Table of Contents
Release Notes for Cisco 3300 Series Mobility Services Engine, Release
Cisco 3300 Series Mobility Services Engine and Services
Software and Aeroscout CLE Compatibility Matrix
Upgrading MSE to from older releases 5.x 6.x with data migration
Restoring an old database from 5.x 6.x to
Updated Software Version Shown in WCS After Polling
CAS and wIPS License Requirements
Ordering CAS Client and Tag Licenses for the Mobility Services Engine
Ordering Adaptive wIPS Licenses for the Mobility Services Engine
Adaptive wIPS License Ordering Summary
Operational Notes for a Mobility Services Engine
Automatic Installation Script for Initial Setup
Parameter Changes During Upgrade from 5.0.x to 6.0.x or 7.0.x
Controller and Associated Mobility Services Engine Must be Mapped to the Same NTP and WCS Server
Mandatory Default Root Password Change
Password Expiry and SSH Authentication for a Root User
Configuring WCS Communication Username and password using MSE
Revoking MSE License Using MSE CLI
Networks with Large Access Point Deployments Might Experience Slower Location Updates
Large Burst of Notifications Might Cause Drop of Notifications
Configuration Changes for Greater Location Accuracy
Synchronization Required When Upgrading to Release or Importing CAD Floor Images
Floor Change or Minimum Distance Required for Location Transitions to Post to the History Log
Release 4.1 of AeroScout MobileView Required for Northbound Notifications
Issues with the Aeroscout Tag Engine version bundled with MSE release
Separate Partner Engine Software Install Not Required for Tag Contextual Information
WCS Online Help Outlines Incorrect Software Download Procedure
Non-Cisco Compatible Extensions Tags Not Supported
Cisco Compatible Extensions, Version 1 Tags Required at a Minimum
Monitoring Information Varies for Clients and Tags
Calibration Models and Data Apply Only to Clients
Advanced Location Parameters Apply Only to Clients
Location History Time stamps Match Browser’s Location
PDAs with Limited Probe Requests Might Affect Location
Mandatory Setting Required on Intel 802.11n and 802.11 b/g/n Client Cards for Accurate Calibration
WCS Screen and Navigation Changes
Context-Aware Software Features
Adaptive Wireless Intrusion Prevention Software Features
Supported on Cisco 3350 3355 and 3310 Mobility Service Engine
Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request
Release Notes for Cisco 3300 Series Mobility Services Engine, Release
First Published: April 14, 2011
These release notes describe open and resolved caveats for Release of the Cisco 3300, 3350, and 3355 Mobility Services Engines and its two services:
Note Before installing this software, see the “System Requirements” section for details on compatibility with Cisco wireless LAN controllers and Cisco Wireless Control Systems (WCS).
Note You must purchase licenses from Cisco to retrieve information on tags and clients from access points. See the “Ordering CAS Client and Tag Licenses for the Mobility Services Engine” section for more information. You must purchase licenses from Cisco to support wIPS monitor mode access points. See the “Ordering Adaptive wIPS Licenses for the Mobility Services Engine” section.
Note The Mobility Services Engine Release has been revised to
This section introduces the Cisco 3300 series Mobility Services Engine (MSE) and its various services that it supports.
Cisco 3300 Series Mobility Services Engine and Services
The Cisco 3300 Series Mobility Services Engine supports various services within the overall Cisco Unified Wireless Network (CUWN).
The Cisco 3300 Series Mobility Services Engine currently supports the following services in release
- Context Aware Service (CAS)—Allows a mobility services engine to simultaneously track thousands of mobile assets and clients by retrieving contextual information such as location, temperature, and availability.
CAS relies on two engines for processing the contextual information it receives. The Context Aware Engine for Clients processes data received from Wi-Fi clients and the Context Aware Engine for Tags processes data received from Wi-Fi tags. Both of these engines can be deployed together or separately depending on the business need. This service was introduced in release 5.1.
