
ip device tracking probe SEC
ip dfbit set WAN
ip dfp agent SLB
ip dhcp aaa default username IAD
ip dhcp bootp ignore IAD
ip dhcp class IAD
ip dhcp client IAD
ip dhcp client authentication key-chain IAD
ip dhcp client authentication mode IAD
ip dhcp client broadcast-flag (interface) IAD, SEC
ip dhcp client class-id IAD
ip dhcp client client-id IAD
ip dhcp client default-router distance IAD
ip dhcp client hostname IAD
ip dhcp client lease IAD
ip dhcp client mobile renew IAD, IMO
ip dhcp client request IAD
ip dhcp client update dns IAD
ip dhcp compatibility lease-query client IAD
ip dhcp compatibility suboption link-selection IAD
ip dhcp conflict logging IAD
ip dhcp conflict resolution IAD
ip dhcp database IAD
ip dhcp debug ascii-client-id IAD
ip dhcp excluded-address IAD
ip dhcp global-options IAD
ip dhcp limit lease IAD
ip dhcp limit lease log IAD
ip dhcp limit lease per interface IAD
ip dhcp limited-broadcast-address IAD
ip dhcp ping packets IAD
ip dhcp ping timeout IAD
ip dhcp ping timeout through ip dhcp-client forcerenew IAD
ip dhcp pool IAD
ip dhcp relay bootp ignore IAD
ip dhcp relay forward spanning-tree IAD
ip dhcp relay information check IAD
ip dhcp relay information check-reply IAD
ip dhcp relay information option IAD
ip dhcp relay information option server-id-override IAD
ip dhcp relay information option subscriber-id IAD
ip dhcp relay information option vpn-id IAD
ip dhcp relay information option-insert IAD
ip dhcp relay information policy IAD
ip dhcp relay information policy-action IAD
ip dhcp relay information trust-all IAD
ip dhcp relay information trusted IAD
ip dhcp relay prefer known-good-server IAD
ip dhcp route connected IAD
ip dhcp server use subscriber-id client-id IAD
ip dhcp smart-relay IAD
ip dhcp snooping IAD
ip dhcp snooping binding IAD
ip dhcp snooping database IAD
ip dhcp snooping detect spurious IAD
ip dhcp snooping detect spurious interval IAD
ip dhcp snooping detect spurious vlan IAD
ip dhcp snooping information option IAD
ip dhcp snooping limit rate IAD
ip dhcp snooping packets IAD
ip dhcp snooping verify mac-address IAD
ip dhcp snooping vlan IAD
ip dhcp subscriber-id interface-name IAD
ip dhcp support option55-override IAD
ip dhcp support tunnel unicast IAD, SEC
ip dhcp update dns IAD
ip dhcp use IAD
ip dhcp use subscriber-id client-id IAD
ip dhcp-client broadcast-flag IAD
ip dhcp-client default-router distance IAD
ip dhcp-client forcerenew IAD, VR
ip dhcp-client network-discovery IAD, DIA
ip dhcp-client network-discovery through ip nat sip-sbc IAD
ip dhcp-client update dns IAD
ip dhcp-relay information option server-override IAD
ip dhcp-relay source-interface IAD
ip dhcp-server query lease IAD
ip directed-broadcast IAP, IPV6
ip dns name-list IAD
ip dns primary IAD
ip dns server IAD
ip dns server queue limit IAD
ip dns server view-group IAD
ip dns spoofing IAD
ip dns view IAD
ip dns view-group IAD
ip dns view-list IAD
ip domain list IAD
ip domain lookup IAD
ip domain multicast IMC
ip domain name IAD
ip domain retry IAD
ip domain round-robin IAD
ip domain timeout IAD
ip domain-lookup nsap ISO
ip dscp IR
ip dvmrp accept-filter IMC
ip dvmrp auto-summary IMC
ip dvmrp default-information IMC
ip dvmrp interoperability IMC
ip dvmrp metric IMC
ip dvmrp metric-offset IMC
ip dvmrp output-report-delay IMC
ip dvmrp reject-non-pruners IMC
ip dvmrp route-limit IMC
ip dvmrp routehog-notification IMC
ip dvmrp summary-address IMC
ip dvmrp unicast-routing IMC
ip explicit-path MP
ip extcommunity-list BGP
ip fast-convergence IRS
ip finger CF
ip flow NF
ip flow layer2-switched NF
ip flow monitor FNF
ip flow-aggregation cache NF
ip flow-cache entries NF
ip flow-cache mpls label-positions MP, NF
ip flow-cache timeout NF
ip flow-capture NF
ip flow-egress input-interface NF
ip flow-export destination NF
ip flow-export destination sctp NF
ip flow-export hardware version NF
ip flow-export interface-names NF
ip flow-export source NF
ip flow-export template NF
ip flow-export version NF
ip flow-export version (Supervisor Engine 2) NF
ip flow-export version (Supervisor Engine 720) NF
ip flow-export version (Supervisor Engine 2) NF
ip flow-export version (Supervisor Engine 720) NF
ip flow-top-talkers NF
ip forward-protocol IAP
ip forward-protocol spanning-tree IAP
ip forward-protocol turbo-flood IAP
ip ftp passive CF
ip ftp password CF
ip ftp source-interface CF
ip ftp username CF
ip gratuitous-arps IAD
ip header-compression disable-feedback QOS
ip header-compression max-header QOS
ip header-compression max-period QOS
ip header-compression max-time QOS
ip header-compression old-iphc-comp QOS
ip header-compression old-iphc-decomp QOS
ip header-compression recoverable-loss QOS
ip header-compression special-vj IAP
ip hello-interval eigrp EIGRP
ip helper-address IAP
ip hold-time eigrp EIGRP
ip host-list IAD
ip hostname strict IAD
ip http access-class HTTPS
ip http accounting commands HTTPS
ip http active-session-modules HTTPS
ip http authentication HTTPS
ip http cable-monitor CBL
ip http client cache HTTPS
ip http client connection HTTPS
ip http client password HTTPS
ip http client proxy-server HTTPS
ip http client response HTTPS
ip http client secure-ciphersuite HTTPS
ip http client secure-trustpoint HTTPS
ip http client source-interface HTTPS
ip http client username HTTPS
ip http digest algorithm HTTPS, BBA
ip http help-path HTTPS
ip http max-connections HTTPS
ip http path HTTPS
ip http port HTTPS
ip http secure-active-session-modules HTTPS
ip http secure-ciphersuite HTTPS
ip http secure-client-auth HTTPS
ip http secure-port HTTPS
ip http secure-server HTTPS
ip http secure-trustpoint HTTPS
ip http session-module-list HTTPS
ip http timeout-policy HTTPS
ip icmp rate-limit unreachable IAP
ip icmp redirect IAP
ip idle-group DIA
ip igmp access-group IMC
ip igmp access-group through ip igmp v3lite IMC
ip igmp explicit-tracking IMC
ip igmp helper-address IMC
ip igmp helper-address (UDL) IMC
ip igmp immediate-leave IMC
ip igmp immediate-leave group-list IMC
ip igmp join-group IMC
ip igmp last-member-query-count IMC
ip igmp last-member-query-interval IMC
ip igmp limit (global) IMC
ip igmp limit (interface) IMC
ip igmp mroute-proxy IMC
ip igmp proxy-service IMC
ip igmp querier-timeout IMC
ip igmp query-interval IMC
ip igmp query-max-response-time IMC
ip igmp snooping IMC
ip igmp snooping access-group IMC
ip igmp snooping check IMC
ip igmp snooping explicit-tracking IMC
ip igmp snooping explicit-tracking limit IMC
ip igmp snooping fast-leave IMC
ip igmp snooping flooding IMC
ip igmp snooping immediate-leave IMC
ip igmp snooping l2-entry-limit IMC
ip igmp snooping last-member-query-count IMC
ip igmp snooping last-member-query-interval IMC
ip igmp snooping limit IMC
ip igmp snooping limit track IMC
ip igmp snooping minimum-version IMC
ip igmp snooping mrouter IMC
ip igmp snooping querier IMC
ip igmp snooping rate IMC
ip igmp snooping report-suppression IMC
ip igmp snooping robustness-variable IMC
ip igmp snooping source-only-learning age-timer IMC
ip igmp snooping ssm-safe-reporting IMC
ip igmp snooping static IMC
ip igmp snooping tcn flood IMC
ip igmp snooping tcn query solicit IMC
ip igmp snooping tnc flood query count IMC
ip igmp snooping vlan IMC
ip igmp snooping vlan immediate-leave IMC
ip igmp snooping vlan mrouter IMC
ip igmp snooping vlan static IMC
ip igmp ssm-map IMC
ip igmp ssm-map enable IMC
ip igmp ssm-map query dns IMC
ip igmp ssm-map static IMC
ip igmp static-group IMC
ip igmp tcn query IMC
ip igmp unidirectional-link IMC
ip igmp v3lite IMC
ip igmp version IMC
ip information-reply IAP
ip inspect SEC
ip inspect alert-off SEC
ip inspect audit trail SEC
ip inspect audit-trail SEC
ip inspect dns-timeout SEC
ip inspect hashtable SEC
ip inspect log drop-pkt SEC
ip inspect max-incomplete high SEC
ip inspect max-incomplete low SEC
ip inspect name SEC
ip inspect one-minute high SEC
ip inspect one-minute low SEC
ip inspect tcp block-non-session SEC
ip inspect tcp finwait-time SEC
ip inspect tcp idle-time SEC
ip inspect tcp max-incomplete host SEC
ip inspect tcp reassembly SEC
