- A through B
- C
- debounce-time rai through dialer rotor
- dialer string through group-range
- interface bri through isdn busy
- isdn call interface through isdn send-alerting
- isdn sending-complete through loopback remote (controller)
- map-class dialer through modem inout
- modem cts-alarm
- peer default ip address through ppp iphc max-header
- ppp iphc max-period through ppp multilink slippage
- ppp pap wait through rotary-group
- script activation through show dial-shelf
- show dial-shelf split through show nbf cache
- show nbf sessions through show tech-support spe
- show tgrm through x25 map ppp
- show dial-shelf split
- show dsc clock
- show dsi
- show dsip
- show dsip clients
- show dsip nodes
- show dsip ports
- show dsip queue
- show dsip tracing
- show dsip transport
- show dsip version
- show interfaces bri
- show interfaces serial bchannel
- show interfaces virtual-a ccess
- show ip interface virtual-access
- show ip local pool
- show ipx compression
- show ipx spx-protocol
- show isdn
- show isdn nfas group
- show line async-queue
- show modem
- show modem at-mode
- show modem bundled-firmware
- show modem call-stats
- show modem calltracker
- show modem configuration
- show modem connect-speeds
- show modem cookie
- show modem csm
- show modem log
- show modem log (pvdm2)
- show modem mapping
- show modem mica
- show modem operational-status
- show modem operational-status (pvdm2)
- show modem summary
- show modem test
- show modem version
- show modem version (pvdm2)
- show modemcap
- show modem-pool
- show nbf cache
show dial-shelf split
To display information about the types of cards in nonowned dial shelf slots, use the show dial-shelf split command in privileged EXEC mode.
show dsc clock
To display information about the dial shelf controller clock, use the show dsc clock command in privileged EXEC mode with the line card execute ( execute-on ) command.
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
You must use the show dsc clock command from the router using the execute-on command.
The following is sample output from the show dsc clock command:
Table 1 describes the significant fields shown in the display.
show dsi
To display information about the dial shelf interconnect (DSI) port adapter parameters, use the show dsi command in privileged EXEC mode with the line card execute ( execute-on ) command.
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The dial shelf interconnect (DSI) port adapter connects the Cisco 5814 dial shelf to the Cisco 7206 router shelf. The DSI port adapter allows data transfers between the dial shelf and the router shelf. Data is converted into packets by the feature cards, transmitted to a hub on the dial shelf controller card, and from there sent to the router shelf. Conversely, packets from the router shelf are sent to the dial shelf controller card, where they are transmitted over the backplane to the modem and trunk cards. The show dsi command is used to show information about the dial shelf interconnect hardware, interface, physical link, PCI registers, and address filters.
The following is sample output from the show dsi command:
Table 2 describes the significant fields shown in the display.
Indicates whether the interface hardware is currently active and if it has been taken down by an administrator. |
Indicates whether the software processes that handle the line protocol consider the line usable or if it has been taken down by an administrator. |
Hardware type (for example, MCI Ethernet, SCI,1 CBus2 Ethernet) and address. |
Reliability of the interface as a fraction of 255 (255/255 is 100% reliability), calculated as an exponential average over 5 minutes. |
Load on the interface as a fraction of 255 (255/255 is completely saturated), calculated as an exponential average over 5 minutes. |
Number of hours, minutes, and seconds since the last packet was successfully received by an interface. Useful for knowing when a dead interface failed. |
Number of hours, minutes, and seconds since the last packet was successfully transmitted by the interface. Useful for knowing when a dead interface failed. |
Number of hours, minutes, and seconds (or never) since the interface was last reset because of a transmission that took too long. When the number of hours in any of the “last” fields exceeds |
Time at which the counters that measure cumulative statistics (such as number of bytes transmitted and received) shown in this report were last reset to zero. Note that variables that might affect routing (for example, load and reliability) are not cleared when the counters are cleared. |
Number of packets in output and input queues. Each number is followed by a slash, the maximum size of the queue, and the number of packets dropped due to a full queue. |
Average number of bits and packets transmitted per second in the last 5 minutes. If the interface is not in promiscuous mode, it senses network traffic it sends and receives (rather than all network traffic). The 5-minute input and output rates should be used only as an approximation of traffic per second during a given 5-minute period. These rates are exponentially weighted averages with a time constant of 5 minutes. A period of four time constants must pass before the average will be within two percent of the instantaneous rate of a uniform stream of traffic over that period. |
Total number of bytes, including data and MAC encapsulation, in the error free packets received by the system. |
Number of received packets discarded because there was no buffer space in the main system. Compare with ignored count. Broadcast storms on Ethernets and bursts of noise on serial lines are often responsible for no input buffer events. |
Total number of broadcast or multicast packets received by the interface. |
Number of packets that are discarded because they are smaller than the medium’s minimum packet size. For instance, any Ethernet packet that is less than 64 bytes is considered a runt. |
Number of packets that are discarded because they exceed the medium’s maximum packet size. For example, any Ethernet packet that is greater than 1518 bytes is considered a giant. |
Includes runts, giants, no buffer, CRC, frame, overrun, and ignored counts. Other input-related errors can also cause the input errors count to be increased, and some datagrams may have more than one error; therefore, this sum may not balance with the sum of enumerated input error counts. |
