Hexdump Module Configuration Mode Commands


The Hexdump Module Configuration Mode is used to configure how hexdump records generated from the monitor subscriber and monitor potocol commands are handled.

Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > Hexdump Module Configuration

configure > context context_name > hexdump-module

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



The commands or keywords/variables that are available are dependent on platform type, product version, and installed license(s).

do show

Executes all show commands while in Configuration mode.




Security Administrator, Administrator


do show 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to run all Exec mode show commands while in Configuration mode. It is not necessary to exit the Config mode to run a show command.

The pipe character | is only available if the command is valid in the Exec mode.


There are some Exec mode show commands which are too resource intensive to run from Config mode. These include: do show support collection , do show support details , do show support record and do show support summary . If there is a restriction on a specific show command, the following error message is displayed:

Failure: Cannot execute 'do	show support' command from Config mode.


Exits the current configuration mode and returns to the Exec mode.




Security Administrator, Administrator



Usage Guidelines

Use this command to return to the Exec mode.


Exits the current mode and returns to the parent configuration mode.




Security Administrator, Administrator



Usage Guidelines

Use this command to return to the parent configuration mode.


Sets the format and handling characteristics of hexdump files.







Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > Hexdump Module Configuration

configure > context context_name >hexdump-module

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



file [ compression { gzip | none } | current-prefix prefix | delete-timeout seconds | directory directory_name | exclude-checksum-record | field-separator { hyphen | omit | underscore } | headers | name file_name | reset-indicator | rotation { num-records number | tariff-time minute minutes hour hours | time seconds | volume bytes } | sequence-number { length length | omit | padded | padded-six-length | unpadded } | storage-limit limit | time-stamp { expanded-format | rotated-format | unix-format } | trailing-text string | trap-on-file-delete | xor-final-record ] + 

default file [ compression | current-prefix | delete-timeout | directory | field-separator | headers | name | reset-indicator | rotation { num-records | tariff-time | time | volume } | sequence-number | storage-limit | time-stamp | trailing-text | trap-on-file-delete ]+ 


Configures the default setting for the specified keyword(s).

compression { gzip | none }

Specifies the compressions of hexdump files.

  • gzip : Enables GNU zip compression of the hexdump file at approximately 10:1 ratio.

  • none : Disables Gzip compression.

current-prefix prefix

Specifies a string to add at the beginning of the hexdump file that is currently being used to store records.

prefix must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 31 characters. Default: curr

delete-timeout seconds

Specifies a time period, in seconds, after which the hexdump files are deleted. By default, files are never deleted.

seconds must be an integer from 3600 through 31536000. Default: Disabled

directory directory_name

Specifies a subdirectory in the default directory in which to store hexdump files.

directory_name must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 191 characters. Default: /records/hexdump


Excludes the final record containing #CHECKSUM followed by the 32-bit Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) of all preceding records from the hexdump file.

Default: Disabled, a checksum record is included in the hexdump file header.

field-separator { hyphen | omit | underscore }

Specifies the type of separators between two fields of a hexdump file name:

  • hyphen: Specifies the field separator as a "-" (hyphen) symbol between two fields.

  • omit: Omits the field separator between two fields.

  • underscore: Specifies the field separator as an "_" (underscore) symbol between two fields.


Includes a file header summarizing the record layout.

name file_name

Specifies a string to be used as the base file name for hexdump files.

file_name must be an alphanumeric string from 1 through 31 characters.


Specifies the inclusion of the reset indicator counter (value from 0 through 255) in the hexdump file name. The counter is incremented whenever any of the following conditions occur:

  • A peer chassis has taken over in compliance with Interchassis Session Recovery (ICSR).

  • The sequence number (see sequence-number keyword) has rolled over to zero.

rotation { num-records number | tariff-time minute minutes hour hours | time seconds | volume bytes }

Specifies when to close a hexdump file and create a new one.