ip inspect tcp synwait-time SEC
ip inspect tcp window-scale-enforcement loose SEC
ip inspect through ip security strip SEC
ip inspect udp idle-time SEC
ip interface SEC
ip ips SEC
ip ips auto-update SEC
ip ips config location SEC
ip ips deny-action ips-interface SEC
ip ips enable-clidelta SEC
ip ips event-action-rules SEC
ip ips fail closed SEC
ip ips inherit-obsolete-tunings SEC
ip ips memory regex chaining SEC
ip ips memory threshold SEC
ip ips name SEC
ip ips notify SEC
ip ips sdf location SEC
ip ips signature SEC
ip ips signature disable SEC
ip ips signature-category SEC
ip ips signature-definition SEC
ip irdp FHP
ip iscsi target-profile MWG
ip kerberos source-interface SEC
ip lisp source-locator LISP
ip load-sharing ISW
ip local interface WAN
ip local policy route-map IRI
ip local-proxy-arp IAD
ip mask-reply IAP
ip mfib IMC
ip mfib cef IMC
ip mfib forwarding IMC
ip mfib through ip multicast-routing IMC
ip mobile authentication ignore-spi IMO, MWP
ip mobile cdma ha-chap send attribute IMO
ip mobile cdma imsi dynamic MWP
ip mobile cdma ipsec MWP
ip mobile debug include username IMO
ip mobile foreign-agent IMO, MWP
ip mobile foreign-agent inject-mobile-networks IMO
ip mobile foreign-service IMO, MWP
ip mobile foreign-service revocation MWP
ip mobile home-agent aaa user-password IMO
ip mobile home-agent accounting IMO, MWH
ip mobile home-agent dynamic-address IMO, MWH
ip mobile home-agent multi-path IMO
ip mobile home-agent nat traversal IMO
ip mobile home-agent redundancy IMO, MWH
ip mobile home-agent redundancy periodic-sync IMO, MWH
ip mobile home-agent reject-static-addr IMO, MWH
ip mobile home-agent resync-sa IMO, MWH
ip mobile home-agent revocation IMO, MWH
ip mobile home-agent template tunnel IMO, MWH
ip mobile mobile-networks IMO
ip mobile mobile-networks through multi-path (mobile router) IMO
ip mobile prefix-length IMO, MWP
ip mobile radius disconnect IMO, MWH
ip mobile registration-lifetime IMO, MWP
ip mobile router IMO
ip mobile router-service IMO
ip mobile router-service collocated IMO
ip mobile router-service collocated registration nat traversal IMO
ip mobile router-service collocated registration retry IMO
ip mobile router-service description IMO
ip mobile router-service link-type IMO
ip mobile router-service roam IMO
ip mobile router-service tunnel mode IMO
ip mobile secure IMO, MWH, MWP
ip mobile secure aaa-download IMO
ip mobile secure foreign-agent IMO
ip mobile secure home-agent IMO
ip mobile secure host IMO
ip mobile secure mn-aaa IMO
ip mobile secure proxy-host IMO
ip mobile secure visitor IMO
ip mobile tunnel IMO, MWH, MWP
ip mobile virtual-network IMO, MWH
ip mobile vpn-realm IMO
ip mpf BBA
ip mrm IMC
ip mrm accept-manager IMC
ip mrm manager IMC
ip mroute IMC
ip msdp cache-rejected-sa IMC
ip msdp cache-sa-state IMC
ip msdp default-peer IMC
ip msdp description IMC
ip msdp filter-sa-request IMC
ip msdp keepalive IMC
ip msdp mesh-group IMC
ip msdp originator-id IMC
ip msdp password peer IMC
ip msdp peer IMC
ip msdp redistribute IMC
ip msdp rpf rfc3618 IMC
ip msdp sa-filter in IMC
ip msdp sa-filter out IMC
ip msdp sa-limit IMC
ip msdp sa-request IMC
ip msdp shutdown IMC
ip msdp timer IMC
ip msdp ttl-threshold IMC
ip mtu adjust VPD
ip multicast boundary IMC
ip multicast cache-headers IMC
ip multicast default-rpf-distance IMC
ip multicast group-range IMC
ip multicast hardware-switching non-rpf aging IMC
ip multicast hardware-switching replication-mode IMC
ip multicast heartbeat IMC
ip multicast helper-map IMC
ip multicast limit IMC
ip multicast limit cost IMC
ip multicast mpls traffic-eng MP
ip multicast mrinfo-filter IMC
ip multicast multipath IMC
ip multicast netflow NF
ip multicast netflow output-counters NF
ip multicast netflow rpf-failure NF
ip multicast oif-per-mvrf-limit IMC
ip multicast rate-limit IMC
ip multicast redundancy routeflush maxtime IMC
ip multicast route-limit IMC
ip multicast rpf backoff IMC
ip multicast rpf interval IMC
ip multicast rpf mofrr IMC, SBCD
ip multicast rpf multitopology MTR