Cyclic redundancy checksum generated by the originating LAN station or far-end device does not match the checksum calculated from the data received. On a LAN, this usually indicates noise or transmission problems on the LAN interface or the LAN bus itself. A high number of CRCs is usually the result of collisions or a station transmitting bad data. |
Number of packets received incorrectly having a CRC error and a noninteger number of octets. On a LAN, this is usually the result of collisions or a malfunctioning Ethernet device. |
Number of times the receiver hardware was unable to hand received data to a hardware buffer because the input rate exceeded the receiver’s ability to handle the data. |
Number of received packets ignored by the interface because the interface hardware ran low on internal buffers. These buffers are different than the system buffers mentioned previously in the buffer description. Broadcast storms and bursts of noise can cause the ignored count to be increased. |
Number of times watchdog receive timer expired. It happens when receiving a packet with length greater than 2048. |
Dribble bit error indicates that a frame is slightly too long. This frame error counter is incremented just for informational purposes; the router accepts the frame. |
Total number of bytes, including data and MAC encapsulation, transmitted by the system. |
Number of times that the transmitter has been running faster than the router can handle. This may never be reported on some interfaces. |
Sum of all errors that prevented the final transmission of datagrams out of the interface being examined. Note that this may not balance with the sum of the enumerated output errors, as some datagrams may have more than one error, and others may have errors that do not fall into any of the specifically tabulated categories. |
Number of messages retransmitted due to an Ethernet collision. This is usually the result of an overextended LAN (Ethernet or transceiver cable too long, more than two repeaters between stations, or too many cascaded multiport transceivers). A packet that collides is counted only once in output packets. |
Number of times an interface has been completely reset. This can happen if packets queued for transmission were not sent within several seconds. On a serial line, this can be caused by a malfunctioning modem that is not supplying the transmit clock signal, or by a cable problem. If the system notices that the carrier detect line of a serial interface is up, but the line protocol is down, it periodically resets the interface in an effort to restart it. Interface resets can also occur when an interface is looped back or shut down. |
Number of times a Type 2 Ethernet controller was restarted because of errors. |
Number of late collisions. Late collision happens when a collision occurs after transmitting the preamble. |
Deferred indicates that the chip had to defer while ready to transmit a frame because the carrier was asserted. |
Number of times the carrier was not present during the transmission. |
show dsip
To display all information about the Distributed System Interconnect Protocol (DSIP) on a Cisco AS5800, use the show dsip command in EXEC mode.
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
Your Cisco AS5800 universal access server uses a protocol used by the Cisco 7206 router shelf to communicate back and forth with the Cisco 5814 dial shelf controller card(s) and feature cards. Although dial shelf interconnect (DSI) configuration is transparent to the user, there are several show commands to help you view your setup, and debug commands to help you troubleshoot your system.
To display a subset of this information, use the show dsip clients , show dsip nodes , show dsip ports , show dsip queue , show dsip tracing , show dsip transport , and show dsip version commands.
The following is sample output from the show dsip command. For a description of the fields shown in the sample output, refer to the individual show dsip commands listed in the “Usage Guidelines” section.
Related Commands
show dsip clients
To display information about Distributed System Interconnect Protocol (DSIP) clients, use the show dsip clients command in EXEC mode.
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to see whether a client is actually registered with DSIP and using its services.
Consider the following example: a client “Trunk” seems to be defunct on a particular node with absolutely no input/output activity. The command show dsip ports does not show any Trunk port among its local ports though all other client ports show up. The problem might be that the Trunk client did not even register with DSIP. To confirm this, use the show dsip clients command.
The following is sample output from the show dsip clients command. This command lists the clients.
show dsip nodes
To display information about the processors running the Distributed System Interconnect Protocol (DSIP), use the show dsip nodes command in EXEC mode.
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
Use show dsip nodes to see the nodes (slots) connected by DSIP and the node specific sequence numbers. The former information is also available from show dsip transport. The sequence numbers are useful for support engineers while debugging a problem.
The following is sample output from the show dsip nodes command:
Table 3 describes the significant fields shown in the display.
show dsip ports
To display information about local and remote ports, use the show dsip ports command in EXEC mode.
show dsip ports [ local | remote [ slot ]]
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The DSIP communication going through the IPC stack uses ports. The creation of a port returns a 32-bit port ID which is the endpoint for communication between two IPC clients.
The show dsip ports command is used to check clients that are up and running:
- To see the local ports that are created and the activity on them.
- To see the remote ports which are connected and to see the activity on them.
If no options are specified, information is displayed for both local and remote ports.
The following is sample output from the show dsip ports command:
Table 4 describes the significant fields shown in the display.
