- Preface
- New and Changed Information
- Overview
- Configuring IPv4
- Configuring IPv6
- Configuring DNS
- Configuring OSPFv2
- Configuring OSPFv3
- Configuring EIGRP
- Configuring IS-IS
- Configuring Basic BGP
- Configuring Advanced BGP
- Configuring RIP
- Configuring RIPng
- Configuring Static Routing
- Configuring Layer 3 Virtualization
- Managing the Unicast RIB and FIB
- Configuring Route Policy Manager
- Configuring Policy-Based Routing
- Configuring HSRP
- Configuring VRRP
- Configuring Object Tracking
- IETF RFCs Supported by Cisco NX-OS Unicast Features
- Configuration Limits for Cisco NX-OS Layer 3 Unicast Features
- Index
* - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - K - L - M - N - O - P - R - S - T - U - V - W - {
additional-paths receive 1additional-paths selection route-map 1additional-paths send 1address-family {ipv4 | ipv6} {unicast | multicast 1adjacency-check 1administrative distance 1advertise-active-only 1advertise-map 1advertisement interval 1aggregate-address 1allowas in 1as-override 1authentication 1authentication mode md5 1authentication text 1authentication-check {level-1 | level-2} 1authentication-key 1authentication-type {cleartext | md5} {level-1 | level-2} 1B
bgp confederation peers 1C
capability additional-paths receive 1capability additional-paths send 1clear 1clear bgp 1clear bgp all 1clear bgp all dampening 1clear bgp all flap-statistics 1clear bgp dampening 1clear bgp flap-statistics 1clear bgp {ipv4 | ipv6} {unicast | multicast 1clear bgp {ipv4 | ipv6} {unicast | multicast} flap-statistics [vrf 1clear forwarding 1clear ip eigrp redistribution 1clear ip mbgp 1clear ip mbgp dampening 1clear ip mbgp flap-statistics 1clear ip rip statistics 1clear ipv6 rip statistics 1clear isis 1clear rip policy statistics redistribute 1clear routing 1clear vrrpv3 statistics 1client-to-client reflection 1cluster-id 1confederation identifier 1configuration examplesRIPng 1configuring RIPngon an interface 1continue 1creatingRIPng instance 1D
dampening 1default settingsRIPng 1default-originate 1delay 1delay restore 1disable-peer-as-check 1disable-policy-batching 1distribute {level-1 | level-2} into {level-1 | level-2} 1distribute-list 1dont-capability-negotiate 1dscp 1dynamic routing protocols 1E
enforce-first-as 1enhanced-error 1Equal Cost Multiple Paths (ECMP) 1F
feature bgp 1feature eigrp 1feature hsrp 1feature interface vlan 1feature isis 1feature ospf 1feature ospfv3 1feature vrrp 1feature vrrpv3 1filter-list 1flush-routes 1G
gateway protocols 1graceful restart 1graceful-restart t3 manual 1graceful-restart-helper 1guidelinesRIPng 1H
hardware ip glean throttle 1hardware ip glean throttle maximum 1hardware ip glean throttle maximum timeout 1high availabilityRIPng 1hostname dynamic 1hsrp timers extended-hold 1hsrp version 2 1hsrp version {1 | 2} 1I
interface 1configuring RIPng 1interface-vlan 1ip arp address 1ip arp gratuitous {request | update} 1ip as-path access-list 1ip authentication key-chain eigrp 1ip authentication mode eigrp 1ip autoconfig 1ip community-list expanded 1ip community-list standard 1ip directed-broadcast 1ip domain-lookup 1ip extcommunity-list expanded 1ip extcommunity-list standard 1ip host 1ip ospf authentication 1ip ospf authentication key-chain 1ip ospf cost 1ip ospf mtu-ignore 1ip ospf passive-interface 1ip ospf retransmit-interval 1ip ospf transmit-delay 1ip passive-interface eigrp 1ip proxy arp 1ip rip authentication keychain 1ip rip authentication mode 1ip rip metric-offset 1ip rip passive-interface 1ip rip poison-reverse 1ip rip route-filter 1ip rip summary-address 1ip source 1ip summary-address eigrp 1ip tcp path-mtu-discovery 1ip | ipv6} offset-list eigrp 1IPv4related documents 1ipv6 1ipv6 address use-link-local-only 1ipv6 authentication key-chain eigrp 1ipv6 authentication mode eigrp 1ipv6 ospfv3 1ipv6 passive-interface eigrp 1ipv6 rip poison-reverse 1ipv6 rip route-filter 1ipv6 summary-address eigrp 1is-type {level-1 | level-2 | level-1-2} 1isis authentication key-chain 1isis authentication-check {level-1 | level-2} 1isis authentication-type {cleartext | md5} {level-1 | level-2} 1isis circuit-type {level-1 | level-2 | level-1-2} 1isis csnp-interval 1isis hello-interval 1isis hello-multiplier 1isis hello-padding 1isis lsp-interval 1isis mesh-group 1isis metric 1isis passive {level-1 | level-2 | level-1-2} 1isis priority 1isis shutdown 1K
limitationsRIPng 1link-state protocols 1load balancing 1local-as 1log-neighbor-changes 1log-neighbor-warnings 1low-memory exempt 1lsp-gen-interval 1lsp-mtu 1M
