Show Commands

show version

To display the configuration of the system hardware, the software version, the names and sources of configuration files, and the boot images, use the show version command in appropriate configuration mode.

show version [brief]

Syntax Description


It displays detail summary of system information and hardware details.

Command Default

No default behavior or values

Command Modes



Command History



Release 3.7.2

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines


The brief keyword can be used during command execution on Cisco IOS XR 32 bit routers.

The command is applicable for IOS XR 64 Bit software on ASR 9000 Enhanced XR (eXR).

To use this command, you must be in a user group associated with a task group that includes appropriate task IDs. If the user group assignment is preventing you from using a command, contact your AAA administrator for assistance.

The show version command displays a variety of system information, including hardware and software version, router uptime, boot settings (configuration register), and active software.

Task ID

Task ID





This example shows partial output from the show version command:

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router# show version

Tue Jul 28 05:14:13.670 DST

Cisco IOS XR Software, Version
Copyright (c) 2009 by Cisco Systems, Inc.

ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 1.1(20090521:183759) [ASR9K ROMMON],  

PE44_ASR-9010 uptime is 1 week, 6 days, 13 hours, 52 minutes
System image file is "bootflash:disk0/asr9k-os-mbi-"

cisco ASR9K Series (MPC8641D) processor with 4194304K bytes of memory.
MPC8641D processor at 1333MHz, Revision 2.2

2 Management Ethernet
12 TenGigE
40 GigabitEthernet
219k bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.
975M bytes of compact flash card.
33994M bytes of hard disk.
1605616k bytes of disk0: (Sector size 512 bytes).
1605616k bytes of disk1: (Sector size 512 bytes).

Configuration register on node 0/RSP0/CPU0 is 0x102
Boot device on node 0/RSP0/CPU0 is disk0:
Package active on node 0/RSP0/CPU0:
asr9k-scfclient, V, Cisco Systems, at disk0:asr9k-scfclient-
    Built on Mon Jul 13 08:28:45 DST 2009
    By sjc-lds-208 in /auto/ioxbuild7/production/ for c4.2.1-p0

asr9k-adv-video, V, Cisco Systems, at disk0:asr9k-adv-video-
    Built on Mon Jul 13 10:13:23 DST 2009
    By sjc-lds-208 in /auto/ioxbuild7/production/ for c4.2.1-p0

asr9k-fpd, V, Cisco Systems, at disk0:asr9k-fpd-
    Built on Mon Jul 13 08:44:47 DST 2009
    By sjc-lds-208 in /auto/ioxbuild7/production/ for c4.2.1-p0

asr9k-diags, V, Cisco Systems, at disk0:asr9k-diags-
    Built on Mon Jul 13 08:28:48 DST 2009
    By sjc-lds-208 in /auto/ioxbuild7/production/ for c4.2.1-p0

asr9k-k9sec, V, Cisco Systems, at disk0:asr9k-k9sec-
    Built on Mon Jul 13 08:43:40 DST 2009
    By sjc-lds-208 in /auto/ioxbuild7/production/ for c4.2.1-p0

asr9k-mgbl, V, Cisco Systems, at disk0:asr9k-mgbl-
    Built on Mon Jul 13 10:11:41 DST 2009
    By sjc-lds-208 in /auto/ioxbuild7/production/ for c4.2.1-p0

asr9k-mcast, V, Cisco Systems, at disk0:asr9k-mcast-
    Built on Mon Jul 13 08:40:57 DST 2009
    By sjc-lds-208 in /auto/ioxbuild7/production/ for c4.2.1-p0

Table 1. show version Field Descriptions



Cisco IOS XR Software, Version #

Cisco IOS XR software version number currently running on the router.


System bootstrap version number currently running on the router.

router uptime

Number of uninterrupted days, hours, minutes, and seconds the system has been up and running.

System image file is

Location and name of the system image file currently running on the router.

Packet over SONET/SDH network interface(s)

Number of Packet-over-SONET/SDH interfaces available on the current router.

SONET/SDH Port controller(s)

Number of SONET or SDH1 interfaces available on the current router.

Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 interface(s)

Number of Ethernet or IEEE 802.3 interfaces available on the current router.

GigabitEthernet/IEEE interface(s)

Number of Gigabit Ethernet or IEEE 802.3 interfaces available on the current router.

bytes of non-volatile configuration memory

Available volatile configuration memory, in bytes.

bytes of ATA PCMCIA card at disk 0

ATA PCMCIA2 available on the card in disk 0, in bytes.

Package active on node 0/1/SP

Details about the current software package that is running on the SP node in slot 1.

1 SDH = Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
2 ATA PCMCIA = AT Attachment Personal Computer Memory Card Industry Association

This example shows partial output from the show version command for for IOS XR 64 Bit version:

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:ASR-9906-C-LS#show version

Wed Mar 29 11:45:24.914 UTC
Cisco IOS XR Software, Version 7.5.2
Copyright (c) 2013-2022 by Cisco Systems, Inc.

Build Information:
 Built By     : ingunawa
 Built On     : Tue Apr 26 18:26:36 PDT 2022
 Built Host   : iox-ucs-055
 Workspace    : /auto/srcarchive14/prod/7.5.2/asr9k-x64/ws
 Version      : 7.5.2
 Location     : /opt/cisco/XR/packages/
 Label        : 7.5.2

cisco ASR9K () processor
System uptime is 5 weeks 5 days 16 hours 13 minutes

show platform

To display information and status for each node in the system, use the show platform command in EXEC or administration EXEC mode.

show platform [node-id]

System admin EXEC Mode: show platform [location]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Node for which to display information. The node-id argument is entered in the rack/ slot/ module notation.

Command Default

Status and information are displayed for all nodes in the system.

Command Modes

Administration EXEC


System Admin EXEC mode on 64-bit IOS-XR

Command History



Release 3.7.2

This command was introduced.

Release 3.9.0

Support was added for the 2-Port Channelized OC-12/DS0 SPA.

Usage Guidelines

The show platform command provides a summary of the nodes in the system, including node type and status.

Enter the show platform command in administration EXEC mode to display output for the entire system. Enter the show platform command in EXEC mode to display output for only those nodes that belong to the SDR on which the command is executed.

For ASR-9001-S, EP1 will be displayed as, Not allowed online, until the required license is bought.


This example shows the sample display output for ASR9912 and ASR9922:

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router:router(admin) # show platform
Wed Jul  3 11:34:18.487 UTC
Node            Type                      State            Config State
0/RP0/CPU0      ASR-9922-RP-SE(Active)    IOS XR RUN       PWR,NSHUT,MON
0/RP1/CPU0      ASR-9922-RP-TR(Standby)   IOS XR RUN       PWR,NSHUT,MON
0/FT0/SP        FAN TRAY                  READY            
0/FT1/SP        FAN TRAY                  READY            
0/0/CPU0        A9K-36x10GE-TR            IOS XR RUN       PWR,NSHUT,MON
0/1/CPU0        A9K-36x10GE-SE            IOS XR RUN       PWR,NSHUT,MON
0/2/CPU0        A9K-36x10GE-TR            IOS XR RUN       PWR,NSHUT,MON
0/3/CPU0        A9K-36x10GE-SE            IOS XR RUN       PWR,NSHUT,MON
0/4/CPU0        A9K-36x10GE-SE            IOS XR RUN       PWR,NSHUT,MON
0/5/CPU0        A9K-36x10GE-SE            IOS XR RUN       PWR,NSHUT,MON
0/6/CPU0        A9K-36x10GE-SE            IOS XR RUN       PWR,NSHUT,MON
0/7/CPU0        A9K-36x10GE-TR            IOS XR RUN       PWR,NSHUT,MON
0/8/CPU0        A9K-24x10GE-SE            IOS XR RUN       PWR,NSHUT,MON
0/9/CPU0        A9K-24x10GE-TR            IOS XR RUN       PWR,NSHUT,MON
0/PM0/SP        PWR-3KW-AC-V2             READY            PWR,NSHUT,MON
0/PM1/SP        PWR-3KW-AC-V2             READY            PWR,NSHUT,MON
0/PM2/SP        PWR-3KW-AC-V2             READY            PWR,NSHUT,MON
0/PM3/SP        PWR-3KW-AC-V2             READY            PWR,NSHUT,MON
0/PM4/SP        PWR-3KW-AC-V2             READY            PWR,NSHUT,MON
0/PM5/SP        PWR-3KW-AC-V2             READY            PWR,NSHUT,MON
0/FC0/SP        ASR-9912-SFC110           OK               PWR,NSHUT,MON
0/FC1/SP        ASR-9912-SFC110           OK               PWR,NSHUT,MON
0/FC2/SP        ASR-9912-SFC110           OK               PWR,NSHUT,MON
0/FC3/SP        ASR-9912-SFC110           OK               PWR,NSHUT,MON
0/FC4/SP        ASR-9912-SFC110           OK               PWR,NSHUT,MON
0/FC5/SP        ASR-9912-SFC110           OK               PWR,NSHUT,MON
0/FC6/SP        ASR-9912-SFC110           OK               PWR,NSHUT,MON

The following example shows sample output from the show platform command:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# show platform

Thu Nov 19 21:44:49.274 UTC
Node            Type                      State            Config State
0/RSP0/CPU0     A9K-RSP-4G(Active)        IOS XR RUN       PWR,NSHUT,MON
0/RSP1/CPU0     A9K-RSP-4G(Standby)       IN-RESET         PWR,NSHUT,MON
0/1/CPU0        A9K-SIP-700               IOS XR RUN       PWR,NSHUT,NMON
0/1/0           SPA-10X1GE-V2             OK               PWR,NSHUT,MON
0/1/1           SPA-1X10GE-L-V2           OK               PWR,NSHUT,MON
0/3/CPU0        A9K-40GE-B                IOS XR RUN       PWR,NSHUT,MON
0/4/CPU0        A9K-SIP-700               IOS XR RUN       PWR,NSHUT,MON
0/4/1           SPA-2XCHOC12/DS0          OK               PWR,NSHUT,MON

The following is sample output for the show platform command with the node-id argument:

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router# show platform 0/1/cpu0

Mon Jul 27 22:30:04.752 DST
Node            Type                      State            Config State
0/1/CPU0        A9K-40GE-B                IOS XR RUN       PWR,NSHUT,MON

This table describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 2. show platform Field Descriptions




Identifier of the node in the rack/ slot/ module notation.