Note You must purchase licenses from Cisco to retrieve contextual information on tags and clients. See the “Ordering CAS Client and Tag Licenses for the Mobility Services Engine” section.
- Wireless Intrusion Protection Service (wIPS)—Provides wireless-specific network threat detection and mitigation against malicious attacks, security vulnerabilities, and sources of performance disruption within the CUWN infrastructure. wIPS visualizes, analyzes, and identifies wireless threats, and centrally manages mitigation and resolution of security and performance issues using Cisco monitor mode access points. Proactive threat prevention is also supported to create a hardened wireless network core that is impenetrable by most wireless attacks.
Note You must purchase licenses from Cisco to support wIPS. See the “Ordering Adaptive wIPS Licenses for the Mobility Services Engine” section.
Note Evaluation licenses for 100 clients,100 tags, and 20 access points (wIPS) come standard on each mobility services engine installed with release 6.0 and later. Evaluation licenses are good for 60 days.
Note CAS and wIPS can operate simultaneously on the Cisco 3350, 3355, and 3310 mobility services engines.
Note See the online version of the Cisco Context-Aware Software Configuration Guide, Release 7.0, for details on configuring and monitoring CAS on the mobility services engine at the following URL:
Note See the online version of the Cisco Wireless Intrusion Prevention System Configuration Guide, Release 7.0 for details on configuring and monitoring wIPS on the mobility services engine at the following URL:
Note See the online versions of the Cisco 3350 and 3310 Mobility Services Engine Getting Started Guides for details on the physical installation and initial configuration of the mobility services engines at the following URL:
Software and Aeroscout CLE Compatibility Matrix
Table 1 lists the compatibility matrix for the various releases of WCS, Controllers, 2710 Location Based Services, MSE 3300 Series, and Aeroscout CLE.
System Requirements
The following minimum releases are required to configure and monitor CAS on the Cisco 3300 Mobility Services Engine, WCS, and Wireless LAN Controller. (See Table 2 ).
Context-Aware Software and Wireless Intrusion Prevention System1
1.Release 5.2 is the minimum software requirement for the controller, WCS, and mobility services engine to support the Cisco Adaptive Wireless Intrusion Prevention System.
Upgrading to This Release
For instructions on automatically downloading the software using WCS or for manually downloading the software using a local or remote connection, see the “Updating Mobility Services Engine Software” section in Chapter 2 of the Cisco 3350 Mobility Services Engine Getting Started Guide and Cisco 3310 Mobility Services Engine Getting Started Guide.
You can find these documents at the following URL:
This section consists of the following topics:
- Upgrade Scenarios
- Compressed Software Image
- Updated Software Version Shown in WCS After Polling
- CAS and wIPS License Requirements
- Ordering CAS Client and Tag Licenses for the Mobility Services Engine
- Ordering Adaptive wIPS Licenses for the Mobility Services Engine
Upgrade Scenarios
Starting from Release, you will not be able to restore databases from older releases 5.x, 6.x and and to using the WCS. There is a defined procedure to do so. Oracle has been introduced as the database vendor for MSE. Solid db will be discontinued starting onwards.
There are three scenarios to upgrade MSE to from 5.x, 6.x, and
Upgrading MSE to from older releases 5.x 6.x and without data migration
To upgrade from 5.x, 6.x, and to without data migration, follow these steps:
Step 1
Take a backup of the existing database using WCS. Always recommended.
All data existing on the system will be lost and a fresh blank database will be created.
Step 2
Transfer the five files for to the MSE box.
Step 3
Place all the files under /opt/installers folder. You should manually FTP these files to the box.
Note Use binary mode to transfer. Make sure that the downloaded file sizes are same as that on
Step 4
Uninstall the existing MSE software. Choose deletion of database when prompted.
Step 5
Invoke the MSE installer.
This will install the new database using the four zip files for database along with the MSE software.
First time install of the database can take a long time (~ 20 minutes). Do not cancel the installer midway.
