EEM SMTP Library Command Extensions

All Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) library command extensions belong to the ::cisco::lib namespace.

To use this library, the user needs to provide an e-mail template file. The template file can include Tcl global variables so that the e-mail service and the e-mail text can be configured through the event manager environment Cisco IOS command-line interface (CLI) configuration command. There are commands in this library to substitute the global variables in the e-mail template file and to send the desired e-mail context with the To address, CC address, From address, and Subject line properly configured using the configured e-mail server.

E-Mail Template

The e-mail template file has the following format:


Based on RFC 2554, the SMTP e-mail server name--Mailservername-- can be in any one of the following template formats: username:password@host, username@host, or host.

Mailservername:<space><the list of candidate SMTP server addresses>
From:<space><the e-mail address of sender>
To:<space><the list of e-mail addresses of recipients>
Cc:<space><the list of e-mail addresses that the e-mail will be copied to>
Sourceaddr:<space><the IP addresses of the recipients>
Subject:<subject line>
<a blank line>


Note that the template normally includes Tcl global variables for configuration.

In a Tcl policy, the port number can be specified by a "Port" line in the e-mail template. If port is not specified, the default port of 25 is used.

Below is a sample e-mail template file:

Mailservername: $_email_server
From: $_email_from
To: $_email_to
Cc: $_email_cc
Sourceaddr: $_email_ipaddr
Port: <port number>
Subject: From router $routername: Process terminated
process name: $process_name
subsystem: $sub_system
exit status: $exit_status
respawn count: $respawn_count


Given the text of an e-mail template file with all global variables already substituted, sends the e-mail out using Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP). The e-mail template specifies the candidate mail server addresses, To addresses, CC addresses, From address, subject line, and e-mail body.


A list of candidate e-mail servers can be provided so that the library will try to connect the servers on the list one by one until it can successfully connect to one of them.


smtp_send_email text



(Mandatory) The text of an e-mail template file with all global variables already substituted.

Result String


Set _cerrno

  • Wrong 1st line format--Mailservername:list of server names.

  • Wrong 2nd line format--From:from-address.

  • Wrong 3rd line format--To:list of to-addresses.

  • Wrong 4th line format--CC:list of cc-addresses.

  • Error connecting to mail server:--$sock closed by remote server (where $sock is the name of the socket opened to the mail server).

  • Error connecting to mail server:--$sock reply code is $k instead of the service ready greeting (where $sock is the name of the socket opened to the mail server; $k is the reply code of $sock).

  • Error connecting to mail server:--cannot connect to all the candidate mail servers.

  • Error disconnecting from mail server:--$sock closed by remote server (where $sock is the name of the socket opened to the mail server).

Sample Scripts

After all needed global variables in the e-mail template are defined:

    if [catch {smtp_subst [file join $tcl_library email_template_sm]} result] {
        puts stderr $result
        exit 1
    if [catch {smtp_send_email $result} result] {
        puts stderr $result
        exit 1


Given an e-mail template file e-mail_template, substitutes each global variable in the file by its user-defined value. Returns the text of the file after substitution.


smtp_subst e-mail_template



(Mandatory) Name of an e-mail template file in which global variables need to be substituted by a user-defined value. An example filename could be /disk0://example.template which represents a file named example.template in a top-level directory on an ATA flash disk in slot 0.

Result String

The text of the e-mail template file with all the global variables substituted.

Set _cerrno

  • cannot open e-mail template file

  • cannot close e-mail template file