BGP PIC Implementation Considerations
TE, SR-TE, flex-LSP in the core are not supported.
BVI as a core is not supported.
For labelled BGP loopback peering, the system supports only one primary and one backup path. No support for BGP PIC multipath protect.
PIC EDGE is supported for all services, such as IPv4, IPv6, VPNv4, VPNv6, 6PE, 6VPE, VPWS, VPLS, and EVPN.over labelled unicast address-family.
The system supports BGP PIC multipath protect only for unlabelled BGP IPv4 and IPv6 address family. The support is for both loopback peering and interface peering mode.
The system supports BGP PIC multipath protect only for labelled BGP in interface peering mode.
Labelled BGP over IPv6 core BGP PIC is not supported.