Connection Verification

This chapter describes the tasks to verify connection between the OLT Line Card of NCS 1010 and NCS1K14-CCMD-16-C line card.

Power Data Reading

Photodiodes (PDs) are optical power monitors available on all input and aggregated output ports to monitor power levels. Tone detection is enabled on some PD monitors.

Table 1. NCS1K-CCMS-16 Calibrated Port References


Port Calibrated

Port Label (Direction)

Minimum Power (dBm)

Maximum Power (dBm)

Dynamic Range (dBm)

PD 21

MPO-16 input ports





PD 22

MPO-16 output ports





Connection Verification

Connection verification checks the connection between the OLT line card and the CCMD-16 line cards to avoid miscabling during the node installation. The dedicated Connection Verification Tunable Laser (CV-TL) available at the OLT card generates a specific probe signal at a given frequency and power. This signal is detected by the CCMD-16 line card that is connected to the OLT line card.

For more information on the connection verification process, see Cisco NCS 1010 Datapath Configuration guide.

CCMD-16 Connection Verification with OLT

The OLT line card generates the tone and connection verification is performed using the OOB channel with CV-TL tuned at 191.175 THz. To univocally identify the optical path under test, the CV-TL is modulated with a low-frequency pattern including the Cable ID of the connection.

For connection verification toward the CCMD-16 card, the CV-TL is routed to the PD21 inside the CCMD-16 card. The out-of-band (OOB) connection is verified at PD21 and the in-band (IB) connection is verified at PD22 on the CCMD-16 line cards.

The PD monitors receiving a connection verification signal detect and buffer the Cable-ID pattern encoded in the tone to allow the connection verification process by the node controller.

Verify Connection for CCMD-16 Line Card

The connection verification procedure checks the connection between the OLT line card and CCMD-16 line cards to match the different instances with respect to the OLT LC connectors.

The OLT-C line card and the NCS1K-CCMD-16 line card are connected as shown in the following image:

Figure 1. NCS 1010 and NCS1K-CCMD-16 Connection

The OLT-C line card performs connection verification between the OLT-C line card and the NCS1KCCMD-16 line card panels as described in CCMD-16 Connection Verification with OLT.

The identification/verification of the NCS1K-CCMD-16 line card is performed by checking the connection verification signal at the monitor present on the OOB and IB loops (PD21 and PD22 for the NCS1K-CCMD-16 line card respectively).

This task describes on how to verify the connection between the NCS 1010 OLT-C line card and NCS1K-CCMD-16 line card.

Before you begin

Configure the OTS controller in NCS 1010 to generate the tone for connection verification. See Cisco NCS 1010 Datapath Configuration Guide.


Step 1

Configure the OMS controller to detect the tone for connection verification.


RP/0/RP0/CPU0:(config)#controller oms 0/1/0/0 
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:(config-Oms)#tone-rate 2
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:(config-Oms)#tone-pattern-expected aabbccdd
tone-detect-oob must be configured on the OMS x/x/x/0 for NCS1K-CCMD-16.

Step 2

Use the tone-pattern-detect command to start the detection of tone pattern.


The following is a sample on starting the tone pattern detection on the OMS controller.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:#tone-pattern-detect controller oms 0/1/0/0 start 
Tue May 10 11:38:03.775 UTC
Tone pattern detect started

Step 3

Use the tone-info command to check for successful connection verification.


The following is a sample to view the Tone Info for successful connection verification on the OMS controller.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:#show controllers oms 0/1/0/0 tone-info 
Fri Sep 22 06:04:03.787 UTC
Tone Info:
Tone Rate : 2 bits/second
Tone Pattern Expected(Hex value) : aabbccdd
Tone Pattern Received(Hex value) : aabbccdd
Tone Detected OOB :  Enabled
Detection State: Success

Step 4

After successful connection verification, stop tone-pattern-detect on the OMS controller.


RP/0/RP0/CPU0:#tone-pattern-detect controller oms 0/1/0/0 stop
Fri Sep 22 06:23:15.165 UTC
Tone pattern detect stopped