
Configuring TCP

TCP is a protocol that specifies the format of data and acknowledgments used in data transfer. TCP is a connection-oriented protocol because participants must establish a connection before data can be transferred. By performing flow control and error correction, TCP guarantees reliable, in-sequence delivery of packets. TCP is considered a reliable protocol because it will continue to request an IP packet that is dropped or received out of order until it is received. This module explains concepts related to TCP and how to configure TCP in a network.

Finding Feature Information

Your software release may not support all the features documented in this module. For the latest caveats and feature information, see Bug Search Tool and the release notes for your platform and software release. To find information about the features documented in this module, and to see a list of the releases in which each feature is supported, see the feature information table at the end of this module.

Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support. To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to​go/​cfn. An account on is not required.

Prerequisites for TCP

TCP Time Stamp, TCP Selective Acknowledgment, and TCP Header Compression

Because TCP time stamps are always sent and echoed in both directions and the time-stamp value in the header is always changing, TCP header compression will not compress the outgoing packet. To allow TCP header compression over a serial link, the TCP time-stamp option is disabled. If you want to use TCP header compression over a serial line, TCP time stamp and TCP selective acknowledgment must be disabled. Both features are disabled by default. Use the no ip tcp selective-ack command to disable the TCP selective acknowledgment once it is enabled.

Restrictions for TCP

The TCP Keepalive timer parameters can be configured only on vty and TTY applications.

Information About TCP

TCP Services

TCP provides reliable transmission of data in an IP environment. TCP corresponds to the transport layer (Layer 4) of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) reference model. Among the services that TCP provides are stream data transfer, reliability, efficient flow control, full-duplex operation, and multiplexing.

With stream data transfer, TCP delivers an unstructured stream of bytes that are identified by sequence numbers. This service benefits applications because they do not have to divide data into blocks before handing it off to TCP. Instead, TCP groups bytes into segments and passes them to IP for delivery.

TCP offers reliability by providing connection-oriented, end-to-end reliable packet delivery through an internetwork. It does this by sequencing bytes with a forwarding acknowledgment number that indicates to the destination the next byte that the source expects to receive. Bytes that are not acknowledged within a specified time period are retransmitted. The reliability mechanism of TCP allows devices to handle lost, delayed, duplicate, or misread packets. A timeout mechanism allows devices to detect lost packets and request retransmission.

TCP offers efficient flow control, which means that the receiving TCP process indicates the highest sequence number that it can receive without overflowing its internal buffers when sending acknowledgments back to the source.

TCP offers full-duplex operation, and TCP processes can both send and receive data at the same time.

TCP multiplexing allows numerous simultaneous upper-layer conversations to be multiplexed over a single connection.

TCP Connection Establishment

To use reliable transport services, TCP hosts must establish a connection-oriented session with one another. Connection establishment is performed by using a “three-way handshake” mechanism.

A three-way handshake synchronizes both ends of a connection by allowing both sides to agree upon the initial sequence numbers. This mechanism guarantees that both sides are ready to transmit data. The three-way handshake is necessary so that packets are not transmitted or retransmitted during session establishment or after session termination.

Each host randomly chooses a sequence number, which is used to track bytes within the stream that the host is sending. The three-way handshake proceeds in the following manner:

  • The first host (Host A) initiates a connection by sending a packet with the initial sequence number (X) and the synchronize/start (SYN) bit set to indicate a connection request.

  • The second host (Host B) receives the SYN, records the sequence number X, and replies by acknowledging (ACK) the SYN (with an ACK = X + 1). Host B includes its own initial sequence number (SEQ = Y). An ACK = 20 means that the host has received bytes 0 through 19 and expects byte 20 next. This technique is called forward acknowledgment.

  • Host A acknowledges all bytes that Host B has sent with a forward acknowledgment indicating the next byte Host A expects to receive (ACK = Y + 1). Data transfer can then begin.

TCP Connection Attempt Time

You can set the amount of time the software will wait before attempting to establish a TCP connection. The connection attempt time is a host parameter and pertains to traffic that originated at the device and not to traffic going through the device. To set the TCP connection attempt time, use the ip tcp synwait-time command in global configuration mode. The default is 30 seconds.

TCP Selective Acknowledgment

The TCP Selective Acknowledgment feature improves performance if multiple packets are lost from one TCP window of data.

Prior to this feature, because of limited information available from cumulative acknowledgments, a TCP sender could learn about only one lost packet per-round-trip time. An aggressive sender could choose to resend packets early, but such re-sent segments might have already been successfully received.

The TCP selective acknowledgment mechanism helps improve performance. The receiving TCP host returns selective acknowledgment packets to the sender, informing the sender of data that has been received. In other words, the receiver can acknowledge packets received out of order. The sender can then resend only missing data segments (instead of everything since the first missing packet).

Prior to selective acknowledgment, if TCP lost packets 4 and 7 out of an 8-packet window, TCP would receive acknowledgment of only packets 1, 2, and 3. Packets 4 through 8 would need to be re-sent. With selective acknowledgment, TCP receives acknowledgment of packets 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, and 8. Only packets 4 and 7 must be re-sent.

TCP selective acknowledgment is used only when multiple packets are dropped within one TCP window. There is no performance impact when the feature is enabled but not used. Use the ip tcp selective-ack command in global configuration mode to enable TCP selective acknowledgment.

Refer to RFC 2018 for more details about TCP selective acknowledgment.

TCP Time Stamp

The TCP time-stamp option provides improved TCP round-trip time measurements. Because the time stamps are always sent and echoed in both directions and the time-stamp value in the header is always changing, TCP header compression will not compress the outgoing packet. To allow TCP header compression over a serial link, the TCP time-stamp option is disabled. Use the ip tcp timestamp command to enable the TCP time-stamp option.

Refer to RFC 1323 for more details on TCP time stamps.

TCP Maximum Read Size

The maximum number of characters that TCP reads from the input queue for Telnet and relogin at one time is very large (the largest possible 32-bit positive number) by default. To change the TCP maximum read size value, use the ip tcp chunk-size command in global configuration mode.


We do not recommend that you change this value.

TCP Path MTU Discovery

Path MTU Discovery is a method for maximizing the use of the available bandwidth in the network between endpoints of a TCP connection, which is described in RFC 1191. IP Path MTU Discovery allows a host to dynamically discover and cope with differences in the maximum allowable maximum transmission unit (MTU) size of the various links along the path. Sometimes a device is unable to forward a datagram because it requires fragmentation (the packet is larger than the MTU that you set for the interface with the interface configuration command), but the “do not fragment” (DF) bit is set. The intermediate gateway sends a “Fragmentation needed and DF bit set” Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) message to the sending host, alerting the host to the problem. On receiving this message, the host reduces its assumed path MTU and consequently sends a smaller packet that will fit the smallest packet size of all links along the path.

By default, TCP Path MTU Discovery is disabled. Existing connections are not affected irrespective of whether this feature is enabled or disabled.

Customers using TCP connections to move bulk data between systems on distinct subnets would benefit most by enabling this feature. Customers using remote source-route bridging (RSRB) with TCP encapsulation, serial tunnel (STUN), X.25 Remote Switching (also known as XOT or X.25 over TCP), and some protocol translation configurations might also benefit from enabling this feature.

Use the ip tcp path-mtu-discovery global configuration command to enable Path MTU Discovery for connections initiated by the device when the device is acting as a host.

For more information about Path MTU Discovery, refer to the “Configuring IP Services” module of the IP Application Services Configuration Guide.

TCP Window Scaling

The TCP Window Scaling feature adds support for the Window Scaling option in RFC 1323,TCP Extensions for High Performance. A larger window size is recommended to improve TCP performance in network paths with large bandwidth-delay product characteristics that are called Long Fat Networks (LFNs). The TCP Window Scaling enhancement provides LFN support.

The window scaling extension expands the definition of the TCP window to 32 bits and then uses a scale factor to carry this 32-bit value in the 16-bit window field of the TCP header. The window size can increase to a scale factor of 14. Typical applications use a scale factor of 3 when deployed in LFNs.

The TCP Window Scaling feature complies with RFC 1323. The maximum window size was increased to 1,073,741,823 bytes. The larger scalable window size will allow TCP to perform better over LFNs. Use the ip tcp window-size command in global configuration mode to configure the TCP window size.

TCP Sliding Window

A TCP sliding window provides an efficient use of network bandwidth because it enables hosts to send multiple bytes or packets before waiting for an acknowledgment.

In TCP, the receiver specifies the current window size in every packet. Because TCP provides a byte-stream connection, window sizes are expressed in bytes. A window is the number of data bytes that the sender is allowed to send before waiting for an acknowledgment. Initial window sizes are indicated at connection setup, but might vary throughout the data transfer to provide flow control. A window size of zero means “Send no data.” The default TCP window size is 4128 bytes. We recommend that you keep the default value unless your device is sending large packets (greater than 536 bytes). Use the ip tcp window-size command to change the default window size.

In a TCP sliding-window operation, for example, the sender might have a sequence of bytes to send (numbered 1 to 10) to a receiver who has a window size of five. The sender then places a window around the first five bytes and transmits them together. The sender then waits for an acknowledgment.

The receiver responds with an ACK = 6, indicating that it has received bytes 1 to 5 and is expecting byte 6 next. In the same packet, the receiver indicates that its window size is 5. The sender then moves the sliding window five bytes to the right and transmits bytes 6 to 10. The receiver responds with an ACK = 11, indicating that it is expecting sequenced byte 11 next. In this packet, if the receiver indicates that its window size is 0, the sender cannot send any more bytes until the receiver sends another packet with a window size greater than 0.

TCP Outgoing Queue Size

The default TCP outgoing queue size per connection is five segments if the connection has a TTY associated with it (such as a Telnet connection). If no TTY connection is associated with a connection, the default queue size is 20 segments. Use the ip tcp queuemax command to change the five-segment default value.

TCP Congestion Avoidance

The TCP Congestion Avoidance feature enables the monitoring of acknowledgment packets to the TCP sender when multiple packets are lost in a single window of data. Previous to introduction of this feature, the sender would exit Fast-Recovery mode, wait for three or more duplicate acknowledgment packets before retransmitting the next unacknowledged packet, or wait for the retransmission timer to start slowly. This delay could lead to performance issues.

Implementation of RFC 2581 and RFC 3782 addresses the modifications to the Fast-Recovery algorithm that incorporates a response to partial acknowledgments received during Fast Recovery, improving performance in situations where multiple packets are lost in a single window of data.

This feature is an enhancement to the existing Fast Recovery algorithm. No commands are used to enable or disable this feature.

The output of the debug ip tcp transactions command has been enhanced to monitor acknowledgment packets by showing the following conditions:

  • TCP entering Fast Recovery mode.

  • Duplicate acknowledgments being received during Fast Recovery mode.