Type of node.


Current state of the specified node.

Config State

Current status of the specified node.

The following is sample output for the show platform command with the location argument:


The location argument is only applicable for IOS XR 64 Bit version on ASR 9000 Enhanced XR (eXR).

sysadmin-vm:0_RSP0# show platform

Thu Jun  15 06:14:46.667 UTC+00:00
Location  Card Type               HW State      SW State      Config State
0/0       A99-32X100GE-TR         OPERATIONAL   OPERATIONAL   NSHUT

show install

To display active packages, use the show install command in EXEC or administration EXEC mode.

Administration EXEC Mode

show install [detail | summary | verbose] [sdr sdr-name | location node-id]


show install [detail | summary | verbose] [location node-id]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays a detailed summary of the active packages for a system, secure domain router (SDR), or node.


(Optional) Displays a summary of the active packages in a system or SDR. Use this command to display the default software profile for SDRs


(Optional) Displays a detailed summary of the active packages for a system, SDR, or node, including component and file information for each package.

sdr sdr-name

(Optional. Administration EXEC mode only.) Displays the active packages for a specific SDR. The sdr-name argument is the name assigned to the SDR. The only SDR available is Owner, which refers to the entire router.

location node-id

(Optional) Displays the active packages for a designated node. The node-id argument is expressed in rack/ slot/ module notation.

Command Default

No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Administration EXEC

Command History



Release 3.7.2

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

To use this command, you must be in a user group associated with a task group that includes appropriate task IDs. If the user group assignment is preventing you from using a command, contact your AAA administrator for assistance.


This command displays output that is similar to the show install active command.

Use the show install command to display the active software set for all nodes, or for specific nodes. Enter the command in administration EXEC mode to display information for all nodes in all SDRs.

Displaying Information for a Specific SDR

  • To display information for a specific SDR from administration EXEC mode, use the sdr sdr-name keyword and argument.
  • To display information for an SDR when logged into that SDR, enter the command in EXEC mode.

Displaying Information for a Specific Node

Use the location node-id keyword and argument to display information for a specific node. If you do not specify a location with the location node-id keyword and argument, this command displays information from all nodes.

Summary, Detailed, and Verbose Information

Use the summary keyword to display a summary of the active packages in a system or SDR. Use the detail keyword to display the active packages for each node in an SDR, or in all SDRs. Use the verbose keyword to display additional information, including component and file information for each package.


This command displays output that is similar to the show install active command.

Displaying the Default SDR Software Profile

When an SDR is created, the nodes assigned to that SDR are configured with the default software profile. To view a summary of the default SDR software configuration, enter the show install summary command in administration EXEC mode. Any new nodes that are configured to become a part of an SDR boot with the default software profile listed in the output of this command.

Task ID

Task ID





Use the location node-id keyword and argument to display the active packages for a designated node:

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router# show install location 0/rp0/cpu0
Thu May 20 10:08:54.666 DST
  Node 0/RP0/CPU0 [HRP] [SDR: Owner]
    Boot Device: disk0:
    Boot Image: /disk0/asr9k-os-mbi-3.9.0/mbi-rp.vm
    Active Packages:

Use the summary keyword to display a summary of the active packages in the system. This command also shows the default software profile used for new SDRs.

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:routershow install summary 
Thu May 20 10:14:38.919 DST
  Active Packages:
Table 3. show install Field Descriptions



Boot Device

Device where the node stores the active software.

Boot Image

Location on the DSC of the active minimum boot image (MBI) used to boot the node.

Active Packages

Active packages loaded on the node.

show install active

To display active packages, use the show install active command in EXEC or administration EXEC mode.

Administration EXEC Mode

show install active [detail | summary | verbose] [location node-id]


show install active [detail | summary | verbose] [location node-id]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays a detailed summary of the active packages for a system, secure domain router (SDR), or node.


(Optional) Displays a summary of the active packages in a system or SDR.


(Optional) Displays a detailed summary of the active packages for a system, SDR, or node, including component information for each package.

sdr sdr-name

(Optional. Administration EXEC mode only.) Displays the active packages for a specific SDR. The sdr-name argument is the name assigned to the SDR.

location node-id

(Optional) Displays the active packages for a designated node. The node-id argument is expressed in rack/ slot/ module notation.

Command Default


Command Modes

Administration EXEC


Command History



Release 3.7.2

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines


This command displays output that is similar to the show install command.

Use the show install active command to display the active software set for all nodes, or for specific nodes.

Displaying Information for a Specific Node

Use the location node-id keyword and argument to display information for a specific node. If you do not specify a location with the location node-id keyword and argument, this command displays information from all nodes.

Summary, Detailed, and Verbose Information

Use the summary keyword to display a summary of the active packages in a system or SDR. Use the detail keyword to display the active packages for each node in an SDR, or in all SDRs. Use the verbose keyword to display additional information, including component and file information for each package.

For Superceded SMUs

The show install active command doesnot display superceded SMUs. To get details of the superceded SMUs, use the show install superceded command.


The following example illustrates sample output from the show install active command with the location node-id keyword and argument specified:

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router# show install active location 0/1/cpu0

  Node 0/1/CPU0 [LC] [SDR: Owner]
    Boot Device: bootflash:
    Boot Image: /disk0/asr9k-os-mbi-
    Active Packages:

The following example illustrates sample output from the show install active command with the summary keyword specified:

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router(admin)# show install active summary

Wed May 26 12:01:27.993 PST
Default Profile:
  Admin Resources
  Active Packages:

Table 4. show install active Field Descriptions



Boot Device

Device where the node stores the active software.

Boot Image

Location on the DSC of the active minimum boot image (MBI) used to boot the node.

Active Packages

Active packages loaded on the node.

show install active

To display active packages, use the show install active command in EXEC or administration EXEC mode.

Administration EXEC Mode

show install active [detail | summary | verbose] [location node-id]


show install active [detail | summary | verbose] [location node-id]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays a detailed summary of the active packages for a system, secure domain router (SDR), or node.


(Optional) Displays a summary of the active packages in a system or SDR.


(Optional) Displays a detailed summary of the active packages for a system, SDR, or node, including component information for each package.

sdr sdr-name

(Optional. Administration EXEC mode only.) Displays the active packages for a specific SDR. The sdr-name argument is the name assigned to the SDR.

location node-id

(Optional) Displays the active packages for a designated node. The node-id argument is expressed in rack/ slot/ module notation.

Command Default


Command Modes

Administration EXEC


Command History



Release 3.7.2

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines


This command displays output that is similar to the show install command.

Use the show install active command to display the active software set for all nodes, or for specific nodes.

Displaying Information for a Specific Node

Use the location node-id keyword and argument to display information for a specific node. If you do not specify a location with the location node-id keyword and argument, this command displays information from all nodes.

Summary, Detailed, and Verbose Information

Use the summary keyword to display a summary of the active packages in a system or SDR. Use the detail keyword to display the active packages for each node in an SDR, or in all SDRs. Use the verbose keyword to display additional information, including component and file information for each package.

For Superceded SMUs

The show install active command doesnot display superceded SMUs. To get details of the superceded SMUs, use the show install superceded command.


The following example illustrates sample output from the show install active command with the location node-id keyword and argument specified:

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router# show install active location 0/1/cpu0

  Node 0/1/CPU0 [LC] [SDR: Owner]
    Boot Device: bootflash:
    Boot Image: /disk0/asr9k-os-mbi-
    Active Packages:

The following example illustrates sample output from the show install active command with the summary keyword specified:

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router(admin)# show install active summary

Wed May 26 12:01:27.993 PST
Default Profile:
  Admin Resources
  Active Packages:

Table 5. show install active Field Descriptions



Boot Device

Device where the node stores the active software.

Boot Image

Location on the DSC of the active minimum boot image (MBI) used to boot the node.

Active Packages

Active packages loaded on the node.

show install committed

To display committed software packages, use the show install committed command in EXEC or administration EXEC mode.

Administration EXEC Mode

show install committed [detail | summary | verbose] [sdr sdr-name | location node-id]


show install committed [detail | summary | verbose] [location node-id]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays a detailed summary of the committed packages for a system, secure domain router (SDR), or node.


(Optional) Displays a summary of the committed packages in a system or SDR.


(Optional) Displays a detailed summary of the committed packages for a system, SDR, or node, including component and file information for each package.

sdr sdr-name

(Optional. Administration EXEC mode only.) Displays the committed packages for a specific SDR. The sdr-name argument is the name assigned to the SDR. The only SDR available is Owner, which refers to the entire router.

location node-id

(Optional) Displays the committed packages for a designated node. The node-id argument is expressed in rack/ slot/ module notation.

Command Default

Displays detailed information for all nodes in the SDR or system.

Command Modes


Administration EXEC

Command History



Release 3.7.2

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

To use this command, you must be in a user group associated with a task group that includes appropriate task IDs. If the user group assignment is preventing you from using a command, contact your AAA administrator for assistance.

When a software package is activated, it remains active only until the next router reload. To save the active software to be persistent across router reloads, use the install commit command.

Use the show install committed command to display the packages included in the committed software set. This is useful for verifying that the desired set of packages is committed.

Use the show install command to display the committed software packages for all nodes, or for specific nodes.

Displaying Information for a Specific SDR

  • To display information for a specific SDR from EXEC or administration EXEC mode, use the sdr sdr-name keyword and argument.
  • To display information for an SDR when logged into that SDR, enter the show install committed command in EXEC or administration EXEC mode.

Displaying Information for a Specific Node

Use the location node-id keyword and argument to display information for a specific node. If you do not specify a location with the location node-id keyword and argument, this command displays information from all nodes.

Summary, Detailed, and Verbose Information

Use the summary keyword to display summary of packages in a system or SDR. Use the detail keyword to display the packages for each node in an SDR, or in all SDRs. Use the verbose keyword to display additional information, including component and file information for each package.

Task ID

Task ID





The following shows sample output from the show install committed command with the summary keyword:

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router(admin)# show install committed summary 
Thu May 27 00:06:11.155 DST
  Committed Packages:

The following shows sample output from the command. Enter the show install committed command without keywords or arguments to display detailed information for all nodes in the SDR or system:

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router# show install committed

Tue Jul 28 01:50:32.337 DST
Secure Domain Router: Owner

  Node 0/RSP0/CPU0 [RP] [SDR: Owner]
    Boot Device: disk0:
    Boot Image: /disk0/asr9k-os-mbi-
    Committed Packages: 

  Node 0/1/CPU0 [LC] [SDR: Owner]
    Boot Device: mem:
    Boot Image: /disk0/asr9k-os-mbi-
    Committed Packages: 
  Node 0/4/CPU0 [LC] [SDR: Owner]
    Boot Device: mem:
    Boot Image: /disk0/asr9k-os-mbi-
    Committed Packages: 

  Node 0/6/CPU0 [LC] [SDR: Owner]
    Boot Device: mem:
    Boot Image: /disk0/asr9k-os-mbi-
    Committed Packages: 
Table 6. show install committed Field Descriptions



Boot Image

Location on the DSC of the active minimum boot image (MBI) used to boot the node.

Committed Packages

Active packages committed on the node.

show install inactive

To display the inactive packages on the designated shelf controller (DSC) for one or more secure domain routers (SDRs), use the show install inactive command in EXEC or administration EXEC mode.

Administration EXEC Mode

show install inactive [detail | summary | verbose] [sdr sdr-name | location node-id]


show install inactive [detail | summary | verbose] [location node-id]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays summary and component information for inactive packages.


(Optional) Displays a summary of inactive packages.


(Optional) Displays summary, component, and file information for inactive packages.

sdr sdr-name

(Optional. Administration EXEC mode only.) Displays the inactive packages for a the boot device in a specific secure domain router (SDR). The sdr-name argument is the name assigned to the SDR. The only SDR available is Owner, which refers to the entire router.

location node-id

(Optional) Displays the inactive software set from a designated node. The node-id argument is expressed in rack/ slot/ module notation.

Command Default


Command Modes

Administration EXEC


Command History



Release 3.7.2

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the show install inactive command to display the inactive packages for the DSC.


Use the show version , show install active , or show install committed command to determine the device used as the boot device.

Enter the command in administration EXEC mode to display information for the DSDRSC in all SDRs.

Displaying Information for a Specific SDR

  • To display information for a specific SDR from administration EXEC mode, use the sdr sdr-name keyword and argument.
  • To display information for an SDR when logged into that SDR, enter the command in EXEC mode.

Displaying Information for a Specific Node

Use the location node-id keyword and argument to display information for a specific node. If you do not specify a location with the location node-id keyword and argument, this command displays information from all nodes.

Summary, Detailed, and Verbose Information

Use the summary keyword to display summary of inactive packages in a system or SDR. Use the detail keyword to display the packages for each node in an SDR, or in all SDRs. Use the verbose keyword to display additional information, including component and file information for each package.


The following example shows sample output from the show install inactive command:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# show install inactive 

  Node 0/1/CPU0 [LC] [SDR: Owner]
    Boot Device: bootflash:
    Inactive Packages: 

  Node 0/4/CPU0 [LC] [SDR: Owner]
    Boot Device: bootflash:
    Inactive Packages: 

  Node 0/6/CPU0 [LC] [SDR: Owner]
    Boot Device: bootflash:
    Inactive Packages: 

  Node 0/RSP0/CPU0 [HRP] [SDR: Owner]
    Boot Device: disk0:
    Inactive Packages: 

The following example shows sample output from the show install inactive command with the summary keyword:

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router# show install inactive summary

Tue Feb  3 02:09:21.359 PST
  Inactive Packages:

The following example shows sample output from the show install inactive command with the detail and location keywords:

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router# show install inactive detail location 0/1/cpu0

Tue Feb  3 02:14:31.299 PST
  Node 0/1/CPU0 [LC] [SDR: Owner]
    Boot Device: bootflash:
    Inactive Packages:
Table 7. show install inactive Field Descriptions




Storage device and the name of the package that is inactive.

asr9k-mgbl V3.8.0 Manageability Package

Name of the package that is inactive.


Name of the manufacturer.


Name of the package.


The date and time when the inactive package was built.


The source directory where the inactive package was built.

show install package

To display information about a package, use the show install package command in EXEC or administration EXEC mode.

show install package {device:package | all} [brief | detail | verbose]

Syntax Description

device : package

Device and package, expressed in concatenated form (for example, disk0:asr9k-mgbl-3.8.0). For the device: argument, the value is a specified storage device, typically disk0: .


Displays all installed packages on the system or SDR.


(Optional) Displays only the name and version of packages.


(Optional) Displays detailed information including impact to processes and nodes, vendor information, card support, and component information.


(Optional) Displays the information included in the keyword, plus information about dynamic link libraries (DLLs).

Command Default


Command Modes

Administration EXEC


Command History



Release 3.7.2

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the show install package command with the all keyword to display a list of the packages on the router or SDR.

Use the show install package command with the detail keyword to display the version of the package, name of the manufacturer, name of the package, date and time when the package was built, and source directory where the package was built.

Use the show install package command with the verbose keyword to display the same information as the detail keyword, plus additional information about DLLs.


This command returns the same data in EXEC mode and administration EXEC mode. In EXEC mode, only the information for the current SDR is displayed.

For additional information about the status of installed software packages, use the show install active and show install inactive commands.


The following sample output from the show install package command lists all packages that are available on the router:

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router(admin)# show install package all 

Tue Jul 28 05:02:53.578 DST







The following sample output from the show install package command lists all the packages contained in a composite package:

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router(admin)# show install package disk0:comp-asr9k-mini-3.8.0

Tue Feb  3 04:01:55.015 PST
Table 8. show install package Field Descriptions




Storage device and the name of the package that has been installed.

asr9k-rout V3.8.0 Routing Package

Name of the package.


Name of the manufacturer.


Name of the package.


Date and time the package was built.


Source directory where the package was built.


Card types supported by the package.

Restart information

Restart impact on processes or nodes.

Components in package

Components included in the package.

show fpd package

To display which shared port adapters (SPA) and SPA interface processors (SIPs) are supported with your current Cisco IOS XR software release, which field-programmable device (FPD) image you need for each SPA and SIP, and what the minimum hardware requirements are for the SPA and SIP modules, use the show fpd package command in administration EXEC mode.

show fpd package

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.

Command Default

No default behavior or values

Command Modes

Administration EXEC

Command History



Release 3.7.2

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

To use this command, you must be in a user group associated with a task group that includes appropriate task IDs. If the user group assignment is preventing you from using a command, contact your AAA administrator for assistance.

If there are multiple FPD images for your card, use the show fpd package command to determine which FPD image to use if you only want to upgrade a specific FPD type.