  • num-records number : Specifies the maximum number of records that should be added to a hexdump file. When the number of records in the file reaches this value, the file is complete.

    number must be an integer from 100 through 10240. Default: 1024

  • tariff-time minute minutes hour hours : Specifies to close the current hexdump file and create a new one based on the tariff time (in minutes and hours).

    minutes must be an integer from 0 through 59.

    hours must be an integer from 0 through 23.

  • time seconds : Specifies the period of time to wait (in seconds) before closing the current hexdump file and creating a new one.

    seconds must be an integer from 30 through 86400. Default: 3600


    It is recommended to set the rotation time to 30 seconds.

  • volume bytes : Specifies the maximum size of the hexdump file (in bytes) before closing it and creating a new one.

    bytes must be an integer from 51200 through 62914560. Note that a higher setting may improve the compression ratio when the compression keyword is set to gzip. Default: 102400

sequence-number { length length | omit | padded | padded-six-length | unpadded }

Specifies to exclude or include the sequence number with a specified format in the file name.

  • length length : Includes the sequence number with the specified length.

    length must be the file sequence number length with preceding zeroes in the file name, and must be an integer from 1 through 9.

  • omit : Excludes the sequence number from the file name.

  • padded : Includes the padded sequence number with preceding zeros in the file name. This is the default setting.

  • padded-six-length : Includes the padded sequence number with six preceding zeros in the file name.

  • unpadded : Includes the unpadded sequence number in the file name.

storage-limit limit

Files will be deleted when the specified amount of space (in bytes) is reached.

limit must be an integer from 10485760 through 268435456.

time-stamp { expanded-format | rotated-format | unix-format }

Specifies the format of the file creation timestamp to be included in the file name.

  • expanded-format : Specifies the UTC (Universal Time Coordinated) MMDDYYYYHHMMSS format.

  • rotated-format : Specifies the time stamp format to YYYYMMDDHHMMSS format.

  • unix-format : Specifies the UNIX format of x .y , where x is the number of seconds since 1/1/1970 and y is the fractional portion of the current second that has elapsed.

trailing-text string

Specifies the inclusion of an arbitrary text string in the file name as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 30 characters.

string must be an alphanumeric string from 1 through 30 characters.


Instructs the system to send an SNMP notification (trap) when a hexdump file is deleted due to lack of space.

Default: Disabled


Specifies to insert an exclusive OR (XOR) checksum (instead of a CRC checksum) into the hexdump file header, if the exclude-checksum-record is left at its default setting. Default: Disabled


More than one of the previous keywords can be entered within a single command.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure hexdump file characteristics.


The following command sets a time-based storage limit of 30 seconds, rotation volume to 51200 bytes and compression to gzip format for hexdump record files:
file rotation volume 51200 rotation time 30 compression gzip 
The following command sets the base file name to Hexdumpfile :
file name Hexdumpfile  


Sets the method and destination for transferring hexdump files.







Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > Hexdump Module Configuration

configure > context context_name >hexdump-module

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



hexdump { purge { storage-limit megabytes | time-limit seconds } [ max-files max_records ] | push-interval interval | push-trigger space-usage-percent trigger_percent | remove-file-after-transfer | transfer-mode { pull [ module-only ] | push primary { encrypted-url | url } url [ secondary { encrypted-secondary-url | secondary-url } secondary_url ] [ via local-context ] [ max-files files ] [ max-tasks max_tasks ] [ module-only ] } | use-harddisk } 

default hexdump [ purge | push-interval | push-trigger [ space-usage-percent ] | remove-file-after-transfer | transfer-mode [ module-only ] | use-harddisk ] + 

no hexdump [ purge | remove-file-after-transfer | use-harddisk ] + 


Configures the default setting for the specified keyword(s):

  • purge : Not enabled.

  • push-interval : 60 seconds

  • push-trigger : 80 percent

  • remove-file-after-transfer : Disabled

  • transfer mode : Push

  • use-harddisk : Disabled


Disables the configured hexdump file storage and processing in this mode:

  • purge : Disables the deleting of record files on the hard disk based on a storage limit or a time limit.

  • remove-file-after-transfer : Retains a copy of the file even after it has been pushed or pulled to another server.

