Introduction to the Secure Firewall Management Center Virtual Appliance

The Secure Firewall Management Center Virtual (formerly Firepower Management Center Virtual) Appliance brings full firewall functionality to virtualized environments to secure data center traffic and multi-tenant environments. The management center virtual can manage physical and the Secure Firewall Threat Defense Virtual (formerly Firepower Threat Defense Virtual) Appliance brings full, NGIPS, and FirePOWER appliances.

Platforms and Support for the Management Center Virtual

Memory and Resource Requirements

Each instance of the management center virtual requires a minimum resource allocation—memory, number of CPUs, and disk space—on the target platform to ensure optimal performance.


When upgrading the management center virtual, check the latest Release Notes for details on whether a new release affects your environment. You may be required to increase resources to deploy the latest versions.

When you upgrade, you add the latest features and fixes that help improve the security capabilities and performance of your deployment.

Management Center Virtual Requires 28 GB RAM for Upgrade (6.6.0+)

The management center virtual platform has introduced a new memory check during upgrade. The management center virtual upgrades to Version 6.6.0+ will fail if you allocate less than 28 GB RAM to the virtual appliance.


We recommend you do not decrease the default settings: 32 GB RAM for most of the management center virtual instances, 64 GB for the management center virtual 300 (FMCv300). To improve performance, you can always increase a virtual appliance’s memory and number of CPUs, depending on your available resources.

As a result of this memory check, we will not be able to support lower memory instances on supported platforms. See About Virtual Appliance Performance for important management center virtual upgrade information.

Management Center Virtual Initial Setup (6.5.0+)

Beginning with Version 6.5, the management center virtual has an improved initial setup experience that includes the following changes and enhancements:

  • DHCP on Management—DHCP is enabled by default mode on the management interface (eth0).

    The management center virtual management interface is preconfigured to accept an IP4 or IPv6 address assigned by DHCP. Consult with your system administrator to determine what IP address your DHCP has been configured to assign to the management center virtual. In scenarios where no DHCP is available, the Secure Firewall Management Center (formerly Firepower Management Center) management interface uses the IPv4 address or the IPv6 address, for example: 2001:db8::a111:b221:1:abca/96.


    If you use DHCP, you must use DHCP reservation, so the assigned address does not change. If the DHCP address changes, device registration will fail because the management center network configuration gets out of sync. To recover from a DHCP address change, connect to the management center (using the hostname or the new IP address) and navigate to System > Configuration > Management Interfaces to reset the network.

  • Web interface URL—The default URL for the management center virtual web interface has changed to https://<-IP>:<port>/ui/login.

  • Password reset—To ensure system security and privacy, the first time you log in to the management center you are required to change the admin password. When the Change Password wizard screen appears, you have two options: Enter a new password in the New Password and Confirm Password text boxes. The password must comply with the criteria listed in the dialog.

  • Network settings—The management center virtual now includes an install wizard to complete the initial setup:

    • Fully Qualified Domain Name—Accept the default value, if one is shown, or enter a fully qualified domain name (syntax <hostname>.<domain>) or host name.

    • Boot protocol for IPV4 or IPV6connection—Choose either DHCP or Static/Manual as the method of IP address assignment.

    • DNS Group—The default Domain Name Server group for the management center virtual is the Cisco Umbrella DNS.

    • NTP Group Servers—The default Network Time Protocol group is set to the Sourcefire NTP pools.

  • RAM Requirements—The recommended size of RAM is 32GB for the management center virtual.

  • FMCv300 for VMware—A new scaled management center virtual image is available on the VMware platform that supports managing up to 300 devices and has higher disk capacity.

Supported Platforms

The management center virtual can be deployed on the following platforms:

  • VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) — You can deploy the management center virtual as a guest virtual machine on VMware ESXi.

  • Kernel Virtualization Module (KVM) — You can deploy the management center virtual on a Linux server that is running the KVM hypervisor.

  • Amazon Web Services (AWS) — You can deploy the management center virtual on EC2 instances in the AWS Cloud.

  • Microsoft Azure — You can deploy the management center virtual in the Azure Cloud.

  • Google Cloud Platform (GCP) — You can deploy the management center virtual on the public GCP.

  • Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) — You can deploy the management center virtual on the OCI.

  • OpenStack — You can deploy the management center virtual on the OpenStack. This deployment uses a KVM hypervisor to manage virtual resources.

  • Cisco HyperFlex — You can deploy the management center virtual on the Cisco HyperFlex.

  • Nutanix — You can deploy the management center virtual on the Nutanix environment with AHV hypervisor.

  • Alibaba Cloud — You can deploy the management center virtual on the Alibaba Cloud.


High availability (HA) configuration is supported on the management center virtual deployment on VMware, AWS, Azure, KVM, OCI, and HyperFlex. See High Availability in the Management Center Administration Guide for information about system requirements for high availability.

Hypervisor and Version Support

For hypervisor and version support, see Secure Firewall Threat Defense Compatibility.

Management Center Virtual Licenses

The management center virtual License is a platform license, rather than a feature license. The version of virtual license you purchase determines the number of devices you can manage via the management center. For example, you can purchase licenses that enable you to manage two devices, 10 devices, 25 devices, or 300 devices.

About Management Center Feature Licenses

You can license a variety of features to create an optimal System deployment for your organization. The management center allows you to manage these feature licenses and assign them to your devices.


The management center manages feature licenses for your devices, but you do not need a feature license to use the management center.

