show dns-client

This chapter includes the show dns-client command output tables.

show dns-client

Table 1. show dns-client statistics client <client_name> Command Output Descriptions
Field Description

DNS Usage Statistics

Query Type

The type of DNS queries performed. Possible type of DNS queries are:

A: The total A (IPv4 address record) type of queries.

SRV: The total SRV (service locator) type of queries.

AAAA: The total AAAA (IPv6 address record) type of queries.

NAPTR: The total NAPTR (Naming Authority Pointer) type of queries.


The total number of DNS query of specific type attempted.


The total number of attempted and successful DNS query of specific type.


The total number of attempted but failed DNS query of specific type.

Total queries

The total number of queries including A, SRV, and NAPTR type of queries.

DNS Cache Statistics

Central Cache

The domain name lookups cached in central (remote) location.

Local Cache

The domain name lookups cached in local location.

Total Lookups

The total domain name lookups cached in central (remote) and local location.

Cache Hits (Positive Response)

The total number of hits with positive response.

Cache Hits (Negative Response)

The total number of hits with negative response.

Not Found in Cache

The total number of hits which have no record in central or local cache memory.

Hit Ratio (Percentage)

The percentage of domain records hit and found in central or local cache memory.

DNS Resolver Statistics

Primary (or Secondary) Name Server

The IP address of the primary or secondary DNS (as specified by the display field title).

Query Type

The type of DNS queries performed. Possible type of DNS queries are:

A: The total A (IPv4 address record) type of queries.

SRV: The total SRV (service locator) type of queries.

AAAA: The total AAAA (IPv6 address record) type of queries.

NAPTR: The total NAPTR (Naming Authority Pointer) type of queries.


The total number of DNS query of specific type attempted.


The total number of attempted and successful DNS query of specific type.


The total number of attempted but failed DNS query of specific type.

Total Resolver Queries

The total number of resolver queries made to the specified DNS of all query types.

Successful Queries

The total number of queries resolved successfully.

Query Timeouts

The total number of queries went timeout.

Domain Not Found

The total number of queries where domain name not found.

Connection Refused

The total number of queries for a domain for which connection refused.

Other Failures

The total number of queries failed due to reasons other that listed here.

show dns-client statistics dns-query NF P-CSCF apn name apn-name

Table 2. show dns-client statistics dns-query NF P-CSCF apn name apn-name Command Output Descriptions
Field Description

Total Queries Sent

The total number of queries.

Success Queries

The total number of attempted and successful DNS queries of a specific type.

Success Positive Cache Queries

The total number of successful queries from the DNS cache.

Domain Not Found

The total number of queries where the domain name is not found.

Query Timeouts

The total number of queries that timed out.

Socket Related Error

The total number of queries when the DNS client encounters a socket.

Unable to Connect

The total number of unsuccessful queries when unable to connect to the DNS server.

Cache Corrupted

The total number of unsuccessful queries due to cache corruption.

Other Failures

The total number of queries failed due to other failure reasons.

show dns-client statistics dns-query NF P-CSCF apn all

Table 3. show dns-client statistics dns-query NF P-CSCF apn all Command Output Descriptions
Field Description

Total Queries Sent

The total number of queries.

Success Queries

The total number of attempted and successful DNS queries of a specific type.

Success Positive Cache Queries

The total number of successful queries from the DNS cache.

Domain Not Found

The total number of queries where the domain name is not found.

Query Timeouts

The total number of queries that timed out.

Socket Related Error

The total number of queries when the DNS client encounters a socket.

Unable to Connect

The total number of unsuccessful queries when unable to connect to the DNS server.

Cache Corrupted

The total number of unsuccessful queries due to cache corruption.

Other Failures

The total number of queries failed due to other failure reasons.