ip multicast rpf proxy vector IMC
ip multicast rpf select IMC
ip multicast rpf select topology IMC, SBCD
ip multicast rsvp IMC
ip multicast source-per-group-limit IMC
ip multicast topology IMC, SBCD
ip multicast total-oif-limit IMC
ip multicast ttl-threshold IMC
ip multicast use-functional IMC
ip multicast-routing IMC, SBCD
ip mux IMO
ip mux cache IMO
ip mux policy IMO
ip mux profile IMO
ip mux udpport IMO
ip nat IAD
ip nat create flow-entries IAD
ip nat enable IAD
ip nat inside destination IAD
ip nat inside source IAD
ip nat log translations flow-export IAD
ip nat log translations syslog IAD
ip nat outside source IAD
ip nat piggyback-support IAD
ip nat pool IAD
ip nat service IAD
ip nat service dns-reset-ttl IAD
ip nat service enable-sym-port IAD
ip nat service pptp IAD
ip nat settings mode IAD
ip nat settings pap IAD
ip nat settings support mapping outside IAD
ip nat sip-sbc IAD
ip nat source IAD
ip nat source through iterate-ip-addrs IAD
ip nat stateful id IAD
ip nat switchover replication http IAD
ip nat translation IAD
ip nat translation (timeout) IAD
ip nat translation max-entries IAD
ip nbar attribute-map QOS
ip nbar attribute-set QOS
ip nbar classification tunneled-traffic QOS
ip nbar custom QOS
ip nbar pdlm QOS
ip nbar port-map QOS
ip nbar protocol-discovery QOS
ip nbar protocol-pack QOS
ip nbar resources QOS
ip nbar resources protocol QOS
ip nbar resources system QOS
ip netmask-format IAD
ip next-hop-self eigrp EIGRP
ip nhrp authentication IAD
ip nhrp cache non-authoritative SEC
ip nhrp group IAD
ip nhrp holdtime IAD
ip nhrp interest IAD
ip nhrp map IAD
ip nhrp map group IAD
ip nhrp map multicast IAD
ip nhrp map multicast dynamic IAD
ip nhrp max-send IAD
ip nhrp network-id IAD
ip nhrp record IAD
ip nhrp redirect IAD
ip nhrp registration IAD
ip nhrp registration no-unique IAD
ip nhrp responder IAD
ip nhrp server-only IAD
ip nhrp shortcut IAD
ip nhrp trigger-svc IAD
ip nhrp use IAD
ip ospf area OSPF
ip ospf authentication OSPF
ip ospf authentication-key OSPF
ip ospf bfd OSPF
ip ospf cost OSPF
ip ospf cost (MTR) MTR
ip ospf database-filter all out OSPF
ip ospf dead-interval OSPF
ip ospf demand-circuit OSPF
ip ospf fast-reroute per-prefix OSPF
ip ospf flood-reduction OSPF
ip ospf hello-interval OSPF
ip ospf lls OSPF
ip ospf message-digest-key md5 OSPF
ip ospf mtu-ignore OSPF
ip ospf multi-area OSPF
ip ospf multi-area cost OSPF
ip ospf name-lookup OSPF
ip ospf network OSPF
ip ospf prefix-suppression OSPF
ip ospf priority OSPF
ip ospf resync-timeout OSPF
ip ospf retransmit-interval OSPF
ip ospf shutdown OSPF
ip ospf topology disable MTR
ip ospf transmit-delay OSPF
ip ospf ttl-security OSPF
ip ospf vnet area EVN
ip path-option MP
ip pgm host IMC
ip pgm host through ip pim version IMC
ip pgm router IMC
ip pim IMC
ip pim accept-register IMC
ip pim accept-rp IMC
ip pim allow-rp IMC
ip pim autorp listener IMC
ip pim bidir-enable IMC
ip pim bidir-neighbor-filter IMC
ip pim bidir-offer-interval IMC
ip pim bidir-offer-limit IMC
ip pim border IMC
ip pim bsr-border IMC
ip pim bsr-candidate IMC
ip pim bsr-candidate loopback IMC
ip pim dm-fallback IMC
ip pim dr-priority IMC
ip pim log-neighbor-changes IMC
ip pim maximum group-mappings IMC
ip pim minimum-vc-rate IMC
ip pim multipoint-signalling IMC
ip pim nbma-mode IMC
ip pim neighbor-filter IMC
ip pim passive IMC
ip pim query-interval IMC
ip pim redundancy IMC
ip pim register-rate-limit IMC
ip pim register-source IMC
ip pim rp-address IMC
ip pim rp-announce-filter IMC
ip pim rp-candidate IMC
ip pim send-rp-announce IMC
ip pim send-rp-discovery IMC
ip pim snooping (global configuration) IMC
ip pim snooping (interface configuration) IMC
ip pim snooping dr-flood IMC
ip pim snooping suppress sgr-prune IMC
ip pim sparse sg-expiry-timer IMC
ip pim spt-threshold IMC
ip pim ssm IMC
ip pim state-refresh disable IMC
ip pim state-refresh origination-interval IMC
ip pim v1-rp-reachability IMC
ip pim vc-count IMC
ip pim version IMC
ip policy route-map IRI
ip policy-list BGP
ip port-map SEC
ip portbundle (global) ISG
ip portbundle (service policy-map) ISG
ip portbundle outside ISG
ip precedence SBCD
ip precedence (TN3270) IBM
ip precedence (VPDN) VPD
ip precedence (dial-peer) VR
ip prefix-list BGP
ip prefix-list description BGP
ip prefix-list sequence-number BGP
ip probe path MWG
ip protocol WAN
ip protocol (flow) MM
ip proxy-arp IAD
ip pxf IR
ip qos defending-priority VR
ip qos dscp VR
ip qos policy-locator VR
ip qos preemption-priority VR
ip radius source-interface SEC
ip rarp-server CF
ip rbscp ack-split IR
ip rcmd domain-lookup CF
ip rcmd rcp-enable CF
ip rcmd remote-host CF
ip rcmd remote-username CF
ip rcmd rsh-enable CF
ip rcmd source-interface CF
ip redirects IAP
ip reflexive-list timeout SEC
ip rgmp IMC
ip rgmp through ipv6 multicast-routing IMC
ip rip advertise RIP
ip rip authentication key-chain RIP
ip rip authentication mode RIP
ip rip initial-delay RIP
ip rip receive version RIP
ip rip send version RIP
ip rip triggered RIP
ip rip v2-broadcast RIP
ip route (large-scale dial-out) DIA
ip route (vasi) SEC
ip route priority high IRS
ip route profile IRI
ip route static adjust-time IRI
ip route static bfd IRI
ip route static install-routes-recurse-via-nexthop IRI
ip route static inter-vrf MP
ip route topology MTR
ip route-cache flow NF
ip route-cache policy ISW
ip routing protocol purge interface IRI
ip rsvp admission-control compression predict QOS
ip rsvp aggregation ip QOS
ip rsvp aggregation ip map QOS
ip rsvp aggregation ip reservation dscp QOS
ip rsvp aggregation ip role interior QOS
ip rsvp atm-peak-rate-limit QOS
ip rsvp authentication QOS
ip rsvp authentication challenge QOS
ip rsvp authentication key QOS
ip rsvp authentication key-chain QOS
ip rsvp authentication lifetime QOS
ip rsvp authentication neighbor QOS
ip rsvp authentication type QOS
ip rsvp authentication window-size QOS
ip rsvp bandwidth QOS
ip rsvp bandwidth ignore QOS
ip rsvp bandwidth percent QOS
ip rsvp burst policing QOS
ip rsvp data-packet classification none QOS
ip rsvp dsbm candidate QOS
ip rsvp dsbm non-resv-send-limit QOS
ip rsvp flow-assist QOS
ip rsvp layer2 overhead QOS
ip rsvp listener QOS
ip rsvp listener outbound QOS
ip rsvp neighbor QOS
ip rsvp policy cops minimal QOS
ip rsvp policy cops report-all QOS
ip rsvp policy cops servers QOS
ip rsvp policy cops timeout QOS
ip rsvp policy default-reject QOS
ip rsvp policy identity QOS
ip rsvp policy local QOS
ip rsvp policy preempt QOS
ip rsvp policy vrf QOS
ip rsvp pq-profile QOS
ip rsvp precedence QOS
ip rsvp precedence through load protocol QOS
ip rsvp qos QOS
ip rsvp reservation QOS
ip rsvp reservation-host QOS
ip rsvp resource-provider QOS
ip rsvp sender QOS
ip rsvp sender-host QOS
ip rsvp signalling dscp QOS
ip rsvp signalling fast-local-repair notifications QOS
ip rsvp signalling fast-local-repair rate QOS
ip rsvp signalling fast-local-repair wait-time QOS
ip rsvp signalling hello (configuration) MP, QOS
ip rsvp signalling hello (interface) MP, QOS
ip rsvp signalling hello bfd (configuration) MP
ip rsvp signalling hello bfd (interface) MP
ip rsvp signalling hello dscp MP, QOS
ip rsvp signalling hello graceful-restart QOS
ip rsvp signalling hello graceful-restart dscp QOS
ip rsvp signalling hello graceful-restart mode QOS
ip rsvp signalling hello graceful-restart mode help-neighbor QOS
ip rsvp signalling hello graceful-restart neighbor QOS
ip rsvp signalling hello graceful-restart refresh interval QOS
ip rsvp signalling hello graceful-restart refresh misses QOS
ip rsvp signalling hello graceful-restart send QOS
ip rsvp signalling hello refresh interval MP, QOS
ip rsvp signalling hello refresh misses MP, QOS
ip rsvp signalling hello reroute dscp QOS
ip rsvp signalling hello reroute refresh interval QOS
ip rsvp signalling hello reroute refresh misses QOS
ip rsvp signalling hello statistics MP, QOS
ip rsvp signalling initial-retransmit-delay QOS
ip rsvp signalling patherr state-removal QOS
ip rsvp signalling rate-limit QOS
ip rsvp signalling refresh interval QOS
ip rsvp signalling refresh misses QOS