Task ID

Task ID





The following example shows sample output from the show fpd package command:

show fpd package
Tue Jan 22 13:56:00.212 UTC
=============================== ================================================
                                        Field Programmable Device Package
                                               Req     SW      Min Req   Min Req
Card Type            FPD Description           Reload  Ver     SW Ver  Board Ver
=================== ========================== ====== ======= ======== =========
NC55-1200W-ACFW      LIT-PriMCU-ACFW(A)         NO      2.09    2.09    0.0 
NC55-900W-ACFW-I     LIT-PriMCU-ACFW-I(A)       NO      1.04    1.04    0.0 
NC55-900W-DCFW-I     LIT-PriMCU-DCFW-I(A)       NO      2.260   2.260   0.0 
NC55-930W-DCFW-C     LIT-PriMCU-DCFW-C(A)       NO      2.259   2.259   0.0 
NC55-MPA-12T-S       MPAFPGA                    YES     0.27    0.27    0.0 
NC55-MPA-1TH2H-S     -WDM-D-1HL_DCO_2           NO     38.518  38.518   0.1 
                     MPAFPGA                    YES     0.53    0.53    0.0 
                     WDM-DE-1HL_DCO_2           NO     38.518  38.518   0.1 
                     WDM-DS-1HL_DCO_2           NO     38.268  38.268   0.1 
NC55-MPA-2TH-HX-S    -WDM-D-1HL_DCO_0           NO     38.518  38.518   0.1 
                     -WDM-D-1HL_DCO_1           NO     38.518  38.518   0.1 
                     MPAFPGA                    YES     0.53    0.53    0.0 
                     WDM-DE-1HL_DCO_0           NO     38.518  38.518   0.1 
                     WDM-DE-1HL_DCO_1           NO     38.518  38.518   0.1 
                     WDM-DS-1HL_DCO_0           NO     38.268  38.268   0.1 
                     WDM-DS-1HL_DCO_1           NO     38.268  38.268   0.1 
NC55-MPA-2TH-S       -WDM-D-1HL_DCO_0           NO     38.518  38.518   0.1 
                     -WDM-D-1HL_DCO_1           NO     38.518  38.518   0.1 
                     MPAFPGA                    YES     0.53    0.53    0.0 
                     WDM-DE-1HL_DCO_0           NO     38.518  38.518   0.1 
                     WDM-DE-1HL_DCO_1           NO     38.518  38.518   0.1 
                     WDM-DS-1HL_DCO_0           NO     38.268  38.268   0.1 
                     WDM-DS-1HL_DCO_1           NO     38.268  38.268   0.1 
NC55-MPA-4H-HD-S     MPAFPGA                    YES     0.53    0.53    0.0 
NC55-MPA-4H-HX-S     MPAFPGA                    YES     0.53    0.53    0.0 
NC55-MPA-4H-S        MPAFPGA                    YES     0.53    0.53    0.0 
NC55A2-MOD-SE-H-S    Bootloader(A)              YES     1.11    1.11    0.0 
                     CPU-IOFPGA(A)              YES     1.18    1.18    0.1 
                     MB-IOFPGA(A)               YES     0.18    0.18    0.1 
                     MB-MIFPGA                  YES     0.19    0.19    0.0 
                     SATA(A)                    NO      5.00    5.00    0.0 
NCS-55A2-MOD-HD-S    Bootloader(A)              YES     1.11    1.11    0.0 
                     CPU-IOFPGA(A)              YES     1.18    1.18    0.1 
                     MB-IOFPGA(A)               YES     0.18    0.18    0.1 
                     MB-MIFPGA                  YES     0.19    0.19    0.0 
                     SATA(A)                    NO      5.00    5.00    0.0 
NCS-55A2-MOD-HX-S    Bootloader(A)              YES     1.11    1.11    0.0 
                     CPU-IOFPGA(A)              YES     1.18    1.18    0.1 
                     MB-IOFPGA(A)               YES     0.18    0.18    0.1 
                     MB-MIFPGA                  YES     0.19    0.19    0.0 
                     SATA(A)                    NO      5.00    5.00    0.0 
NCS-55A2-MOD-S       Bootloader(A)              YES     1.11    1.11    0.0 
                     CPU-IOFPGA(A)              YES     1.18    1.18    0.1 
                     MB-IOFPGA(A)               YES     0.18    0.18    0.1 
                     MB-MIFPGA                  YES     0.19    0.19    0.0 
                     SATA(A)                    NO      5.00    5.00    0.0 
NCS-55A2-MOD-SE-S    Bootloader(A)              YES     1.11    1.11    0.0 
                     CPU-IOFPGA(A)              YES     1.18    1.18    0.1 
                     MB-IOFPGA(A)               YES     0.18    0.18    0.1 
                     MB-MIFPGA                  YES     0.19    0.19    0.0 
                     SATA(A)                    NO      5.00    5.00    0.0 
                     STATSFPGA                  YES     0.01    0.01    0.0

This table describes the significant fields shown in the display:

Table 9. show fpd package Field Descriptions



Card Type

Module part number.

FPD Description

Description of all FPD images available for the line card.


Hardware type. Possible types can be:

  • spa—Shared port adapter

  • lc—Line card


FPD subtype. These values are used in the upgrade hw-module fpd command to indicate a specific FPD image type to upgrade.

SW Version

FPD software version recommended for the associated module running the current Cisco IOS XR software.

Min Req SW Vers

Minimum required FPD image software version to operate the card. Version 0.0 indicates that a minimum required image was not programmed into the card.

Min Req HW Vers

Minimum required hardware version for the associated FPD image. A minimum hardware requirement of version 0.0 indicates that all hardware can support this FPD image version.


In the show fpd package command output, the “subtype” column shows the FPDs that correspond with each line card image. To upgrade a specific FPD with the upgrade hw-module fpd command, replace the fpga-type argument with the appropriate FPD from the “subtype” column, as shown in the following example:

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router(admin)# upgrade hw-module fpd fpga2 location 0/3/1 reload

show hw-module fpd

To display field-programmable device (FPD) compatibility for all modules or a specific module, use the show hw-module fpd command in the EXEC or administration EXE mode.

show hw-module fpd location {node-id | all}

Syntax Description

location{node-id | all}

Specifies the location of the module. The node-id argument is expressed in the rack/ slot/ module notation. Use the all keyword to indicate all nodes.

Command Default

No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Administration EXEC

Command History



Release 3.7.2

This command was introduced.

Release 3.9.0

Support was added for the 2-port channelized OC-12/DS0 SPA.

Release 4.3.2

Support for Back-plane identification (BPID) nodes.

Usage Guidelines

To use this command, you must be in a user group associated with a task group that includes appropriate task IDs. If the user group assignment is preventing you from using a command, contact your AAA administrator for assistance.

Task ID

Task ID







The following example shows how to display FPD compatibility for all modules in the router:

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router# ios#show hw-module fpd                   
Tue Jan 22 13:56:55.082 UTC
                                                               FPD Versions
Location   Card type        HWver FPD device       ATR Status   Running Programd
0/RP0     NCS-55A2-MOD-S    0.3   MB-MIFPGA            CURRENT    0.19    0.19 
0/RP0     NCS-55A2-MOD-S    0.3   Bootloader           CURRENT    1.10    1.10 
0/RP0     NCS-55A2-MOD-S    0.3   CPU-IOFPGA           CURRENT    1.18    1.18 
0/RP0     NCS-55A2-MOD-S    0.3   MB-IOFPGA            CURRENT    0.18    0.18 
0/PM0     NC55-1200W-ACFW   1.0   LIT-PriMCU-ACFW      NEED UPGD  2.08    2.08 
0/PM1     NC55-1200W-ACFW   1.0   LIT-PriMCU-ACFW      NEED UPGD  2.08    2.08 


After Release 5.3.x, Upg/Dng? will display Yes only for upgrade.

The following example shows the FPD for which upgrage will be skipped.

RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:router# show hw-module fpd location all 

Mon Jun 29 05:38:50.332 PST

===================================== ==========================================
                                      Existing Field Programmable Devices
                                        HW                       Current SW Upg/
Location     Card Type                Version Type Subtype Inst   Version   Dng?
============ ======================== ======= ==== ======= ==== =========== ====
0/RSP0/CPU0  A9K-RSP-4G                 4.8   lc   fpga3   0       1.13     No 
                                              lc   fpga1   0       1.5      No 
                                              lc   fpga2   0       1.14     No 
                                              lc   cbc     0       1.2      No 
                                              lc   fpga4   0       1.6      No 
                                              lc   rommon  0       1.0      No 
0/RSP0/CPU0  ASR-9010-FAN               1.0   lc   cbc     1       4.0      No 
0/RSP0/CPU0  ASR-9010-FAN               1.0   lc   cbc     2       4.0      No 
0/1/CPU0     A9K-40GE-B                 1.0   lc   fpga1   0       0.38     No 
                                              lc   fpga2   0       0.8      No 
                                              lc   cbc     0       2.2      No 
                                              lc   cpld1   0       0.15     No 
                                              lc   rommon  0       1.0      No 
0/1/CPU0     A9K-40GE-B                 1.0   lc   fpga1   1       0.38     No 
0/4/CPU0     A9K-8T/4-B                 1.0   lc   fpga1   0       0.38     No 
                                              lc   fpga2   0       0.10     No 
                                              lc   cbc     0       2.2      No 
                                              lc   cpld2   0       0.7      No 
                                              lc   cpld1   0       0.15     No 
                                              lc   cpld3   0       0.3      No 
                                              lc   rommon  0       1.0      No 
                                              lc   fpga3   0      14.42     No 
0/4/CPU0     A9K-8T/4-B                 1.0   lc   fpga1   1       0.38     No 
0/6/CPU0     A9K-4T-B                   1.0   lc   fpga1   0       0.38     No 
                                              lc   fpga2   0       0.10     No 
                                              lc   cbc     0       2.2      No 
                                              lc   cpld2   0       0.7      No 
                                              lc   cpld1   0       0.15     No 
                                              lc   cpld3   0       0.3      No 
                                              lc   rommon  0       1.0      No 
                                              lc   fpga3   0      14.42     No 
0/6/CPU0     A9K-4T-B                   1.0   lc   fpga1   1       0.38     No 

The following example shows how to display FPD compatibility for a specific module in the router:

Table 10. show hw-module fpd Field Descriptions




Location of the module in the rack/slot/module notation.

