Communicating with the Remediation Subsystem

Your remediation module must receive information from the Defense Center remediation subsystem to successfully perform its function. You configure the information that your module receives in an XML file called module.template. Without it, the remediation subsystem cannot interact with your remediation module.

The module.template XML file allows you to specify:

  • a set of module-level declarations such as the name and version of your remediation module, a short descriptive text, and the name of the binary file for your remediation program
  • the information the module requires from the user when the user configures remediation instances in the Defense Center user interface
  • the specific remediation actions, known as remediation types, that the module can perform and the correlation event data each remediation type requires
  • any custom return codes and exit status messages that your remediation program returns to the Defense Center

Before writing a module.template for your remediation module, you should understand the module.template schema ( module.template.xsd). The schema defines the elements (or tags used to contain data) and attributes (or data used to modify the data contained in an element) you can use to provide information to the remediation subsystem. The module.template schema is located on the DC at /etc/sf/remediation/module.template.vsd.

The top-level element in module.template is module, in which you specify the name of the remediation module using the name attribute. The name attribute is required and accepts a string value between 1 and 64 alphabetic characters.

Caution: You cannot use white space in the module’s name attribute value. In addition, you cannot use punctuation marks except for underscore (_) or dash (-).


Some XML editors can read the module.template schema and automatically generate a module.template file with a namespace and schema declaration, with the top level element and child elements and attributes. If you choose not to use such an editor, you must include the child elements manually.

Caution: If you set your XML editor to auto-generate the namespace and schema location, you must delete those lines before including the final version of module.template in your installation package.

The following example illustrates the module element with only the name attribute defined.

<module name="example_module">
<remediation_type name="">

See the following sections for details about writing the rest of module.template :

  • Defining the Global Configuration explains how to use the global_config element to define the name that appears for your module on the Modules page, as well as the module’s version, binary location, and its description.
  • Defining the Configuration Template explains how to use the config_template element to define the configuration information that your module requires the user to specify from the web interface.
  • Defining the Global Configuration explains how to use the remediation_type element to define the remediations the module can launch and the correlation event data that each remediation requires.
  • Defining Exit Statuses explains how to use the exit_status element define the custom exit statuses your module returns to the remediation subsystem.

Defining the Global Configuration

The first required section of module.template uses the global_config element to define global configuration information. These attributes include the module’s name and description, which appear in the list of remediation modules displayed on the Modules page of the Defense Center user interface. The global information also includes the module’s version and the location of the executable program that runs when a remediation is triggered.

The following portion of the module.template schema diagram illustrates the child elements of the global_config element.


The following table describes the child elements available to the global_config element.


Table 3-1 global_config Child Elements




displa y_name

Specifies the name that appears for this remediation module on the Modules page. The display name can contain only alphanumeric characters and white spaces and must be between 1 and 127 characters long. It must be unique across remediation modules.


v ersion

Specifies the version of the remediation module. This value appears on the Modules page. The value for the version element must begin and end with numeric characters, but may contain period (.) characters.

Note: Note: The combination of the name attribute of the module element and the data in the version element must be unique across remediation modules.


b inary

Specifies the UNIX filename of the binary that makes up your remediation module.


de scription

Provides a description of the remediation module and its available remediations. The description element appears on the Modules page. Descriptions with more than 255 characters are truncated.


ru n_as_root

Sets a flag that allows the remediation module to run as root on the Cisco appliance where it is installed.

Note: Caution: Cisco recommends that you use this element only if absolutely necessary.


en code_values

Sets a flag that HTML-encodes user input. This allows users to enter input that might otherwise be unintentionally interpreted by the XML processor.

Note: Note: If you use this element, your remediation module must handle HTML decoding as part of its input handling.


Consider the following XML code, which illustrates the global configuration portion of a module.template file.