ip rsvp signalling refresh reduction QOS
ip rsvp signalling refresh reduction ack-delay QOS
ip rsvp snooping QOS
ip rsvp source QOS
ip rsvp svc-required QOS
ip rsvp tos QOS
ip rsvp transport QOS
ip rsvp transport sender-host QOS
ip rsvp tunnel overhead-percent QOS
ip rsvp udp neighbor QOS
ip rsvp udp-multicasts QOS
ip rtcp report interval VR
ip rtcp sub-rtcp VR
ip rtp compression-connections QOS
ip rtp compression-connections (mobile wireless) MWR
ip rtp header-compression QOS
ip rtp header-compression (mobile wireless) MWR
ip rtp priority QOS
ip rtp reserve DIA
ip sap cache-timeout IMC
ip sap listen IMC
ip scp server enable SEC
ip sctp asconf IAP
ip sctp authenticate IAP
ip sdee SEC
ip sdee events SEC
ip sdr cache-timeout IMC
ip sdr listen IMC
ip security add SEC
ip security aeso SEC
ip security dedicated SEC
ip security eso-info SEC
ip security eso-max SEC
ip security eso-min SEC
ip security extended-allowed SEC
ip security first SEC
ip security ignore-authorities SEC
ip security ignore-cipso SEC
ip security implicit-labelling SEC
ip security multilevel SEC
ip security reserved-allowed SEC
ip security strip SEC
ip sla SLA
ip sla auto discovery SLA
ip sla auto endpoint-list SLA
ip sla auto group SLA
ip sla auto schedule SLA
ip sla auto template SLA
ip sla enable reaction-alerts SLA
ip sla enable timestamp SLA
ip sla endpoint-list SLA
ip sla ethernet-monitor SLA
ip sla ethernet-monitor reaction-configuration SLA
ip sla ethernet-monitor schedule SLA
ip sla group schedule SLA
ip sla key-chain SLA
ip sla logging traps SLA
ip sla low-memory SLA
ip sla monitor SLA
ip sla monitor group schedule SLA
ip sla monitor key-chain SLA
ip sla monitor logging traps SLA
ip sla monitor low-memory SLA
ip sla monitor reaction-configuration SLA
ip sla monitor reaction-trigger SLA
ip sla monitor reset SLA
ip sla monitor responder SLA
ip sla monitor restart SLA
ip sla monitor schedule SLA
ip sla on-demand ethernet SLA
ip sla profile video SLA
ip sla reaction-configuration SLA
ip sla reaction-trigger SLA
ip sla reset SLA
ip sla responder SLA
ip sla responder auto-register SLA
ip sla responder tcp-connect ipaddress SLA
ip sla responder twamp SLA
ip sla responder udp-echo ipaddress SLA
ip sla restart SLA
ip sla schedule SLA
ip sla server twamp SLA
ip slb capp udp SLB
ip slb dfp SLB
ip slb entries SLB
ip slb firewallfarm SLB
ip slb map SLB
ip slb maxbuffers frag SLB
ip slb natpool SLB
ip slb probe custom udp SLB
ip slb probe dns SLB
ip slb probe http SLB
ip slb probe ping SLB
ip slb probe tcp SLB
ip slb probe wsp SLB
ip slb replicate slave rate SLB
ip slb route SLB
ip slb serverfarm SLB
ip slb static SLB
ip slb timers gtp gsn SLB
ip slb vserver SLB
ip source ISG
ip source binding IAD
ip source-address (telephony-service) IPV6
ip source-route IAD
ip source-track SEC
ip source-track address-limit SEC
ip source-track export-interval SEC
ip source-track syslog-interval SEC
ip source-track through ivrf SEC
ip split-horizon (RIP) RIP
ip split-horizon eigrp EIGRP
ip ssh SEC
ip ssh break-string SEC
ip ssh dh min size SEC
ip ssh dscp SEC
ip ssh maxstartups SEC
ip ssh port SEC
ip ssh precedence SEC
ip ssh pubkey-chain SEC
ip ssh rekey SEC
ip ssh rsa keypair-name SEC
ip ssh server authenticate user SEC
ip ssh source-interface SEC
ip ssh stricthostkeycheck SEC
ip ssh version SEC
ip sticky-arp (global configuration) IAD
ip sticky-arp (interface configuration) IAD
ip subnet-zero IAD
ip subscriber ISG
ip subscriber interface ISG
ip subscriber l2-roaming ISG
ip subscriber list ISG
ip summary-address eigrp EIGRP
ip summary-address rip RIP
ip tacacs source-interface SEC
ip tcp adjust-mss through ipv6 tcp adjust-mss IAP
ip tcp async-mobility server DIA
ip tcp chunk-size IAP
ip tcp compression-connections IAP, QOS
ip tcp ecn IAP
ip tcp header-compression IAP, QOS
ip tcp intercept connection-timeout SEC
ip tcp intercept drop-mode SEC
ip tcp intercept finrst-timeout SEC
ip tcp intercept list SEC
ip tcp intercept max-incomplete SEC
ip tcp intercept max-incomplete high SEC
ip tcp intercept max-incomplete low SEC