Related Commands
show dsip queue
To display the number of IPC messages in the transmission queue waiting for acknowledgment, use the show dsip queue command in EXEC mode.
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
IPC is inter-process communication. Processes communicate by exchanging messages held in queue buffers. Use the show dsip queue to display the status of these queue buffers.
The following is sample output from the show dsip queue command when the system is operating correctly:
Related Commands
show dsip tracing
To display Distributed System Interconnect Protocol (DSIP) tracing buffer information, use the show dsip tracing command in EXEC mode.
show dsip tracing [ control | data | ipc ] [ slot | entries entry-number [ slot ]]
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
This feature allows logging of DSIP media header information. Use the show dsip tracing command to obtain important information of the various classes of DSIP packets (Control/Data/IPC) coming in. You must first use the debug dsip tracing command then use the show dsip tracing command to display the logged contents. To clear the information, use the clear dsip tracing command.
The following is sample output from the show dsip tracing command:
Table 5 describes the significant fields shown in the display.
Related Commands
show dsip transport
To display information about the Distributed System Interconnect Protocol (DSIP) transport statistics for the control/data and IPC packets and registered addresses, use the show dsip transport command in EXEC mode.
Command Modes
Command History
The following is sample output from the show dsip transport command:
Table 6 describes the significant fields shown in the display:
Related Commands
show dsip version
To display Distributed System Interconnect Protocol (DSIP) version information, use the show dsip version command in EXEC mode.
Command Modes
Command History
The following is sample output from the show dsip version command:
DSIP is version-controlled software that should be identified and kept current.
Related Commands
show interfaces bri
To display information about the BRI D channel or about one or more B channels, use the show interfaces bri command in privileged EXEC mode.
show interfaces bri number [[ : bchannel ] | [ first ] [ last ]] [ accounting ]
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Usage Guidelines
Use either the : bchannel argument or the first or last arguments to display information about specified B channels.
Use the show interfaces bri number form of the command (without the optional : bchannel, or first and last arguments) to obtain D channel information.
Use the command syntax sample combinations in Table 7 to display the associated output.
The following is sample output from the show interfaces bri command:
The following is sample output from the show interfaces bri command on a Cisco 7200 series router:
Table 8 describes the significant fields shown in the display.
show interfaces serial bchannel
To display information about the physical attributes of the ISDN PRI over channelized E1 or channelized T1 B and D channels, use the show interfaces serial bchannel command in EXEC mode.
show interfaces serial slot / port bchannel channel-number
show interfaces serial number bchannel channel-number
Syntax Description
show interfaces virtual-access
To display status, traffic data, and configuration information about a specified virtual access interface, use the show interfaces virtual-access command in privileged EXEC mode.
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
To identify the number of the vty on which the virtual access interface was created, enter the show users command.
The counts of output packet bytes as reported by the L2TP access server (LAC) to the RADIUS server in the accounting record do not match those of a client. The following paragraphs describe how the accounting is done and how you can determine the correct packet byte counts.
Packet counts for client packets in the input path are as follows:
- For packets that are process-switched, virtual access input counters are incremented by the coalescing function by the PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE) payload length.
- For packets that are fast-switched, virtual access input counters are incremented by the fast-switching function by the formula:
PPPoE payload length + PPP address&control bytes = = PPPoE payload length + 2
- For packets that are Cisco Express Forwarding switched, virtual access input counters are incremented by the Cisco Express Forwarding switching function by the formula:
IP length + PPP encapbytes (4) = = PPPoE payload length + 2
Packet counts for client packets in the output path are as follows:
- For packets that are process-switched by protocols other than PPP, virtual access output counters are incremented in the upper layer protocol by the entire datagram, as follows:
Size = PPPoE payload + PPPoE hdr (6) + Eth hdr (14) + SNAP hdr (10) + media hdr (4 for ATM)
- For packets process-switched by PPP Link Control Protocol (LCP) and Network Control Protocol (NCP), virtual access output counters are incremented by PPP, as follows:
PPP payload size + 4 bytes of PPP hdr
- For packets that are Cisco Express Forwarding fast-switched, virtual access counters are incremented by the PPPoE payload size.
Accounting is done for PPPoE, PPPoA PPP Termination Aggregation (PTA), and L2X as follows:
- For PPPoE PTA, the PPPoE payload length is counted for all input and output packets.
- For PPPoE L2X on a LAC, the PPPoE payload length is counted for all input packets. On an L2TP Network Server (LNS), the payload plus the PPP header (address + control + type) are counted.
- For PPP over ATM (PPPoA) PTA i/p packets, the payload plus the PPP address plus control bytes are counted. For PPPoA PTA o/p packets, the payload plus PPP address plus control plus ATM header are counted.
- For PPPoA L2X on a LAC for i/p packets, the payload plus PPP addr plus cntl bytes are counted. For PPPoA L2X on a LNS, the payload plus PPP header (address + control + type) are counted.
In Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SB and later releases, the router no longer allows you to specify a virtual access interface (VAI) as vix.y in the show pxf cpu queue and show interfaces commands. Instead, you must spell out the VAI as virtual-access.
For example, when you enter the following commands, the router accepts the command:
In releases prior to Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SB, the router accepts the abbreviated form of the VAI. For example, the router accepts the following commands:
The following is sample output from the show interfaces virtual-access command:
Table 9 describes the significant fields shown in the display.
Related Commands
show ip interface virtual-access
To display network layer IP information about a specified virtual access interface, use the show ip interface virtual-access command in EXEC mode.
Command Modes
The following is sample output from the show ip interface virtual-access command. This virtual access interface has been configured with a virtual template interface that applies the ip unnumbered ethernet 0 command.
Table 10 describes only the output fields that are significant to virtual access interfaces and that are not described in other IP commands.
sh ow ip local pool
To display statistics for any defined IP address pools, use the show ip local pool command in privileged EXEC mode.
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
If you omit the poolname argument, the command displays a generic list of all defined address pools and the IP addresses that belong to them. If you specify the poolname argument, the command displays detailed information about that pool.
When you supply the group keyword without the associated group name, the command displays all pools in the base system group. When you supply the group keyword with the associated group name, the command displays all pools in that group.
The following is sample output from the show ip local pool command when pool groups have not been created:
The following is sample output from the show ip local pool command when pool groups have been created:
The following is sample output from the show ip local pool command for the pool group named mygroup:
The following sample output from the show ip local pool group command shows the base system group (lcl1):
Table 11 describes the significant fields shown in the displays.
show ipx compression
To show the current status and statistics of Internetwork Packet Exchange (IPX) header compression during PPP sessions, use the show ipx compression command in EXEC mode.
show ipx compression [ interface-type ]
Syntax Description
(Optional) Interface type, as listed in Table 12 . |
show ipx spx-protocol
To view the status of the Sequenced Packet Exchange (SPX) protocol stack and related counters, use the show ipx spx-protocol command in EXEC mode.
Command Modes
The following is sample output from the show ipx spx-protocol command:
Table 13 show ipx spx-protocol Field Descriptions describes significant fields shown in the display.
show isdn
To display the information about memory, Layer 2 and Layer 3 timers, and the status of PRI channels, use the show isdn command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.
show isdn { active [ detail ] [ dsl | serial-number ] | call rate [ table ] | answer [ dsl | serial-number ] | history [ detail ] [ dsl | serial-number ] | memory | service [ dsl | serial-number ] | status [ dsl | serial-number ] | timers [ dsl | serial-number ]}
Syntax Description
Command Modes
User EXEC (>)
Privileged EXEC (#)
Command History
Usage Guidelines
Native ISDN stacks do not know Layer 3 details because Layer 3 is backhauled to an external application. So informational message “%Q.931 is backhauled to BACKHAUL on DSL 0. Layer 3 output may not apply” is displayed for those users that expect ISDN commands to show the required output.
The following sections in the “Examples” section show how to display and interpret reports from the show isdn command options:
show isdn active and show isdn history Command Examples
This section shows example output from the show isdn active and show isdn history commands on different Cisco routers. The commands report similar information about call activity, which is described in Table 14 .
The following example shows the output from the show isdn history command:
show isdn answer Command Example
The following report by the show isdn answer command indicates that no called-party or subaddress number has been configured:
See the description for the isdn answer1 command for more information about this report.
show isdn memory Command Example
The following is sample output from the show isdn memory command providing statistical information about memory resources:
Table 15 describes the significant fields shown in the display.
show isdn service Command Examples
The following example of the show isdn service command shows channel states when a PRI is configured on a T1 controller. Table 16 describes the significant fields shown in the display.
Note By default, the MGCP ISDN endpoints do not reflect the status of individual channels for the show isdn service command. Alternatively, use Real Time Monitoring Tool (RTMT) to view the channels on an MGCP T1/E1 PRI.
ISDN interface type followed by the channel range. A range from 1 to 31 is a standard format for both T1 and E1 outputs, but the state value shown identifies whether the channel is used. |
Channel State (0=Idle 1=Propose 2=Busy 3=Reserved 4=Restart 5=Maint_Pend) |
Current state of each channel. Channels 24 through 31 are marked as reserved when the output is from T1. |
Service state assigned to each channel. Channel 24 is marked as out of service.3 |
show isdn status Command Examples
Table 17 describes the significant fields shown in the output of the following show isdn status command examples.
The following sample output from the show isdn status command shows a report about D-channel and Redundant Link Manager (RLM) group status for RLM configurations, and applications like Signaling System 7 (SS7) in integrated Signaling Link Terminal (SLT) configurations:
The following sample output from the show isdn status command shows when no calls are active for a Cisco 4500 router with eight BRIs and one E1 PRI:
The following is partial sample output from the show isdn status command entered on a Cisco AS5300 with one active call on a PRI National ISDN switch type:
The following example shows status of BRI interface 1/0/0:
show isdn timers Command Examples
Cisco routers support an extensive list of ISDN switch types, which are listed in the “ISDN Service Provider BRI Switch Types” and “ISDN Service Provider PRI Switch Types” tables in the Cisco IOS Dial Technologies Configuration Guide .
The examples in this section show reports seen on Cisco routers connected to various ISDN switch types. Table 18 and Table 19 show typical and default values of the timers shown in the show isdn timers displays. The values of the timers depend on the switch type. Refer to the Q.921 specifications for detailed technical definitions of the Layer 2 timers; refer to the Q.931 specifications for detailed technical definitions of the Layer 3 timers.
The following is sample output from the show isdn timers command on a router connected to a PRI Lucent (AT&T) 5ESS ISDN switch type:
The following is sample output from the show isdn timers command on a router connected to a BRI ETSI-compliant Euro-ISDN E-DSS1(NET3) ISDN signaling system:
Related Commands
show isdn nfas group
To display all the members of a specified Non-Facility Associated Signaling (NFAS) group or all NFAS groups, use the show isdn nfas group command in privileged EXEC mode.
Command Modes
Usage Guidelines
Native ISDN stacks do not know Layer 3 details because Layer 3 is backhauled to an external application. So informational message “%Q.931 is backhauled to IUA BACKHAUL on DSL 3. Layer 3 output may not apply” is displayed for those users that expect ISDN commands to show the required output.
The following is sample output from the show isdn nfas group command:
The following three examples show the D-channel state changes when rollover occurs from the primary NFAS D channel to the backup D channel. The first example shows the output with the primary D channel in service and the backup D channel in standby.
The following example shows the output during rollover. The configured primary D channel is in maintenance busy state and the backup D channel is waiting.
The following example shows the output when rollover is complete. The configured primary D channel is now in standby and the backup D channel is in service.
Table 20 describes the significant fields shown in the display.
show line async-queue
To display the status of connections currently waiting in the queue, use the show line async-queue command in EXEC mode .
Command Modes
show modem
To display a high-level performance report for all the modems or a single modem inside Cisco access servers, use the show modem command in EXEC mode.
Command Modes
Command History
The following is sample output from the show modem command for two V.34 modem cards inserted in a Cisco 3600 router:
The following is sample output from the show modem command for two V.110 modem cards inserted in a Cisco 3600 router:
The following is sample output from the show modem command for a Cisco 3600 series router:
Table 21 describes the significant fields shown in the previous displays of the show modem command.
The following example shows the statistics and current configurations for the manageable modem 2/10, which exists on a V.34 modem card in a Cisco 3600 router. A dash (-) indicates a field that is not available on basic modems. An x indicates a field that is available and active on manageable modems. See Table 22 for a description of the fields displayed by the show modem command with slot and port designators.
The following is sample output for a basic V.34 modem module. Notice that unavailable fields are marked with dashes (-):
The following is sample output from the show modem slot / port command for V.110 modem cards:
The type of display output generated from the show modem slot / port command depends on the version of Cisco IOS software running on the router or access server. For example, the following shows example output for a 56K modem card, which carries digital modems that transmit at 56 kbps. (In truth, 56K modems do not modulate or demodulate data. A pure digital-to-digital connection is made.) See Table 22 for a description of the fields displayed by this modem card.
The following is sample output from the show modem slot / port command for digital modems on a Cisco 3600 series router that supports the V.92 and V.44 modem standards:
Table 22 describes the fields in the previous four displays, which were created using the show modem slot / port command. This table applies to all modem module types.
The following example shows the output for modem group 1, which comprises modem 1/0 through modem 1/23. The report is self explanatory.
show modem at-mode
To display a list of the manageable Microcom modems that have open AT sessions and a list of users logged in to those sessions, use the show modem at-mode command in EXEC mode.
show modem bundled-firmware
To display a a list of available modem firmware running in a Cisco AS5800 access server, use the show modem bundled-firmware command in EXEC mode.
Command Modes
Usage Guidelines
Use this command instead of the the show modem mapping command on the Cisco AS5800 access servers. The show modem bundled-firmware command is useful for displaying a list of available modem firmware running in the access server.
The report from the show modem bundled-firmware command is self-explanatory. The following sample output shows firmware images by slot number:
Related Commands
show modem call-stats
To display the local disconnect reasons for all modems inside an access server or router, use the show modem call-stats command in EXEC mode.
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to find out why a modem ended its connection or why a modem is not operating at peak performance.
Local disconnect reasons for a particular modem are listed across the top of the screen display. For example, see lostCarr, dtrDrop, rmtLink, wdogTimr, compress, retrain, inacTout, and linkFail in the following output:
In the body of the screen display, the number of times an error occurred on a specific modem is displayed (see the # column). The % column shows the total running percent that a modem was logged for the specified disconnect reason with respect to the entire modem pool. For example, out of all the times that the lostCarr error occurred on all the modems in the system, the lostCarr error occurred 2 percent of the time on modem 0/0.