<display_name>My Firewall</display_name>
<description>Dynamically apply firewall rules to my firewall.</description>

In this example, the remediation module is represented by the name My Firewall in the web interface. It runs version 1.0 of a program called, which you install using the Defense Center (see Packaging and Installing Your Module for more information). The program dynamically applies firewall rules to a specific firewall and runs as root on the Defense Center.

Defining the Configuration Template

The config_template child element of the module element specifies the types of information the user must provide when configuring the instances that this remediation module executes (see Instance Configuration Data). The user provides the information specified in this element via the Defense Center user interface. Each module element may contain only one direct child config_template element and this element applies to all instances that are configured.

Note, however, that each remediation_type element in module.template can also contain a child config_template element. The config_template child element under remediation_type allows you to define information that the user must provide for each of the different remediation types. So a user will have to configure general instance-level fields using the config_template element in the module portion, and then, optionally, an additional set of config_template fields specific to the remediation type being executed by the instance. For more information, see Defining Remediation Types.

The following diagram illustrates the child elements available to the config_template element.


The config_template element allows you to render several basic field types in the web interface. You choose which config_template child elements to use depending on the data you need to collect from the user for the remediation module. All child elements of config_template are optional and can be used as many times as needed within a config_template element. Fields are rendered on the web interface in the order in which they are included in the config_template element.

See the following sections for more information on the child elements that represent the fields you can use to collect configuration information on the instance configuration and remediation configuration pages in the web interface:

The boolean Element

Each boolean element you use in a config_template represents a true/false choice, which appears as a set of radio buttons labeled On or Off, users can make in the web interface. If you set the element’s required attribute to false, an additional radio button is available, labeled Not Selected.

The following portion of the module.template schema diagram illustrates the boolean element’s child elements.


When configuring child elements for an occurrence of a boolean element, you may only use each available child element once. The following table describes the child elements available to the boolean element.


Table 2 boolean Attributes and Child Elements







Indicates whether specifying a value in the field is optional.

This attribute defaults to true. You are not required to use this attribute. Therefore, if you do not use it (or if you explicitly set its value to true), users must select either On or Off. If you set the value of the attribute to false, the web interface indicates that the choice is optional.


na me


Provides context to the remediation module for the value entered in the field. Names may not contain white space and may only contain alphanumeric characters and the underscore (_) and dash (-) character. Names should be unique within a module.


disp lay_name


Specifies the web interface label for this field.


defa ult_value


Specifies the default value for this field. If the web interface user does not specify a value, the remediation program uses this value by default.


The following portion of a config_template element definition indicates that the web interface displays a field labeled “Enabled?” that provides user with two choices: On or Off. The choice defaults to true, that is, the radio button labeled On is preselected.


The integer Element

Each integer element you use in a config_template represents a field in the web interface that accepts an integer value.

The following diagram illustrates the child and grandchild elements of the integer element.


The following table describes the child elements available to the integer element.


Table 3 integer Attributes, Child Elements, and Grandchild Elements







Indicates whether users must provide a value in the field.

This attribute defaults to true. You are not required to use this attribute. Therefore, if you do not use it (or if you explicitly set its value to true), users must provide a value. If you set the value of the attribute to false, the web interface indicates that providing a value is optional.


na me


Provides context to the remediation module for the value entered in the field. Names may not contain white space and may only contain alphanumeric characters and the underscore (_) and dash (-) character.Names should be unique within a module.


dis play_name


Specifies the web interface label for this field.


de fault_value


Specifies the default value for this field. If the web interface user does not specify a value, the remediation program uses this value by default.


exa mple


Provides an example of the input that the remediation module expects to receive.

Note: Note: This value is not displayed in the web interface.


con straints


Constrains the values that the user can enter in this field to fall between specified minimum and maximum values, inclusive.

The constraints element has two child elements: min and max . Each is an optional, single-occurrence child element that accepts an integer value.


The following portion of a config_template element definition indicates that the web interface displays a field labeled “Rate”, which accepts an integer value between 0 and 500 but defaults to 430.


The string Element

Each string element you use in a config_template represents a field in the web interface that accepts a string value.

The following diagram illustrates the child elements of the string element instance.


The following table describes child elements available to the string element.


Table 4 string Attributes, Child Elements, and Grandchild Elements







Indicates whether users must provide a value in the field.

This attribute defaults to true. You are not required to use this attribute. Therefore, if you do not use it (or if you explicitly set its value to true), users must provide a value. If you set the value of the attribute to false, the web interface indicates that providing a value is optional.


nam e


Provides context to the remediation module for the value entered in the field. Names may not contain white space and may only contain alphanumeric characters and the underscore (_) and dash (-) character.Names should be unique within a module.


di splay_name


Specifies the web interface label for this field.


def ault_value


Specifies the default value for this field.If the web interface user does not specify a value, the remediation program uses this value by default.


examp le


Provides an example of the input that the remediation module expects to receive.

Note: Note: This value is not displayed in the web interface.


const raints


Constrains the values that the user can enter in this field.

The constraints element has three child elements: min_length , max _ length and pcre . The min_length and max_length elements are optional, single-occurrence child elements that accept integer values and specify a range for the acceptable length of string values. The pcre element is optional; use it to specify a Perl-compatible regular expression that provides additional constraints.


The following portion of a config_template element definition indicates that the web interface displays a field labeled “Username”, which accepts a string value that is at least eight characters long and does not use white spaces.


The password Element

Each password element you use in a config_template represents a field in the web interface that accepts a string comprised of alphanumeric characters.

The following diagram illustrates the child and grandchild elements of the password element instance.


The following table describes the child elements available to the password element.


Table 5 password Attributes, Child Elements, and Grandchild Elements







Indicates whether users must provide a value in the field.

This attribute defaults to true. You are not required to use this attribute. Therefore, if you do not use it (or if you explicitly set its value to true), users must provide a value. If you set the value of the attribute to false, the web interface indicates that providing a value is optional.


na me


Provides context to the remediation module for the value entered in the field. Names may not contain white space and may only contain alphanumeric characters and the underscore (_) and dash (-) character. Names should be unique within modules.


displa y_name


Specifies the web interface label for this field.


defa ult_value


Specifies the default value for this field. If the web interface user does not specify a value, the remediation program uses this value by default.


ex ample


Provides an example of the input that the remediation module expects to receive.

Note: Note: This value is not displayed in the web interface.


const raints


Constrains the values that the user can enter in this field.

The constraints element has three child elements: min_length , max _ length and pcre . The min_length and max_length elements are optional, single-occurrence child elements that accept integer values and specify a range for the acceptable length of password values. The pcre element is optional; use it to specify a Perl-compatible regular expression that provides additional constraints.


The following portion of a config_template element definition indicates that the web interface displays a field labeled “Login Password”, which accepts an alphanumeric string between 6 and 12 characters long.

<display_name>Login Password</display_name>

The ipaddress Element

Each ipaddress element you use in a config_template represents a field in the web interface that accepts a single IP address. IP addresses may be entered in the form of a fully formed dotted quad (for example,

The following diagram illustrates the child elements of the ipaddress element.


When configuring child elements for an occurrence of an ipaddress element, you may only use each available child element once. The following table describes the child elements available to the ipaddress element.


Table 6 ipaddress Attributes and Child Elements







Indicates whether users must provide a value in the field.

This attribute defaults to true. You are not required to use this attribute. Therefore, if you do not use it (or if you explicitly set its value to true), users must provide a value. If you set the value of the attribute to false, the web interface indicates that providing a value is optional.


na me


Provides context to the remediation module for the value entered in the field. Names may not contain white space and may only contain alphanumeric characters and the underscore (_) and dash (-) character. Names should be unique within modules.


displ ay_name


Specifies the web interface label for this field.


default_val ue


Specifies the default value for this field.


exa mple


Provides an example of the input that the remediation module expects to receive.