  • Partial acknowledgments being received.

TCP Explicit Congestion Notification

The TCP Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) feature allows an intermediate router to notify end hosts of impending network congestion. It also provides enhanced support for TCP sessions associated with applications, such as Telnet, web browsing, and transfer of audio and video data that are sensitive to delay or packet loss. The benefit of this feature is the reduction of delay and packet loss in data transmissions. Use the ip tcp ecn command in global configuration mode to enable TCP ECN.

TCP MSS Adjustment

The TCP MSS Adjustment feature enables the configuration of the maximum segment size (MSS) for transient packets that traverse a device, specifically TCP segments with the SYN bit set. Use the ip tcp adjust-mss command in interface configuration mode to specify the MSS value on the intermediate device of the SYN packets to avoid truncation.

When a host (usually a PC) initiates a TCP session with a server, the host negotiates the IP segment size by using the MSS option field in the TCP SYN packet. The value of the MSS field is determined by the MTU configuration on the host. The default MSS value for a PC is 1500 bytes.

The PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE) standard supports a Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) of only 1492 bytes. The disparity between the host and PPPoE MTU size can cause the device in between the host and the server to drop 1500-byte packets and terminate TCP sessions over the PPPoE network. Even if the path MTU (which detects the correct MTU across the path) is enabled on the host, sessions may be dropped because system administrators sometimes disable ICMP error messages that must be relayed from the host for path MTU to work.

The ip tcp adjust-mss command helps prevent TCP sessions from being dropped by adjusting the MSS value of the TCP SYN packets.

The ip tcp adjust-mss command is effective only for TCP connections passing through the device.

In most cases, the optimum value for the max-segment-size argument of the ip tcp adjust-mss command is 1452 bytes. This value plus the 20-byte IP header, the 20-byte TCP header, and the 8-byte PPPoE header add up to a 1500-byte packet that matches the MTU size for the Ethernet link.

See the “Configuring the MSS Value and MTU for Transient TCP SYN Packets” section for configuration instructions.

TCP Applications Flags Enhancement

The TCP Applications Flags Enhancement feature enables the user to display additional flags with reference to TCP applications. There are two types of flags: status and option. The status flags indicate the status of TCP connections such as passive open, active open, retransmission timeout, and app closed for listening. The additional flags indicate the state of set options such as whether a VPN routing and forwarding instance (VRF) is set, whether a user is idle, and whether a keepalive timer is running. Use the show tcp command to display TCP application flags.

TCP Show Extension

The TCP Show Extension feature introduces the capability to display addresses in IP format instead of the hostname format and to display the VRF table associated with the connection. To display the status for all endpoints with addresses in IP format, use the show tcp brief numeric command.

TCP MIB for RFC 4022 Support

The TCP MIB for RFC 4022 Support feature introduces support for RFC 4022, Management Information Base for the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). RFC 4022 is an incremental change of the TCP MIB to improve the manageability of TCP.

To locate and download MIBs for selected platforms, Cisco IOS releases, and feature sets, use Cisco MIB Locator found at the following URL:


TCP Keepalive Timer

The TCP Keepalive Timer feature provides a mechanism to identify dead connections.

When a TCP connection on a routing device is idle for too long, the device sends a TCP keepalive packet to the peer with only the Acknowledgment (ACK) flag turned on. If a response packet (a TCP ACK packet) is not received after the device sends a specific number of probes, the connection is considered dead and the device initiating the probes frees resources used by the TCP connection.

The following parameters are used to configure TCP keepalive:

  • TCP Keepalive idle time—The value of this parameter indicates the time for which a TCP connection can be idle before the connection initiates keepalive probes.

  • TCP Keepalive retries—The value of this parameter is the number of unacknowledged probes that a device can send before declaring the connection as dead and tearing it down.

  • TCP Keepalive interval—The time between subsequent probe retries.

How to Configure TCP

Configuring TCP Performance Parameters

Before You Begin

Both sides of the network link must be configured to support window scaling or the default of 65,535 bytes will be applied as the maximum window size. To support Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN), the remote peer must be ECN-enabled because the ECN capability is negotiated during a three-way handshake with the remote peer.


    1.    enable

    2.    configure terminal

    3.    ip tcp synwait-time seconds

    4.    ip tcp path-mtu-discovery [age-timer {minutes | infinite}]

    5.    ip tcp selective-ack

    6.    ip tcp timestamp

    7.    ip tcp chunk-size characters

    8.    ip tcp window-size bytes

    9.    ip tcp ecn

    10.    ip tcp queuemax packets

    11.    end

     Command or ActionPurpose
    Step 1 enable

    Device> enable

    Enables privileged EXEC mode.

    • Enter your password if prompted.

    Step 2 configure terminal

    Device# configure terminal

    Enters global configuration mode.

    Step 3 ip tcp synwait-time seconds

    Device(config)# ip tcp synwait-time 60

    (Optional) Sets the amount of time the Cisco software will wait before attempting to establish a TCP connection.

    • The default is 30 seconds.

    Step 4 ip tcp path-mtu-discovery [age-timer {minutes | infinite}]

    Device(config)# ip tcp path-mtu-discovery age-timer 11

    (Optional) Enables Path MTU Discovery.

    • age-timer —Time interval, in minutes, TCP reestimates the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) with a larger Maximum Segment Size (MSS). The default is 10 minutes. The maximum is 30 minutes.

    • infinite—Disables the age timer.

    Step 5 ip tcp selective-ack

    Device(config)# ip tcp selective-ack

    (Optional) Enables TCP selective acknowledgment.

    Step 6 ip tcp timestamp

    Device(config)# ip tcp timestamp

    (Optional) Enables the TCP time stamp.

    Step 7 ip tcp chunk-size characters

    Device(config)# ip tcp chunk-size 64000

    (Optional) Sets the TCP maximum read size for Telnet or rlogin.


    We do not recommend that you change this value.

    Step 8 ip tcp window-size bytes

    Device(config)# ip tcp window-size 75000

    (Optional) Sets the TCP window size.

    • The bytes argument can be set to an integer from 68 to 1073741823. To enable window scaling to support Long Flat Networks (LFNs), the TCP window size must be more than 65535. The default window size is 4128 if window scaling is not configured.


    With CSCsw45317, the bytes argument can be set to an integer from 68 to 1073741823.

    Step 9 ip tcp ecn

    Device(config)# ip tcp ecn

    (Optional) Enables ECN for TCP.

    Step 10 ip tcp queuemax packets

    Device(config)# ip tcp queuemax 10

    (Optional) Sets the TCP outgoing queue size.

    Step 11 end

    Device(config)# end

    Exits to privileged EXEC mode.


    Configuring the MSS Value and MTU for Transient TCP SYN Packets

    Perform this task to configure the maximum size segment (MSS) for transient packets that traverse a device, specifically TCP segments with the SYN bit set, and to configure the MTU size of IP packets.

    If you are configuring the ip mtu command on the same interface as the ip tcp adjust-mss command, we recommend that you use the following commands and values:

    • ip tcp adjust-mss 1452

    • ip mtu 1492


      1.    enable

      2.    configure terminal

      3.    interface type number

      4.    ip tcp adjust-mss max-segment-size

      5.    ip mtu bytes

      6.    end

       Command or ActionPurpose
      Step 1 enable

      Device> enable

      Enables privileged EXEC mode.

      • Enter your password if prompted.

      Step 2 configure terminal

      Device# configure terminal

      Enters global configuration mode.

      Step 3 interface type number

      Device(config)# interface GigabitEthernet 1/0/0

      Configures an interface type and enters interface configuration mode.

      Step 4 ip tcp adjust-mss max-segment-size

      Device(config-if)# ip tcp adjust-mss 1452

      Adjusts the MSS value of TCP SYN packets going through a device.

      • The max-segment-size argument is the maximum segment size, in bytes. The range is from 500 to 1460.

      Step 5 ip mtu bytes

      Device(config-if)# ip mtu 1492

      Sets the MTU size of IP packets, in bytes, sent on an interface.

      Step 6 end

      Device(config-if)# end

      Exits to global configuration mode.


      Verifying TCP Performance Parameters


        1.    show tcp [line-number] [tcb address]

        2.    show tcp brief [all | numeric]

        3.    debug ip tcp transactions

        4.    debug ip tcp congestion

        Step 1   show tcp [line-number] [tcb address]

        Displays the status of TCP connections. The arguments and keyword are as follows:

        • line-number—(Optional) Absolute line number of the Telnet connection status.

        • tcb—(Optional) Transmission control block (TCB) of the Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN)-enabled connection.

        • address—(Optional) TCB hexadecimal address. The valid range is from 0x0 to 0xFFFFFFFF.

        The following sample output from the show tcp tcb command displays detailed information about an ECN-enabled connection that uses a hexadecimal address format:

        Device# show tcp tcb 0x62CD2BB8
        Connection state is LISTEN, I/O status: 1, unread input bytes: 0
        Connection is ECN enabled
        Local host:, Local port: 179
        Foreign host:, Foreign port: 12000
        Enqueued packets for retransmit: 0, input: 0 mis-ordered: 0 (0 bytes)
        Event Timers (current time is 0x4F31940):
        Timer          Starts    Wakeups            Next
        Retrans             0          0             0x0
        TimeWait            0          0             0x0
        AckHold             0          0             0x0
        SendWnd             0          0             0x0
        KeepAlive           0          0             0x0
        GiveUp              0          0             0x0
        PmtuAger            0          0             0x0
        DeadWait            0          0             0x0
        iss:          0 snduna:          0 sndnxt:          0     sndwnd:      0
        irs:          0 rcvnxt:          0 rcvwnd:       4128  delrcvwnd:      0
        SRTT: 0 ms, RTTO: 2000 ms, RTV: 2000 ms, KRTT: 0 ms
        minRTT: 60000 ms, maxRTT: 0 ms, ACK hold: 200 ms
        Flags: passive open, higher precedence, retransmission timeout
        TCB is waiting for TCP Process (67)
        Datagrams (max data segment is 516 bytes):
        Rcvd: 6 (out of order: 0), with data: 0, total data bytes: 0
        Sent: 0 (retransmit: 0, fastretransmit: 0), with data: 0, total data
        bytes: 0

        Cisco Software Modularity

        The following sample output from the show tcp tcb command displays a Software Modularity image:

        Device# show tcp tcb 0x1059C10
        Connection state is ESTAB, I/O status: 0, unread input bytes: 0
        Local host:, Local port: 23
        Foreign host:, Foreign port: 11000
        VRF table id is: 0
        Current send queue size: 0 (max 65536)
        Current receive queue size: 0 (max 32768)  mis-ordered: 0 bytes
        Event Timers (current time is 0xB9ACB9):
        Timer          Starts    Wakeups            Next(msec)
        Retrans             6          0                0
        SendWnd             0          0                0
        TimeWait            0          0                0
        AckHold             8          4                0
        KeepAlive          11          0          7199992
        PmtuAger            0          0                0
        GiveUp              0          0                0
        Throttle            0          0                0
        irs:    1633857851  rcvnxt: 1633857890  rcvadv: 1633890620  rcvwnd:  32730
        iss:    4231531315  snduna: 4231531392  sndnxt: 4231531392  sndwnd:   4052
        sndmax: 4231531392  sndcwnd:     10220
        SRTT: 84 ms,  RTTO: 650 ms,  RTV: 69 ms,  KRTT: 0 ms
        minRTT: 0 ms,  maxRTT: 200 ms, ACK hold: 200 ms
        Keepalive time: 7200 sec, SYN wait time: 75 sec
        Giveup time: 0 ms, Retransmission retries: 0, Retransmit forever: FALSE
        State flags: none
        Feature flags: Nagle
        Request flags: none
        Window scales: rcv 0, snd 0, request rcv 0, request snd 0
        Timestamp option: recent 0, recent age 0, last ACK sent          0
        Datagrams (in bytes): MSS 1460, peer MSS 1460, min MSS 1460, max MSS 1460
        Rcvd: 14 (out of order: 0), with data: 10, total data bytes: 38
        Sent: 10 (retransmit: 0, fastretransmit: 0), with data: 5, total data bytes: 76
        Header prediction hit rate: 72 %
        Socket states: SS_ISCONNECTED, SS_PRIV
        Read buffer flags: SB_WAIT, SB_SEL, SB_DEL_WAKEUP
        Read notifications: 4
        Write buffer flags: SB_DEL_WAKEUP
        Write notifications: 0
        Socket status: 0
        Step 2   show tcp brief [all | numeric]

        (Optional) Displays addresses in IP format.

        Use the show tcp brief command to display a concise description of TCP connection endpoints. Use the optional all keyword to display the status for all endpoints with addresses in a Domain Name System (DNS) hostname format. If this keyword is not used, endpoints in the LISTEN state are not shown. Use the optional numeric keyword to display the status for all endpoints with addresses in IP format.


        If the ip domain-lookup command is enabled on the device, and you execute the show tcp brief command, the response time of the device to display the output will be very slow. To get a faster response, you should disable the ip domain-lookup command.

        The following is sample output from the show tcp brief command while a user is connected to the system by using Telnet:

        Device# show tcp brief
        TCB       Local Address           Foreign Address        (state)
        609789AC   ESTAB

        The following example shows the IP activity after the numeric keyword is used to display addresses in IP format:

        Device# show tcp brief numeric
        TCB           Local Address          Foreign Address     (state)
        6523A4FC         ESTAB
        65239A84       ESTAB
        653FCBBC      *.1723 *.* LISTEN
        Step 3   debug ip tcp transactions

        Use the debug ip tcp transactions command to display information about significant TCP transactions such as state changes, retransmissions, and duplicate packets. The TCP/IP network isolated above the data link layer might encounter performance issues. The debug ip tcp transactions command can be useful in debugging these performance issues.

        The following is sample output from the debug ip tcp transactions command:

        Device# debug ip tcp transactions 
        TCP: sending SYN, seq 168108, ack 88655553
        TCP0: Connection to, advertising MSS 966
        TCP0: state was LISTEN -> SYNRCVD [23 ->]
        TCP0: state was SYNSENT -> SYNRCVD [23 ->]
        TCP0: Connection to, received MSS 956
        TCP0: restart retransmission in 5996
        TCP0: state was SYNRCVD -> ESTAB [23 ->]
        TCP2: restart retransmission in 10689
        TCP2: restart retransmission in 10641
        TCP2: restart retransmission in 10633
        TCP2: restart retransmission in 13384 ->]
        TCP0: restart retransmission in 5996 [23 ->]

        The following line from the debug ip tcp transactions command sample output shows that TCP has entered Fast Recovery mode:

        fast re-transmit - sndcwnd - 512, snd_last - 33884268765

        The following lines from the debug ip tcp transactions command sample output show that a duplicate acknowledgment is received when TCP is in Fast Recovery mode (first line) and a partial acknowledgment has been received (second line):

        TCP0:ignoring second congestion in same window sndcwn - 512, snd_1st - 33884268765 
        TCP0:partial ACK received sndcwnd:338842495
        Step 4   debug ip tcp congestion

        Use the debug ip tcp congestion command to display information about TCP congestion events. The TCP/IP network isolated above the data link layer might encounter performance issues. The debug ip tcp congestion command can be used to debug these performance issues. The command also displays information related to variations in the TCP send window, congestion window, and congestion threshold window.

        The following is sample output from the debug ip tcp congestion command:

        Device# debug ip tcp congestion
        *May 20 22:49:49.091: Setting New Reno as congestion control algorithm
        *May 22 05:21:47.281: Advance cwnd by 12
        *May 22 05:21:47.281: TCP85FD0C10: sndcwnd: 1472
        *May 22 05:21:47.285: Advance cwnd by 3
        *May 22 05:21:47.285: TCP85FD0C10: sndcwnd: 1475
        *May 22 05:21:47.285: Advance cwnd by 3
        *May 22 05:21:47.285: TCP85FD0C10: sndcwnd: 1478
        *May 22 05:21:47.285: Advance cwnd by 9
        *May 22 05:21:47.285: TCP85FD0C10: sndcwnd: 1487
        *May 20 22:50:32.559: [New Reno] sndcwnd: 8388480 ssthresh: 65535 snd_mark: 232322
        *May 20 22:50:32.559: <---> congestion window changes
        *May 20 22:50:32.559: cwnd from 8388480 to 2514841, ssthresh from 65535 to 2514841

        For Cisco TCP, New Reno is the default congestion control algorithm. However, an application can also use Binary Increase Congestion Control (BIC) as the congestion control algorithm. The following is sample output from the debug ip tcp congestion command using BIC:

        Device# debug ip tcp congestion 
        *May 22 05:21:42.281: Setting BIC as congestion control algorithm
        *May 22 05:21:47.281: Advance cwnd by 12
        *May 22 05:21:47.281: TCP85FD0C10: sndcwnd: 1472
        *May 22 05:21:47.285: Advance cwnd by 3
        *May 22 05:21:47.285: TCP85FD0C10: sndcwnd: 1475
        *May 22 05:21:47.285: Advance cwnd by 3
        *May 22 05:21:47.285: TCP85FD0C10: sndcwnd: 1478
        *May 22 05:21:47.285: Advance cwnd by 9
        *May 22 05:21:47.285: TCP85FD0C10: sndcwnd: 1487
        *May 20 22:50:32.559: [BIC] sndcwnd: 8388480 ssthresh: 65535 bic_last_max_cwnd: 0 last_cwnd: 8388480
        *May 20 22:50:32.559: <---> congestion window changes
        *May 20 22:50:32.559: cwnd from 8388480 to 2514841, ssthresh from 65535 to 2514841
        *May 20 22:50:32.559: bic_last_max_cwnd changes from 0 to 8388480

        Configuring Keepalive Parameters


          1.    enable

          2.    configure terminal

          3.    ip tcp keepalive interval seconds

          4.    ip tcp keepalive retries number-of-retries

          5.    end

          6.    show running-config

           Command or ActionPurpose
          Step 1enable

          Device> enable

          Enables privileged EXEC mode.

          • Enter your password if prompted.

          Step 2configure terminal

          Device# configure terminal

          Enables global configuration mode.

          Step 3ip tcp keepalive interval seconds

          Device(config)# ip tcp keepalive interval 23

          Configures the keepalive interval.

          Step 4ip tcp keepalive retries number-of-retries

          Device(config)# ip tcp keepalive retries 5

          Configures the number of unacknowledged probes that can be sent before declaring the connection as dead.

          Step 5end

          Device(config)# end

          Exits global configuration mode.

          Step 6show running-config

          Device# show running-config

          (Optional) Displays the running configuration.


          Configuration Examples for TCP

          Example: Verifying the Configuration of TCP ECN

          The following example shows how to verify whether TCP ECN is configured:

          Device# show running-config
          Building configuration...
          ip tcp ecn ! ECN is configured.

          The following example shows how to verify whether TCP is ECN-enabled on a specific connection (local host):

          Device# show tcp tcb 123456A
          !Local host
          Connection state is ESTAB, I/O status: 1, unread input bytes: 0
          Connection is ECN Enabled
          Local host:, Local port: 11002
          Foreign host:, Foreign port: 23

          The following example shows how to display concise information about one address:

          Device# show tcp brief
          TCB          Local address            Foreign Address        (state)
          609789C    ESTAB

          The following example shows how to enable IP TCP ECN debugging:

          Device# debug ip tcp ecn
          TCP ECN debugging is on
          Device# telnet
          Trying ...
          01:43:19: <--->   out ECN-setup SYN
          01:43:21: <--->   congestion window changes
          01:43:21: cwnd from 1460 to 1460, ssthresh from 65535 to 2920
          01:43:21: <--->   in non-ECN-setup SYN-ACK

          Before a TCP connection can use ECN, a host sends an ECN-setup SYN (synchronization) packet to a remote end that contains an Echo Congestion Experience (ECE) and Congestion window reduced (CWR) bit set in the header. Setting the ECE and CWR bits indicates to the remote end that the sending TCP is ECN capable, rather than an indication of congestion. The remote end sends an ECN-setup SYN-ACK (acknowledgment) packet to the sending host.

          In this example the “out ECN-setup SYN” text means that a SYN packet with the ECE and CWR bit set was sent to the remote end. The “in non-ECN-setup SYN-ACK” text means that the remote end did not favorably acknowledge the ECN request and, therefore, the session is not ECN capable.

          The following output shows that ECN capabilities are enabled at both ends. In response to the ECN-setup SYN, the other end favorably replied with an ECN-setup SYN-ACK message. This connection is now ECN capable for the rest of the session.

          Device# telnet
          Trying ... Open
          Password required, but none set
          1d20h: <--->   out ECN-setup SYN
          1d20h: <--->   in ECN-setup SYN-ACK

          The following example shows how to verify that the hosts are connected:

          Device# show debugging
            TCP Packet debugging is on
            TCP ECN debugging is on
          Device# telnet
          Trying ... 
          00:02:48: <--->   out ECN-setup SYN
          00:02:48: tcp0: O CLOSED seq 1922220018
                  OPTS 4 ECE CWR SYN  WIN 4128
          00:02:50: <--->   congestion window changes
          00:02:50: cwnd from 1460 to 1460, ssthresh from 65535 to 2920
          00:02:50: tcp0: R SYNSENT seq 1922220018
                  OPTS 4 ECE CWR SYN  WIN 4128
          00:02:54: <--->   congestion window changes
          00:02:54: cwnd from 1460 to 1460, ssthresh from 2920 to 2920
          00:02:54: tcp0: R SYNSENT seq 1922220018
                  OPTS 4 ECE CWR SYN  WIN 4128
          00:03:02: <--->   congestion window changes
          00:03:02: cwnd from 1460 to 1460, ssthresh from 2920 to 2920
          00:03:02: tcp0: R SYNSENT seq 1922220018
                  OPTS 4 ECE CWR SYN  WIN 4128
          00:03:18: <--->   SYN with ECN disabled
          00:03:18: <--->   congestion window changes
          00:03:18: cwnd from 1460 to 1460, ssthresh from 2920 to 2920
          00:03:18: tcp0: O SYNSENT seq 1922220018
                  OPTS 4 SYN  WIN 4128
          00:03:20: <--->   congestion window changes
          00:03:20: cwnd from 1460 to 1460, ssthresh from 2920 to 2920
          00:03:20: tcp0: R SYNSENT seq 1922220018
                  OPTS 4 SYN  WIN 4128
          00:03:24: <--->   congestion window changes
          00:03:24: cwnd from 1460 to 1460, ssthresh from 2920 to 2920
          00:03:24: tcp0: R SYNSENT seq 1922220018
                  OPTS 4 SYN  WIN 4128
          00:03:32: <--->   congestion window changes
          00:03:32: cwnd from 1460 to 1460, ssthresh from 2920 to 2920
          00:03:32: tcp0: R SYNSENT seq 1922220018
                  OPTS 4 SYN  WIN 4128
          !Connection timed out; remote host not responding

          Example: Configuring the TCP MSS Adjustment

          The following example shows how to configure and verify the interface adjustment value for the example topology displayed in the figure below:

          Figure 1. Example Topology for TCP MSS Adjustment

          Configure the interface adjustment value on router B:

          Router_B(config)# interface GigabitEthernet 2/0/0
          Router_B(config-if)# ip tcp adjust-mss 500

          Telnet from router A to router C with B having the Maximum Segment Size (MSS) adjustment configured:

          Router_A# telnet
          Trying Open

          Observe the debug output from router C:

          Router_C# debug ip tcp transactions
          Sep 5 18:42:46.247: TCP0: state was LISTEN -> SYNRCVD [23 ->]
          Sep 5 18:42:46.247: TCP: tcb 32290C0 connection to, peer MSS 500, MSS is 500
          Sep 5 18:42:46.247: TCP: sending SYN, seq 580539401, ack 6015751
          Sep 5 18:42:46.247: TCP0: Connection to, advertising MSS 500
          Sep 5 18:42:46.251: TCP0: state was SYNRCVD -> ESTAB [23 ->]

          The MSS gets adjusted to 500 on Router B as configured.

          The following example shows the configuration of a Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE) client with the MSS value set to 1452:

          Device(config)# vpdn enable
          Device(config)# no vpdn logging
          Device(config)# vpdn-group 1
          Device(config-vpdn)# request-dialin
          Device(config-vpdn-req-in)# protocol pppoe
          Device(config-vpdn-req-in)# exit
          Device(config-vpdn)# exit
          Device(config)# interface GigabitEthernet 0/0/0
          Device(config-if)# ip address
          Device(config-if)# ip tcp adjust-mss 1452
          Device(config-if)# ip nat inside
          Device(config-if)# exit
          Device(config)# interface ATM 0
          Device(config-if)# no ip address
          Device(config-if)# no atm ilmi-keepalive
          Device(config-if)# pvc 8/35
          Device(config-if)# pppoe client dial-pool-number 1
          Device(config-if)# dsl equipment-type CPE
          Device(config-if)# dsl operating-mode GSHDSL symmetric annex B
          Device(config-if)# dsl linerate AUTO
          Device(config-if)# exit
          Device(config)# interface Dialer 1
          Device(config-if)3 ip address negotiated
          Device(config-if)# ip mtu 1492
          Device(config-if)# ip nat outside
          Device(config-if)# encapsulation ppp
          Device(config-if)# dialer pool 1
          Device(config-if)# dialer-group 1
          Device(config-if)# ppp authentication pap callin
          Device(config-if)# ppp pap sent-username sohodyn password 7 141B1309000528
          Device(config-if)# ip nat inside source list 101 Dialer1 overload
          Device(config-if)# exit
          Device(config)# ip route Dialer1
          Device(config)# access-list permit ip any

          The following example shows the configuration of interface adjustment value for IPv6 traffic:

          Device> enable
          Device# configure terminal
          Device(config)# interface GigabitEthernet 0/0/0
          Device(config)# ipv6 tcp adjust-mss 1452
          Device(config)# end

          Example: Configuring the TCP Application Flags Enhancement

          The following output shows the flags (status and option) displayed using the show tcp command:

          Device# show tcp
          Status Flags: passive open, active open, retransmission timeout
           App closed
          Option Flags: vrf id set
          IP Precedence value: 6
          SRTT: 273 ms, RTTO: 490 ms, RTV: 217 ms, KRTT: 0 ms
          minRTT: 0 ms, maxRTT: 300 ms, ACK hold: 200 ms

          Example: Displaying Addresses in IP Format

          The following example shows the IP activity by using the numeric keyword to display the addresses in IP format:

          Device# show tcp brief numeric
          TCB           Local Address          Foreign Address     (state)
          6523A4FC         ESTAB
          65239A84       ESTAB
          653FCBBC      *.1723 *.* LISTEN

          Example: Configuring Keepalive Parameters

          The following example shows how to configure TCP keepalive parameters.

          Device# configure terminal
          Device(config)# ip tcp keepalive interval 2
          Device(config)# ip tcp keepalive retries 5

          The following is a sample output of the show running-config command:

          Device# show running-config
          ip tcp keepalive retries 5
          ip tcp keepalive interval 2

          Additional References

          Related Documents

          Related Topic

          Document Title

          Cisco IOS commands

          Cisco IOS Master Commands List, All Releases

          IP Application Services commands

          IP Application Services Command Reference

          Standards and RFCs



          RFC 793

          Transmission Control Protocol

          RFC 1191

          Path MTU discovery

          RFC 1323

          TCP Extensions for High Performance

          RFC 2018

          TCP Selective Acknowledgment Options

          RFC 2581

          TCP Congestion Control

          RFC 3168

          The Addition of Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) to IP

          RFC 3782

          The NewReno Modification to TCP’s Fast Recovery Algorithm

          RFC 4022

          Management Information Base for the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)



          MIBs Link


          To locate and download MIBs for selected platforms, Cisco software releases, and feature sets, use Cisco MIB Locator found at the following URL:


          Technical Assistance



          The Cisco Support and Documentation website provides online resources to download documentation, software, and tools. Use these resources to install and configure the software and to troubleshoot and resolve technical issues with Cisco products and technologies. Access to most tools on the Cisco Support and Documentation website requires a user ID and password.


          Feature Information for TCP

          The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.

          Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support. To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to​go/​cfn. An account on is not required.

          Table 1 Feature Information for TCP

          Feature Name


          Feature Information

          TCP Application Flags Enhancement



          The TCP Applications Flags Enhancement feature enables the user to display additional flags with reference to TCP applications. There are two types of flags: status and option. The status flags indicate the status of TCP connections such as retransmission timeouts, application closed, and synchronized (SYNC) handshakes for listening. The additional flags indicate the state of set options such as whether a VPN routing and forwarding instance (VRF) is set, whether a user is idle, and whether a keepalive timer is running.

          The following command was modified by this feature: show tcp.

          TCP Congestion Avoidance


          The TCP Congestion Avoidance feature enables the monitoring of acknowledgment packets to the TCP sender when multiple packets are lost in a single window of data. Before this feature was introduced, the sender would exit Fast-Recovery mode, wait for three or more duplicate acknowledgment packets before retransmitting the next unacknowledged packet, or wait for the retransmission timer to start slowly. This delay could lead to performance issues.

          Implementation of RFC 2581 and RFC 3782 addresses the modifications to the Fast-Recovery algorithm that incorporates a response to partial acknowledgments received during Fast Recovery, improving performance in situations where multiple packets are lost in a single window of data.

          This feature is an enhancement to the existing Fast Recovery algorithm. No commands are used to enable or disable this feature.

          The output of the debug ip tcp transactions command monitors acknowledgment packets by displaying the following conditions:

          • TCP entering Fast Recovery mode.

          • Duplicate acknowledgments being received during Fast Recovery mode.

          • Partial acknowledgments being received.

          The following command was modified by this feature: debug ip tcp transactions.

          TCP Explicit Congestion Notification


          The TCP Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) feature allows an intermediate router to notify end hosts of impending network congestion. It also provides enhanced support for TCP sessions associated with applications such as Telnet, web browsing, and transfer of audio and video data, that are sensitive to delay or packet loss. The benefit of this is the reduction of delay and packet loss in data transmissions.

          The following commands were introduced or modified by this feature: debug ip tcp ecn, ip tcp ecn, show debugging, show tcp.

          TCP MIB for RFC4022 Support


          The TCP MIB for RFC 4022 Support feature introduces support for RFC 4022, Management Information Base for the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). RFC 4022 is an incremental change of the TCP MIB to improve the manageability of TCP.

          There are no new or modified commands for this feature.

          TCP MSS Adjust








          The TCP MSS Adjust feature enables the configuration of the maximum segment size (MSS) for transient packets that traverse a device, specifically TCP segments in the SYN bit set.

          In 12.2(4)T, this feature was introduced.

          In 12.2(8)T, the command that was introduced by this feature was changed from ip adjust-mss to ip tcp adjust-mss.

          In 12.2(28)SB and 12.2(33)SRA, this feature was enhanced to be configurable on subinterfaces.

          The following command was introduced by this feature: ip tcp adjust-mss.

          TCP Show Extension



          The TCP Show Extension feature introduces the capability to display addresses in IP format instead of hostname format and to display the VRF table associated with the connection.

          The following command was modified by this feature: show tcp brief.

          TCP Window Scaling



          The TCP Window Scaling feature adds support for the Window Scaling option in RFC 1323. A larger window size is recommended to improve TCP performance in network paths with large bandwidth, long-delay characteristics that are called Long Fat Networks (LFNs). This TCP Window Scaling enhancement provides that support.

          The following command was introduced or modified by this feature: ip tcp window-size.

          TCP Keepalive Timer


          The TCP Keepalive Timer feature introduces the capability to identify dead connections between multiple routing devices.

          The following command was introduced or modified by this feature: ip tcp keepalive.

          Configuring TCP


          Configuring TCP

          TCP is a protocol that specifies the format of data and acknowledgments used in data transfer. TCP is a connection-oriented protocol because participants must establish a connection before data can be transferred. By performing flow control and error correction, TCP guarantees reliable, in-sequence delivery of packets. TCP is considered a reliable protocol because it will continue to request an IP packet that is dropped or received out of order until it is received. This module explains concepts related to TCP and how to configure TCP in a network.

          Finding Feature Information

          Your software release may not support all the features documented in this module. For the latest caveats and feature information, see Bug Search Tool and the release notes for your platform and software release. To find information about the features documented in this module, and to see a list of the releases in which each feature is supported, see the feature information table at the end of this module.

          Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support. To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to​go/​cfn. An account on is not required.

          Prerequisites for TCP

          TCP Time Stamp, TCP Selective Acknowledgment, and TCP Header Compression

          Because TCP time stamps are always sent and echoed in both directions and the time-stamp value in the header is always changing, TCP header compression will not compress the outgoing packet. To allow TCP header compression over a serial link, the TCP time-stamp option is disabled. If you want to use TCP header compression over a serial line, TCP time stamp and TCP selective acknowledgment must be disabled. Both features are disabled by default. Use the no ip tcp selective-ack command to disable the TCP selective acknowledgment once it is enabled.

          Restrictions for TCP

          The TCP Keepalive timer parameters can be configured only on vty and TTY applications.

          Information About TCP

          TCP Services

          TCP provides reliable transmission of data in an IP environment. TCP corresponds to the transport layer (Layer 4) of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) reference model. Among the services that TCP provides are stream data transfer, reliability, efficient flow control, full-duplex operation, and multiplexing.

          With stream data transfer, TCP delivers an unstructured stream of bytes that are identified by sequence numbers. This service benefits applications because they do not have to divide data into blocks before handing it off to TCP. Instead, TCP groups bytes into segments and passes them to IP for delivery.

          TCP offers reliability by providing connection-oriented, end-to-end reliable packet delivery through an internetwork. It does this by sequencing bytes with a forwarding acknowledgment number that indicates to the destination the next byte that the source expects to receive. Bytes that are not acknowledged within a specified time period are retransmitted. The reliability mechanism of TCP allows devices to handle lost, delayed, duplicate, or misread packets. A timeout mechanism allows devices to detect lost packets and request retransmission.

          TCP offers efficient flow control, which means that the receiving TCP process indicates the highest sequence number that it can receive without overflowing its internal buffers when sending acknowledgments back to the source.

          TCP offers full-duplex operation, and TCP processes can both send and receive data at the same time.

          TCP multiplexing allows numerous simultaneous upper-layer conversations to be multiplexed over a single connection.

          TCP Connection Establishment

          To use reliable transport services, TCP hosts must establish a connection-oriented session with one another. Connection establishment is performed by using a “three-way handshake” mechanism.

          A three-way handshake synchronizes both ends of a connection by allowing both sides to agree upon the initial sequence numbers. This mechanism guarantees that both sides are ready to transmit data. The three-way handshake is necessary so that packets are not transmitted or retransmitted during session establishment or after session termination.

          Each host randomly chooses a sequence number, which is used to track bytes within the stream that the host is sending. The three-way handshake proceeds in the following manner:

          • The first host (Host A) initiates a connection by sending a packet with the initial sequence number (X) and the synchronize/start (SYN) bit set to indicate a connection request.

          • The second host (Host B) receives the SYN, records the sequence number X, and replies by acknowledging (ACK) the SYN (with an ACK = X + 1). Host B includes its own initial sequence number (SEQ = Y). An ACK = 20 means that the host has received bytes 0 through 19 and expects byte 20 next. This technique is called forward acknowledgment.

          • Host A acknowledges all bytes that Host B has sent with a forward acknowledgment indicating the next byte Host A expects to receive (ACK = Y + 1). Data transfer can then begin.

          TCP Connection Attempt Time

          You can set the amount of time the software will wait before attempting to establish a TCP connection. The connection attempt time is a host parameter and pertains to traffic that originated at the device and not to traffic going through the device. To set the TCP connection attempt time, use the ip tcp synwait-time command in global configuration mode. The default is 30 seconds.

          TCP Selective Acknowledgment

          The TCP Selective Acknowledgment feature improves performance if multiple packets are lost from one TCP window of data.

          Prior to this feature, because of limited information available from cumulative acknowledgments, a TCP sender could learn about only one lost packet per-round-trip time. An aggressive sender could choose to resend packets early, but such re-sent segments might have already been successfully received.

          The TCP selective acknowledgment mechanism helps improve performance. The receiving TCP host returns selective acknowledgment packets to the sender, informing the sender of data that has been received. In other words, the receiver can acknowledge packets received out of order. The sender can then resend only missing data segments (instead of everything since the first missing packet).

          Prior to selective acknowledgment, if TCP lost packets 4 and 7 out of an 8-packet window, TCP would receive acknowledgment of only packets 1, 2, and 3. Packets 4 through 8 would need to be re-sent. With selective acknowledgment, TCP receives acknowledgment of packets 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, and 8. Only packets 4 and 7 must be re-sent.

          TCP selective acknowledgment is used only when multiple packets are dropped within one TCP window. There is no performance impact when the feature is enabled but not used. Use the ip tcp selective-ack command in global configuration mode to enable TCP selective acknowledgment.

          Refer to RFC 2018 for more details about TCP selective acknowledgment.

          TCP Time Stamp

          The TCP time-stamp option provides improved TCP round-trip time measurements. Because the time stamps are always sent and echoed in both directions and the time-stamp value in the header is always changing, TCP header compression will not compress the outgoing packet. To allow TCP header compression over a serial link, the TCP time-stamp option is disabled. Use the ip tcp timestamp command to enable the TCP time-stamp option.

          Refer to RFC 1323 for more details on TCP time stamps.

          TCP Maximum Read Size

          The maximum number of characters that TCP reads from the input queue for Telnet and relogin at one time is very large (the largest possible 32-bit positive number) by default. To change the TCP maximum read size value, use the ip tcp chunk-size command in global configuration mode.


          We do not recommend that you change this value.

          TCP Path MTU Discovery

          Path MTU Discovery is a method for maximizing the use of the available bandwidth in the network between endpoints of a TCP connection, which is described in RFC 1191. IP Path MTU Discovery allows a host to dynamically discover and cope with differences in the maximum allowable maximum transmission unit (MTU) size of the various links along the path. Sometimes a device is unable to forward a datagram because it requires fragmentation (the packet is larger than the MTU that you set for the interface with the interface configuration command), but the “do not fragment” (DF) bit is set. The intermediate gateway sends a “Fragmentation needed and DF bit set” Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) message to the sending host, alerting the host to the problem. On receiving this message, the host reduces its assumed path MTU and consequently sends a smaller packet that will fit the smallest packet size of all links along the path.

          By default, TCP Path MTU Discovery is disabled. Existing connections are not affected irrespective of whether this feature is enabled or disabled.

          Customers using TCP connections to move bulk data between systems on distinct subnets would benefit most by enabling this feature. Customers using remote source-route bridging (RSRB) with TCP encapsulation, serial tunnel (STUN), X.25 Remote Switching (also known as XOT or X.25 over TCP), and some protocol translation configurations might also benefit from enabling this feature.

          Use the ip tcp path-mtu-discovery global configuration command to enable Path MTU Discovery for connections initiated by the device when the device is acting as a host.

          For more information about Path MTU Discovery, refer to the “Configuring IP Services” module of the IP Application Services Configuration Guide.

          TCP Window Scaling

          The TCP Window Scaling feature adds support for the Window Scaling option in RFC 1323,TCP Extensions for High Performance. A larger window size is recommended to improve TCP performance in network paths with large bandwidth-delay product characteristics that are called Long Fat Networks (LFNs). The TCP Window Scaling enhancement provides LFN support.

          The window scaling extension expands the definition of the TCP window to 32 bits and then uses a scale factor to carry this 32-bit value in the 16-bit window field of the TCP header. The window size can increase to a scale factor of 14. Typical applications use a scale factor of 3 when deployed in LFNs.

          The TCP Window Scaling feature complies with RFC 1323. The maximum window size was increased to 1,073,741,823 bytes. The larger scalable window size will allow TCP to perform better over LFNs. Use the ip tcp window-size command in global configuration mode to configure the TCP window size.

          TCP Sliding Window

          A TCP sliding window provides an efficient use of network bandwidth because it enables hosts to send multiple bytes or packets before waiting for an acknowledgment.

          In TCP, the receiver specifies the current window size in every packet. Because TCP provides a byte-stream connection, window sizes are expressed in bytes. A window is the number of data bytes that the sender is allowed to send before waiting for an acknowledgment. Initial window sizes are indicated at connection setup, but might vary throughout the data transfer to provide flow control. A window size of zero means “Send no data.” The default TCP window size is 4128 bytes. We recommend that you keep the default value unless your device is sending large packets (greater than 536 bytes). Use the ip tcp window-size command to change the default window size.

          In a TCP sliding-window operation, for example, the sender might have a sequence of bytes to send (numbered 1 to 10) to a receiver who has a window size of five. The sender then places a window around the first five bytes and transmits them together. The sender then waits for an acknowledgment.

          The receiver responds with an ACK = 6, indicating that it has received bytes 1 to 5 and is expecting byte 6 next. In the same packet, the receiver indicates that its window size is 5. The sender then moves the sliding window five bytes to the right and transmits bytes 6 to 10. The receiver responds with an ACK = 11, indicating that it is expecting sequenced byte 11 next. In this packet, if the receiver indicates that its window size is 0, the sender cannot send any more bytes until the receiver sends another packet with a window size greater than 0.

          TCP Outgoing Queue Size

          The default TCP outgoing queue size per connection is five segments if the connection has a TTY associated with it (such as a Telnet connection). If no TTY connection is associated with a connection, the default queue size is 20 segments. Use the ip tcp queuemax command to change the five-segment default value.

          TCP Congestion Avoidance

          The TCP Congestion Avoidance feature enables the monitoring of acknowledgment packets to the TCP sender when multiple packets are lost in a single window of data. Previous to introduction of this feature, the sender would exit Fast-Recovery mode, wait for three or more duplicate acknowledgment packets before retransmitting the next unacknowledged packet, or wait for the retransmission timer to start slowly. This delay could lead to performance issues.

          Implementation of RFC 2581 and RFC 3782 addresses the modifications to the Fast-Recovery algorithm that incorporates a response to partial acknowledgments received during Fast Recovery, improving performance in situations where multiple packets are lost in a single window of data.

          This feature is an enhancement to the existing Fast Recovery algorithm. No commands are used to enable or disable this feature.

          The output of the debug ip tcp transactions command has been enhanced to monitor acknowledgment packets by showing the following conditions:

          • TCP entering Fast Recovery mode.

          • Duplicate acknowledgments being received during Fast Recovery mode.

          • Partial acknowledgments being received.