ip tcp intercept mode SEC
ip tcp intercept one-minute SEC
ip tcp intercept one-minute high SEC
ip tcp intercept one-minute low SEC
ip tcp intercept watch-timeout SEC
ip tcp keepalive IAP
ip tcp mss IAP
ip tcp path-mtu-discovery IAP
ip tcp queuemax IAP
ip tcp selective-ack IAP
ip tcp synwait-time IAP
ip tcp timestamp IAP
ip tcp window-size IAP
ip telnet comport DIA
ip telnet hidden DIA
ip telnet quiet DIA
ip telnet source-interface CF
ip telnet timeout retransmit DIA
ip telnet tos DIA
ip tftp blocksize CF
ip tftp boot-interface CF
ip tftp min-timeout CF
ip tftp source-interface CF
ip topology-accounting MTR
ip tos IBM
ip tos (L2TP) WAN
ip tos (VPDN) VPD
ip traffic-export apply SEC
ip traffic-export profile SEC
ip trigger-authentication (global) SEC
ip trigger-authentication (interface) SEC
ip ttl WAN
ip udp checksum VR
ip udptn source-interface DIA
ip unreachables IAP
ip urd IMC
ip urlfilter alert SEC
ip urlfilter allowmode SEC
ip urlfilter audit-trail SEC
ip urlfilter cache SEC
ip urlfilter exclusive-domain SEC
ip urlfilter max-request SEC
ip urlfilter max-resp-pak SEC
ip urlfilter server vendor SEC
ip urlfilter source-interface SEC
ip urlfilter truncate SEC
ip urlfilter urlf-server-log SEC
ip verify drop-rate compute interval SEC
ip verify drop-rate compute window SEC
ip verify drop-rate notify hold-down SEC
ip verify source vlan dhcp-snooping IAD
ip verify unicast notification threshold ISW, SEC
ip verify unicast reverse-path ISW, SEC
ip verify unicast source reachable-via ISW, SEC, IR
ip verify unicast vrf ISW, BGP
ip virtual-reassembly SEC
ip virtual-reassembly-out SEC
ip vrf (tracking) IAP
ip vrf autoclassify ISG
ip vrf forwarding (interface configuration) MP
ip vrf forwarding (server-group) SEC
ip vrf forwarding (service policy map) ISG
ip vrf receive MP
ip vrf select source MP
ip vrf sitemap MP
ip wccp IAP
ip wccp check acl outbound IAP
ip wccp check services all IAP
ip wccp enable IAP
ip wccp group-listen IAP
ip wccp outbound-acl-check IAP, SBCD
ip wccp redirect exclude in IAP
ip wccp redirect-list IAP
ip wccp source-interface IAP, SBCD
ip wccp web-cache accelerated IAP, SEC, CF
ip-access-group MWG
ip-address (SSG-radius-proxy-timers) SSG
ip-address (ca-trustpoint) SEC
ip-address (controller) CBL
ip-address (endpoint list) SLA
ip-address-pool MWG
ipc buffers IR
ipc header-cache IR
ipc holdq threshold IR
ipc master IR
ipc zone default IR
ipdr associate CBL
ipdr collector CBL
ipdr exporter ack-timeout CBL
ipdr exporter keepalive CBL
ipdr exporter max-unacked CBL
ipdr exporter start CBL
ipdr session CBL
ipdr session (global configuration) CBL
ipdr template CBL
ipdr type CBL
ips signature update cisco SEC
ipsec maximum SBCD
ipv4 SBCD
ipv4 (SBE H.248) SBCD
ipv4 (blacklist) SBCD
ipv4 (ldap) SEC
ipv4 alt-vrf LISP
ipv4 etr LISP
ipv4 etr accept-map-request-mapping LISP
ipv4 etr map-cache-ttl LISP
ipv4 etr map-server LISP
ipv4 itr LISP
ipv4 itr map-resolver LISP
ipv4 map-cache-limit LISP
ipv4 map-cache-persistent LISP
ipv4 map-request-source LISP
ipv4 map-resolver LISP
ipv4 map-server LISP
ipv4 path-mtu-discovery LISP
ipv4 proxy-etr LISP
ipv4 proxy-itr LISP
ipv4 route-import map-cache LISP
ipv4 route-import maximum-prefix LISP
ipv4 solicit-map-request ignore LISP
ipv4 use-petr LISP
ipv4-address IMO
ipv4-prefix IAD
ipv6 (access point) MWG
ipv6 access-class IPV6
ipv6 access-list IPV6
ipv6 access-list log-update threshold IPV6
ipv6 address IPV6
ipv6 address (session border controller) SBCD
ipv6 address anycast IPV6
ipv6 address autoconfig IAD, IPV6
ipv6 address dhcp client request IAD, IPV6
ipv6 address eui-64 IPV6
ipv6 address link-local IPV6
ipv6 alt-vrf LISP
ipv6 atm-vc IPV6
ipv6 authentication key-chain eigrp IPV6, EIGRP
ipv6 authentication mode eigrp IPV6, EIGRP
ipv6 bandwidth-percent eigrp IPV6, EIGRP
ipv6 base-vtemplate MWG
ipv6 cef distributed ISW, IPV6
ipv6 cef load-sharing algorithm ISW, IPV6
ipv6 cef optimize neighbor resolution ISW, IPV6
ipv6 cga modifier rsakeypair IPV6, SEC
ipv6 destination-guard attach-policy IPV6