Once installed, follow the regular procedure to start or stop or add MSE to WCS.
Upgrading MSE to from older releases 5.x 6.x with data migration
To upgrade MSE from 5.x, 6.x and and to with data migration, follow these steps:
Step 1
Take a backup of the existing database using WCS.
All data existing on the system will be lost and a fresh blank database will be created.
Step 2
Transfer the 5 files for JMR to the MSE box.
Step 3
Place all the files under /opt/installers folder.
You can manually FTP or SCP these files to the box.
Note Use binary mode when using FTP. Make sure that the downloaded file sizes are same as that on
Note DO NOT uninstall the existing MSE software on the box. In other words, if you have 5.x, 6.x or 7.0.x installed with data you want to preserve across upgrade to, do not uninstall it.
Step 4
Invoke the installer ./CISCO-MSE-L-K9-7-0-201-204-64bit.bin and answer the questions when prompted.
The installer will automatically detect if there is an old database present and ask relevant questions.
Sample of the Upgrade Questions
The system appears to have a Cisco Mobility Services Engine already installed. If you choose Continue", all the currently installed components will be removed permanently (Only database and license files will be preserved
The currently installed version of the MSE database is not directly compatible with the new version. The system will now migrate the database from existing database to the new system. Choose an appropriate option below -
->1 - Proceed to migrate data from previous release
Do you wish to migrate history data too? It can take a long time if history data is large in size (Y/N): y
Exporting data from currently installed database.
Data migration successfully completed. Will now proceed with installation of new image.
The installer will now install the database. This may take a long time (- 15 minutes). Do not cancel the installer.
The system is minimally configured right now. It is strongly recommended that you run the setup script under /opt/mse/setup/ to configure all appliance related parameters immediately after installation is complete. The hostname must be set correctly on the system. The Cisco MSE platform will NOT start if it is configured incorrectly or not configured at all. Additionally, it is strongly recommended that the Cisco MSE is configured to use rhe same NTP servers as the controllers with which it will be synchronized. This is essential to the correct operation of the Cisco Mobility Services Engine. Both these parameters may be configured as part of the setup script.
Loading data into newly installed databaste. This may take a while ......
Restoring an old database from 5.x 6.x to
To restore an old database onto MSE 7.x.x.x, follow these steps:
Note The regular Restore option on WCS cannot be used to restore an older database of older releases such as 5.x, 6.x,, or onto
Step 1
Stop the running MSE
Step 2
Uninstall the software. Choose to delete database.
Step 3
Based on the backed up data that you wish to restore follow the matrix in Table 3 to install a relevant version of MSE.
Step 4
Once you have installed the software, restore the desired database backup onto this using the regular procedure from WCS.
Step 5
To migrate data to 7.x.x.x, follow steps under “Upgrading MSE to from older releases 5.x 6.x with data migration” section.
Compressed Software Image
If you download the mobility services engine image *.gz file using WCS, the mobility services engine automatically decompresses (unzips) it, and you can proceed with the installation as before.
If you manually download the compressed *.gz file using FTP, you must decompress the files before running the installer. These files are compressed under the LINUX operating system and must be decompressed using the gunzip utility program. The unzip method you use is defined by the filename you are trying to unzip.
Updated Software Version Shown in WCS After Polling
After a software update, the new mobility services engine software version does not immediately appear in mobility services engine queries on WCS. Up to 5 minutes is required for the new version to appear. WCS, by default, queries the mobility services engine for status every 5 minutes.
CAS and wIPS License Requirements
Client and wIPS licenses are installed from WCS (Administration > License Center). See, Chapter 2: “Adding and Deleting Mobility Services Engines and Licenses” in the Cisco Context-Aware Service Configuration Guide, Release 7.0, and Cisco Adaptive Wireless Intrusion Prevention System, Release 7.0 , respectively.
Tag licenses are installed using the AeroScout System Manager . See the “Installing Tag Licenses” section in Chapter 2: “Adding and Deleting Mobility Services Engines and Licenses in the Cisco Context-Aware Service Configuration Guide, Release 7.0 .
For complete details on ordering and downloading licenses, see the Cisco 3300 Series Mobility Services Engine Licensing and Ordering Guide for Context-Aware Mobility Software, and Adaptive wIPS, Release 7.0, at the following URL:
Ordering CAS Client and Tag Licenses for the Mobility Services Engine
CAS software licenses are based on the number of Wi-Fi client and Wi-Fi tag devices tracked. The Cisco 3350 Mobility Services Engine allows for the tracking of up to 18,000 devices (combined count of Wi-Fi clients and Wi-Fi tags) and the 3310 Mobility Services Engine allows for the tracking of up to 2000 devices (combined count of Wi-Fi clients and Wi-Fi tags).
Licenses for Cisco Compatible Extensions (CX) tags (version 1 or later) and clients are offered independently. The client license also includes tracking of rogue clients and rogue access points.
Licenses for tags and clients are offered in quantities ranging from 1000 to 12,000 units and can be combined to meet the location tracking requirements of a CAS deployment. For example, combining the AIR-CAS-3KC-K9, AIR-CAS-12KC-K9, and AIR-CAS-1KT-K9 licenses provide, tracking of 15,000 Wi-Fi clients and 1000 Wi-Fi tags on a Cisco 3350 mobility services engine (see Table 4 ).
CAS License Ordering Summary
Order numbers for client and tag licenses are summarized in Table 4 .
Client Licenses2
2.All client licenses include tracking of rogue clients and rogue access points.
Ordering Adaptive wIPS Licenses for the Mobility Services Engine
Adaptive wIPS software licenses are based on the number of full-time monitoring access points (often referred to as monitor mode access points ) that are deployed in the network. The licenses may be combined to arrive at the number of monitor mode access points required to run the Adaptive wIPS deployment. For example, combining AIR-WIPS-AP-5, AIR-WIPS-AP-25, and AIR-WIPS-AP-500 licenses provides support for 530 monitor mode access points.
Adaptive wIPS License Ordering Summary
Order numbers for Adaptive wIPS licenses are summarized in Table 5 .
Note • From Release and later, the evaluation license for wIPS monitor mode access points is 10.
Important Notes
This section describes important information about the operational notes and navigation changes for CAS, wIPS, and the mobility services engine for release and later releases.
Features and operational notes are summarized separately for the mobility services engine, CAS, and wIPS.
This section consists of the following topics:
- Operational Notes for a Mobility Services Engine
- Operational Notes for CAS
- Operational Notes for wIPS
- WCS Screen and Navigation Changes
Operational Notes for a Mobility Services Engine
This section lists the operational notes for an mobility services engine and consists of the following topics:
- Automatic Installation Script for Initial Setup
- Parameter Changes During Upgrade from 5.0.x to 6.0.x or 7.0.x
- Controller and Associated Mobility Services Engine Must be Mapped to the Same NTP and WCS Server
- Mandatory Default Root Password Change
- Root Password Configuration
- Configuring WCS Communication Username and password using MSE
- Revoking MSE License Using MSE CLI
- Networks with Large Access Point Deployments Might Experience Slower Location Updates
- Configuration Changes for Greater Location Accuracy
Automatic Installation Script for Initial Setup
An automatic setup wizard is available to help you initially set up the mobility services engine.
An example of the complete automatic setup script is provided in the Cisco 3350 Mobility Services Engine Getting Started Guide and Cisco 3310 Mobility Services Engine Getting Started Guide.
You can find these documents online at the following URL:
Parameter Changes During Upgrade from 5.0.x to 6.0.x or 7.0.x
You will notice a change in the tracking limits when you:
Configure tracking limits in 5.0.x.
If limits are greater than licensed counts, limits are removed and licensed counts are enforced instead.