Note: Note: This value is not displayed in the web interface.


The following portion of a config_template element definition indicates that the web interface displays a field labeled “Mail Server,” which accepts a single IP address.

<display_name>Mail Server</display_name>

The netmask Element

Each netmask element you use in a config_template represents a field in the web interface that accepts netmask values. Netmask values can be denoted by a dotted quad ( or a CIDR mask (/8).

The diagram illustrates the child elements of the netmask element.


When configuring child elements for an occurrence of a netmask element, you may only use each available child element once. The following table describes the child elements available to the netmask element.


Table 7 netmask Attributes and Child Elements







Indicates whether users must provide a value in the field.

This attribute defaults to true. You are not required to use this attribute. Therefore, if you do not use it (or if you explicitly set its value to true), users must provide a value. If you set the value of the attribute to false, the web interface indicates that providing a value is optional.


na me


Provides context to the remediation module for the value entered in the field. Names may not contain white space and may only contain alphanumeric characters and the underscore (_) and dash (-) character. Names should be unique within modules.


dis play_name


Specifies the web interface label for this field.


d efault_value


Specifies the default value for this field. If the web interface user does not specify a value, the remediation program uses this value by default.


exa mple


Provides an example of the input that the remediation module expects to receive.

Note: Note: This value is not displayed in the web interface.


The following portion of a config_template element definition indicates that the web interface displays a field labeled “Netmask”, which accepts netmask values denoted by a dotted quad or CIDR mask and defaults to


The host Element

Each host element you use in a config_template represents a field in the web interface that accepts a single IP address or string.

The following diagram illustrates the child elements of the host element.


When configuring child elements for an occurrence of a host element, you may only use each available child element once. The following table describes the child elements and attributes available to the host element.


Table 8 host Attributes and Child Elements







Indicates whether users must provide a value in the field.

This attribute defaults to true. You are not required to use this attribute. Therefore, if you do not use it (or if you explicitly set its value to true), users must provide a value. If you set the value of the attribute to false, the web interface indicates that providing a value is optional.


na me


Provides context to the remediation module for the value entered in the field. Names may not contain white space and may only contain alphanumeric characters and the underscore (_) and dash (-) character. Names should be unique within modules.


displ ay_name


Specifies the web interface label for this field.


de fault_value


Specifies the default value for this field.If the web interface user does not specify a value, the remediation program uses this value by default.


ex ample


Provides an example of the input that the remediation module expects to receive.

Note: Note: This value is not displayed in the web interface.


The following portion of a config_template element definition indicates that the web interface displays a field labeled “Host Name”, which accepts an IP address or string. The web interface also provides example text of “”

<display_name>Host Name</display_name>

The network Element

Each network element you use within a config_template represents a field in the web interface. A network field accepts an IP address (assumed to be a single IP address, that is, an IP address with /32 netmask) or a CIDR block.

The following diagram illustrates the child elements of the network element.


When configuring child elements for an occurrence of a network element, you may only use each available child element once. The following table describes the child elements and attributes available to the network element.


Table 9 network Attributes and Child Elements







Indicates whether users must provide a value in the field.

This attribute defaults to true. You are not required to use this attribute. Therefore, if you do not use it (or if you explicitly set its value to true), users must provide a value. If you set the value of the attribute to false, the web interface indicates that providing a value is optional.


na me


Provides context to the remediation module for the value entered in the field. Names may not contain white space and may only contain alphanumeric characters and the underscore (_) and dash (-) character. Names should be unique within modules.


displ ay_name


Specifies the web interface label for this field.


de fault_value


Specifies the default value for this field. If the web interface user does not specify a value, the remediation program uses this value by default.


ex ample


Provides an example of the input that the remediation module expects to receive.

Note: Note: This value is not displayed in the web interface.