mac address 1mac-address 1match ip address prefix-list 1match ip route-source 1match ipv6 address 1match ipv6 route-source 1match-address 1max-lsp-lifetime 1max-metric router-lsa 1maxas-limit 1maximum routes 1maximum-peers 1maximum-prefix 1medium {broadcast | p2p} 1message-digest-key 1metric max-hops 1metric weights 1metric-style transition 1metrics rib-scale 1metrics version 64bit 1N
name 1neighbor-down fib-accelerate 1network 1next-hop-third-party 1nexthop route-map 1nexthop suppress-default-resolution 1no adjacency-check 1no adjacency-checkg 1no fast-external-fallover 1no preempt 1no track 1no {ip | ipv6} route 1nsf await-redist-proto-convergence 1O
ospfv3 cost 1ospfv3 dead-interval 1ospfv3 hello-interval 1ospfv3 instance 1ospfv3 mtu-ignore 1ospfv3 network 1ospfv3 passive-interface 1ospfv3 priority 1ospfv3 retransmit-interval 1ospfv3 transmit-delay 1P
packet switching 1password 1path-attribute discard 1path-attribute treat-as-withdraw 1prefix-list 1R
redistribute bgp 1redistribute static route-map allow 1redistribute {direct | {eigrp | isis | ospf | ospfv3 | rip} 1reference-bandwidth 1related documentsIPv4 1restart bgp 1restart eigrp 1RIPngconfiguration examples 1default settings 1described 1enabling 1guidelines 1high availability 1limitations 1tuning 1verifying 1virtualization support 1RIPng instancecreating 1restarting 1RIPng statisticsdisplaying 1route redistribution 1route summarization 1route-map allow permit 1routing-context vrf 1routing-context vrf default 1S
send-community 1send-community extended 1set ip next-hop peer-address 1set ipv6 next-hop peer-address 1set next-hop 1set-attached-bit 1set-overload-bit {always | on-startup 1show bgp 1show bgp ipv4 multicast neighbors 1show bgp ipv6 multicast neighbors 1show bgp ipv6 unicast neighbors 1show bgp paths 1show bgp vrf 1show bgp {ipv4 | ipv6 | vpnv4 | vpnv6} {unicast | multicast} 1show bgp {ipv4 | ipv6} unicast injected-routes 1show bgp {ipv4 | ipv6} unicast path-attribute discard 1show bgp {ipv4 | ipv6} unicast path-attribute unknown 1show bgp {ipv4 | ipv6} {unicast | multicast} neighbors 1show consistency-checker 1show forwarding 1show forwarding adjacency 1show forwarding distribution {clients | fib-state} 1show forwarding interfaces module 1show forwarding {ip | ipv4 | ipv6} route 1show forwarding {ipv4 | ipv6} adjacency module 1show forwarding {ipv4 | ipv6} route module 1show hsrp delay interface 1show hsrp group 1show interface 1show ip adjacency 1show ip adjacency summary 1show ip arp 1show ip arp statistics 1show ip arp summary 1show ip community list 1show ip eigrp neighbor detail 1show ip ext community-list 1show ip load-sharing 1show ip ospf interface 1show ip ospf neighbor 1show ip ospf statistics 1show ip ospf summary-address 1show ip ospf traffic 1show ip ospf virtual-link 1show ip policy statistics redestribute 1show ip rip instance 1show ip rip route 1show ip route 1show ipv6 adjacency 1show ipv6 ospfv3 memory 1show ipv6 ospfv3 policy statistics redistribute 1show ipv6 ospfv3 statistics 1show ipv6 ospfv3 summary-address 1show ipv6 ospfv3 traffic 1show ipv6 ospfv3 virtual-link 1show ipv6 rip instance 1show ipv6 static-route vrf 1show platform fib 1show platform forwarding 1show policy 1show prefix-list 1show route-map brief 1show routing hash 1show running-config bgp 1show running-config eigrp 1show running-config ospfv3 1show running-configuration eigrp 1show running-configuration isis 1show tech-support isis 1show vrrp statistics 1show vrrpv3 statistics 1show vrrs pathway 1show {ip | ipv6} adjacency 1show {ip | ipv6} eigrp route-map statistics redistribute 1show {ip | ipv6} routing 1show {ip | ipv6} static-route track-table 1show {ipv | ipv6} bgp 1show {ipv | ipv6} mbgp 1show {ipv4 | ipv6} bgp 1show {ipv4 | ipv6} mbgp 1snmp-server host 1soft-reconfiguration inbound 1spf-interval [level-1 | level-2 1split horizon 1split horizon with poison reverseconfiguring 1static routes 1stub 1stub routing 1suppress-inactive 1system pic enable 1system pic-core 1T
template peer 1test forwarding 1threshold percentage up 1threshold weight up 1timers active-time 1timers advertise 1timers nsf converge 1timers nsf route-hold 1timers nsf signal 1timers throttle spf 1timers [bestpath-delay 1track interface 1transport connection-mode passive 1tuningRIPng 1U
verifyingRIPng 1virtualizationconfiguring 1virtualization supportfor RIPng 1vrrp2 1vrrs leader 1vrrs pathway 1W
weight 1write erase 1write erase boot 1{
{ip | ipv6} 1{ip | ipv6} address 1{ip | ipv6} bandwidth eigrp 1{ip | ipv6} bandwidth-percent eigrp 1{ip | ipv6} delay eigrp 1{ip | ipv6} distribute-list eigrp 1{ip | ipv6} hello-interval eigrp 1{ip | ipv6} hold-time eigrp 1{ip | ipv6} next-hop-self eigrp 1{ip | ipv6} passive-interface eigrp 1{ip | ipv6} prefix-list 1{ip | ipv6} router eigrp 1{ip | ipv6} split-horizon eigrp 1