Controller and Associated Mobility Services Engine Must be Mapped to the Same NTP and WCS Server
Communications between the mobility services engine, WCS, and the controller are in universal time code (UTC). Configuring the network time protocol (NTP) on each system provides devices with the UTC time. An NTP server is required to automatically synchronize time between the controller, WCS, and the mobility services engine.
The mobility services engine and its associated controllers must be mapped to the same NTP server and the same WCS server.
Local time zones can be configured on a mobility services engine to assist network operations center personnel in locating events within logs.
Note You can configure NTP server settings during the automatic installation script. See the Cisco 3350 Mobility Services Engine Getting Started Guide or Cisco 3310 Mobility Services Engine Getting Started Guide for details on the automatic installation script. You can find these documents online at the following URL:
Mandatory Default Root Password Change
You must change the default root password of the mobility services engine during the automatic installation script to ensure optimum network security.
You can also change the password using the Linux command, passwd .
Note During first time login, even if you choose Skip (S), you will be prompted to enter the password. This is because it is mandatory to change root password during first time login.
Root Password Configuration
During ISO image load on MSE and during setup script run, the skip selection option provided for configuring root password is not taken even if selelcted. This is because the first time login and setup script invocation enforces the default credential change. So this prompts you to change the password (CSCsz44105).
Password Expiry and SSH Authentication for a Root User
- There is no expiry of password for a root user. So this is not a configurable option through MSE
- Root users will be allowed to login through Console. SSH will no longer be used for root user logins. For a root user, you can configure this option using the MSE script file. When you configure this option, the SSH daemons will be stopped in MSE.
This is applicable for 3350 Series MSEs from 7.0.200.x release and above.
Configuring WCS Communication Username and password using MSE
You can configure the WCS Communication username and password using the MSE script file.
Scenarios which you might encounter while configuring the WCS Username and password:
- If you configure a new WCS username and password, the password provided is applicable for the new WCS username created.
- If you only configure WCS username without configuring WCS password, then the default password admin is applied to the configured username.
- If you only configure WCS password without configuring the WCS username, then the password for the admin user is changed.
- If you configure an existing user name for the WCS username and also configure the password, then the password for that existing user is changed.
Note These users are API users, and they do not have corresponding OS users on MSE appliance.
Revoking MSE License Using MSE CLI
You can also revoke an MSE license from MSE CLI manually without using WCS.
Step 1
Login to an MSE using CLI.
Step 2
Navigate to /opt/mse/licensing/
Step 3
Delete the license file by running this command:
rm /opt/mse/licensing/ license file name . lic
where license file name is the name of the license file.
Step 4
Restart the MSE process.
Networks with Large Access Point Deployments Might Experience Slower Location Updates
In networks with a large number of access points (approximately 2000 or more), mobility services engines might experience a slowdown in location calculation and heatmap updates for clients, tags, and access points (CSCsk18810).
Large Burst of Notifications Might Cause Drop of Notifications
A mobility services engine might fail to send notifications if it receives a large burst of notifications. The dropped notification count appears on the Services > Context Aware Notifications window.
Configuration Changes for Greater Location Accuracy
In some RF environments, where location accuracy is around 60 to 70% or where incorrect client or tag floor location map placements occur, you might need to modify the moment RSSI thresholds in the aes-config.xml file in the opt/locserver/conf/ directory of the mobility services engine (CSCsw17583).
The RSSI parameters that might need modification are:
- locp-individual-rssi-change-threshold
- locp-aggregated-rssi-change-threshold
- locp-many-new-rssi-threshold-in-percent
- locp-many-missing-rssi-threshold-in-percent
Operational Notes for CAS
This section lists the operational notes for a mobility services engine and consists of the following topics:
- Synchronization Required When Upgrading to Release or Importing CAD Floor Images
- Floor Change or Minimum Distance Required for Location Transitions to Post to the History Log
- Release 4.1 of AeroScout MobileView Required for Northbound Notifications
- Issues with the Aeroscout Tag Engine version bundled with MSE release
- Separate Partner Engine Software Install Not Required for Tag Contextual Information
- WCS Online Help Outlines Incorrect Software Download Procedure
- Non-Cisco Compatible Extensions Tags Not Supported
- Cisco Compatible Extensions, Version 1 Tags Required at a Minimum
- Monitoring Information Varies for Clients and Tags
- Calibration Models and Data Apply Only to Clients
- Advanced Location Parameters Apply Only to Clients
- Location History Time stamps Match Browser’s Location
- PDAs with Limited Probe Requests Might Affect Location
- Mandatory Setting Required on Intel 802.11n and 802.11 b/g/n Client Cards for Accurate Calibration
Synchronization Required When Upgrading to Release or Importing CAD Floor Images
When upgrading to release from release 6.x (and earlier) you must synchronize after the software upgrade and also when CAD-generated floor images are imported into WCS.
Floor Change or Minimum Distance Required for Location Transitions to Post to the History Log
When history logging is enabled for any or all elements (client stations, asset tags, rogue clients, and access points), a location transition for an element is posted only if it changes floors or the element’s new location is at least 30 feet (10 meters) from its original location.
Navigation Path: Services > Mobility Services > Device Name > Context Aware Service > Administration > History Parameters.
Logs can be viewed at Services > Mobility Services > Device Name > Systems > Log.
Release 4.1 of AeroScout MobileView Required for Northbound Notifications
If a release of AeroScout MobileView earlier than 4.1 is in use, incorrect responses are sent to those northbound notifications received from the mobility services engine. Northbound notifications are then sent again by the mobility services engine, overloading the notification queue and resulting in reports of dropped notifications.
The workaround for this is to upgrade to Mobile View version 4.1(CSCsx56618).
Issues with the Aeroscout Tag Engine version bundled with MSE release
Tag Location accuracy is greatly reduced if placing APs on floor after MSE synchronization (CSCtd84383).
Post Restore, Aeroscout Engine is not sometimes not able to stay registered (CSCtf91050).
To avoid these issues Aeroscout Tag Engine needs to be upgraded using the following steps:
Step 1
After your product registration has been verified, go to AeroScout Support Portal and download the appropriate CLE (Context-Aware Engine for Tags + System Manager).
Step 2
Install a new CLE version following the steps below:
Upload the new CLE installation file, for example: aeroscout-engine- to MSE under /opt/mse/locserver/partner-engine/ through an SFTP session.
Open a Secure Shell (SSH) session using the IP address of the MSE appliance.
Stop the MSE using the following command:
Entering the following command to change directory to /opt/mse/locserver/partner-engine/ by :
cd /opt/mse/locserver/partner-engine/.
Enter the following command to remove the AeroScout directory:
Enter the following commands to install the new CLE:
Enter the following command to start the MSE:
For more details, see AeroScout Context-Aware Engine for Tags, for Cisco Mobility Services Engine Upgrade Guide .
Step 3
Install AeroScout System Manager on another machine. See the AeroScout Context-Aware Engine for Tag User Guide .
Step 4
Install AeroScout License for Context Aware Engine. See the AeroScout Context-Aware Engine for Tag Quick Start Guide .
Separate Partner Engine Software Install Not Required for Tag Contextual Information
In release 5.2 and later, the partner software that supports tag contextual information (temperature, availability, and location calculations) is bundled into the mobility services engine software. No separate download of partner engine software is required as it was in release 5.1.
WCS Online Help Outlines Incorrect Software Download Procedure
In WCS online help (OLH), the steps in the “Downloading Software to a Mobility Services Engine Using WCS” section mistakenly notes commands for downloading an aeroscout-engine . The aeroscout-engine is now bundled within the mobility services engine software. See Chapter 9 of the Cisco Context-Aware Service Configuration Guide, Release 7.0, for the correct download steps.
Non-Cisco Compatible Extensions Tags Not Supported
The mobility services engine does not support non-Cisco CX Wi-Fi tags. Additionally, these noncompliant tags are not used in location calculations or shown on WCS maps.
Cisco Compatible Extensions, Version 1 Tags Required at a Minimum
Only Cisco CX version 1 tags (or later) are used in location calculations and mapped in WCS.
Monitoring Information Varies for Clients and Tags
On the Monitor > Clients page (when Location Debug is enabled), you can view information on the last heard access point and its corresponding (Received Signal Strength Indication) RSSI reading. This information is not available on the Monitor > Tags page.
Calibration Models and Data Apply Only to Clients
Calibration models and data apply only to clients. Calibration for tags is done using the AeroScout System Manager.
See Chapter 7, “Context-Aware Planning and Verification” in the Cisco Context-Aware Software Configuration Guide, Release 7.0 for more details on client calibration.
See the AeroScout Context-Aware Engine for Tags for Cisco Mobility Services Engine User’s Guide at the following link:
Advanced Location Parameters Apply Only to Clients
Settings for advanced location parameters related to RSSI, chokepoint usage, location smoothing, and assignment of outside walls on floors, are not applicable to tags.
See the “Editing Advanced Location Parameters” section in Chapter 7 of the Cisco Context-Aware Software Configuration Guide, Release 7.0 .
WCS Navigation Path: Services > Mobility Services > Device Name > Context Aware Service > Advanced > Location Parameters.
Location History Time stamps Match Browser’s Location
The WCS time stamp is based on the browser’s location and not on the mobility services engine settings. Changing the time zone on WCS or on the mobility services engine does not change the time stamp for the location history.
PDAs with Limited Probe Requests Might Affect Location
Many PDAs do not continuously send out probe requests after an initial association to the CUWN. Therefore, calculating the location accuracy of such PDAs using RSSI readings is not always optimal.
Mandatory Setting Required on Intel 802.11n and 802.11 b/g/n Client Cards for Accurate Calibration
The Cisco CX RM option within Intel’s Enterprise Security Profile must be enabled to ensure adequate calibration data points are collected for Intel 802.11n and 802.11 b/g/n client cards. You can use the Intel Client Software PROSET package to enable the Cisco CX RM option in the Enterprise Security Profile (CSCsl40623).
Mobility Services Engine with wIPS Service Enabled Mistakenly Allows a Controller to Be Assigned to Multiple MSEs
When wIPS is configured on the mobility services engine, a controller can be assigned to more than one mobility services engine in error. By design, a controller can only be assigned to one mobility services engine and an error appears in the WCS page when you synchronize a mobility services engine and a controller (CSCsx38955).
WCS Screen and Navigation Changes
- Services replaces Mobility in the navigation bar of WCS.
- A centralized license center to install and view license status is available (Administration > License Center).
- A Switches tab is a new synchronize option to support the new wired Catalyst switch and wired client feature (Services > Synchronize Services).
New Feature Support
The new features for the mobility services engine, CAS, and wIPS are summarized under separate headings.
This section consists of the following topics:
- Common CAS and wIPS Features
- Context-Aware Software Features
- Adaptive Wireless Intrusion Prevention Software Features
Common CAS and wIPS Features
Both the CAS and wIPS services can operate on the Cisco 3350, 3355, and 3310 mobility services engines simultaneously. CAS and wIPS can now be deployed with the Cisco 3350, 3355 or 3310 platforms.
These platforms support services separately or concurrently as needed.
For information about the coexistence and scalability of services, see the Cisco 3300 Series Mobility Services Engine Licensing and Ordering Guide.
The MSE 3300 Series platform offers the advantage of centralizing support of mobility services within the Cisco WLAN infrastructure and enables third-party application integration through a common API.