Card Type

Module part number.

HW Version

Hardware model version for the module.


Hardware type. Can be one of the following types:

  • spa—Shared port adapter
  • lc—Line card


FPD type. Can be one of the following types:

  • fabldr—Fabric downloader
  • fpga1—Field-programmable gate array
  • fpga2—Field-programmable gate array 2
  • fpga3—Field-programmable gate array 3
  • fpga4—Field-programmable gate array 4
  • fpga5—Field-programmable gate array 5
  • rommonA—Read-only memory monitor A
  • rommon—Read-only memory monitor B


FPD instance. The FPD instance uniquely identifies an FPD and is used by the FPD process to register an FPD.

Current SW Version

Currently running FPD image version.


Specifies whether an FPD upgrade or downgrade is required. A downgrade is required in rare cases when the version of the FPD image has a higher major revision than the version of the FPD image in the current Cisco IOS XR software package.

show interfaces (frame relay)

To display statistics about Frame Relay interfaces, use the show interfaces command in EXEC mode.

show interfaces [summary | [type interface-path-id] [brief | description | detail | accounting [rates]]] [location node-id]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays a summary of interface information by interface type.


(Optional) Interface type. For more information, use the question mark (? ) online help function.


(Optional) Physical interface or virtual interface.



Use the show interfaces command to see a list of all interfaces currently configured on the router.

For more information about the syntax for the router, use the question mark (? ) online help function.


(Optional) Displays brief information about each interface (one line per interface).


(Optional) Displays an interface description.


(Optional) Displays detailed information about each interface. This is the default.


(Optional) Displays the number of packets of each protocol type that have been sent through the interface.


(Optional) Displays interface accounting rates.

location node-id

(Optional) Displays information about all interfaces on the specified node. The node-id argument is entered in the rack/slot/module notation.

Command Default

No default behavior or values

Command Modes

EXEC mode

Command History



Release 4.0.0

This command was introduced

Usage Guidelines

The show interfaces (Frame Relay) command is available on Packet-over-SONET/SDH (POS), serial, and multilink interfaces.

Task ID

Task ID



read, write


The following example shows the output from the show interfaces command when the interface is configured with Frame Relay encapsulation:

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router# show interfaces pos 0/1/0/0

POS0/1/0/0 is up, line protocol is up 
  Hardware is Packet over SONET/SDH
  Internet address is Unknown
  MTU 4474 bytes, BW 622080 Kbit
     reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255
  Encapsulation FRAME-RELAY, crc 32, controller loopback not set,
  LMI enq sent  0, LMI stat recvd 0, LMI upd recvd 0
  LMI enq recvd 9463, LMI stat sent  9463, LMI upd sent  0, DCE LMI up
  LMI DLCI 0  LMI type is ANSI Annex D  frame relay DCE 
  Last clearing of "show interface" counters never
  5 minute input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
  5 minute output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
     20934 packets input, 1508069 bytes, 1151 total input drops
     0 drops for unrecognized upper-level protocol
     Received 0 broadcast packets, 0 multicast packets
              0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles, 0 parity
     1151 input errors, 1058 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 93 ignored, 0 abort
     19590 packets output, 990924 bytes, 0 total output drops
     Output 0 broadcast packets, 0 multicast packets
     0 output errors, 0 underruns, 0 applique, 0 resets
     0 output buffer failures, 0 output buffers swapped out
Table 11. show interfaces Field Descriptions



Interface name

Displays the name of the current interface. In the example, the interface name is POS0/1/0/0.

Interface state

Displays the state of the interface. In the example, the interface is in the administratively up state.

Line protocol state

Displays the state of the Layer 2 line protocol. This field may be different from the interface state if, for example, a keepalive failure has brought down the Layer 2.



The line protocol state is not the same as the protocol state displayed in the show ip interfaces command, because it is the state of Layer 2 (media) rather than Layer 3 (IP protocol).


Displays the current hardware type.

Internet address is n.n.n.n/n

Displays the Layer 2 address (MAC address for Ethernet interfaces).



Enter the mac-address command to configure the hardware address.


Displays the maximum transmission unit (MTU) for the interface. The MTU is the maximum packet size that can be transmitted over the interface.



The MTU field indicates the interface MTU. Enter the mtu command to configure a lower MTU value at the layer 3 level.


Displays the bandwidth of the interface in kbps.


Displays the proportion of packets that are not dropped and do not have errors.



The reliability is shown as a fraction of 255.


Indicates the traffic flowing out of the interface as a proportion of the bandwidth.



The txload is shown as a fraction of 255.


Indicates the traffic flowing into the interface as a proportion of the bandwidth.



The rxload is shown as a fraction of 255.


Layer 2 encapsulation installed on the interface.


Indicates the length of the cyclic redundancy check (CRC), in bytes.



Enter the pos crc command to configure the CRC.

controller loopback

Indicates that the hardware was configured as controller loopback.

LMI enq sent

Number of LMI enquiry messages sent.

LMI stat recvd

Number of LMI status messages received.

LMI upd recvd

Number of LMI updated messages received.

LMI enq recvd

Number of LMI enquiry messages received.

LMI stat sent

Number of LMI status messages sent.

LMI upd sent

Number of LMI updated messages sent.


Displays the state of the DCE LMI.


Displays the LMI DLCI identifier.

LMI type

Displays the LMI type.

Last clearing

Time at which the counters that measure cumulative statistics (such as number of bytes transmitted and received) shown in this report were last reset to zero. Note that variables that might affect routing for example, load and reliability) are not cleared when the counters are cleared.

5 minute input rate5 minute output rate

Average number of bits and packets transmitted per second in the last 5 minutes.

The 5-minute input and output rates should be used only as an approximation of traffic per second during a given 5-minute period. These rates are exponentially weighted averages with a time constant of 5 minutes. A period of four time constants must pass before the average is within two percent of the instantaneous rate of a uniform stream of traffic over that period.

packets input

Total number of error-free packets received by the system.


Total number of bytes, including data and MAC encapsulation, in the error-free packets received by the system.


Total number of broadcast or multicast packets received by the interface


Number of packets that are discarded because they are smaller than the minimum packet size of the medium.


Number of packets that are discarded because they exceed the maximum packet size of the medium

input errors

Total number of no buffer, runts, giants, CRCs, frame, overrun, ignored, and terminated counts. Other input-related errors can also increment the count, so that this sum might not balance with the other counts.


Cyclic redundancy checksum generated by the originating station or far-end device does not match the checksum calculated from the data received. On a serial link, CRCs usually indicate noise, gain hits, or other transmission problems on the data link.


Number of packets received incorrectly having a CRC error and a noninteger number of octets. On a serial line, this is usually the result of noise or other transmission problems.


Number of times the serial receiver hardware was unable to hand received data to a hardware buffer because the input rate exceeded the receiver's ability to handle the data.


Number of received packets ignored by the interface because the interface hardware ran low on internal buffers. Broadcast storms and bursts of noise can cause the ignored count to be increased.


Illegal sequence of one bits on a serial interface. This usually indicates a clocking problem between the serial interface and the data link equipment.

carrier transitions

Number of times the carrier detect signal of a serial interface has changed state. For example, if data carrier detect (DCD) goes down and comes up, the carrier transition counter will increment two times. Indicates modem or line problems if the carrier detect line is changing state often.

show inventory (Cisco IOS XR 64-bit)

To retrieve and display information about all the Cisco products that are installed in the router, use the showinventory command in EXEC or System Admin EXEC mode.

EXEC Mode show inventory [ node-id | all | location { node-id | all } | raw ]

System Admin EXEC Mode show inventory [ all | chassis | fan | location { node-id } | power | raw ]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Location for which to display the specified information. The node-id argument is entered in the rack/ slot/ module notation.


(Optional) Displays inventory information for all the physical entities in the chassis.


(Optional) Displays inventory information for a specific node or for all nodes in the chassis.


(Optional) Displays raw information about the chassis for diagnostic purposes.


(Optional) Displays inventory information for the entire chassis.


(Optional) Displays inventory information for the fans.


(Optional) Displays inventory information for the power supply.

Command Default

All inventory information for the entire chassis is displayed.

Command Modes


System Admin EXEC mode

Command History

Release Modification

Release 7.0.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command is supported on Cisco IOS XR 64-bit software.

If a Cisco entity is not assigned a product ID (PID), that entity is not retrieved or displayed.

Enter the show inventory command with the raw keyword to display every RFC 2737 entity installed in the router, including those without a PID, unique device identifier (UDI), or other physical identification.


The raw keyword is primarily intended for troubleshooting problems with the show inventory command itself.

If any of the Cisco products do not have an assigned PID, the output displays incorrect PIDs, and version ID (VID) and serial number (SN) elements may be missing.

For UDI compliance products, the PID, VID, and SN are stored in EEPROM and NVRAM. Use the show inventory command to display this information.

Task ID

Task ID





The following example shows partial sample output from the show inventory command in EXEC mode:

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:ASR-9906-C-LS#show inventory

Wed Mar 29 11:46:26.707 UTC
NAME: "0/RSP0", DESCR: "ASR 9000 Route Switch Processor 5 for Service Edge 40G"
PID: A9K-RSP5-SE       , VID: V01, SN: FOC2246NLGP

NAME: "0/1", DESCR: "ASR 9000 16-port 100GE TR linecard"
PID: A9K-16X100GE-TR   , VID: V01, SN: FOC2249PA5Z

NAME: "HundredGigE0/1/0/14", DESCR: "100GE-SR4-S QSFP Module"
PID: QSFP-100G-SR4-S   , VID: V02, SN: AVF2212S1FV

NAME: "HundredGigE0/1/0/15", DESCR: "100GE-SR4-S QSFP Module"
PID: QSFP-100G-SR4-S   , VID: V03, SN: INL23120234

NAME: "0/2", DESCR: "48X10G/1G Packet Transport Optimized LC"
PID: A9K-48X10GE-1G-TR , VID: V01, SN: FOC2106NT5R

NAME: "TenGigE0/2/0/7", DESCR: "10GBASE-SR SFP Module, Enterprise-Class"
PID: SFP-10G-SR-S      , VID: V01, SN: AVD2206D0YL

NAME: "TenGigE0/2/0/9", DESCR: "10GBASE-SR SFP Module, Enterprise-Class"
PID: SFP-10G-SR-S      , VID: V01, SN: AVD1912DJMD

NAME: "TenGigE0/2/0/10", DESCR: "10GBASE-SR SFP+ Module for MMF"
PID: SFP-10G-SR        , VID: V03, SN: AVD233691HD

NAME: "TenGigE0/2/0/11", DESCR: "10GBASE-LR SFP+ Module for SMF"
PID: SFP-10G-LR        , VID: V02, SN: SPC182007JY

NAME: "TenGigE0/2/0/12", DESCR: "10GBASE-SR SFP Module, Enterprise-Class"
PID: SFP-10G-SR-S      , VID: V01, SN: ACW223506YD

NAME: "TenGigE0/2/0/13", DESCR: "10GBASE-LR SFP Module, Enterprise-Class"
PID: SFP-10G-LR-S      , VID: V01, SN: AVD2002T02B

NAME: "TenGigE0/2/0/14", DESCR: "10GBASE-LR SFP+ Module for SMF"
PID: SFP-10G-LR        , VID: V02, SN: ACW24151C0F

NAME: "TenGigE0/2/0/15", DESCR: "10GBASE-LR SFP+ Module for SMF"
PID: SFP-10G-LR        , VID: V02, SN: AVD1951R1NG

NAME: "TenGigE0/2/0/17", DESCR: "10GBASE-LR SFP Module, Enterprise-Class"
PID: SFP-10G-LR-S      , VID: V01, SN: AVD2303K0FU

NAME: "TenGigE0/2/0/18", DESCR: "10GBASE-LR SFP Module, Enterprise-Class"
PID: SFP-10G-LR-S      , VID: V01, SN: FNS223007XW

NAME: "TenGigE0/2/0/20", DESCR: "10GBASE-SR SFP+ Module for MMF"
PID: SFP-10G-SR        , VID: V03, SN: AVD1905A4SP

NAME: "TenGigE0/2/0/21", DESCR: "10GBASE-SR SFP+ Module for MMF"
PID: SFP-10G-SR        , VID: V02, SN: AGD14063DAL

NAME: "TenGigE0/2/0/22", DESCR: "10GBASE-SR SFP+ Module for MMF"
PID: SFP-10G-SR        , VID: V03, SN: FNS172421U9

NAME: "TenGigE0/2/0/38", DESCR: "10GBASE-SR SFP+ Module for MMF"
PID: SFP-10G-SR        , VID: V03, SN: OPM22320KUR

NAME: "0/FC0", DESCR: "ASR 9906 Switch Fabric Card 3"
PID: A99-SFC3-T        , VID: V01, SN: FOC2242N2MJ

NAME: "0/FC2", DESCR: "ASR 9906 Switch Fabric Card 3"
PID: A99-SFC3-T        , VID: V01, SN: FOC2245N5W6

NAME: "0/FC4", DESCR: "ASR 9906 Switch Fabric Card 3"
PID: A99-SFC3-T        , VID: V01, SN: FOC2245N5UD

NAME: "Rack 0", DESCR: "ASR 9906 4 Line Card Slot Chassis"
PID: ASR-9906          , VID: V01, SN: FOX2434P3J4

NAME: "0/FT0", DESCR: "ASR 9906 Fan Tray"
PID: ASR-9906-FAN      , VID: V01, SN: FOC2323NBSM

NAME: "0/FT1", DESCR: "ASR 9906 Fan Tray"
PID: ASR-9906-FAN      , VID: V01, SN: FOC2323NBSF
NAME: "0/PT0", DESCR: "Simulated Power Tray IDPROM"
PID: A9K-AC-PEM-V3     , VID: V03, SN: FOT1981P81A

NAME: "0/PT0-PM0", DESCR: "6kW AC Power Module"
PID: PWR-6KW-AC-V3     , VID: V02, SN: DTM2013002M

NAME: "0/PT0-PM1", DESCR: "6kW AC Power Module"
PID: PWR-6KW-AC-V3     , VID: V02, SN: DTM19270369

NAME: "0/PT0-PM2", DESCR: "6kW AC Power Module"
PID: PWR-6KW-AC-V3     , VID: V02, SN: DTM1927035H

The following example shows partial sample output from the show inventory command in System Admin EXEC mode:

sysadmin-vm:0_RSP0#show inventory

Wed Mar  29 11:46:49.238 UTC+00:00
 Name: Rack 0                Descr: ASR 9906 4 Line Card Slot Chassis                           
 PID: ASR-9906               VID: V01                   SN: FOX2434P3J4 
 Name: 0/1                   Descr: ASR 9000 16-port 100GE TR linecard                          
 PID: A9K-16X100GE-TR        VID: V01                   SN: FOC2249PA5Z 
 Name: 0/2                   Descr: 48X10G/1G Packet Transport Optimized LC                     
 PID: A9K-48X10GE-1G-TR      VID: V01                   SN: FOC2106NT5R 
 Name: 0/RSP0                Descr: ASR 9000 Route Switch Processor 5 for Service Edge 40G      
 PID: A9K-RSP5-SE            VID: V01                   SN: FOC2246NLGP 
 Name: 0/FC0                 Descr: ASR 9906 Switch Fabric Card 3                               
 PID: A99-SFC3-T             VID: V01                   SN: FOC2242N2MJ 
 Name: 0/FC2                 Descr: ASR 9906 Switch Fabric Card 3                               
 PID: A99-SFC3-T             VID: V01                   SN: FOC2245N5W6 
 Name: 0/FC4                 Descr: ASR 9906 Switch Fabric Card 3                               
 PID: A99-SFC3-T             VID: V01                   SN: FOC2245N5UD 
 Name: 0/FT0                 Descr: ASR 9906 Fan Tray                                           
 PID: ASR-9906-FAN           VID: V01                   SN: FOC2323NBSM 
 Name: 0/FT1                 Descr: ASR 9906 Fan Tray                                           
 PID: ASR-9906-FAN           VID: V01                   SN: FOC2323NBSF 
 Name: 0/PT0                 Descr: Simulated Power Tray IDPROM                                 
 PID: A9K-AC-PEM-V3          VID: V03                   SN: FOT1981P81A 
 Name: 0/PT0-PM0             Descr: 6kW AC Power Module                                         
 PID: PWR-6KW-AC-V3          VID: V02                   SN: DTM2013002M 
 Name: 0/PT0-PM1             Descr: 6kW AC Power Module                                         
 PID: PWR-6KW-AC-V3          VID: V02                   SN: DTM19270369 
 Name: 0/PT0-PM2             Descr: 6kW AC Power Module                                         
 PID: PWR-6KW-AC-V3          VID: V02                   SN: DTM1927035H 

show ipv4 interface

To display the usability status of interfaces configured for IPv4, use the show ipv4 interface command in the EXEC mode.

show ipv4 [vrf vrf-name] interface [type interface-path-id | brief | summary]

Syntax Description


(Optional)  Displays VPN routing and forwarding (VRF) instance information.


(Optional) Name of a VRF.


Interface type. For more information, use the question mark (?) online help function.


Either a physical interface instance or a virtual interface instance as follows:

  • Physical interface instance. Naming notation is rack/slot/module/port and a slash between values is required as part of the notation.
    • rack: Chassis number of the rack.

    • slot: Physical slot number of the modular services card or line card.

    • module: Module number. A physical layer interface module (PLIM) is always 0.

    • port: Physical port number of the interface.



    In references to a Management Ethernet interface located on a route processor card, the physical slot number is alphanumeric (RSP0 ) and the module is CPU0. Example: interface MgmtEth0/RSP0 /CPU0/0.

  • Virtual interface instance. Number range varies depending on interface type.

For more information about the syntax for the router, use the question mark (?) online help function.


(Optional) Displays the primary IPv4 addresses configured on the router’s interfaces and their protocol and line states.


(Optional) Displays the number of interfaces on the router that are assigned, unassigned, or unnumbered.

Command Default

If VRF is not specified, the software displays the default VRF.

Command Modes

EXEC mode

Command History



Release 3.7.2

This command was introduced.

Release 4.2.0

This command was supported for BNG.

Usage Guidelines

The show ipv4 interface command provides output similar to the show ipv6 interface command, except that it is IPv4-specific.

The interface name will be displayed only if the name belongs to the VRF instance. If the vrf-name is not specified then the interface instance will be displayed only if the interface belongs to the default VRF.

Task ID

Task ID







This is the sample output of the show ipv4 interface command:

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router# show ipv4 interface

Loopback0 is Up, line protocol is Up
  Internet address is 10

  Secondary address
  MTU is 1514 (1514 is available to IP)
  Multicast reserved groups joined:
  Directed broadcast forwarding is disabled
  Outgoing access list is not set
  Inbound  access list is not set
  Proxy ARP is enabled
  ICMP redirects are always sent
  ICMP unreachables are always sent
gigabitethernet0/0/0/0 is Up, line protocol is Up
  Internet address is
  MTU is 1514 (1500 is available to IP)
  Multicast reserved groups joined:
  Directed broadcast forwarding is disabled
  Outgoing access list is not set
  Inbound  access list is not set
  Proxy ARP is enabled
  ICMP redirects are always sent
  ICMP unreachables are always sent
gigabitethernet0/0/0/0 is Shutdown, line protocol is Down
  Vrf is default (vrfid 0x60000000)
  Internet protocol processing disabled

This table describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 12. show ipv4 interface Command Field Descriptions



Loopback0 is Up

If the interface hardware is usable, the interface is marked “Up.” For an interface to be usable, both the interface hardware and line protocol must be up.

line protocol is Up

If the interface can provide two-way communication, the line protocol is marked “Up.” For an interface to be usable, both the interface hardware and line protocol must be up.

Internet address

IPv4 Internet address and subnet mask of the interface.

Secondary address

Displays a secondary address, if one has been set.


Displays the IPv4 MTU3 value set on the interface.

Multicast reserved groups joined

Indicates the multicast groups this interface belongs to.

Directed broadcast forwarding

Indicates whether directed broadcast forwarding is enabled or disabled.

Outgoing access list

Indicates whether the interface has an outgoing access list set.

Inbound access list

Indicates whether the interface has an incoming access list set.

Proxy ARP

Indicates whether proxy ARP4 is enabled or disabled on an interface.

ICMP redirects

Specifies whether ICMPv45 redirects are sent on this interface.

ICMP unreachables

Specifies whether unreachable messages are sent on this interface.

Internet protocol processing disabled

Indicates an IPv4 address has not been configured on the interface.

3 MTU = maximum transmission unit
4 ARP = Address Resolution Protocoladdress resolution protocol
5 ICMPv4 = Internet Control Message Protocol internet control message protocol version 4

show ipv6 interface

To display the usability status of interfaces configured for IPv6, use the show ipv6 interface command in the EXEC mode.

show ipv6 [vrf vrf-name] interface [summary | [type interface-path-id] [brief [link-local | global]]]

Syntax Description


(Optional)  Displays VPN routing and forwarding (VRF) instance information.


(Optional) Name of a VRF.


(Optional) Interface type. For more information, use the question mark (?) online help function.


(Optional) Either a physical interface instance or a virtual interface instance as follows:

  • Physical interface instance. Naming notation is rack/slot/module/port and a slash between values is required as part of the notation.
    • rack: Chassis number of the rack.

    • slot: Physical slot number of the modular services card or line card.

    • module: Module number. A physical layer interface module (PLIM) is always 0.

    • port: Physical port number of the interface.



    In references to a Management Ethernet interface located on a route processor card, the physical slot number is alphanumeric (RSP0) and the module is CPU0. Example: interface MgmtEth0/RSP0 /CPU0/0.

  • Virtual interface instance. Number range varies depending on interface type.

For more information about the syntax for the router, use the question mark (?) online help function.


(Optional) Displays the primary IPv6 addresses configured on the router interfaces and their protocol and line states.


(Optional) Displays the link local IPv6 address.


(Optional) Displays the global IPv6 address.


(Optional) Displays the number of interfaces on the router that are assigned, unassigned, or unnumbered.

Command Default


Command Modes

EXEC mode

Command History



Release 3.7.2

This command was introduced.

Release 4.3.0

This command was supported for BNG.

Release 5.1.2

The link-local and global keywords were added to the command.

Usage Guidelines

The show ipv6 interface command provides output similar to the show ipv4 interface command, except that it is IPv6-specific.

Use the link-local or global keywords along with the brief keyword to view the link local or global IPv6 addresses.

Task ID

Task ID





This is the sample output of the show ipv6 interface command:

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router# show ipv6 interface 

GigabitEthernet0/2/0/0 is Up, line protocol is Up, Vrfid is default (0x60000000)
  IPv6 is enabled, link-local address is fe80::212:daff:fe62:c150 
  Global unicast address(es):
    202::1, subnet is 202::/64 
  Joined group address(es): ff02::1:ff00:1 ff02::1:ff62:c150 ff02::2
  MTU is 1514 (1500 is available to IPv6)
  ICMP redirects are disabled
  ICMP unreachables are enabled
  ND DAD is enabled, number of DAD attempts 1
  ND reachable time is 0 milliseconds
  ND advertised retransmit interval is 0 milliseconds
  ND router advertisements are sent every 200 seconds
  ND router advertisements live for 1800 seconds
  Hosts use stateless autoconfig for addresses.
  Outgoing access list is not set
  Inbound  access list is not set

This table describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 13. show ipv6 interface Command Field Descriptions



GigabitEthernet0 /3/0/0 is Shutdown, line protocol is Down

Indicates whether the interface hardware is currently active (whether line signal is present) and whether it has been taken down by an administrator. If the interface hardware is usable, the interface is marked “Up.” For an interface to be usable, both the interface hardware and line protocol must be up.

line protocol is Up (or down)

Indicates whether the software processes that handle the line protocol consider the line usable (that is, whether keepalives are successful). If the interface can provide two-way communication, the line protocol is marked “Up.” For an interface to be usable, both the interface hardware and line protocol must be up.

IPv6 is enabled, stalled, disabled (stalled and disabled are not shown in sample output)

Indicates that IPv6 is enabled, stalled, or disabled on the interface. If IPv6 is enabled, the interface is marked “enabled.” If duplicate address detection processing identified the link-local address of the interface as being a duplicate address, the processing of IPv6 packets is disabled on the interface and the interface is marked “stalled.” If IPv6 is not enabled, the interface is marked “disabled.”

link-local address

Displays the link-local address assigned to the interface.


The state of the address in relation to duplicate address detection. States can be any of the following:

  • duplicate—The address is not unique and is not being used. If the duplicate address is the link-local address of an interface, the processing of IPv6 packets is disabled on that interface.
  • tentative—Duplicate address detection is either pending or under way on this interface.



If an address does not have one of these states (the state for the address is blank), the address is unique and is being used.

Global unicast addresses

Displays the global unicast addresses assigned to the interface.

ICMP redirects

State of Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) IPv6 redirect messages on the interface (the sending of the messages is enabled or disabled).


State of duplicate address detection on the interface (enabled or disabled).

number of DAD attempts

Number of consecutive neighbor solicitation messages that are sent on the interface while duplicate address detection is performed.

ND reachable time

Displays the neighbor discovery reachable time (in milliseconds) assigned to this interface.


This is the sample output of the show ipv6 interface brief link-local command:

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router#show ipv6 interface brief link-local

Interface                 IPv6-Address                  Status     Protocol
GigabitEthernet0/0/0/0    fe80::fe:8ff:fecb:26c5        Up         Up
GigabitEthernet0/0/0/1    fe80::4f:88ff:fea0:8c9d       Up         Up
GigabitEthernet0/0/0/3    unassigned                    Shutdown   Down
GigabitEthernet0/0/0/4    unassigned                    Shutdown   Down

This is the sample output of the show ipv6 interface brief global command:

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router#show ipv6 interface brief global

Interface                 IPv6-Address                  Status     Protocol
GigabitEthernet0/0/0/0    2001:db8::1                   Up         Up
GigabitEthernet0/0/0/1    2001:db8::2                   Up         Up
GigabitEthernet0/0/0/3    unassigned                    Shutdown   Down
GigabitEthernet0/0/0/4    unassigned                    Shutdown   Down

This is the sample output of the show ipv6 interface type interface-path-id brief link-local command:

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router#show ipv6 interface gigabitEthernet 0/0/0/0 brief link-local

Interface                 IPv6-Address                  Status     Protocol
GigabitEthernet0/0/0/0    fe80::fe:8ff:fecb:26c5        Up         Up

This is the sample output of the show ipv6 interface type interface-path-id brief global command:

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router#show ipv6 interface gigabitEthernet 0/0/0/0 brief global

Interface                 IPv6-Address                  Status     Protocol
GigabitEthernet0/0/0/0    2001:db8::1                   Up         Up

This is the sample output of the show ipv6 vrf vrf-name interface brief link-local command:

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router#show ipv6 vrf vrf1 interface brief link-local

Interface                 IPv6-Address                  Status     Protocol
GigabitEthernet0/0/0/2    fe80::46:c8ff:fe22:daae       Up         Up

This is the sample output of the show ipv6 vrf vrf-name interface brief global command:

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router#show ipv6 vrf vrf1 interface brief global

Interface                 IPv6-Address                  Status     Protocol
GigabitEthernet0/0/0/2    2001:db8::2                   Up         Up

This is the sample output of the show ipv6 vrf vrf-name interface type interface-path-id brief link-local command:

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router#show ipv6 vrf vrf1 interface gigabitEthernet 0/0/0/2 brief link-local

Interface                 IPv6-Address                  Status     Protocol
GigabitEthernet0/0/0/2    fe80::46:c8ff:fe22:daae       Up         Up

This is the sample output of the show ipv6 vrf vrf-name interface type interface-path-id brief global command:

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router#show ipv6 vrf vrf1 interface gigabitEthernet 0/0/0/2 brief global

Interface                 IPv6-Address                  Status     Protocol
GigabitEthernet0/0/0/2    2001:db8::2                  Up         Up

show install boot-options

To display the boot options set for a specified location or for all locations, use the show install boot-options command in administration EXEC mode or EXEC mode.

show install boot-options [location node-id | all]

Syntax Description

location {node-id | all}

(Optional) Specifies a node. The node-id argument is expressed in rack/ slot/ module notation. The all keyword specifies all nodes.

