In Cisco IOS XR, the
control packets, which are destined to the Route Processor (RP), are policed
using a set of ingress policers in the incoming ports. These policers are
programmed statically during bootup by LPTS components. The policers are
applied based on the flow type of the incoming control traffic. The flow type
is determined by looking at the packet headers. The policer rates for these
static ingress policers are defined in a configuration file, which are
programmed on the route processor during bootup. You can change the policer
values based on the flow types of these set of ingress policers. You are able
to configure the rate per policer per node.
You can get the default policer values and the current rates of the flow types from the output of the following show command: show lpts pifib hardware police
For quick file transfer through a data port, you can configure LPTS policer rate for SSH flow.
Verify that the LPTS drops using the command, show lpts pifib hardware entry brief location
node-id |inc SSH . If there are any LPTS drops, increase the rate up to a maximum of 50000 pps.
Increase the value to the maximum only if required, as the CPU cycles usage increases with higher PPS.
For example,
Router(config)#lpts pifib hardware police location 0/0/CPU0
Router(config-pifib-policer-per-node)# flow ssh known rate 50000
This show show lpts pifib hardware entry brief location command is updated to display the statistics of the flow types. The counters are printed under the OOS field description.
The * indicates the statistics of the resources are exhausted. Note, that the LPTS functionality is not impacted.
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:Router# show lpts pifib hardware entry brief location 0/3/CPU0
Tue Dec 22 10:57:08.322 UTC
Node: 0/RP0/CPU0
G - Global flowtype counters
(*) - stats resources exhausted,
stats are shared per flow type
Type DestIP SrcIP Interface vrf L4 LPort/Type RPort npu Flowtype DestNode PuntPrio Accept Drop Domain OOS
---- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----- ------ -------------- ------ ---- ---------------- ---------- -------- ------ ------ ---------------- ------
IPV4 any any any 0 0 any 0 0 Fragment Local LC LOW 0 0 0-default
IPV4 any BE105.201 0 89 any 0 0 OSPF-mc-known Dlvr RP0 HIGH 1 0 0-default *
IPV4 any BE105.202 0 89 any 0 0 OSPF-mc-known Dlvr RP0 HIGH 1 0 0-default *
IPV4 any BE105.203 0 89 any 0 0 OSPF-mc-known Dlvr RP0 HIGH 1 0 0-default *
IPV4 any BE105.204 0 89 any 0 0 OSPF-mc-known Dlvr RP0 HIGH 1 0 0-default *
IPV4 any BE105.205 0 89 any 0 0 OSPF-mc-known Dlvr RP0 HIGH 1 0 0-default *
IPV4 any BE105.206 0 89 any 0 0 OSPF-mc-known Dlvr RP0 HIGH 1 0 0-default *
Configure the LPTS policer for the OSPF and BGP flow types with the following values globally for all nodes:
Router(config)#lpts pifib hardware police
Router(config-pifib-policer-global)#flow ospf unicast default rate 3000
Router(config-pifib-policer-global)#flow bgp default rate 4000
Router (config-pifib-policer-global)#commit
lpts pifib hardware police
flow ospf unicast default rate 3000
flow bgp default rate 4000
Router#show run lpts pifib hardware police
lpts pifib hardware police
flow ospf unicast default rate 3000
flow bgp default rate 4000
Configure the LPTS policer for the OSPF and BGP flow types with the following values on an individual node - 0/RP0/CPU0:
Router(config)#lpts pifib hardware police location 0/RP0/CPU0
Router(config-pifib-policer-per-node)#flow ospf unicast default rate 3000
Router(config-pifib-policer-per-node)#flow bgp default rate 4000
lpts pifib hardware police location 0/RP0/CPU0
flow ospf unicast default rate 3000
flow bgp default rate 4000
The show lpts pifib hardware police location 0/RP0/CPU0 command displays pre-Internal Forwarding Information Base (IFIB) information for the designated node. Router#show lpts pifib hardware police location 0/RP0/CPU0
Node 0/RP0/CPU0:
Burst = 100ms for all flow types
FlowType Policer Type Cur. Rate Burst npu
---------------------- ------- ------- --------- --------- ---------
OSPF-uc-default 32106 np 3000 1000 0
BGP-default 32118 np 4000 1250 0
The show controllers npu stats traps-all instance all location 0/RP0/CPU0 command displays packets that are locally processed and packets that are dropped by the CPU.