Context-Aware Software Features
This section summarizes the features for Context-Aware Software and consists of the following topics:
S60 Enhancement
Currently client probes are used to extract RSSI information that enables location tracking of these clients. CCXv4 specification included a mandatory S60 component which was later made optional in CCXv5. At the time of this writing, the only 802.11a/b/g Wireless CardBus Adapter which supported the optional S60 features in compliance to CCXv5 is the Cisco AIR-CB21AG-A-K9 (Kitty Hawk). Therefore, all S60 features related testing will be tested with the AIR-CB21AG-A-K9. S60 feature creates a Pathloss Measurement (PLM) Request by an AP to be sent to the client which then causes the clients to send bursts of Pathloss Measurement frames at regular intervals back to the AP. The packets contain information about the channel and the tx power information. These help sort out the issues as detailed below:
- Off channel readings pollute the location calculation. It is not possible determine with certainly off channel probes.
- Once a client associates, the probes are sent less frequently thus there is less information to calculate location more frequently. As well, some clients by design send few or no probe requests, and probe requests on channels subject to DFS rules are initially prohibited.
- Some specific client information such as tx power is missing from probes.
Cisco Tag Engine
From 7.0.x release onwards, MSE provides the option of using Cisco Tag Engine as an alternative to Aeroscout Tag Engine for all RFID RSSI-based location calculations. You can select any of the engines when adding MSE to the WCS. This selection could be changed at a later point of time using WCS.
You do not require additional licenses for using the Cisco Tag Engine.
For example, if you have purchased a 12000 client license from Cisco, then you can continue to use the same license even for Cisco Tag Engine. The total device count will now include RFID tags too.
Adaptive Wireless Intrusion Prevention Software Features
This section summarizes the features for the wIPS (Adaptive Wireless Intrusion Prevention Software) and consists of the following topics:
Supported on Cisco 3350 3355 and 3310 Mobility Service Engine
wIPS is supported on Cisco 3350, 3355, and 3310 mobility services engines in release 6.0.x and 7.0.x. Previously, wIPS was supported only on the 3310 mobility services engine in release 5.2.
Broadly, wireless intrusion detection software is a collection of alarms designed to detect an array of attacks on customer networks and equipment. To achieve this goal, a subset of the capabilities of the AirMagnet monitor mode WIPs alarms are being ported to the local mode APs. This allows customers to use their deployed APs to provide protection without needing a separate overlay network.
The following sections list Open Caveats and Resolved Caveats in Release for Windows and Linux. For your convenience in locating caveats in Cisco’s Bug Toolkit, the caveat titles listed in this section are taken directly from the Bug Toolkit database. These caveat titles are not intended to be read as complete sentences because the title field length is limited. In the caveat titles, some truncation of wording or punctuation might be necessary to provide the most complete and concise description. The only modifications made to these titles are as follows:
- Commands are in boldface type.
- Product names and acronyms may be standardized.
- Spelling errors and typos may be corrected.
If you are a registered user, view Bug Toolkit on at the following website: .
To become a registered user, go to the following website: section consists of the following topics:
Open Caveats
Table 7 lists the open caveats in this release.
Resolved Caveats
Table 7 lists the Release 7.0.x caveats resolved in Release
If You Need More Information
If you need information about a specific caveat that does not appear in these release notes, you can use the Cisco Bug Toolkit to find caveats of any severity. Click this URL to browse to the Bug Toolkit:
(If you request a defect that cannot be displayed, the defect number might not exist, the defect might not yet have a customer-visible description, or the defect might be marked Cisco Confidential.)
For the most up-to-date, detailed troubleshooting information, see the Cisco TAC website at the following URL:
Click Troubleshooting,
choose your product, and then select the Troubleshoot and Alerts heading on the product page to find information on the problem you are experiencing and other service advisories.
Related Documentation
The following documents are related to the mobility services engine:
Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request
For information on obtaining documentation, submitting a service request, and gathering additional information, see the monthly What’s New in Cisco Product Documentation , which also lists all new and revised Cisco technical documentation, at:
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