Bad or malfunctioning modems are detected by an unusually high number of disconnect counters for a particular disconnect reason. For example, if modem 1/0 had a high number of compression errors compared to the remaining modems in system, modem 1/0 would probably be bad or inoperable.
To reset the counters displayed by the show modem call-stats command, use the clear modem counters command.
Note Remote disconnect reasons are not described by this command.
The following example shows call statistics for the show modem call-stats command. Because of the screen size limitation of most terminal screen displays, all the possible disconnect reasons cannot be displayed at the same time. Only the top eight most frequently experienced disconnect reasons are displayed.
The following is sample output from the show modem call-stats command for digital modems on a Cisco 3600 series router that supports the V.92 modem standard (see the “mohTrmnt” column for data about the V.92 Modem on Hold [MOH] function):
Table 23 describes the significant fields shown in the display.
show modem calltracker
To display all information stored within the Call Tracker active or history database for the latest call assigned to a specified modem, use the show modem calltracker command in privileged EXEC mode.
Command Modes
Usage Guidelines
This command allows you to display all Call Tracker data for a given modem when you do not have the call handle readily available and do not want to search the Call Tracker database.
Related Commands
show modem configuration
To display the current modem configuration for digital MICA technologies modems loaded inside an access server or router, use the show modem configuration command in EXEC mode.
Command Modes
Command History
The following is sample output from the show modem configuration command. A specific modem, 0/0, has been designated. V.110 information is highlighted in this example.
The following example uses the show modem configuration command to display the configuration for modem 0/1, which resides in slot 0/1 of a Cisco AS5300:
Table 24 describes the significant fields shown in the display.
show modem connect-speeds
To display connection speed statistics for all the modems running in an access server or router, use the show modem connect-speeds command in EXEC mode.
Command Modes
Usage Guidelines
Because most terminal screens are not wide enough to display the entire range of connection speeds at one time (for example, 75 to 56000 bps), the max-speed variable is used. This variable specifies the contents of a shifting baud-rate window, which provides you with a snapshot of modem connection speeds for your system. If you want to display a snapshot of lower baud rates, specify a lower connection speed. If you want to see a snapshot of higher baud rates, specify a higher connection speed.
The Cisco IOS software rounds up the max-speed variable to the nearest recognizable baud rate, so you need not memorize or enter exact connection speeds. For example, if you enter a maximum baud rate of 22059, the system software automatically rounds the value up to 24000.
To display a complete picture of all the connection speeds and counters on the system, you must enter a series of commands. Each time you issue the show modem connect-speeds max-speed command, only nine baud rate columns can be displayed at the same time.
Table 25 shows a range of commands that you can issue, one at a time, to display a complete picture of the total possible connection speeds on your access server.
Note The Cisco IOS software does not accept commas (,) in the connect speed field. For example, enter 28000 not 28,000.
The show modem connect-speeds command displays a log of connection speed statistics starting from the last time the access servers or router was power cycled or the clear modem counters command was issued. If you want to create a monthly report of the connection speeds achieved by the modems, issue the clear modem counters command at the beginning of the month and issue the show modem connect-speeds command at the end of the month.
The following is sample output from the show modem connect-speeds command on a Cisco 3600 series router:
The following example shows connection speed statistics up to 28000 bps:
The following example shows connection speed statistics up to 56000 bps:
Table 26 describes the significant fields shown in the displays.
show modem cookie
To display information about the modem cookie, use the show modem cookie command in EXEC mode.
Command Modes
The following is sample output from the show modem cookie command for a V.34 carrier card and two modem cards:
Table 27 describes the significant fields shown in the display.
show modem csm
To display the internal status of the call switching module for modems inside access servers or routers, use the show modem csm command in EXEC mode.
show modem csm [ slot / port | group number ]
Syntax Description
Command Modes
The following example displays the call switching module information for modem 1/2 on a Cisco AS5200:
Table 28 describes the significant fields shown in the display.
show modem log
To display the modem history event status performed on a manageable modem or group of modems, use the show modem log command in EXEC mode.
show modem log [ slot / port | group number ]
Syntax Description
Command Modes
The following is sample output from the show modem log command issued on a Cisco AS5300, which is loaded with MICA technologies digital modems. See Table 29 for MICA modem field descriptions.
The following example shows a portion of the output display when using the show modem log command. Because no specific modem or range of modems is designated, the data from all modems is displayed. The V.110 information is highlighted in this example.
Table 29 describes the significant fields shown in the MICA modem display.
The following example displays the event log status for a V.34 Microcom manageable modem installed in a Cisco AS5200. To escape from the log display mode, press the keys Ctrl-c. See Table 30 for Microcom field descriptions.
Table 30 describes the significant fields shown in the Microcom modem display.
