Cisco Security Cloud Accounts

Required Account for Enabling Cisco XDR Integration

To integrate the management center with Cisco Security Cloud and send events to Cisco XDR for analysis and threat investigation, you must have one of the following accounts on the regional cloud:

  • Cisco security cloud sign on account.

  • Secure Endpoint account.

  • Secure Malware Analytics account.

  • Cisco Security account.


If you or your organization already has any of the above accounts on the regional cloud, use the existing account. Do not create a new account. Remember that the data associated with an account is available only to that account.

If you do not have an account, see Get an Account for Enabling Cisco XDR Integration.

For direct integration you require a CDO tenant to register your management center and the managed devices. If you do not already have a CDO tenant, request one. See Request a CDO Tenant for more information.

Get an Account for Enabling Cisco XDR Integration

Before you begin

If you or your organization already has an account on the regional cloud you want to use, do not create a new account. Use the existing account for enabling sending firewall event data to Cisco XDR. Check if your organization already has any of the supported accounts for that cloud. For supported account types, see Required Account for Enabling Cisco XDR Integration. If anyone else in your organization already has an account for that regional cloud, then have the administrator of that account add an account for you. For instructions, see Manage Access To Your CDO Account.


Step 1

Determine which regional cloud you want to use. For more information, see Guidelines and Limitations for Choosing a Regional Cloud.

Step 2

If you do not have a security cloud sign on account and you want to create one, go to your chosen regional cloud.

For a list of regional clouds and their URLs, see Regional Clouds.

Step 3

Click Sign Up Now.

For more information about creating a security cloud sign on account, see Create a New Cisco Security Cloud Sign On Account.

Manage Access to Your Cloud Accounts

Managing user accounts varies based on the type of cloud account you have.


If you access the cloud using a Secure Malware Analytics or Secure Endpoint account, see the documentation for those products.

Manage Access To Your CDO Account

If you are using CDO account to access the Cisco Security Cloud, use this procedure to manage users.

Before you begin

You must have Super Admin privileges in CDO to perform this task.


Step 1

Log in to CDO.

Step 2

From the CDO navigation bar, click Settings > User Management.

See the CDO online help to know more about the user management in CDO.