Managing the Hosted Unified Communications Services Platform with VisionOSS USM

This chapter explains how to use VisionOSS BVSM to view, configure, and provision the resources and components of the Hosted Unified Communications Services (UCS) platform. It includes the following topics:

USM GUI Overview

Loading Bulk Data for Initial Configuration

Setup Tools

Dialplan Tools

Provider Administration



General Tools

General Administration

Location Administration

My Account

USM GUI Overview

USM provides integrated, hierarchical, role-based administration of Hosted UCS platform components. This is required to support scalable, decentralized administration of a multi-tenant hosted communications service. The administrative hierarchy is as follows, from top to bottom:


Channels (resellers)


Division administrators

Location administrators


Each administrator or user has access to lower levels in the hierarchy, but not at higher levels. This allows the secure delegation of authority from provisioning at the provider or reseller level, down to self-care at the level of customer end users.

The following list shows configuration capabilities at various levels:

Self-care (manual configuration of a specific phone)—Users

Auto-provisioning and device configuration for each site—Location/division administrators, channel/reseller administrators

Bulk data loading—Location/division administrators, channel/reseller administrators

Caution To maintain platform-wide data integrity, use USM for configuring or provisioning all Hosted UCS components whenever possible. If it is necessary to configure Hosted UCS platform components directly, be certain that the changes will not affect system integrity.

Loading Bulk Data for Initial Configuration

Before performing any other configuration, you will typically use the USM Deployment (Bulk Data) Tool to perform the initial configuration of the Hosted UCS platform components.

For information about using bulk data loading for the initial configuration of the Hosted UCS platform components, refer to "Chapter 4, "Using Bulk Loaders for the Initial Configuration of Hosted Unified Communication Services Components."

USM provides a platform-wide view that includes Cisco Unified CM and the Cisco PGW. When administrators enter or edit data using USM, the necessary configuration for Cisco Unified CM and Cisco PGW is performed automatically.

Setup Tools

The Setup Tools option lets you set up and configure the USM management platform when establishing the platform for a new deployment. It sets up all the internal capabilities for USM in terms of the services, phones, and features that are presented on the USM GUI.

When you select the Setup Tools option on the VisionOSS menu, the system displays the screen shown in Figure 3-1.

Figure 3-1 Setup Tools Options

Table 3-1 Summarizes the function of each option provided on the Setup Tools menu.

Table 3-1 Setup Tools Menu Options 


Global Settings

Sets preferences at the global level for the whole platform. These settings are similar to preferences at the provider, customer, and location levels.


Loads images, such as logos, used for branding.


Lets service providers customize the USM GUI with specific colors, labels, icons, and logo, on a platform-wide basis, or for each customer.


The system supports skinning of the web interface via the use of themes. This includes customization of display elements, including Cascading Style Sheets, images and page layout. The themes are managed via a themes archive, a ZIP file containing the styles, images and template files. A system-wide default theme is provided. The default theme can be used as a base for customization but the default them cannot be changed or deleted using the Theme management screens.

Phone Types

Creates phone types within USM and adds them to the USM menus, which helps deliver services consistently. After the phone type is added, it appears to users in the USM phone menus.

Button Groups

Creates service types within USM and adds them to the USM menus, which helps deliver services consistently. After the service type is added, it appears to users in the USM services and feature group menus.

Service Types

Creates phone types within BVSM and adds them to the BVSM menus, which helps deliver services consistently. After the phone type is added, it appears to users in the BVSM phone menus.

Access Profiles

Access profiles are used to manage a users access to various features and functions within the system. Access Profiles enable administrators to control, to a much better granularity, access to features within the predefined security roles.

Feature Display Policies

Customer administrators must be able to enforce access rules for any phone line and mobility feature setting exposed in Self Care. These access rules are grouped together as policies.

VOSS Audit

Transaction Auditing is a powerful tool that enables administrators to closely monitor all or specific transaction types processed within the system.

Bulk Load Samples

Sample bulk loader and configuration model spreadsheets are provided with the default installation.

About VOSS

The About VOSS page contains two important pieces of information, the VOSS software (system) version and the VOSS Server platform.

Security Profiles

Security profiles are sets of rules that govern password strength and other security related preferences. Security Profiles can be applied at System level and at various hierarchical levels which are Provider, Reseller, Customer, Division, Location and Users.

Dialplan Tools

The Dialplan Tools option lets you create the dial plan configuration for the Hosted UCS platform during initial deployment.

The dial plan tells the Cisco Hosted UCS platform how to route calls against a number plan. USM is responsible for configuring and loading the dial plan into the various components within Hosted UCS, such as the Cisco PGW and Cisco Unified CM. Super users can create and manage the dial plan when first deploying the platform as well as whenever the dial plan is revised.