The following example displays the event log status for a manageable modem. It also identifies the time elapsed since each modem event was performed (for example, 01:02:41 means the modem event occurred 1 hour, 2 minutes, and 41 seconds ago). To escape from the log display mode, press the keys Ctrl-c.
Table 31 describes the significant fields shown in the display.
The show modem log command shows the progress of leased line connections. The following example is taken from a Cisco 2600 series router configured for a leased line. Note the “LL Answering” state and “LL Answer” in the “Direction” field of the connection report:
Table 32 describes the significant fields shown in the display.
Related Commands
show modem log (pvdm2)
To display the modem history event status performed on a manageable modem on a PVDM2-xxDM device, use the show modem log command in privileged EXEC mode.
Command Modes
The following is sample output from the show modem log command issued on a Cisco PVDMII-xxDM device with V12 digital modems. A specific modem, 0/323, is designated.
Table 33 describes the major fields shown in the display.
show modem mapping
To display a snapshot of all the firmware versions running on all the modems in the access server, use the show modem mapping command in EXEC mode.
Command Modes
Usage Guidelines
This command is useful for managing and monitoring multiple versions of modem firmware running in an access server. This command also shows the source location of each version of firmware (for example, running out of Flash or boot Flash memory, or bundled with Cisco IOS software).
Firmware can also be copied from a local TFTP server to the onboard modems. For the Cisco AS5300, issue the copy tftp flash command followed by the copy flash modem command. The Cisco AS5300 stores individual firmware files that are not bundled with the Cisco IOS software in Flash memory. For the Cisco AS5200, issue the copy tftp bootflash command followed by the copy bootflash modem command. The Cisco AS5200 stores individual firmware files not bundled with the Cisco IOS software in boot Flash memory.
All the modems in a single MICA technologies modem module run the same version of firmware (for example, modems 1/0 through 1/5 in module 0). However, different versions of modem firmware can exist between different modem modules (for example, module 0 and module 1).
Individual firmware files cannot be erased from Flash or boot Flash memory. The entire contents of Flash or boot Flash memory must be deleted during the erase operation. If you do this delete, be sure to back up your Cisco IOS software and running configuration before you erase your system’s Flash or boot Flash memory.
Note The Cisco AS5800 does not support the show modem mapping command. Use the show modem bundled-firmware command instead.
The following is sample output from the show modem mapping EXEC command. This access server is loaded with MICA and Microcom modems.
Table 34 describes the significant fields shown in the display.
Related Commands
show modem mica
To display information about MICA technologies digital modems, use the show modem mica command in EXEC mode.
Command Modes
Usage Guidelines
Each MICA modem has its own data channel port, which is tied to its own TTY line. For example, modem 0/1 is tied to TTY line 2. To display data channel information for a single MICA modem, issue the show modem mica slot / port command.
All the modems on each MICA modem card share three pseudochannels for modem management functions, for example, the DC session channel, status polling channel, and controlling channel. To display statistics for each modem management channel, issue the show modem mica all command. The first channel you see displayed is the status polling channel (shown as SLOT/PORT (0/61) TTYNUM=-1 (MM Status Port)). The second displayed channel is the DC session channel (shown as SLOT/PORT (0/60) TTYNUM=-1 (MM DC Port)). The third displayed port is the controlling channel (shown as SLOT/PORT (0/62) TTYNUM=-1 (Control Port)). No TTY lines are associated with the modem management ports, as indicated by the field display TTYNUM=-1. An extensive list of all the data channels for each MICA modem is also displayed.
The following example displays the data port channel for modem 0/1. For a description of the significant fields shown in this display, see Table 35 .
The following is sample output from the show modem mica all command. For a description of the significant fields shown in this display, see Table 35 .
The following is sample output from the show modem mica slot command. For a description of the significant fields shown in this display, see Table 35 .
The first channel you see displayed is the status polling channel (shown as SLOT/PORT (0/62) TTYNUM=-1 (MM Status Port)). The second displayed channel is the DC session channel (shown as SLOT/PORT (0/60) TTYNUM=-1 (MM DC Port)). The third displayed port is the controlling channel (shown as SLOT/PORT (0/62) TTYNUM=-1 (Control Port)). No TTY lines are associated with the modem management ports, as indicated by the field display TTYNUM=-1. An extensive list of all the data channels for each individual MICA modem is displayed.
Table 35 describes the significant fields shown in the displays.
Related Commands
show modem operational-status
To display performance statistics for individual modems, use the show modem operational-status command in EXEC mode.
Cisco 3600 Series and Cisco AS5300 Universal Access Servers
show modem operational-status { slot | slot / port }
Cisco AS5800 Universal Access Servers
show modem operational-status [ shelf / slot / port ]
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The show modem operational-status command is supported on access servers with internal MICA technologies or Microcom analog (NM-AM) modems, but not on servers with internal Microcom digital modems.
To display performance statistics for Cisco AS3600 access servers with other modem types, use the following command sequence:
Sample output and explanations of the AT@E1 modem command are provided in the document AT Command Set and Register Summary for Analog Modem Network Modules , found in the Analog Modem Firmware index of the Cisco 3600 Series Router documentation on Cisco.com.
To display the operational status of a specific modem port or port range for the Cisco AS5400 and AS5800 access servers, use the show port operational-status command.
The following example shows performance statistics for modem 0/0 on a Cisco 3600 series router network module:
The following example shows performance statistics for modem 0/1 on a Cisco AS5300. This modem is located at slot 0, port 1. For a description of the output fields, refer to Table 36 .
The following Microcom example shows details for an 8-port analog modem module inside a Cisco 3640 router. (For an explanation of the fields seen in this display, refer to the description of the AT@E1 modem command in the document AT Command Set and Register Summary for Analog Modem Network Modules .)
Related Commands
show modem operational-status (pvdm2)
To display performance statistics for individual digital modems on PVDM2-xxDM devices, use the show modem operational-status command in privileged EXEC mode.
Command Modes
show modem summary
To display a high-level report for all manageable modems dialing in to and out of the network, use the show modem summary command in EXEC mode.
Command Modes
The following is sample output from the show modem summary command:
Table 37 describes the significant fields shown in the display.
Command Modes
Usage Guidelines
The modem test log displays the results of the modem diagnostics test, which is issued with the modem autotest global configuration command.
The following is sample output from the show modem test command for a V.34 modem card:
Table 38 describes the significant field shown in the display.
show modem version
To display version information about the modem firmware, controller and Domain Specific Part (DSP) ATM address field code (for 56K modems only), and boot code, use the show modem version command in EXEC mode.
Command Modes
Usage Guidelines
This command is useful for verifying the version of modem firmware running on the system before or after a modem firmware upgrade. If there is a “-/-” in the DSP REV field, you cannot use the spe configuration commands for firmware download on that modem.
The following example displays information for modem firmware, which includes modem firmware version, boot code version, controller and DSP code version (56K modem modules only), modem board hardware version, and carrier card information. This particular example displays information for Microcom 56K modem cards (modules 0/0, 2/0, and 2/1) and V.34 cards (module 0/1) installed in a Cisco AS5200.
If the version number is displayed as 0.0.0, verify that out-of-band status polling is functioning.
The following example displays modem version information for V.110 terminal adapter modules:
The following example shows the display from a Cisco AS5300. If there is a “-/-” in the DSP REV field, you cannot use the spe configuration commands for firmware download on that modem.
Table 39 describes the significant fields shown in the displays of the show modem version command.
show modem version (pvdm2)
To display version information about the modem firmware, controller, and boot code, use the show modem version command in Privileged EXEC mode.
Command Modes
Usage Guidelines
This command is useful for verifying the version of modem firmware running on the system before or after a modem firmware upgrade. If there is a “-/-” in the DSP REV field, you cannot use the spe configuration commands for firmware download on that modem.
The following example displays modem version information about PVDM2-xxDM digital modems. This example specifically shows information about a Cisco 2821 router with three PVDM2-36DMs, high-density pvdms holding 36 digital modems each.
Table 39 describes the significant fields shown in the displays of the show modem version command.
show modemcap
To display the values set for the current modem and list the modems for which the router has entries, use the show modemcap command in EXEC mode. To display the attributes associated with a specific modem, use the show modemcap command in EXEC mode with the optional modem-type argument.
Command Modes
Usage Guidelines
When a modem name is supplied, this command displays the available modem values.
As an alternative to repeatedly entering the same data, use templates as a way to join modemcap entries. For example, consider the following modemcap entries:
To look up the factory default for a global_village modem, perform the following steps:
Step 1 Look at the global_village modemcap entry for the factory default (FD).
Step 2 If you fail to find FD in global_village, look at the global_village modemcap entry for a template (TPL).
Step 3 Find a TPL called “gv_basics.”
Step 4 Look in the gv_basics modemcap entry for the FD.
Step 5 Find FD=&F in the gv_basics modemcap entry.
Step 6 Use &F as the FD for the global_village.
The following example shows the modem values in a Codex 3260:
Table 41 identifies and describes the list of attributes.
show modem-pool
To display the configuration and connection status for one or more modem pools, use the show modem-pool command in EXEC mode.
Command Modes
Usage Guidelines
The counters displayed by the show modem-pool command are cleared with the copy modem command.
In the following example, two modem pools are set up: v90service and v34service. Each pool contains one Dialed Number Information Service (DNIS) number: 1234 and 5678, respectively. Each DNIS number is allowed a maximum of 48 simultaneous connections. A total of 96 modems are assigned to the modem pools: 48 and 48, respectively. Modems that are left unassigned to modem pools are automatically put into the default modem pool (displayed as System-def-Mpool). The default pool is empty in this example.
Table 42 describes the significant fields shown in the display.
Related Commands
Command Modes
The following is sample output from the show nbf cache command:
Table 43 show nbf cache Field Descriptions describes significant fields shown in the display.