BERT Restrictions
BERT is not supported on the following modes:
T3—Framing M-13, non-channelized
E3—Framing G832, channelized
When the BERT is initiated with pattern 0s and 1s from the local end and the loopback local is applied from the far end, then the BERT syncing does not happen. Since the BERT process is asserted as LOS alarms for all 0s and AIS alarms for all 1s BERT patterns. Whereas the BERT syncing behaves properly when the BERT is initiated from both the local and the far end.
For all 1s on T3 or E3, the BERT behaviour is not asserted as AIS and the BERT syncing happens as usual.
In the unframed mode, BERT sync is not stable and may generate alarms until Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.4.
Framing type should be similar in all routers end to end.
System BERT is not supported for any pattern in framed SATOP for releases earlier to Cisco IOS XE 17.13.1.
System BERT is not configurable, without cem-group configuration.
The default BERT pattern supported is PRBS. The QRSS pattern is supported only on T1 or E1 level and the STS-1E path level for pattern 2^20-O151.
BERT Restrictions for Cisco IOS XE Bengaluru 17.4.1 release
When the BERT is initiated from the local end and the loopback local is applied from the far end, then BERT syncing does not happen. Since the BERT process is asserted as LOS alarms for all 0s and AIS alarms for all 1s BERT patterns. Whereas the BERT syncing behaves properly when the BERT is initiated from both the local and the far end.