Cisco SD-Branch ThousandEyes Support

Table 1. Feature History

Feature Name

Release Information


Cisco NFVIS ThousandEyes Container Support

Cisco SD-Branch Release 20.15.2

This feature adds support to use Cisco ThousandEyes as a container within Cisco SD-WAN Manager.

This feature also adds support for ThousandEyes Docker Container Upgrade using the NFVIS VM Lifecycle Workflow. It also introduces support for using new NFVIS-specific Docker images provided by ThousandEyes.

Information About Cisco SD-Branch ThousandEyes Support

Cisco SD-WAN Manager supports a preintegrated solution that allows deploying ThousandEyes Enterprise Agent as a container on Cisco NFVIS devices. Experience ThousandEyes network monitoring and testing capabilities directly on your Cisco SD-Branch network infrastructure. The feature provides visibility into the performance of the underlying network infrastructure.

Benefits of Cisco SD-Branch ThousandEyes Support

  • Gain complete visibility into your network performance, including network infrastructure, cloud providers, WAN links, and internal data center networks within Cisco NFVIS.

  • Reduce Mean Time To Repair (MTTR) for network issues, improve network reliability, and optimize application performance.

Prerequisites for Cisco SD-Branch ThousandEyes Support

  • Ensure that the minimum software version for Cisco NFVIS devices is Cisco NFVIS Release 4.15.2 and your Cisco SD-WAN Manager is running Cisco Catalyst SD-WAN Manager Release 20.15.2.

  • You require a minimum of two CPU cores, memory of 2048 MB, and a disk size of 8192 MB to enable a ThousandEyes container.

Restrictions for Cisco SD-Branch ThousandEyes Support

  • Add TEAGENT_ACCOUNT_TOKEN and TEAGENT_INET to the bootstrap configuration file to deploy the ThousandEyes container.

  • Monitoring charts aren't supported for Cisco ThousandEyes container.

Deploy ThousandEyes

Deploy ThousandEyes Container in Cisco SD-WAN Manager Using a CLI Add-On Profile

Create a CLI Add-On Profile

For NFVIS devices managed by Cisco SD-WAN Manager, follow these steps to deploy the ThousandEyes container:

  1. From the Cisco SD-WAN Manager menu, choose Configuration > Configuration Groups.

  2. Adjacent to a configuration group, click and choose Edit.

  3. In the Feature Profiles - Unconfigured area, locate CLI Profile.


    If the configuration group already has a CLI profile configured, this option will not appear.

  4. On the CLI Profile card, click Start Configuration.

    An Edit Config Feature pane opens.

  5. Enter a name and, optionally, a description for a new CLI add-on profile.

  6. Enter configuration commands in the CLI Configuration area or click Import Config File to import a configuration.

    Use the following sample CLI configuration for image registration and deployment:

    vm_lifecycle images image thousandeyes-enterprise-agent-0.33.0
     locator vim_id container
     properties property vnf_type
      value THOUSANDEYES
    vm_lifecycle flavors flavor thousandeyes-flavor vcpus 2 memory_mb 1024 root_disk_mb 20480
    vm_lifecycle tenants tenant admin
     deployments deployment THOUSANDEYES-DEMO
      vm_group THOUSANDEYES-DEMO
       locator vim_id container
       image              thousandeyes-enterprise-agent-0.33.0
       flavor             thousandeyes-flavor
       vim_vm_name        THOUSANDEYES-DEMO
       bootup_time        -1    
       config_data configuration bootstrap_config
        data            "{ \"env_variables\" : { \"TEAGENT_ACCOUNT_TOKEN\" : \"${TEAGENT_ACCOUNT_TOKEN}\", \"TEAGENT_INET\" : \"${TEAGENT_INET}\"} }"
        template_engine VELOCITY
        variable TEAGENT_ACCOUNT_TOKEN
         val [ 53rettywagbuouhw06hu65767rtyuyyui ]
        variable TEAGENT_INET
         val [ 4 ]
       !   !
  7. To convert a configuration value to a variable, select the value and click Create Variable.

    Enter the variable name, and click Create Variable. You can also type a variable name directly, in the format {{variable-name}}. Example: {{hostname}}

    Variables enable you to enter values for the variables individually for each device when you deploy a configuration group to devices. During the deployment, you can enter values manually or using a CSV file.

  8. To encrypt a plain-text password using type 6 encryption, select the password and click Encrypt Type 6.

    In the example below, you can select the password, ABCD, and click Encrypt Type 6 to encrypt the password.

    server-private key 0 ABCD

    For more information about type 6 encryption, see Type 6 Passwords on Cisco IOS XE SD-WAN Routers in the Cisco Catalyst SD-WAN Systems and Interfaces Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS XE Catalyst SD-WAN Release 17.x.


    Encrypt only passwords. Encrypting a CLI command may cause a failure when deploying the configuration group to devices.

  9. Click Save and proceed to associate and deploy the device to the appropriate Configuration Group.

Upgrade ThousandEyes Agent Container in Cisco SD-WAN Manager Using a CLI Add-On Profile

Edit the Existing Add-On CLI Profile:

  1. From the Cisco SD-WAN Manager menu, choose Configuration > Configuration Groups.

  2. In the CLI add-on profile, adjacent to the config feature, click and choose Edit Feature.

  3. Modify the deployment payload to replace the existing image path with the path of the new version of the ThousandEyes image in the CLI Configuration area or click Import Config File to import a configuration.

    Use the following sample CLI configuration for updating the image version:

    vm_lifecycle tenants tenant admin
     deployments deployment THOUSANDEYES-DEMO
      vm_group THOUSANDEYES-DEMO
       locator vim_id container
  4. To convert a configuration value to a variable, select the value and click Create Variable.

    Enter the variable name, and click Create Variable. You can also type a variable name directly, in the format {{variable-name}}. Example: {{hostname}}

    Variables enable you to enter values for the variables individually for each device when you deploy a configuration group to devices. During the deployment, you can enter values manually or using a CSV file.

  5. To encrypt a plain-text password using type 6 encryption, select the password and click Encrypt Type 6.

    In the example below, you can select the password, ABCD, and click Encrypt Type 6 to encrypt the password.

    server-private key 0 ABCD

    For more information about type 6 encryption, see Type 6 Passwords on Cisco IOS XE SD-WAN Routers in the Cisco Catalyst SD-WAN Systems and Interfaces Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS XE Catalyst SD-WAN Release 17.x.


    Encrypt only passwords. Encrypting a CLI command may cause a failure when deploying the configuration group to devices.

  6. Click Save to complete the update process.

Monitor Cisco SD-Branch ThousandEyes Support

  1. From the Cisco SD-WAN Manager menu, choose Monitor > Devices.

  2. From the list of devices, select the Cisco NFVIS device to monitor the system status, device health and interface packet statistics. View the CPU utilization for the guest VNF as well.

  3. You can start, stop, or restart ThousandEyes container.


    Monitoring charts for ThousandEyes container isn't supported.