  • use-harddisk : Disables data storage on the system's hard disk.

purge { storage-limit bytes | time-limit seconds } [ max-files max_records ]

Configures parameters for deleting hexdump records from the hard drive. This command is not enabled by default.

  • storage-limit megabytes : Specifies that hexdump records are to be deleted from the hard drive upon reaching a storage limit defined in megabytes.

    bytes must be an integer from 10 through 143360.

  • time-limit seconds : Specifies that hexdump records are to be deleted from the hard drive upon reaching a time limit defined in seconds.

    seconds must be an integer from 600 through 2592000.

  • max-files max_records : Specifies the maximum number of files to purge. If configured to 0, all records will be purged until the limit is reached.

    max_records must be an integer that is of value 0, or from 1000 through 10000.

push-interval interval

Specifies the transfer interval (in seconds) when hexdump files will be pushed to an external file server.

interval must be an integer from 30 through 3600. Default: 60

push-trigger space-usage-percent trigger_percent

Specifies the disk space utilization percentage threshold at which an automatic push is triggered and files are transferred to the external server.

trigger_percentage must be an integer from 10 through 80. Default: 80


Specifies that the system must delete hexdump files after they have been transferred to the external file server.


The remove-file-after-transfer keyword must be enabled for hexdump records.

Default: Disabled

transfer-mode { pull [ module-only ] | push primary { encrypted-url | url } url [ secondary { encrypted-secondary-url | secondary-url } secondary_url ] [ via local-context ] [ max-files files ] [ max-tasks max_tasks ] [ module-only ] }

Specifies the transfer mode to be used when transferring hexdump files to an external file server.

  • pull : Specifies that the destination server (external storage) will pull the hexdump files.

  • push : Specifies that the system will push hexdump files to the destination server. This is the default mode.

  • primary encrypted-url url : Specifies the primary URL location to which the system pushes the files in encrypted format.

    url must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 8192 characters.

  • primary url url : Specifies the primary URL location to which the system pushes the hexdump files.

    url must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 1024 characters in the format: //user:password@host:[port]/direct .

  • secondary encrypted-secondary-url secondary_url : Specifies the secondary URL location to which the system pushes the files in encrypted format.

    secondary_url must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 8192 characters.

  • secondary secondary-url secondary_url : Specifies the secondary URL location to which the system pushes the hexdump files.

    secondary_url must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 1024 characters in the format: //user:password@host:[port]/direct .

  • via local-context : Specifies that the local context, and, subsequently, the SPIO management ports, will be used to pull or push hexdump files.

  • max-files files : Specifies the maximum number of files that can be transferred per push.

    files must be an integer from 4 to 4000.

  • max-tasks max_tasks : Specifies the maximum number of files per push.

    max_tasks must be an integer from 4 through 8.

  • module-only : Specifies that the transfer of hexdump records is to be applied only to the module type for which the configuration was originally created. If this option is not enabled, the transfer will occur for all record types.


Specifies that the hard disk drive on the SMC is to be used to store hexdump records.


The use-harddisk keyword must be enabled for hexdump records.

Default: Disabled

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure how the hexdump records are moved and stored. By default, records are stored in the PSC RAM where the CDRMOD instance is running.

The hexdump use-harddisk command can be run only in a context where CDRMOD is running. Configuring in any other context will result in failure with the message "Failure: Please Check if CDRMOD is running in this context or not."

If push transfer mode is configured, the server URL to which the hexdump files will be transferred must be specified.

When changing the transfer-mode from pull to push, disable the pull setting before changing the transfer mode to push. The push to server URL must be accessible from the local context. Also, make sure that its base directory contains an hexdump subdirectory.

After changing the transfer mode from push to pull, enable pull on the destination server. Any ongoing push activity will continue until all the file transfers are completed. If there is no ongoing push activity at the time of this configuration change, the push-related configuration is nullified immediately.


The following command enables file removal operation after hexdump file transfer.
hexdump remove-file-after-transfer