          TCP Explicit Congestion Notification

          The TCP Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) feature allows an intermediate router to notify end hosts of impending network congestion. It also provides enhanced support for TCP sessions associated with applications, such as Telnet, web browsing, and transfer of audio and video data that are sensitive to delay or packet loss. The benefit of this feature is the reduction of delay and packet loss in data transmissions. Use the ip tcp ecn command in global configuration mode to enable TCP ECN.

          TCP MSS Adjustment

          The TCP MSS Adjustment feature enables the configuration of the maximum segment size (MSS) for transient packets that traverse a device, specifically TCP segments with the SYN bit set. Use the ip tcp adjust-mss command in interface configuration mode to specify the MSS value on the intermediate device of the SYN packets to avoid truncation.

          When a host (usually a PC) initiates a TCP session with a server, the host negotiates the IP segment size by using the MSS option field in the TCP SYN packet. The value of the MSS field is determined by the MTU configuration on the host. The default MSS value for a PC is 1500 bytes.

          The PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE) standard supports a Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) of only 1492 bytes. The disparity between the host and PPPoE MTU size can cause the device in between the host and the server to drop 1500-byte packets and terminate TCP sessions over the PPPoE network. Even if the path MTU (which detects the correct MTU across the path) is enabled on the host, sessions may be dropped because system administrators sometimes disable ICMP error messages that must be relayed from the host for path MTU to work.

          The ip tcp adjust-mss command helps prevent TCP sessions from being dropped by adjusting the MSS value of the TCP SYN packets.

          The ip tcp adjust-mss command is effective only for TCP connections passing through the device.

          In most cases, the optimum value for the max-segment-size argument of the ip tcp adjust-mss command is 1452 bytes. This value plus the 20-byte IP header, the 20-byte TCP header, and the 8-byte PPPoE header add up to a 1500-byte packet that matches the MTU size for the Ethernet link.

          See the “Configuring the MSS Value and MTU for Transient TCP SYN Packets” section for configuration instructions.

          TCP Applications Flags Enhancement

          The TCP Applications Flags Enhancement feature enables the user to display additional flags with reference to TCP applications. There are two types of flags: status and option. The status flags indicate the status of TCP connections such as passive open, active open, retransmission timeout, and app closed for listening. The additional flags indicate the state of set options such as whether a VPN routing and forwarding instance (VRF) is set, whether a user is idle, and whether a keepalive timer is running. Use the show tcp command to display TCP application flags.

          TCP Show Extension

          The TCP Show Extension feature introduces the capability to display addresses in IP format instead of the hostname format and to display the VRF table associated with the connection. To display the status for all endpoints with addresses in IP format, use the show tcp brief numeric command.

          TCP MIB for RFC 4022 Support

          The TCP MIB for RFC 4022 Support feature introduces support for RFC 4022, Management Information Base for the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). RFC 4022 is an incremental change of the TCP MIB to improve the manageability of TCP.

          To locate and download MIBs for selected platforms, Cisco IOS releases, and feature sets, use Cisco MIB Locator found at the following URL:


          TCP Keepalive Timer

          The TCP Keepalive Timer feature provides a mechanism to identify dead connections.

          When a TCP connection on a routing device is idle for too long, the device sends a TCP keepalive packet to the peer with only the Acknowledgment (ACK) flag turned on. If a response packet (a TCP ACK packet) is not received after the device sends a specific number of probes, the connection is considered dead and the device initiating the probes frees resources used by the TCP connection.

          The following parameters are used to configure TCP keepalive:

          • TCP Keepalive idle time—The value of this parameter indicates the time for which a TCP connection can be idle before the connection initiates keepalive probes.

          • TCP Keepalive retries—The value of this parameter is the number of unacknowledged probes that a device can send before declaring the connection as dead and tearing it down.

          • TCP Keepalive interval—The time between subsequent probe retries.

          How to Configure TCP

          Configuring TCP Performance Parameters

          Before You Begin

          Both sides of the network link must be configured to support window scaling or the default of 65,535 bytes will be applied as the maximum window size. To support Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN), the remote peer must be ECN-enabled because the ECN capability is negotiated during a three-way handshake with the remote peer.


            1.    enable

            2.    configure terminal

            3.    ip tcp synwait-time seconds

            4.    ip tcp path-mtu-discovery [age-timer {minutes | infinite}]

            5.    ip tcp selective-ack

            6.    ip tcp timestamp

            7.    ip tcp chunk-size characters

            8.    ip tcp window-size bytes

            9.    ip tcp ecn

            10.    ip tcp queuemax packets

            11.    end

             Command or ActionPurpose
            Step 1 enable

            Device> enable

            Enables privileged EXEC mode.

            • Enter your password if prompted.

            Step 2 configure terminal

            Device# configure terminal

            Enters global configuration mode.

            Step 3 ip tcp synwait-time seconds

            Device(config)# ip tcp synwait-time 60

            (Optional) Sets the amount of time the Cisco software will wait before attempting to establish a TCP connection.

            • The default is 30 seconds.

            Step 4 ip tcp path-mtu-discovery [age-timer {minutes | infinite}]

            Device(config)# ip tcp path-mtu-discovery age-timer 11

            (Optional) Enables Path MTU Discovery.

            • age-timer —Time interval, in minutes, TCP reestimates the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) with a larger Maximum Segment Size (MSS). The default is 10 minutes. The maximum is 30 minutes.

            • infinite—Disables the age timer.

            Step 5 ip tcp selective-ack

            Device(config)# ip tcp selective-ack

            (Optional) Enables TCP selective acknowledgment.

            Step 6 ip tcp timestamp

            Device(config)# ip tcp timestamp

            (Optional) Enables the TCP time stamp.

            Step 7 ip tcp chunk-size characters

            Device(config)# ip tcp chunk-size 64000

            (Optional) Sets the TCP maximum read size for Telnet or rlogin.


            We do not recommend that you change this value.

            Step 8 ip tcp window-size bytes

            Device(config)# ip tcp window-size 75000

            (Optional) Sets the TCP window size.

            • The bytes argument can be set to an integer from 68 to 1073741823. To enable window scaling to support Long Flat Networks (LFNs), the TCP window size must be more than 65535. The default window size is 4128 if window scaling is not configured.


            With CSCsw45317, the bytes argument can be set to an integer from 68 to 1073741823.

            Step 9 ip tcp ecn

            Device(config)# ip tcp ecn

            (Optional) Enables ECN for TCP.

            Step 10 ip tcp queuemax packets

            Device(config)# ip tcp queuemax 10

            (Optional) Sets the TCP outgoing queue size.

            Step 11 end

            Device(config)# end

            Exits to privileged EXEC mode.


            Configuring the MSS Value and MTU for Transient TCP SYN Packets

            Perform this task to configure the maximum size segment (MSS) for transient packets that traverse a device, specifically TCP segments with the SYN bit set, and to configure the MTU size of IP packets.

            If you are configuring the ip mtu command on the same interface as the ip tcp adjust-mss command, we recommend that you use the following commands and values:

            • ip tcp adjust-mss 1452

            • ip mtu 1492

            SUMMARY STEPS

              1.    enable

              2.    configure terminal

              3.    interface type number

              4.    ip tcp adjust-mss max-segment-size

              5.    ip mtu bytes

              6.    end

            DETAILED STEPS
               Command or ActionPurpose
              Step 1 enable

              Device> enable

              Enables privileged EXEC mode.

              • Enter your password if prompted.

              Step 2 configure terminal

              Device# configure terminal

              Enters global configuration mode.

              Step 3 interface type number

              Device(config)# interface GigabitEthernet 1/0/0

              Configures an interface type and enters interface configuration mode.

              Step 4 ip tcp adjust-mss max-segment-size

              Device(config-if)# ip tcp adjust-mss 1452

              Adjusts the MSS value of TCP SYN packets going through a device.

              • The max-segment-size argument is the maximum segment size, in bytes. The range is from 500 to 1460.

              Step 5 ip mtu bytes

              Device(config-if)# ip mtu 1492

              Sets the MTU size of IP packets, in bytes, sent on an interface.

              Step 6 end

              Device(config-if)# end

              Exits to global configuration mode.


              Verifying TCP Performance Parameters

              SUMMARY STEPS

                1.    show tcp [line-number] [tcb address]

                2.    show tcp brief [all | numeric]

                3.    debug ip tcp transactions

                4.    debug ip tcp congestion

              DETAILED STEPS
                Step 1   show tcp [line-number] [tcb address]

                Displays the status of TCP connections. The arguments and keyword are as follows:

                • line-number—(Optional) Absolute line number of the Telnet connection status.

                • tcb—(Optional) Transmission control block (TCB) of the Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN)-enabled connection.

                • address—(Optional) TCB hexadecimal address. The valid range is from 0x0 to 0xFFFFFFFF.

                The following sample output from the show tcp tcb command displays detailed information about an ECN-enabled connection that uses a hexadecimal address format:

                Device# show tcp tcb 0x62CD2BB8
                Connection state is LISTEN, I/O status: 1, unread input bytes: 0
                Connection is ECN enabled
                Local host:, Local port: 179
                Foreign host:, Foreign port: 12000
                Enqueued packets for retransmit: 0, input: 0 mis-ordered: 0 (0 bytes)
                Event Timers (current time is 0x4F31940):
                Timer          Starts    Wakeups            Next
                Retrans             0          0             0x0
                TimeWait            0          0             0x0
                AckHold             0          0             0x0
                SendWnd             0          0             0x0
                KeepAlive           0          0             0x0
                GiveUp              0          0             0x0
                PmtuAger            0          0             0x0
                DeadWait            0          0             0x0
                iss:          0 snduna:          0 sndnxt:          0     sndwnd:      0
                irs:          0 rcvnxt:          0 rcvwnd:       4128  delrcvwnd:      0
                SRTT: 0 ms, RTTO: 2000 ms, RTV: 2000 ms, KRTT: 0 ms
                minRTT: 60000 ms, maxRTT: 0 ms, ACK hold: 200 ms
                Flags: passive open, higher precedence, retransmission timeout
                TCB is waiting for TCP Process (67)
                Datagrams (max data segment is 516 bytes):
                Rcvd: 6 (out of order: 0), with data: 0, total data bytes: 0
                Sent: 0 (retransmit: 0, fastretransmit: 0), with data: 0, total data
                bytes: 0

                Cisco Software Modularity

                The following sample output from the show tcp tcb command displays a Software Modularity image:

                Device# show tcp tcb 0x1059C10
                Connection state is ESTAB, I/O status: 0, unread input bytes: 0
                Local host:, Local port: 23
                Foreign host:, Foreign port: 11000
                VRF table id is: 0
                Current send queue size: 0 (max 65536)
                Current receive queue size: 0 (max 32768)  mis-ordered: 0 bytes
                Event Timers (current time is 0xB9ACB9):
                Timer          Starts    Wakeups            Next(msec)
                Retrans             6          0                0
                SendWnd             0          0                0
                TimeWait            0          0                0
                AckHold             8          4                0
                KeepAlive          11          0          7199992
                PmtuAger            0          0                0
                GiveUp              0          0                0
                Throttle            0          0                0
                irs:    1633857851  rcvnxt: 1633857890  rcvadv: 1633890620  rcvwnd:  32730
                iss:    4231531315  snduna: 4231531392  sndnxt: 4231531392  sndwnd:   4052
                sndmax: 4231531392  sndcwnd:     10220
                SRTT: 84 ms,  RTTO: 650 ms,  RTV: 69 ms,  KRTT: 0 ms
                minRTT: 0 ms,  maxRTT: 200 ms, ACK hold: 200 ms
                Keepalive time: 7200 sec, SYN wait time: 75 sec
                Giveup time: 0 ms, Retransmission retries: 0, Retransmit forever: FALSE
                State flags: none
                Feature flags: Nagle
                Request flags: none
                Window scales: rcv 0, snd 0, request rcv 0, request snd 0
                Timestamp option: recent 0, recent age 0, last ACK sent          0
                Datagrams (in bytes): MSS 1460, peer MSS 1460, min MSS 1460, max MSS 1460
                Rcvd: 14 (out of order: 0), with data: 10, total data bytes: 38
                Sent: 10 (retransmit: 0, fastretransmit: 0), with data: 5, total data bytes: 76
                Header prediction hit rate: 72 %
                Socket states: SS_ISCONNECTED, SS_PRIV
                Read buffer flags: SB_WAIT, SB_SEL, SB_DEL_WAKEUP
                Read notifications: 4
                Write buffer flags: SB_DEL_WAKEUP
                Write notifications: 0
                Socket status: 0
                Step 2   show tcp brief [all | numeric]

                (Optional) Displays addresses in IP format.

                Use the show tcp brief command to display a concise description of TCP connection endpoints. Use the optional all keyword to display the status for all endpoints with addresses in a Domain Name System (DNS) hostname format. If this keyword is not used, endpoints in the LISTEN state are not shown. Use the optional numeric keyword to display the status for all endpoints with addresses in IP format.


                If the ip domain-lookup command is enabled on the device, and you execute the show tcp brief command, the response time of the device to display the output will be very slow. To get a faster response, you should disable the ip domain-lookup command.

                The following is sample output from the show tcp brief command while a user is connected to the system by using Telnet:

                Device# show tcp brief
                TCB       Local Address           Foreign Address        (state)
                609789AC   ESTAB

                The following example shows the IP activity after the numeric keyword is used to display addresses in IP format:

                Device# show tcp brief numeric
                TCB           Local Address          Foreign Address     (state)
                6523A4FC         ESTAB
                65239A84       ESTAB
                653FCBBC      *.1723 *.* LISTEN
                Step 3   debug ip tcp transactions

                Use the debug ip tcp transactions command to display information about significant TCP transactions such as state changes, retransmissions, and duplicate packets. The TCP/IP network isolated above the data link layer might encounter performance issues. The debug ip tcp transactions command can be useful in debugging these performance issues.

                The following is sample output from the debug ip tcp transactions command:

                Device# debug ip tcp transactions 
                TCP: sending SYN, seq 168108, ack 88655553
                TCP0: Connection to, advertising MSS 966
                TCP0: state was LISTEN -> SYNRCVD [23 ->]
                TCP0: state was SYNSENT -> SYNRCVD [23 ->]
                TCP0: Connection to, received MSS 956
                TCP0: restart retransmission in 5996
                TCP0: state was SYNRCVD -> ESTAB [23 ->]
                TCP2: restart retransmission in 10689
                TCP2: restart retransmission in 10641
                TCP2: restart retransmission in 10633
                TCP2: restart retransmission in 13384 ->]
                TCP0: restart retransmission in 5996 [23 ->]

                The following line from the debug ip tcp transactions command sample output shows that TCP has entered Fast Recovery mode:

                fast re-transmit - sndcwnd - 512, snd_last - 33884268765

                The following lines from the debug ip tcp transactions command sample output show that a duplicate acknowledgment is received when TCP is in Fast Recovery mode (first line) and a partial acknowledgment has been received (second line):

                TCP0:ignoring second congestion in same window sndcwn - 512, snd_1st - 33884268765 
                TCP0:partial ACK received sndcwnd:338842495
                Step 4   debug ip tcp congestion

                Use the debug ip tcp congestion command to display information about TCP congestion events. The TCP/IP network isolated above the data link layer might encounter performance issues. The debug ip tcp congestion command can be used to debug these performance issues. The command also displays information related to variations in the TCP send window, congestion window, and congestion threshold window.

                The following is sample output from the debug ip tcp congestion command:

                Device# debug ip tcp congestion
                *May 20 22:49:49.091: Setting New Reno as congestion control algorithm
                *May 22 05:21:47.281: Advance cwnd by 12
                *May 22 05:21:47.281: TCP85FD0C10: sndcwnd: 1472
                *May 22 05:21:47.285: Advance cwnd by 3
                *May 22 05:21:47.285: TCP85FD0C10: sndcwnd: 1475
                *May 22 05:21:47.285: Advance cwnd by 3
                *May 22 05:21:47.285: TCP85FD0C10: sndcwnd: 1478
                *May 22 05:21:47.285: Advance cwnd by 9
                *May 22 05:21:47.285: TCP85FD0C10: sndcwnd: 1487
                *May 20 22:50:32.559: [New Reno] sndcwnd: 8388480 ssthresh: 65535 snd_mark: 232322
                *May 20 22:50:32.559: <---> congestion window changes
                *May 20 22:50:32.559: cwnd from 8388480 to 2514841, ssthresh from 65535 to 2514841

                For Cisco TCP, New Reno is the default congestion control algorithm. However, an application can also use Binary Increase Congestion Control (BIC) as the congestion control algorithm. The following is sample output from the debug ip tcp congestion command using BIC:

                Device# debug ip tcp congestion 
                *May 22 05:21:42.281: Setting BIC as congestion control algorithm
                *May 22 05:21:47.281: Advance cwnd by 12
                *May 22 05:21:47.281: TCP85FD0C10: sndcwnd: 1472
                *May 22 05:21:47.285: Advance cwnd by 3
                *May 22 05:21:47.285: TCP85FD0C10: sndcwnd: 1475
                *May 22 05:21:47.285: Advance cwnd by 3
                *May 22 05:21:47.285: TCP85FD0C10: sndcwnd: 1478
                *May 22 05:21:47.285: Advance cwnd by 9
                *May 22 05:21:47.285: TCP85FD0C10: sndcwnd: 1487
                *May 20 22:50:32.559: [BIC] sndcwnd: 8388480 ssthresh: 65535 bic_last_max_cwnd: 0 last_cwnd: 8388480
                *May 20 22:50:32.559: <---> congestion window changes
                *May 20 22:50:32.559: cwnd from 8388480 to 2514841, ssthresh from 65535 to 2514841
                *May 20 22:50:32.559: bic_last_max_cwnd changes from 0 to 8388480

                Configuring Keepalive Parameters

                SUMMARY STEPS

                  1.    enable

                  2.    configure terminal

                  3.    ip tcp keepalive interval seconds

                  4.    ip tcp keepalive retries number-of-retries

                  5.    end

                  6.    show running-config

                DETAILED STEPS
                   Command or ActionPurpose
                  Step 1enable

                  Device> enable

                  Enables privileged EXEC mode.

                  • Enter your password if prompted.

                  Step 2configure terminal

                  Device# configure terminal

                  Enables global configuration mode.

                  Step 3ip tcp keepalive interval seconds

                  Device(config)# ip tcp keepalive interval 23

                  Configures the keepalive interval.

                  Step 4ip tcp keepalive retries number-of-retries

                  Device(config)# ip tcp keepalive retries 5

                  Configures the number of unacknowledged probes that can be sent before declaring the connection as dead.

                  Step 5end

                  Device(config)# end

                  Exits global configuration mode.

                  Step 6show running-config

                  Device# show running-config

                  (Optional) Displays the running configuration.


                  Configuration Examples for TCP

                  Example: Verifying the Configuration of TCP ECN

                  The following example shows how to verify whether TCP ECN is configured:

                  Device# show running-config
                  Building configuration...
                  ip tcp ecn ! ECN is configured.

                  The following example shows how to verify whether TCP is ECN-enabled on a specific connection (local host):

                  Device# show tcp tcb 123456A
                  !Local host
                  Connection state is ESTAB, I/O status: 1, unread input bytes: 0
                  Connection is ECN Enabled
                  Local host:, Local port: 11002
                  Foreign host:, Foreign port: 23

                  The following example shows how to display concise information about one address:

                  Device# show tcp brief
                  TCB          Local address            Foreign Address        (state)
                  609789C    ESTAB

                  The following example shows how to enable IP TCP ECN debugging:

                  Device# debug ip tcp ecn
                  TCP ECN debugging is on
                  Device# telnet
                  Trying ...
                  01:43:19: <--->   out ECN-setup SYN
                  01:43:21: <--->   congestion window changes
                  01:43:21: cwnd from 1460 to 1460, ssthresh from 65535 to 2920
                  01:43:21: <--->   in non-ECN-setup SYN-ACK

                  Before a TCP connection can use ECN, a host sends an ECN-setup SYN (synchronization) packet to a remote end that contains an Echo Congestion Experience (ECE) and Congestion window reduced (CWR) bit set in the header. Setting the ECE and CWR bits indicates to the remote end that the sending TCP is ECN capable, rather than an indication of congestion. The remote end sends an ECN-setup SYN-ACK (acknowledgment) packet to the sending host.

                  In this example the “out ECN-setup SYN” text means that a SYN packet with the ECE and CWR bit set was sent to the remote end. The “in non-ECN-setup SYN-ACK” text means that the remote end did not favorably acknowledge the ECN request and, therefore, the session is not ECN capable.

                  The following output shows that ECN capabilities are enabled at both ends. In response to the ECN-setup SYN, the other end favorably replied with an ECN-setup SYN-ACK message. This connection is now ECN capable for the rest of the session.

                  Device# telnet
                  Trying ... Open
                  Password required, but none set
                  1d20h: <--->   out ECN-setup SYN
                  1d20h: <--->   in ECN-setup SYN-ACK

                  The following example shows how to verify that the hosts are connected:

                  Device# show debugging
                    TCP Packet debugging is on
                    TCP ECN debugging is on
                  Device# telnet
                  Trying ... 
                  00:02:48: <--->   out ECN-setup SYN
                  00:02:48: tcp0: O CLOSED seq 1922220018
                          OPTS 4 ECE CWR SYN  WIN 4128
                  00:02:50: <--->   congestion window changes
                  00:02:50: cwnd from 1460 to 1460, ssthresh from 65535 to 2920
                  00:02:50: tcp0: R SYNSENT seq 1922220018
                          OPTS 4 ECE CWR SYN  WIN 4128
                  00:02:54: <--->   congestion window changes
                  00:02:54: cwnd from 1460 to 1460, ssthresh from 2920 to 2920
                  00:02:54: tcp0: R SYNSENT seq 1922220018
                          OPTS 4 ECE CWR SYN  WIN 4128
                  00:03:02: <--->   congestion window changes
                  00:03:02: cwnd from 1460 to 1460, ssthresh from 2920 to 2920
                  00:03:02: tcp0: R SYNSENT seq 1922220018
                          OPTS 4 ECE CWR SYN  WIN 4128
                  00:03:18: <--->   SYN with ECN disabled
                  00:03:18: <--->   congestion window changes
                  00:03:18: cwnd from 1460 to 1460, ssthresh from 2920 to 2920
                  00:03:18: tcp0: O SYNSENT seq 1922220018
                          OPTS 4 SYN  WIN 4128
                  00:03:20: <--->   congestion window changes
                  00:03:20: cwnd from 1460 to 1460, ssthresh from 2920 to 2920
                  00:03:20: tcp0: R SYNSENT seq 1922220018
                          OPTS 4 SYN  WIN 4128
                  00:03:24: <--->   congestion window changes
                  00:03:24: cwnd from 1460 to 1460, ssthresh from 2920 to 2920
                  00:03:24: tcp0: R SYNSENT seq 1922220018
                          OPTS 4 SYN  WIN 4128
                  00:03:32: <--->   congestion window changes
                  00:03:32: cwnd from 1460 to 1460, ssthresh from 2920 to 2920
                  00:03:32: tcp0: R SYNSENT seq 1922220018
                          OPTS 4 SYN  WIN 4128
                  !Connection timed out; remote host not responding

                  Example: Configuring the TCP MSS Adjustment

                  The following example shows how to configure and verify the interface adjustment value for the example topology displayed in the figure below:

                  Figure 1. Example Topology for TCP MSS Adjustment

                  Configure the interface adjustment value on router B:

                  Router_B(config)# interface GigabitEthernet 2/0/0
                  Router_B(config-if)# ip tcp adjust-mss 500

                  Telnet from router A to router C with B having the Maximum Segment Size (MSS) adjustment configured:

                  Router_A# telnet
                  Trying Open

                  Observe the debug output from router C:

                  Router_C# debug ip tcp transactions
                  Sep 5 18:42:46.247: TCP0: state was LISTEN -> SYNRCVD [23 ->]
                  Sep 5 18:42:46.247: TCP: tcb 32290C0 connection to, peer MSS 500, MSS is 500
                  Sep 5 18:42:46.247: TCP: sending SYN, seq 580539401, ack 6015751
                  Sep 5 18:42:46.247: TCP0: Connection to, advertising MSS 500
                  Sep 5 18:42:46.251: TCP0: state was SYNRCVD -> ESTAB [23 ->]

                  The MSS gets adjusted to 500 on Router B as configured.

                  The following example shows the configuration of a Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE) client with the MSS value set to 1452:

                  Device(config)# vpdn enable
                  Device(config)# no vpdn logging
                  Device(config)# vpdn-group 1
                  Device(config-vpdn)# request-dialin
                  Device(config-vpdn-req-in)# protocol pppoe
                  Device(config-vpdn-req-in)# exit
                  Device(config-vpdn)# exit
                  Device(config)# interface GigabitEthernet 0/0/0
                  Device(config-if)# ip address
                  Device(config-if)# ip tcp adjust-mss 1452
                  Device(config-if)# ip nat inside
                  Device(config-if)# exit
                  Device(config)# interface ATM 0
                  Device(config-if)# no ip address
                  Device(config-if)# no atm ilmi-keepalive
                  Device(config-if)# pvc 8/35
                  Device(config-if)# pppoe client dial-pool-number 1
                  Device(config-if)# dsl equipment-type CPE
                  Device(config-if)# dsl operating-mode GSHDSL symmetric annex B
                  Device(config-if)# dsl linerate AUTO
                  Device(config-if)# exit
                  Device(config)# interface Dialer 1
                  Device(config-if)3 ip address negotiated
                  Device(config-if)# ip mtu 1492
                  Device(config-if)# ip nat outside
                  Device(config-if)# encapsulation ppp
                  Device(config-if)# dialer pool 1
                  Device(config-if)# dialer-group 1
                  Device(config-if)# ppp authentication pap callin
                  Device(config-if)# ppp pap sent-username sohodyn password 7 141B1309000528
                  Device(config-if)# ip nat inside source list 101 Dialer1 overload
                  Device(config-if)# exit
                  Device(config)# ip route Dialer1
                  Device(config)# access-list permit ip any

                  The following example shows the configuration of interface adjustment value for IPv6 traffic:

                  Device> enable
                  Device# configure terminal
                  Device(config)# interface GigabitEthernet 0/0/0
                  Device(config)# ipv6 tcp adjust-mss 1452
                  Device(config)# end

                  Example: Configuring the TCP Application Flags Enhancement

                  The following output shows the flags (status and option) displayed using the show tcp command:

                  Device# show tcp
                  Status Flags: passive open, active open, retransmission timeout
                   App closed
                  Option Flags: vrf id set
                  IP Precedence value: 6
                  SRTT: 273 ms, RTTO: 490 ms, RTV: 217 ms, KRTT: 0 ms
                  minRTT: 0 ms, maxRTT: 300 ms, ACK hold: 200 ms

                  Example: Displaying Addresses in IP Format

                  The following example shows the IP activity by using the numeric keyword to display the addresses in IP format:

                  Device# show tcp brief numeric
                  TCB           Local Address          Foreign Address     (state)
                  6523A4FC         ESTAB
                  65239A84       ESTAB
                  653FCBBC      *.1723 *.* LISTEN

                  Example: Configuring Keepalive Parameters

                  The following example shows how to configure TCP keepalive parameters.

                  Device# configure terminal
                  Device(config)# ip tcp keepalive interval 2
                  Device(config)# ip tcp keepalive retries 5

                  The following is a sample output of the show running-config command:

                  Device# show running-config
                  ip tcp keepalive retries 5
                  ip tcp keepalive interval 2

                  Additional References

                  Related Documents

                  Related Topic

                  Document Title

                  Cisco IOS commands

                  Cisco IOS Master Commands List, All Releases

                  IP Application Services commands

                  IP Application Services Command Reference



                  MIBs Link


                  To locate and download MIBs for selected platforms, Cisco software releases, and feature sets, use Cisco MIB Locator found at the following URL:


                  Technical Assistance



                  The Cisco Support and Documentation website provides online resources to download documentation, software, and tools. Use these resources to install and configure the software and to troubleshoot and resolve technical issues with Cisco products and technologies. Access to most tools on the Cisco Support and Documentation website requires a user ID and password.


                  Feature Information for TCP

                  The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.

                  Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support. To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to​go/​cfn. An account on is not required.

                  Table 1 Feature Information for TCP

                  Feature Name


                  Feature Information

                  TCP Application Flags Enhancement



                  The TCP Applications Flags Enhancement feature enables the user to display additional flags with reference to TCP applications. There are two types of flags: status and option. The status flags indicate the status of TCP connections such as retransmission timeouts, application closed, and synchronized (SYNC) handshakes for listening. The additional flags indicate the state of set options such as whether a VPN routing and forwarding instance (VRF) is set, whether a user is idle, and whether a keepalive timer is running.

                  The following command was modified by this feature: show tcp.

                  TCP Congestion Avoidance


                  The TCP Congestion Avoidance feature enables the monitoring of acknowledgment packets to the TCP sender when multiple packets are lost in a single window of data. Before this feature was introduced, the sender would exit Fast-Recovery mode, wait for three or more duplicate acknowledgment packets before retransmitting the next unacknowledged packet, or wait for the retransmission timer to start slowly. This delay could lead to performance issues.

                  Implementation of RFC 2581 and RFC 3782 addresses the modifications to the Fast-Recovery algorithm that incorporates a response to partial acknowledgments received during Fast Recovery, improving performance in situations where multiple packets are lost in a single window of data.

                  This feature is an enhancement to the existing Fast Recovery algorithm. No commands are used to enable or disable this feature.

                  The output of the debug ip tcp transactions command monitors acknowledgment packets by displaying the following conditions:

                  • TCP entering Fast Recovery mode.

                  • Duplicate acknowledgments being received during Fast Recovery mode.

                  • Partial acknowledgments being received.

                  The following command was modified by this feature: debug ip tcp transactions.

                  TCP Explicit Congestion Notification


                  The TCP Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) feature allows an intermediate router to notify end hosts of impending network congestion. It also provides enhanced support for TCP sessions associated with applications such as Telnet, web browsing, and transfer of audio and video data, that are sensitive to delay or packet loss. The benefit of this is the reduction of delay and packet loss in data transmissions.

                  The following commands were introduced or modified by this feature: debug ip tcp ecn, ip tcp ecn, show debugging, show tcp.

                  TCP MIB for RFC4022 Support


                  The TCP MIB for RFC 4022 Support feature introduces support for RFC 4022, Management Information Base for the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). RFC 4022 is an incremental change of the TCP MIB to improve the manageability of TCP.

                  There are no new or modified commands for this feature.

                  TCP MSS Adjust








                  The TCP MSS Adjust feature enables the configuration of the maximum segment size (MSS) for transient packets that traverse a device, specifically TCP segments in the SYN bit set.

                  In 12.2(4)T, this feature was introduced.

                  In 12.2(8)T, the command that was introduced by this feature was changed from ip adjust-mss to ip tcp adjust-mss.

                  In 12.2(28)SB and 12.2(33)SRA, this feature was enhanced to be configurable on subinterfaces.

                  The following command was introduced by this feature: ip tcp adjust-mss.

                  TCP Show Extension



                  The TCP Show Extension feature introduces the capability to display addresses in IP format instead of hostname format and to display the VRF table associated with the connection.

                  The following command was modified by this feature: show tcp brief.

                  TCP Window Scaling



                  The TCP Window Scaling feature adds support for the Window Scaling option in RFC 1323. A larger window size is recommended to improve TCP performance in network paths with large bandwidth, long-delay characteristics that are called Long Fat Networks (LFNs). This TCP Window Scaling enhancement provides that support.

                  The following command was introduced or modified by this feature: ip tcp window-size.

                  TCP Keepalive Timer


                  The TCP Keepalive Timer feature introduces the capability to identify dead connections between multiple routing devices.

                  The following command was introduced or modified by this feature: ip tcp keepalive.