ipv6 destination-guard policy IPV6
ipv6 dhcp binding track ppp IAD, IPV6
ipv6 dhcp client information refresh minimum IAD, IPV6
ipv6 dhcp debug redundancy IAD, IPV6
ipv6 dhcp framed password IAD, IPV6
ipv6 dhcp guard attach-policy IAD, IPV6
ipv6 dhcp guard policy IAD, IPV6
ipv6 dhcp iana-route-add IAD
ipv6 dhcp iapd-route-add IAD
ipv6 dhcp ldra attach-policy (VLAN) IAD
ipv6 dhcp ping packets IAD, IPV6
ipv6 dhcp relay destination IAD, IPV6
ipv6 dhcp relay source-interface IPV6
ipv6 dhcp server vrf enable IAD, IPV6
ipv6 dhcp-ldra IAD
ipv6 dhcp-ldra attach-policy IAD
ipv6 dhcp-relay bulk-lease IAD, IPV6
ipv6 dhcp-relay option vpn IAD, IPV6
ipv6 dhcp-relay show bindings IAD, IPV6
ipv6 dhcp-relay source-interface IAD, IPV6
ipv6 dns primary MWG
ipv6 enable IPV6
ipv6 etr LISP
ipv6 etr accept-map-request-mapping LISP
ipv6 etr map-cache-ttl LISP
ipv6 etr map-server LISP
ipv6 flow IPV6
ipv6 flow mask IPV6
ipv6 flow mask option-headers IPV6
ipv6 flow monitor FNF
ipv6 flow-aggregation cache IPV6
ipv6 flow-cache entries IPV6
ipv6 flow-cache timeout IPV6
ipv6 flow-export destination IPV6
ipv6 flow-export source IPV6
ipv6 flow-export template IPV6
ipv6 flow-export template options IPV6
ipv6 flow-export version 9 IPV6
ipv6 flowset IPV6
ipv6 general-prefix IPV6
ipv6 hello-interval eigrp IPV6, EIGRP
ipv6 hold-time eigrp IPV6, EIGRP
ipv6 hop-limit IPV6
ipv6 host IPV6
ipv6 icmp error-interval IPV6
ipv6 inspect alert-off IPV6, SEC
ipv6 inspect audit trail IPV6, SEC
ipv6 inspect max-incomplete high IPV6, SEC
ipv6 inspect max-incomplete low IPV6, SEC
ipv6 inspect one-minute high IPV6, SEC
ipv6 inspect one-minute low IPV6, SEC
ipv6 inspect routing-header IPV6, SEC
ipv6 inspect tcp finwait-time IAD, IPV6
ipv6 inspect tcp idle-time IPV6, SEC
ipv6 inspect tcp max-incomplete host IPV6, SEC
ipv6 inspect tcp synwait-time IPV6, SEC
ipv6 inspect udp idle-time IPV6, SEC
ipv6 ipv6-access-group MWG
ipv6 ipv6-address-pool MWG
ipv6 itr LISP
ipv6 itr map-resolver LISP
ipv6 lisp source-locator LISP
ipv6 local policy route-map IPV6, IRI
ipv6 local pool IPV6
ipv6 map-cache-limit LISP
ipv6 map-cache-persistent LISP
ipv6 map-request-source LISP
ipv6 map-resolver LISP
ipv6 map-server LISP
ipv6 mfib cef output IPV6, IMC
ipv6 mfib forwarding IPV6, IMC
ipv6 mfib hardware-switching IPV6, IMC
ipv6 mfib-mode centralized-only IPV6, IMC
ipv6 mld access-group IPV6, IMC
ipv6 mld explicit-tracking IPV6, IMC
ipv6 mld host-proxy interface IPV6, IMC
ipv6 mld query-interval IPV6, IMC
ipv6 mld query-max-response-time IPV6, IMC
ipv6 mld query-timeout IPV6, IMC
ipv6 mld snooping explicit-tracking IPV6, IMC
ipv6 mld snooping last-member-query-interval IPV6, IMC
ipv6 mld snooping limit IPV6, IMC
ipv6 mld snooping mrouter IPV6, IMC
ipv6 mld snooping querier IPV6, IMC
ipv6 mld snooping report-suppression IPV6, IMC
ipv6 mld ssm-map enable IPV6, IMC
ipv6 mld ssm-map query dns IPV6, IMC
ipv6 mld ssm-map static IPV6, IMC
ipv6 mld state-limit IPV6, IMC
ipv6 mld static-group IPV6, IMC
ipv6 mobile home-agent (global configuration) IPV6
ipv6 mobile home-agent (interface configuration) IPV6
ipv6 mobile pmipv6-domain IMO
ipv6 mobile pmipv6-lma IMO
ipv6 mobile pmipv6-mag IMO
ipv6 mobile router IPV6
ipv6 mobile router-service roam IPV6
ipv6 mtu IPV6
ipv6 multicast aaa account receive IPV6, IMC
ipv6 multicast boundary scope IPV6, IMC
ipv6 multicast group-range IPV6, IMC
ipv6 multicast limit IPV6, IMC
ipv6 multicast limit cost IPV6, IMC
ipv6 multicast limit rate IPV6, IMC
ipv6 multicast multipath IPV6, IMC
ipv6 multicast pim-passive-enable IPV6, IMC
ipv6 multicast rpf select IMC
ipv6 multicast-routing IPV6, IMC
ipv6 mux IMO
ipv6 mux cache IMO
ipv6 mux policy IMO
ipv6 mux profile IMO
ipv6 mux udpport IMO
ipv6 nat IPV6
ipv6 nat max-entries IPV6
ipv6 nat prefix IPV6
ipv6 nat prefix v4-mapped IPV6
ipv6 nat translation IPV6
ipv6 nat v4v6 pool IPV6
ipv6 nat v4v6 source IPV6
ipv6 nat v6v4 pool IPV6
ipv6 nat v6v4 source IPV6
ipv6 nd advertisement-interval IPV6
ipv6 nd autoconfig default-router IPV6
ipv6 nd autoconfig prefix IPV6