Router# show controllers npu stats traps-all instance all location 0/RP0/CPU0
Trap Type NPU Trap TrapStats Policer Packet Packet
ID ID ID Accepted Dropped
RxTrapMimSaMove(CFM_DOWM_MEP_DMM) 0 6 0x6 32037 0 0
RxTrapMimSaUnknown(RCY_CFM_DOWN_MEP_DMM) 0 7 0x7 32037 0 0
RxTrapAuthSaLookupFail (IPMC default) 0 8 0x8 32033 0 0
RxTrapSaMulticast 0 11 0xb 32018 0 0
RxTrapArpMyIp 0 13 0xd 32001 0 0
RxTrapArp 0 14 0xe 32001 11 0
RxTrapDhcpv4Server 0 18 0x12 32022 0 0
RxTrapDhcpv4Client 0 19 0x13 32022 0 0
RxTrapDhcpv6Server 0 20 0x14 32022 0 0
RxTrapDhcpv6Client 0 21 0x15 32022 0 0
RxTrapL2Cache_LACP 0 23 0x17 32003 0 0
RxTrapL2Cache_LLDP1 0 24 0x18 32004 0 0
RxTrapL2Cache_LLDP2 0 25 0x19 32004 1205548 0
RxTrapL2Cache_LLDP3 0 26 0x1a 32004 0 0
RxTrapL2Cache_ELMI 0 27 0x1b 32005 0 0
RxTrapL2Cache_BPDU 0 28 0x1c 32027 0 0
RxTrapL2Cache_BUNDLE_BPDU 0 29 0x1d 32027 0 0
RxTrapL2Cache_CDP 0 30 0x1e 32002 0 0
RxTrapHeaderSizeErr 0 32 0x20 32018 0 0
RxTrapIpCompMcInvalidIp 0 35 0x23 32018 0 0
RxTrapMyMacAndIpDisabled 0 36 0x24 32018 0 0
RxTrapMyMacAndMplsDisable 0 37 0x25 32018 0 0
RxTrapArpReply 0 38 0x26 32001 2693 0
RxTrapFibDrop 0 41 0x29 32018 0 0
RxTrapMTU 0 42 0x2a 32020 0 0
RxTrapMiscDrop 0 43 0x2b 32018 0 0
RxTrapL2AclDeny 0 44 0x2c 32034 0 0
Rx_UNKNOWN_PACKET 0 46 0x2e 32018 0 0
RxTrapL3AclDeny 0 47 0x2f 32034 0 0
RxTrapOamY1731MplsTp(OAM_SWOFF_DN_CCM) 0 57 0x39 32029 0 0
RxTrapOamY1731Pwe(OAM_SWOFF_DN_CCM) 0 58 0x3a 32030 0 0
RxTrapOamLevel 0 64 0x40 32023 0 0
RxTrapRedirectToCpuOamPacket 0 65 0x41 32025 0 0
RxTrapOamPassive 0 66 0x42 32024 0 0
RxTrap1588 0 67 0x43 32038 0 0
RxTrapExternalLookupError 0 72 0x48 32018 0 0
RxTrapArplookupFail 0 73 0x49 32001 0 0
RxTrapUcLooseRpfFail 0 84 0x54 32035 0 0
RxTrapMplsControlWordTrap 0 88 0x58 32015 0 0
RxTrapMplsControlWordDrop 0 89 0x59 32015 0 0
RxTrapMplsUnknownLabel 0 90 0x5a 32018 0 0
RxTrapIpv4VersionError 0 98 0x62 32018 0 0
RxTrapIpv4ChecksumError 0 99 0x63 32018 0 0
RxTrapIpv4HeaderLengthError 0 100 0x64 32018 0 0
RxTrapIpv4TotalLengthError 0 101 0x65 32018 0 0
RxTrapIpv4Ttl0 0 102 0x66 32008 0 0
RxTrapIpv4Ttl1 0 104 0x68 32008 0 0
RxTrapIpv4DipZero 0 106 0x6a 32018 0 0
RxTrapIpv4SipIsMc 0 107 0x6b 32018 0 0
RxTrapIpv6VersionError 0 109 0x6d 32018 0 0
RxTrapIpv6HopCount0 0 110 0x6e 32011 0 0
RxTrapIpv6LoopbackAddress 0 113 0x71 32018 0 0
RxTrapIpv6MulticastSource 0 114 0x72 32018 0 0
RxTrapIpv6NextHeaderNull 0 115 0x73 32010 0 0
RxTrapIpv6Ipv4CompatibleDestination 0 121 0x79 32018 0 0
RxTrapMplsTtl1 0 125 0x7d 32012 316278 2249
RxTrapUcStrictRpfFail 0 137 0x89 32035 0 0
RxTrapMcExplicitRpfFail 0 138 0x8a 32033 0 0
RxTrapOamp(OAM_BDL_DN_NON_CCM) 0 141 0x8d 32031 0 0
RxTrapOamEthUpAccelerated(OAM_BDL_UP_NON_CCM) 0 145 0x91 32032 0 0
RxTrapReceive 0 150 0x96 32017 125266112 0
RxTrapUserDefine_FIB_IPV4_NULL0 0 151 0x97 32018 0 0
RxTrapUserDefine_FIB_IPV6_NULL0 0 152 0x98 32018 0 0
RxTrapUserDefine_FIB_IPV4_GLEAN 0 153 0x99 32016 0 0
RxTrapUserDefine_FIB_IPV6_GLEAN 0 154 0x9a 32016 0 0
RxTrapUserDefine_IPV4_OPTIONS 0 155 0x9b 32006 0 0
RxTrapUserDefine_IPV4_RSVP_OPTIONS 0 156 0x9c 32007 0 0
RxTrapUserDefine 0 157 0x9d 32026 0 0
RxTrapUserDefine_BFD 0 163 0xa3 32028 0 0
RxTrapMC 0 181 0xb5 32033 0 0
RxNetflowSnoopTrap0 0 182 0xb6 32018 0 0
RxNetflowSnoopTrap1 0 183 0xb7 32018 0 0
RxTrapMimSaMove(CFM_DOWM_MEP_DMM) 1 6 0x6 32037 0 0
RxTrapMimSaUnknown(RCY_CFM_DOWN_MEP_DMM) 1 7 0x7 32037 0 0
RxTrapAuthSaLookupFail (IPMC default) 1 8 0x8 32033 0 0
RxTrapSaMulticast 1 11 0xb 32018 0 0
RxTrapArpMyIp 1 13 0xd 32001 0 0