The developmental phases described in this section are actually DMVPN phases combining mGRE plus NHRP and IPsec. Phase 2 is
important because it provides the functionality needed to support dynamic spoke-to-spoke tunnels.
NHRP gathers the information that it needs to build spoke-to-spoke tunnels by using NHRP resolution request and reply packets
that are sent via the spoke-hub-spoke path through the NBMA network. NHRP also has to be triggered (or know when) to collect
this information for building the spoke-to-spoke tunnels, because it brings up the spoke-to-spoke tunnel only when there is
data traffic to use it. The two ways that NHRP does this are described the following sections.
NHRP gathers the information that it needs to build spoke-to-spoke tunnels by using NHRP resolution request and reply packets
that are sent via the spoke-hub-spoke path through the NBMA network. NHRP also has to be triggered (or know when) to collect
this information for building the spoke-to-spoke tunnels, because it brings up the spoke-to-spoke tunnel only when there is
data traffic to use it.
The IP routing table and the routes learned by way of the hub are important when building spoke-to-spoke tunnels. Therefore,
the availability of the NHSs (hubs) is critical for the functioning of an NHRP-based network. When there is only one hub and
that hub goes down, the spoke removes the routes that it learned from the hub from its routing table, because it lost the
hub as its routing neighbor. However, the spoke does not delete any of the spoke-to-spoke tunnels (NHRP mappings) that are
now up. Even though the spoke-to-spoke tunnel is still there the spoke will not be able to use the tunnel because its routing
table no longer has a route to the destination network. The spoke has a path (spoke-to-spoke tunnel), but does not know to
use it (because there is no routing table entry).
In addition, when the routing entries are removed there is no trigger into NHRP for NHRP to remove NHRP mapping entries. Eventually
NHRP will time out the current dynamic NHRP mapping entries that it had when the hub went down because they are not being
used. Only at that time does NHRP remove the mapping entry.
In phase 2, if there still happened to be a route in the routing table (could be a static route) with the correct IP next
hop, then the spoke could still use the spoke-to-spoke tunnel even when the hub is down. NHRP will not be able to refresh
the mapping entry because the NHRP resolution request or response would need to go through the hub.
If you have two (or more) NHS hubs within a single NBMA network (single mGRE, Frame Relay, or ATM interface), then when the
first (primary) hub goes down, the spoke router will still remove the routes from the routing table that it learned from this
hub, but it will also be learning the same routes (higher metric) from the second (backup) hub, so it will immediately install
these routes. Therefore the spoke-to-spoke traffic would continue going over the spoke-to-spoke tunnel and be unaffected by
the primary hub outage.
In phase 2, NHRP brings up the NHC-to-NHS tunnel and a dynamic routing protocol is used to distribute routing information
about all of the networks that are available behind the hub and all of the other spokes. Included in this information is the
IP next hop of the destination spoke that is supporting a particular destination network.
When a data packet is forwarded, it obtains the outbound interface and the IP next hop from the matching routing table network
entry. If the NHRP interface is the outbound interface, it looks for an NHRP mapping entry for that IP next hop. If there
is no matching of an NHRP mapping entry, then NHRP is triggered to send an NHRP resolution request to get the mapping information
(IP next-hop address to physical layer address). The NHRP registration reply packet contains this mapping information. When
this information is received, the spoke has enough information to correctly encapsulate the data packet to go directly to
the remote spoke, taking one hop across the infrastructure network. One of the disadvantages to this technique is that each
spoke must have all of the individual routes in its routing table for all possible destination networks behind the hub and
other spokes. Keeping this routing information distributed and up to date can put a significant load on the routing protocol
running over the VPN.