
Storage Arrays

This tab displays information about storage arrays.

The following table describes the fields that appear on SAN > Storage > Storage Arrays.




Specifies the storage name.

Click on the storageName to view the Storage Enclosure details. For more information on the tabs displayed, refer to storageName Enclosure.


Specifies the world wide name (WWN) of the storage device.

Only storage array PWWN that are discovered via fabric discovery are displayed. However, storage array may have more ports than specified here.

storageName Enclosure

Click on the storageName item to view the detailed information about each storage array.

The details of a Storage Array depends on the type of array discovered, and the provider’s adherence to the SMI-S standards. Click of the array to load the inventory page, starting with a summary tab, and other context specific tabs based on the type of array.

The following tabs provide relevant information:

  • Summary

    This table provides information about the provider. Storage array Serial Number, Storage type and Number of Physical Disks in the array are also displayed.

  • Components

    This tab lists all the components in the Storage.

    Click on the component Name to view total storage capacity, usage details, and physical disks details.

  • Pools

    This tab lists all the pools, their status and Raw capacity. Click on POOL Name to view the pool details.

  • LUNs

    This tab lists all the LUNs in the storage array. It provides LUN ID, WWN, Status, and Capacity details for each LUN. Click on LUN Name to view further details about each LUN. You can also view the Host LUN Access information in the LUN Detail view.

    Host Port PWWN, Host Interface, Zoning, and Storage Interface values in Host LUN Access table is displayed only if the host accessing this LUN is a part of the NDFC discovered fabric.

  • Host

    This tab lists all the hosts in the selected storage. It provides the Host name, Node WWN, and WWN details for each host in the Storage array. Click on a Host Name to view details about the host. You can view the relevant details on the LUNs tab and Ports tab within the Host Detail view.

    Host Interface, Zoning, and Storage Interface values in LUNs Tab > Host LUN Access table is displayed only if the host accessing this LUN is part of the NDFC discovered fabric.

    Fabric and Host Interface values in Host Ports table is displayed only if Host Port WWN is part of the NDFC discovered fabric.

  • Processors

    This tab lists all the Processors and their Status. It also shows the number of adapters for each processor. Click on a Processor Name to view the details.

  • Ports

    This tab lists all the Ports within the Storage array. Click on Port Name to view details about the port.

    Host Interface, Zoning, and Storage Interface values in the Host LUN Access table is displayed only if Host accessing the LUN in LUN ID column is part of the NDFC discovered fabric.

Storage SMI-S Provider

This tab displays the SMI-S provider information.

The following table describes the fields that appear on SAN > Storage > Storage SMIS Provider.




Specifies the vendor.

Cisco NDFC supports the following vendors:

  • EMC

  • NetApp

  • IBM

  • HDS

  • PureStorage

  • HP

  • Other

Provider URL

Specifies SMI-S provider URL.

Name Space

Specifies name space.

Interop Name Space

Specifies interop name space.


Specifies the port.


Specifies the status.


Specifies if it is a secure connection.

Discovery Status

Specifies the discovery status.

Last Updated Time

Specifies the last updated time.

The following table describes the action items, in the Actions menu drop-down list, that appear on SAN > Storage > Storage SMIS Provider.

Action Item


Add Provider

Adds an SMI-S provider. For instructions, refer to Adding SMI-S Provider.

Edit Provider

Select a provider from the table and choose Edit Provider to update the provider information.

Delete Provider

Select a provider from the table and choose Delete Provider to delete the provider.

Rediscover Provider

Select a provider from the table and choose Rediscover Provider to scan for any changes. This triggers the discovery cycle outside its normal periodic polling.

Purge Provider

Select a provider from the table and choose Purge Provider to purge the provider information. This removes elements no longer present from discovery.

Adding SMI-S Provider

To add an SMI-S provider from the Cisco Nexus Dashboard Fabric Controller Web UI, perform the following steps:


Step 1

Choose SAN > Storage > Storage SMIS Provider.

The Storage SMIS Provider tab is displayed.

Step 2

Click the Actions menu drop-down list and click Add Provider.

The Add SMI-S window is displayed.

Step 3

Use the drop-down to select a Vendor.

All the supported vendors are available in the drop-down list. More SMI-S storage vendors are discovered through a ‘best effort’ handler using the Other vendor option in the drop-down.


A minimum of one valid Nexus Dashboard Fabric Controller license must be provisioned before adding the data sources for SMI-S storage discovery.

Step 4

Specify the SMI-S Server IP, User Name, and Password.

Step 5

Specify the Name Space and Interop Name Space.

Step 6

By default, the Port number is prepopulated.

If you select the Secure checkbox, then the default secure port number is populated.

When using the Secure mode with EMC, the default setting is mutual authentication. For more information, see the EMC documentation about adding an SSL certificate to their trust store. Also, you can set SSLClientAuthentication value to None in the Security_Settings.xml configuration file and restart the ECOM service.

Step 7

Click Add.

The credentials are validated and the storage discovery starts if the credentials is valid. If the credentials check fails, you will be prompted to enter valid credentials.