Command Default

If no location is specified, the show install boot-options command displays boot options for all locations.

Command Modes

Administration EXEC


Command History



Release 3.7.2

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

To use this command, you must be in a user group associated with a task group that includes appropriate task IDs. If the user group assignment is preventing you from using a command, contact your AAA administrator for assistance.

Use the show install boot-options command to display boot options that were set using the install boot-options command.

Task ID

Task ID





The following example shows how to display the boot options for all locations:

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router# show install boot-options

Thu Jul 30 05:00:30.652 DST
Node                             Boot Options
0/RSP0/CPU0                      no boot options set.
0/1/CPU0                         no boot options set.
0/4/CPU0                         no boot options set.
0/6/CPU0                         no boot options set.


show running-config

To display the contents of the currently running configuration or a subset of that configuration, use the show running-config command in the appropriate mode.

show running-config [ [exclude] command] [sanitized]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Excludes a specific configuration from the display.


(Optional) Command for which to display the configuration.


(Optional) Displays a sanitized configuration for safe distribution and analysis.

Command Default

The show running-config command without any arguments or keywords displays the entire contents of the running configuration file.

Command Modes


Administration EXEC

Command History



Release 3.7.2

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

To use this command, you must be in a user group associated with a task group that includes appropriate task IDs. If the user group assignment is preventing you from using a command, contact your AAA administrator for assistance.

You can display either the entire running configuration, or a subset of the running configuration. The subset may be all the commands within a specified command mode.


In Cisco IOS XR software, the running configuration is automatically used at system startup, reset, or power cycle. The running configuration is the committed configuration.

Sanitized Output

Use the show running-config command with the sanitized keyword to display the contents of the active running configuration without installation-specific parameters. Some configuration details, such as IP addresses, are replaced with different addresses. The sanitized configuration can be used to share a configuration without exposing the configuration details.

Command Modes

When the show running-config command is entered in administration configuration mode, the configuration for the administration plane is displayed, including the configured logical routers for the system. When the show running-config command is entered in any global configuration mode, or in EXEC mode, the configuration for the specific secure domain router (SDR) is displayed.

The inheritance and no-annotations keywords are not supported in administration EXEC or configuration modes.

Excluding Parts of the Display

Use the exclude keyword followed by a command argument to exclude a specific configuration from the display.

Task ID

Task ID





This example shows how to enter the show running-config command with the question mark (?) online help function to display the available subsets of the running configuration that can be entered to display a subset of the running configuration:

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router# show running-config ?
aaa               Authentication, Authorization and Accounting
alias             Create an alias for entity
aps               Configure SONET Automatic Protection Switching (APS)
arp               Global ARP configuration subcommands
as-path           BGP autonomous system path filter
as-path-set       Define an AS-path set
banner            Define a login banner
cdp               Enable CDP, or configure global CDP subcommands
cef               CEF configuration commands
cinetd            Global Cisco inetd configuration commands
class-map         Configure QoS Class-map command
clock             Configure time-of-day clock
community-list    Add a community list entry
community-set     Define a community set
controller        Controller configuration subcommands
dhcp              Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
domain            Domain service related commands
exception         Coredump configuration commands
exclude           Exclude a feature or configuration item from display
explicit-path     Explicit-path config commands
extcommunity-set  Define an extended communitiy set
fault             Fault related commands
forward-protocol  Controls forwarding of physical and directed IP broadcasts
ftp               Global FTP configuration commands

In this example, the show running-config command is used to display the running configuration for Packet-over-SONET/SDH (POS) interface 0/2/0/1:

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router# show running-config interface pos 0/2/0/1
interface POS0/2/0/1
ipv4 address  

This example shows sample output from the show running-config command with the sanitized keyword displays a sanitized version of the running configuration. The sanitized configuration can be used to share a configuration without exposing specific configuration details.

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router# show running-config sanitized                                                 

Building configuration...                         
!! Last configuration change at 05:26:50 UTC Thu Jan 19 2009 by <removed>
snmp-server traps fabric plane
snmp-server traps fabric bundle state
hostname <removed>
line console
exec-timeout 0 0
exception choice 1 compress off filepath <removed>
logging console debugging
telnet vrf <removed> ipv4 server max-servers no-limit
snmp-server ifindex persist
snmp-server host traps version <removed> priv <removed> udp-port 2555
snmp-server view <removed> <removed> included
snmp-server community <removed> RO LROwner
snmp-server community <removed> RO LROwner
snmp-server group <removed> v3 priv read <removed> write <removed>
snmp-server traps snmp
snmp-server traps syslog
interface Loopback10
interface Loopback1000

show redundancy

To display the status of route processor redundancy, use the show redundancy command in EXEC mode.

show redundancy [location {node-id | all} | statistics | summary]

Syntax Description

location {node-id | all}

(Optional) Specifies the node for which to display LED information. The node-id argument is expressed in the rack/ slot/ module notation. Use the all keyword to indicate all nodes.


(Optional) Displays redundancy statistics information.


(Optional) Displays a summary of all redundant node pairs in the router.

Command Default

Route processor redundancy information is displayed for all nodes in the system.

Command Modes

EXEC mode

Command History



Release 3.7.2

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

To use this command, you must be in a user group associated with a task group that includes appropriate task IDs. If the user group assignment is preventing you from using a command, contact your AAA administrator for assistance.

Use the show redundancy command to display the redundancy status of the route switch processors (RSPs). The show redundancy command also displays the boot and switchover history for the RSPs. To view the nonstop routing (NSR) status of the standby RSPs in the system, use the summary keyword.

Task ID

Task ID





read (for statistics keyword)


The following example shows sample output from the show redundancy command:

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router# show redundancy location 0/rsp0/cpu0
Thu Jul 30 05:47:12.155 DST
Node 0/RSP0/CPU0 is in ACTIVE role
Node 0/RSP0/CPU0 has no valid partner

Reload and boot info
A9K-RSP-4G reloaded Tue Jul 14 15:21:30 2009: 2 weeks, 1 day, 
14 hours, 25 minutes ago
Active node booted Tue Jul 14 15:21:30 2009: 2 weeks, 1 day, 
14 hours, 25 minutes ago

Active node reload "Cause: User initiated forced reload all"
Table 14. show redundancy Field Descriptions



Node */*/* is in XXX role

Current role of the primary route processor, where (*/*/*) is the route processor ID in the format rack/slot/module, and XXX is the role of the route processor (active or standby).

In the example, this field shows that the node with the ID 0/RP0/CPU0 is in active role.

Partner node (*/*/* ) is in XXX role

Current role of the secondary (or partner) route processor, where (*/*/*) is the route processor ID in the rack/slot/module format, and XXX is the role of the route processor (active or standby).

In the example, this field shows that the node with the ID 0/RP1/CPU0 is in standby role.

Standby node in (*/*/* ) is ready

Current state of the standby node, where (*/*/*) is the standby route processor ID.

In the example, the standby node is ready.

Standby node in (*/*/* ) is NSR-ready

Current state of the standby node regarding nonstop routing (NSR), where (*/*/*) is the standby route processor ID.

In the example, the standby node is NSR-ready.

Reload and boot info

General overview of the active and standby route processors’ reload and boot history.

show media

To display the current state of the disk storage media, use the show media command in EXEC or Administration EXEC mode.

show media location {node-id | all}

Syntax Description

location{node-id | all}

(Optional) Specifies the node where the file system is located. The node-id argument is expressed in the rack/ slot/ module notation. Use the all keyword to indicate all nodes.

Command Default

The disk storage media for the active RP is displayed.

Command Modes

Administration EXEC


Command History



Release 7.0.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the show media command to view the status of the storage media on your system.


The following example displays the output of the show media command:.

sysadmin-vm:0_RP0 #show media
Thu Nov 30 14:57:14.002 WET
Media Information for local node.
Partition                    Size     Used  Percent    Avail
rootfs:                      2.7G     1.5G      59%     1.1G
apphost:                     1.9G      61M       4%     1.7G
/dev/sde                     870M     401M      50%     409M
harddisk:                    2.4G     966M      43%     1.3G
log:                         459M      67M      16%     359M
config:                      159M     2.5M       2%     144M
disk0:                       1.3G     108M       9%     1.1G
rootfs: = root file system (read-only)
log: = system log files (read-only)
config: = configuration storage (read-only)
Table 15. show media Field Descriptions
Field Description
Partition Partition on the disk.
Size Size of the partition.
Used Partition size used.
Percent Percentage used.
Avail Available free partition space.