The dial plan used for Hosted UCS is designed using Excel spreadsheets, which are loaded using the Deployment (Bulk Load Tools) option from the General Tools menu.

Dial plan templates can be customized for each provider and after loading, can be further customized for specific customers and locations. For example, each location may require a different extension number length.

When you select the Dialplan Tools option on the VisionOSS menu, the system displays the screen shown in Figure 3-2.

Figure 3-2 Dialplan Tools Menu Options

Table 3-2 summarizes the function of each option provided on the Dialplan Tools menu.

Table 3-2 Dialplan Tools Options 


Number Construction

Configures dial plan variables such as the following:

Codec settings (compression and decompression standards)

Site number formats

Site display formats

Multi-tenant capabilities

Dial prefixes

E.164 number formats

Hardware Sets

Defines the templates for USM to use for hardware configurations and defines the dial plan associated with each hardware set.

Configuration Models

Provides model loader programs (similar to bulk data loaders) as well as various sample templates.

Each model loader is designed for a specific Hosted UCS platform component, including the following:

Cisco PGW

Cisco Unified CM


Application services such as voice mail


Providers are able to operate in a multi-country environment. Each country however, has unique dial plan elements and number configurations, so the system needs to apply these different configurations to each location based on the country they are allocated.

CMM Model Management

The CCM Model Management page enables admistrators to manage their dial plan configuration models, primarily the models route patterns and translation patterns.

Provider Administration

The Provider Administration option lets super users create or change provider settings for the entire Hosted UCS platform, including adding or changing provider administrators.

Caution The default super user account is BVSM, and the default password is password. After accessing USM, change the password for the BVSM super user account to a strong password. For greater security, create a super user account with a less obvious account name and a strong password, and delete the default super user account.

When you select the Provider Administration option on the VisionOSS menu, the system displays the screen shown in Figure 3-3.

Figure 3-3 Provider Administration Menu

Table 3-3 summarizes the function of each option provided on the Provider Administration menu.

Table 3-3 Provider Administration Options 



Opens the Provider Management page, where you can access and edit provider preferences.

Provider Countries

Add or delete countries under a provider.

Number Type Counters

Manage the reserved inventory for lines by type of line.

Phone Type Counters

Manage the inventory for phones by type of phone.

Service Type Counters

Manage the reserved inventory for phones, lines, and services.

Feature Templates

Manage feature groups, which are a combination of features required for all users or phones.

PBX Templates

All PBX features and functionality managed by the system are defined as PBX Features. Any single version of the system will support a defined set of PBX features. These features can be grouped into PBX templates, a PBX template being a pre-configured set of PBX features.


The Network option allows you to set up the network infrastructure so that USM can then perform its management role.

When you select the Network option on the VisionOSS menu, the system displays the screen shown in Figure 3-4.

Figure 3-4 Network Menu Options

Table 3-4 summarizes the function of each option provided on the Network menu.

Table 3-4 Network Options 


IOS Devices

Add, delete, or modify IOS devices.


Add, delete, or modify gatekeepers.

Transit Switches

Add, delete, or modify Cisco PGW switches.

PBX Devices

Add, delete, or modify Cisco Unified CM servers.

DHCP Servers

Add, delete, or modify DHCP servers.

TFTP Servers

Add, delete, or modify TFTP servers.

VoiceMail Gateways

Add, delete, or modify voice mail gateways.

IP Edge Devices

Add, delete, or modify IP edge devices.

Console Servers

Add, delete, or modify switchboard servers.

Music Servers

Add, delete, or modify music on hold (MOH) servers.

Conference Servers

Add, delete, or modify conference servers.

Transcoder Servers

Add, delete, or modify transcoder servers, used to translate between codecs.

Annunciator Servers

Add, delete, or modify Annunciator servers.

Media Termination Point

Add, delete, or modify the media termination points.

VoiceMail Servers

Add, delete, or modify voicemail servers.

Directory Servers

Add, delete, or modify directory servers.

Emergency Responder

Add, delete, or modify emergency responders.


Add, delete, or modify IVR.

Hardware Groups

Add, delete, or modify hardware.

Session Border Controllers

Add, delete, or modify Session Border Controllers.

Contact Centre

Add, delete, or modify Contact Centre.


The Resources option allows you to create the necessary resources and make them available to the relevant location.

When you select the Resources option on the VisionOSS menu, the system displays the screen shown in Figure 3-5.

Figure 3-5 Resources Menu

Figure 3-5 summarizes the function of each option provided on the Resources menu.

Table 3-5 Resources Options 


E164 Inventory

E164 numbers, also called PSTN or DDI numbers, identify the phone to the external PSTN. BVSM ensures that each E164 number is only allocated once.

Authorisation Codes

Authorization Codes or Forced Authorization Codes (FACs) enable you to manage call access and accounting. The codes regulate the type of calls that specific users can make by forcing the user to enter a valid authorization code before they can make a call.

Billing Codes

Provides access to billing codes.

IP Address Inventory

Provides access to the IP address inventory.

Site Code Inventory

Used as the short-code dial prefix before internal direct dial numbers for a location, allowing internal calls between sites to be routed directly over the internal network.

VoiceMail Services

Creates voice-mail services for each customer, which can then be managed by the customer administrator within each location.

AutoAttendant Services

Creates auto attendant services for each customer, which can then be managed by the customer administrator within each location.

Console Services

Creates console services for each customer, which can then be managed by the customer administrator within each location.

Directory Services

Creates directory services for each customer, which can then be managed by the customer administrator within each location.

Conference Services

Creates conference services for each customer, which can then be managed by the customer administrator within each location.

Media Services

Creates media services for each customer, which can then be managed by the customer administrator within each location.

Phone Inventory

Creates, moves, and deletes phones within or between customer locations.

Contact Centre Service

Creates contact centre services for each customer.

General Tools

The General Tools option provides access to the following menu choices:

Operations Tools

Bulk Load


For detailed information about using the Bulk Load option for initial configuration of the Hosted UCS platform components, refer to Chapter 5, "Configuring Hosted UCS Components."

When you select the General Tools option on the VisionOSS menu, the system displays the screen shown in Figure 3-6.

Figure 3-6 General Tools Menu

Figure 3-6 summarizes the function of each option provided on the General Tools menu.

Table 3-6 General Tools Options 


Operations Tools

Automates multi-step processes.

The operations tools are also used for testing purposes when a 360-degree test needs to be performed, such as adding a location, deleting a location, and then adding the same location again.

These options are also useful for refreshing a location when adding a new dial plan to legacy locations.

Bulk Load

Loads bulk data into USM using Excel spreadsheets.

Providers must load bulk data, including network elements, channels, customers, users, and CPE resources, before services can be delivered.

Loading bulk data speeds up platform configuration, especially during the initial phases or with a large amount of data.


Provides a chronological record of failed and successful activities associated with each user.

This feature is useful for troubleshooting USM and for providing an audit trail for administration moves, adds, and changes.

General Administration

The General Administration option lets you navigate between locations, divisions, customers, and resellers. However, the Status menu provides a faster means of changing levels when you are working in the Location Administration menu.

You cannot jump to a lower level because USM does not know which branch of the customer tree you will follow. The best way to jump straight to a location is by selecting the Location key under the General Administration option and step down the levels from reseller, customer, and division. This is faster than selecting one level at a time.

When you select the General Administration option on the VisionOSS menu, the system displays the screen shown in Figure 3-7.

Figure 3-7 General Administration Menu Options

Table 3-7 summarizes the function of each option provided on the General Administration menu.

Table 3-7 General Administration Options 



Manage users (repeated in Location Administration).


Manage channels (provider administrator only).


Manage building (building administrator only).


Manage customers (reseller administrator only).


Manage divisions (customer administrator only).


Manage locations (division administrator only).

Feature Groups

Manage feature groups (managed at customer level).

Device Groups

Manage device Groups. Device Groups are an optional administrative sub-division of Locations. They are used for defining a set of resources within a location

Location Administration

The Location Administration option contains links for the main administrative processes. When you select the Location Administration option on the VisionOSS menu, the system displays the screen shown in Figure 3-8.

Figure 3-8 Location Administration Menu Options

Table 3-8 summarizes the function of each option provided on the Location Administration menu.

Table 3-8 Location Administration Options 



Add and manage switchboards.


Manage telephony services.

Hunt Groups

Add and manage hunt groups.

Number Groups

Add and manage number groups.

Pickup Groups

Add and manage pickup groups.


Add, delete, and modify users.

Phone Inventory

Add, move, register, associate, and delete phones.

Phone Registration

Register and un-register phones.

Phone Management

Manage phones.

Analogue Line Mgt

Manage analog lines.

MOH Track Mgt.

Add and manage Music on Hold tracks.

Internal Numbers

Manage internal numbers.

External Numbers

Manage external (DDI) numbers.

My Account

The Account Settings page is used to manage administrator details, passwords and preferences.

Note The My Account section of VOSS can only be used to view and modify the details of the administrator that is currently logged in.

When the user selects the My Account option on the VisionOSS menu, the system displays the screen shown in Figure 3-9.

Figure 3-9 Self Care Menu Options

Table 3-9 summarizes the function of each option provided on the My Account menu.

Table 3-9 My Account Options 


Account Settings

The Account Settings page is used to manage administrator details, passwords and preferences.


Displays the customer user accounts and associated phone numbers, but does not allow these details to be modified.

When a user account is added to the system, BVSM automatically adds it to the directory.