The following portion of a config_template element definition indicates that the web interface displays a field labeled “Monitored Network”, which accepts either a /32 IP address or an IP address and netmask value, and which has a default value of

<display_name>Monitored Network</display_name>

The enumeration Element

Each enumeration element you use in a config_template represents a drop-down list of strings displayed in the web interface. Users can select a single value from this list.

The following diagram illustrates the child and grandchild elements of the enumeration element.


The following table describes the child elements and attributes available to the enumeration element.


Table 10 enumeration Attributes, Child Elements, and Grandchild Elements







Indicates whether users must provide a value in the field.

This attribute defaults to true. You are not required to use this attribute. Therefore, if you do not use it (or if you explicitly set its value to true), users must provide a value. If you set the value of the attribute to false, the web interface indicates that providing a value is optional.


na me


Provides context to the remediation module for the value entered in the field. Names may not contain white space and may only contain alphanumeric characters and the underscore (_) and dash (-) character. Names should be unique within modules.


disp lay_name


Specifies the web interface label for this field.


de fault_value


Specifies the default value for this field. If the web interface user does not specify a value, the remediation program uses this value by default.


e xample


Provides an example of the input that the remediation module expects to receive.

Note: Note: This value is not displayed in the web interface.


const raints


Specifies the values that the user can enter in this field.

The constraints element has one required child element, value , that accepts a string that represents one choice for the users. Use multiple value elements to provide multiple choices to the user.


The following portion of a config_template element definition indicates that the web interface displays a field labeled “Day”, which allows users to select one of the values provided ( Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday).


The list Element

Each list element you use in a config_template represents a field in the web interface that allows users to enter a list of values, one per line, whose type is specified by the required item_type child element.

The following diagram illustrates the child and grandchild elements of the list element.


The following table describes the child elements available to the list element.


Table 11 list Attribute and Child Elements







Indicates whether users must provide a value in the field.

This attribute defaults to true. You are not required to use this attribute. Therefore, if you do not use it (or if you explicitly set its value to true), users must provide a value. If you set the value of the attribute to false, the web interface indicates that providing a value is optional.


na me


Provides context to the remediation module for the value entered in the field. Names may not contain white space and may only contain alphanumeric characters and the underscore (_) and dash (-) character. Names should be unique within modules.


di splay_name


Specifies the web interface label for this field.


def ault_value


Specifies the default value for this field. If the web interface user does not specify a value, the remediation program uses this value by default.


ex ample


Provides an example of the input that the remediation module expects to receive.

Note: Note: This value is not displayed in the web interface.


it em_type


Specifies the type of value that can appear in this field. The value type is specified by a child element. Valid child elements are listed below.


The following list describes the child elements available to the item_type element, which are similar to the child elements of the config_template element; the only difference is that item_type child elements do not use the required attribute. Each instance of the item_type element can use only one child element:

  • boolean_li indicates that the list accepts multiple Boolean values (see The boolean Element).
  • integer_li indicates that the list accepts multiple integer values (see The integer Element).
  • string_li indicates that the list accepts multiple string values (see The string Element).
  • password_li indicates that the list accepts multiple password values (see The password Element).
  • ipaddress_li indicates that the list accepts multiple ipaddress values (see The ipaddress Element).
  • network_li indicates that the list accepts multiple network values (see The network Element).
  • netmask_li indicates that the list accepts multiple netmask values (see The netmask Element).
  • host_li indicates that the list accepts multiple host values (see The host Element).
  • enumeration_li indicates that the list accepts multiple values as defined by the value child elements of the enumeration_li element’s constraints child element (see The enumeration Element).


The following portion of a config_template element definition indicates that the web interface should allow the user to provide a list of integers between zero and 500 inclusive, one per line, in a field labeled “Integer List”.

<display_name>Integer List</display_name>
<example>Constrained value [0-500]</example>

Sample Configuration Template

This section provides a sample config_template element definition, which governs both the web interface appearance and the types of information the remediation module must receive from the user.

<display_name>Host IP</display_name>
<display_name>Connection Password</display_name>
<display_name>Enable Password</display_name>

The above template renders four fields on the web interface. The following table describes each field.


Table 3-12 Fields Created by the Sample Configuration Template



Host IP

Accepts an IP address that the remediation module identifies as host_ip.


Accepts a string that the remediation module identifies as user_name.

Connection Password

Accepts an alphanumeric password string that the remediation module identifies as login_password.

Enable Password

Accepts an alphanumeric password string that the remediation module identifies as root_password.

The following screen illustrates how these fields appear on the web interface. You must provide the data requested by these fields to configure the remediation module from the web interface.


Defining Remediation Types

Remediation types describe the actions, or remediations, taken by the device that is governed by the remediation module. Each remediation_type element you use in module.template represents one of those remediations. Remediations are triggered by correlation event data from the remediation subsystem. For more information see Event Data.

The following diagram illustrates the child elements of the remediation_type element.


The following table describes the attributes and child elements available to the remediation_type element.


Table 13 remediation_type Attributes and Child Elements





na me


Provides context to the remediation module for the remediation type.

This attribute is required and accepts a string between 1 and 64 characters, inclusive. Names may not contain white space and may only contain alphanumeric characters and the underscore (_) and dash (-) character. remediation_type names must be unique within each module.


disp lay_name


Labels the remediation type on the web interface.


polic y_event_data


Specifies the correlation event data that the remediation module needs to receive from the remediation subsystem.

The policy_event_data has one child element, pe_item, that represents a specific correlation event data item. Use multiple pe_item elements to provide multiple correlation event data items. For more information on appropriate correlation event data values, see Event Data.


conf ig_template


Specifies the information the user must provide when configuring an instance of this remediation module. For more information, see Defining the Configuration Template.


The following portion of a module.template file illustrates several remediation_type element definitions.

<remediation_type name="block_src">
<display_name>Block Source</display_name>
<remediation_type name="block_dest">
<display_name>Block Destination</display_name>
<remediation_type name="acl_insert">
<display_name>ACL Insertion</display_name>
<display_name>ACL Number</display_name>

The example above contains 3 remediation types: block_src, block_dest, and acl_insert. Each of these requires specific correlation event ( pe_item) data. The acl_insert remediation type also requires configuration data, which is specified in its config_template child element; users must provide an ACL number when they configure instances of that type.

Defining Exit Statuses

The remediation subsystem expects to receive an exit status, or return code, in the form of an integer from your remediation module.

Cisco provides a set of predefined exit status messages your remediation module can return. You can return predefined exit statuses, which correspond to integer values between 1 and 128, inclusive. The following lists and describes these predefined exit status codes.


Table 3-14 Predefined Exit Statuses

Exit Status



Successful completion of remediation.


Error in the input provided to the remediation module.


Error in the remediation module configuration.


Error logging into the remote device or server.


Unable to gain required privileges on remote device or server.


Timeout logging into remote device or server.


Timeout executing remote commands or servers.


The remote device or server was unreachable.


The remediation was attempted but failed.


A white-list match was found.


Failed to execute remediation program


Unknown/unexpected error.

Alternatively, your module may return integers between 129 and 254, inclusive, as custom exit statuses. If your remediation module returns custom exit statuses, you must define the set of exit statuses it can return. Each exit_status element you use in module.template represents a custom exit status that your remediation module can return. For more information, see Data Returned by Modules.

The exit_status element accepts a string that describes a return code. In addition, the element requires an attribute, value, that accepts a unique integer between 129 and 255. This attribute associates remediation module return codes with their descriptions, which the user can see in remediation status event views.

The following example illustrates valid custom exit_status elements.

<exit_status value="138">syslog error</exit_status>
<exit_status value="139">unknown error</exit_status>