SSIs are HTML formatted commands or variables that you insert into HTML pages when you customize Cisco IOS platform configuration
pages for a Web browser. These SSI commands and SSI variables display Cisco IOS command output and Cisco IOS platform-specific
![]( Note |
The majority of the customization features in this section are for the ClickStart EZsetup feature for the Cisco 1000 series,
Cisco 1003/1004 series, and Cisco 1005 series routers only.
The Cisco IOS software supports two HTML SSI commands defined for customizing HTML pages: the SSI EXEC command and the SSI
ECHO command. The HTML format of the SSI EXEC command is
<!--#execcmd=“ xxx ”--> , and the HTML format of the SSI ECHO command is
<!--#echovar=“ yyy ”--> . (See the section “Customizing HTML Pages Using SSIs” later in this chapter for a description of how to use these commands).
In addition to the two SSI commands, the Cisco IOS software supports several SSI variables defined for customizing HTML pages.
SSI variables are used with the SSI ECHO command. One SSI variable is defined for all Cisco IOS platforms (SERVER_NAME), and
other SSI variables are specifically defined for ISDN, Frame Relay, and asynchronous serial platforms. The format and a description
of all the available SSI variables are provided in the table below. (See the section Customizing HTML Pages Using SSIs later
in this chapter for a description of how to use these SSI variables with the SSI ECHO command).
The SSI EXEC command is supported on all platforms. The SSI ECHO command, used with SSI variables, is supported on all platforms
listed in the table below.
Table 1. Description of SSI Variables
HTML Format of SSI Variable
Description of Variable Displayed on Browser Page
Cisco IOS Platforms This SSI Is Supported On
Host name of the HTTP server.
All Cisco IOS platforms
Enable password (currently left blank).
Cisco 1000 series
Repeat of the enable password to verify accuracy (currently left blank).
Cisco 1000 series
IP address of the Ethernet interface 0.
Cisco 1000 series
IP mask of the Ethernet interface 0.
Cisco 1000 series
Domain Name System (DNS) address used by the router.
Cisco 1000 series
Standard debug variable. Returns CHECKED if set to TRUE; otherwise, it is blank.
Cisco 1000 series
Standard debug variable. Returns CHECKED if set to FALSE; otherwise, it is blank.
Cisco 1000 series
ISDN switch type.
Cisco 1003 and Cisco 1004
Name of remote ISDN system.
Cisco 1003 and Cisco 1004
Phone number of remote ISDN system.
Cisco 1003 and Cisco 1004
CHAP password of remote ISDN system.
Cisco 1003 and Cisco 1004
Cisco 1003 and Cisco 1004
Cisco 1003 and Cisco 1004
Speed of ISDN interface. Returns CHECKED if set to 56K; otherwise, it is blank.
Cisco 1003 and Cisco 1004
Speed of ISDN interface. Returns CHECKED if set to 64K; otherwise, it is blank.
Cisco 1003 and Cisco 1004
Frame Relay IP address.
Cisco 1005
Frame Relay IP mask.
Cisco 1005
Frame Relay DLCI.
Cisco 1005
Name of remote system.
Cisco 1005
Phone number of remote system.
Cisco 1005
CHAP password for remote system.
Cisco 1005
Async line password.
Cisco 1005
Speed of async modem (either 14.4K or 28.8K).
Cisco 1005
Returns CHECKED if async modem speed is 14.4K; otherwise it is blank.
Cisco 1005
Returns CHECKED if async modem speed is 28.8K; otherwise it is blank.
Cisco 1005
When you have designed a set of HTML pages that include SSIs, you can copy these pages to a Cisco IOS platform’s Flash memory.
When you retrieve these pages from Flash memory and display them using a Web browser, any SSI command that was designed into
these pages will display either Cisco IOS command output or a current variable or identifier defined in the table below. For
example, the SSI ECHO command with the variable SERVER_NAME will display the current host name of the HTTP server you are
using, and the SSI ECHO command with the variable EZSETUP_ISDN_SWITCHTYPE will display the current ISDN switch type you are
Using SSIs, you can customize set of HTML pages to appear in languages other than English and copy these pages to Flash memory
on multiple Cisco IOS platforms. When you retrieve these pages from the Flash memory of a Cisco IOS platform, current variables
and identifiers associated with the platform you are currently using are displayed. SSIs save you from needing to duplicate
these international pages (considered relatively large images that contain 8-bit or multibyte characters) and store them in
the source code for each platform you are using.