Failed to resolve iperf server address
DNS server is not configured at edge device or is unable to resolve the iperf server from the configured DNS server at edge
Speed test servers not reachable
The speed test server ping failed. The edge device cannot reach the server IP.
iPerf client: unable to connect stream: Resource temporarily unavailable
Unable to connect to the speed test server. Access may be blocked by access-control list (ACL) permissions.
iPerf client: unable to connect to server
The iPerf3 server is not providing the test service at the user-specified port or default port 5201.
Device Error: Speed test in progress
The selected source or destination device is performing a speed test and cannot start a new one.
Device error: Failed to read server configuration
The data stream configuration is missing.
Workaround: Running a CLI command at the SD-Routing device and clearing the SD-Rounting control connections can fix the issue.
Speed test session has timed out
The speed test has not successfully completed in 180 seconds. This might be because the SD-Rouring device has lost the control
connection to Cisco SD-WAN Manager during the speed testing.