Management Center feature licenses depend on your device type:

  • Smart Licenses are available for the threat defense and threat defense virtual devices.

  • Classic Licenses are available for 7000 and 8000 Series, ASA FirePOWER, and NGIPSv devices.

Devices that use Classic Licenses are sometimes referred to as Classic devices. A single management center can manage both Classic and Smart Licenses.

In addition to "right-to-use" feature licenses, many features require a service subscription. Right-to-use licenses do not expire, but service subscriptions require periodic renewal.

For detailed information about licenses platform, see Licenses in the Secure Firewall Management Center Administration Guide.

For answers to common questions about Smart Licensing, Classic licensing, right-to-use licenses, and service subscriptions, see Secure Firewall Management Center Feature Licenses.

About Virtual Appliance Performance

It is not possible to accurately predict throughput and processing capacity for virtual appliances. A number of factors heavily influence performance, such as the:

  • Amount of memory and CPU capacity of the host

  • Number of total virtual machines running on the host

  • Network performance, interface speed, and number of sensing interfaces deployed

  • Amount of resources assigned to each virtual appliance

  • Level of activity of other virtual appliances sharing the host

  • Complexity of policies applied to a virtual device

If the throughput is not satisfactory, adjust the resources assigned to the virtual appliances that share the host.

Each virtual appliance you create requires a certain amount of memory, CPUs, and hard disk space on the host. Do not decrease the default settings, as they are the minimum required to run the system software. However, to improve performance, you can increase a virtual appliance’s memory and number of CPUs, depending on your available resources.

The following table lists the supported management center virtual limits.

Table 1. Supported Management Center Virtual Limits





8/4 vCPUs

32 vCPUs
Memory 32 GB 64 GB
Event storage space 250 GB 2.2 TB
Maximum network map size (hosts/users) 50,000/50,000 150,000/150,000
Maximum event rate (events per second) 5,000 12,000 eps

Management Center Virtual Default and Minimum Memory Requirements

All the management center virtual implementations now have the same RAM requirements: 32 GB recommended, 28 GB required (64 GB for the FMCv300). Upgrades to Version 6.6.0+ will fail if you allocate less than 28 GB to the virtual appliance. After upgrade, the health monitor will alert if you lower the memory allocation.

These new memory requirements enforce uniform requirements across all virtual environments, improve performance, and allow you to take advantage of new features and functionality. We recommend you do not decrease the default settings. To improve performance, you can increase a virtual appliance’s memory and number of CPUs, depending on your available resources.


As of the Version 6.6.0 release, lower-memory instance types for cloud-based management center virtual deployments (AWS, Azure) are fully deprecated. You cannot create the new management center virtual instances using them, even for earlier versions. You can continue running existing instances.

The following table summarizes pre-upgrade requirements for lower-memory management center virtual deployments.

Table 2. Management Center Virtual Memory Requirements for Version 6.6.0+ Upgrades


Pre-Upgrade Action



Allocate 28 GB minimum/32 GB recommended.

Power off the virtual machine first.

For instructions, see the VMware documentation.


Allocate 28 GB minimum/32 GB recommended.

For instructions, see the documentation for your KVM environment.


Resize instances:

  • From c3.xlarge to c3.4xlarge.

  • From c3.2.xlarge to c3.4xlarge.

  • From c4.xlarge to c4.4xlarge.

  • From c4.2xlarge to c4.4xlarge.

We also offer a c5.4xlarge instance for new deployments.

Stop the instance before you resize. Note that when you do this, data on the instance store volume is lost, so migrate your instance store-backed instance first. Additionally, if your management interface does not have an Elastic IP address, its public IP address is released.

For instructions, see the documentation on changing your instance type in the AWS user guide for Linux instances.


Resize instances:

  • From Standard_D3_v2 to Standard_D4_v2.

Use the Azure portal or PowerShell. You do not need to stop the instance before you resize, but stopping may reveal additional sizes. Resizing restarts a running virtual machine.

For instructions, see the Azure documentation on resizing a Windows VM.


Allocate memory based on the GCP instance type.

See GCP Machine Type Support for more information.


Allocate memory based on the OCI instance type.

See OCI Compute Shapes for more information.


Allocate 28 GB minimum/32 GB recommended.

See Memory and resource requirements for more information.


Allocate 28 GB minimum/32 GB recommended.

See Host System Requirements for more information.


Allocate 28 GB minimum/32 GB recommended.

See Host System Requirements for more information.

Download the Management Center Virtual Deployment Package

You can download the management center virtual deployment packages from, or in the case of patches and hotfixes, you can download from within the management center.

To download the management center virtual deployment package:


Step 1

Navigate to the Cisco Software Download page.



A login and Cisco service contract are required.

Step 2

Click Browse all to search for the management center virtual deployment package.

Step 3

Choose Security > Firewalls > Firewall Management, and select Firepower Management Center Virtual Appliance.

Step 4

Choose your model > FireSIGHT System Software > version.

The following table includes naming conventions and information about the management center virtual software on

Model Package Type Package Name

Management Center Virtual

Software install: VMware


Software install: KVM


Software install: AWS

Log into the cloud service and deploy from the marketplace.

Software install: Azure

Log into the cloud service and deploy from the marketplace.

Step 5

Locate the deployment package and download it to a server or to your management computer.

Many package names look similar, so make sure you download the correct one.

Download directly from the Cisco Support & Download site. If you transfer a deployment package by email, it may become corrupted.

What to do next

Refer to the chapter that is applicable for your deployment platform: