Configuration Drifts

Configuration Drift Notifications and Faults

When you deploy Cisco ACI in a public cloud, you will perform most of the fabric configuration from the Cloud APIC. However, there may be cases where you or another cloud administrator changes the deployed configuration directly in the cloud provider's GUI using the tools provided by AWS or Azure. In these cases, the intended configuration you deployed from the Cloud APIC and the actual configuration in the cloud site may become out of sync, we call this a configuration drift.

Starting with Release 5.0(2), Cloud APIC provides visibility into any security policy (contracts) configuration discrepancy between what you deploy from the Cloud APIC and what is actually configured in the cloud site. Future releases will provide the configuration drift visibility into the other Cloud APIC objects as well as information about extraneous configurations deployed in the cloud but not defined in the Cloud APIC.

There are two aspects to analyzing configuration drift:

  • Have all the fabric elements configured in the Cloud APIC and intended to be deployed in the cloud fabric been properly deployed?

    This scenario can occur due to user configuration errors in Cloud APIC that could not be deployed in the cloud, connection or API issues on the cloud provider end, or if a cloud administrator manually deletes or modifies security rules directly in the cloud provider's UI. Any intended but missing configurations may present an issue for the Cloud APIC fabric.

  • Are there any additional configurations that exist in the cloud but were not intended to be deployed from the Cloud APIC?

    Similarly to the previous scenario, this can occur if there are connection or API issues or if a cloud administrator manually creates additional security rules directly in the cloud provider's UI. Any existing but not intended configuration may present issues.

Enabling Configuration Drift Detection

In this release, configuration drift detection is in beta stage, as such it is disabled by default. This section describes how to enable configuration drift detection in your Cloud APIC user preferences.


Step 1

Log in to your Cloud APIC GUI.

Step 2

Open the User Preferences dialog.

  1. In the top right corner of the screen, click the user icon.

  2. From the menu, select User Preferences.

Step 3

In the User Preferences dialog, enable Configuration Drift Detection.

  1. Check the Enabled checkbox.

  2. Click Done to save the change.

Checking for Missing Contracts Configuration

This section describes how to check for any contract settings you have configured from the Cloud APIC, but which have not been properly deployed to the cloud fabric.


Step 1

Log in to your Cloud APIC GUI.

Step 2

Navigate to the Configuration Drifts screen.

  1. In the Navigation sidebar, expand the Application Management category.

  2. From the Application Management category, select Contracts.

  3. In the Contracts screen, select the Configuration Drifts tab.

    In the Configuration Drifts tab, you can see a summary of any configuration issues with the contracts in your fabric.

    For each contract with a drift, you will see the number of missing configurations and the severity of the issue.

    You can refresh the information by clicking the refresh button in the top right of the main window.

Step 3

In the Configuration Drifts screen, click the name of a contract to view its details, including the configuration drift issues.

Step 4

In the Contract details view that opens, select the Cloud Mapping tab.

The Cloud Mapping view displays all the information about the contract and the cloud resources it uses.

The screen is divided into three sections, Detection Summary, Configuration Drifts, and Mapped Cloud Resources. Each section contains a table that lists the respective information about the contract you selected.

The Detection Summary table provides an overview of how many configuration drifts were detected, number of intended and actual cloud resources configured, and the time when this information was last updated. If the inventory update timestamp is out of date, you can refresh the information by clicking the Refresh icon in the top right corner of this screen.

The Configuration Drifts table lists all the issues with the contract rules. Specifically, all the contract rules that were intended to be deployed but are missing in the actual fabric configuration. The table contains detailed information, such as the protocol used, port ranges, source and destination IP or group, consumer and provider EPGs, description of the issue, and the recommended action to resolve it. For each configuration drift, the Status field will indicate the severity and recommended action:

  • Transient (low): drifts that are likely due to recent configuration changes. We recommend waiting for the fabric to stabilize and the drift will likely resolve on its own after the next configuration refresh.

  • Presumed (medium): drifts that may or may not be transient. We recommend monitoring the status and troubleshoot the configuration should the drift persist.

    Raised (high): critical drifts. We recommend verifying the configuration on Cloud APIC and checking for any associated faults. Redeploying the configuration may help resolve communication issues between the Cloud APIC and cloud services. If the issue persists, check the tech-support logs.

The Mapped Cloud Resources table shows the information about all the resources that were properly configured in your cloud. This table is designed to provide you with better visibility into what rules are configured in your cloud for a specific contract.

Configuration Drift Troubleshooting

This section provides a few useful command to verify that the configuration drift processes are up and running on your Cloud APIC, check the application logs, and if necessary generate tech support information.


Step 1

Log in to the Cisco Cloud APIC via console as a root user.

Step 2

Check the status of the configuration drift application.

ACI-Cloud-Fabric-1# moquery -d pluginContr/plugin-Cisco_CApicDrift | egrep "dn |pluginSt |operSt |version"
dn: pluginContr/plugin-Cisco_CApicDrift
operSt: active
pluginSt: active
Verison: 5.1.0
Step 3

Check the status of the application container.

ACI-Cloud-Fabric-1# docker ps | grep drift
CONTAINER ID    IMAGE           COMMAND                 CREATED         STATUS          NAMES
649af6feb72c    a5ea08bbf541    "/opt/bin/"  13 hours ago    Up 13 hours     drift-api-b703e569-0aa6-859f-c538-a5fecbc5708f
Step 4

Check memory consumed by all Docker containers.

Total amount of memory consumed must be under 12GB.

ACI-Cloud-Fabric-1# systemctl status ifc-scheduler_allocations.slice| grep Memory
Step 5

If necessary, collect the tech support logs.

Logs will be saved in the /data/techsupport directory on the controller.

ACI-Cloud-Fabric-1# trigger techsupport controllers application CApicDrift
ACI-Cloud-Fabric-1# trigger techsupport controllers application CApicDrift vendorName Cisco
Step 6

Check the application logs.

The logs for configuration drift process are stored in the /data2/logs/Cisco_CApicDrift directory.

The runhist.log file provides information about each time the application was started, for example:

# cat runhist.log
1 - Thu Jun 11 23:55:59 UTC 2020
2 - Fri Jun 12 01:19:41 UTC 2020

The drift.log file is the application log file and can be used to view the number of times configuration drift was updated and how long each update took.

# cat drift.log | grep ITER
{"file":"online_snapshot.go:178","func":"Wait","level":"info","msg":"ITER# 109 ENDED ===  RDFGEN TIME: 1m40.383751649s,  MODEL UPLOAD TIME 5m54.245550374s; TOTAL       TIME:: 7m34.629447083s","time":"2020-06-12T19:53:13Z"}