Information About SSL Custom Application
Overview of SSL Custom Application
SSL Custom Application feature enables users to customize applications that run on any protocol over Secure Socket Layer (SSL), including HTTP over Secure Socket Layer (HTTPS), using the server name, if it exists in the Client Hello extensions, or the common name from the certificate that the server sends to the client.
HTTP over Secure Socket Layer (HTTPS) is a communication protocol for secure communication. HTTPS is the result of layering HTTP on SSL protocol.
In SSL sub-classification, the rule that ends later in the packet will match. For example, consider the server name ‘’, if there is a rule for ‘finance’ and another rule for, then the rule for ‘’ will match.
SSL Unique Name Sub-Classification
The SSL unique-name parameter is used to match SSL sessions of servers that are not known globally, or are not yet supported by NBAR. The unique-name matches the server name indication (SNI) field in the client request, if the SNI field exists, or it matches the common name (CN) field in the first certificate of the server's response.
The feature also supports cases of SSL sessions that use session-id than the SSL sessions that use handshake.
The server name is available as part of a HTTPS URL itself. For example, in the URL, the server name is However, the certificate is found in the browser. The user can observe the certificate information by clicking on the HTTPS icon.
The following two figures display the location of the server name and common name as it is visible to the user using Wireshark tool.
The figure below highlights the location of the SNI field:
The figure below highlights the location of the CN field: