Prerequisites for IPsec and IKE MIB Support forCisco VRF-Aware IPsec
You should be familiar with configuring Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP).
The documentation set for this product strives to use bias-free language. For the purposes of this documentation set, bias-free is defined as language that does not imply discrimination based on age, disability, gender, racial identity, ethnic identity, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, and intersectionality. Exceptions may be present in the documentation due to language that is hardcoded in the user interfaces of the product software, language used based on RFP documentation, or language that is used by a referenced third-party product. Learn more about how Cisco is using Inclusive Language.
The IPsec and IKE MIB Support for the Virtual Private Network routing and forwarding- (VRF-) aware IP security (IPsec) feature allows VRF-aware IPsec to be managed with MIBs, which provide the details of IPsec statistics and performance metrics on a per VRF basis.
You should be familiar with configuring Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP).
CISCO-IPSEC-FLOW-MONITOR-MIB supports IKE and IPSEC per-tunnel history and failure information. The length of this history and failure information can be configured and must be maintained on a per-VRF basis. The table sizes are controlled by using the crypto mib ipsec flowmib history tunnel size number and crypto mib ipsec flowmib history failure size commands in global configuration mode.
CISCO-IPSEC-POLICY-MAP-MIB is supported. However, because this MIB applies to the entire router rather than to a specific VPN VRF instance, it is not VRF aware; therefore, polling of the object identifiers (OIDs) that belong to this MIB is accomplished with respect to the global VRF context.
The following IKE and IPsec tunnel start and stop traps must go with their corresponding VRF:
The following traps are global traps that have been modified for the Cisco VRF-Aware IPsec feature:
No special configuration is needed for this feature. The SNMP framework can be used to manage VRF-aware IPsec using MIBs. See the Configuration Examples for IPsec and IKE MIB Support for Cisco VRF-Aware IPsec section for more information.
The following section provides information about troubleshooting this feature:
The following debug crypto mib command and keywords may be used to display information about the IPsec and Internet Key Exchange (IKE) MIB as it relates to Cisco VRF-aware IPsec.
Command or Action | Purpose | |
Step 1 |
enable Example:
Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Step 2 |
debug crypto mib detail Example:
Displays different events as they occur in the IPsec MIB subsystem.
Step 3 |
debug crypto mib error Example:
Displays error events in the MIB agent. |
The following output example is for a typical hub configuration that has two VRFs. The output is what you would see if you were to poll for the IPsec security association (SA). Router 3745b is the VRF-aware router.
The following output shows that two VRFs have been configured (vrf1 and vrf2).
Router3745b# show running-config
Building configuration...
Current configuration : 6567 bytes
version 12.4
service timestamps debug datetime msec localtime
service timestamps log uptime
no service password-encryption
hostname ipsecf-3745b
no logging console
enable password lab
no aaa new-model
resource policy
memory-size iomem 5
clock timezone PST -8
clock summer-time PDT recurring
ip subnet-zero
ip cef
ip vrf vrf1
rd 1:101
context vrf-vrf1-context
route-target export 1:101
route-target import 1:101
ip vrf vrf2
rd 2:101
context vrf-vrf2-context
route-target export 2:101
route-target import 2:101
no ip domain lookup
crypto keyring vrf1-1 vrf vrf1
pre-shared-key address key vrf1-1
crypto keyring vrf2-1 vrf vrf2
pre-shared-key address key vrf2-1
crypto isakmp policy 1
authentication pre-share
crypto isakmp policy 50
authentication pre-share
crypto isakmp key global1-1 address
crypto isakmp key global2-1 address
crypto isakmp profile vrf1-1
keyring vrf1-1
match identity address vrf1
crypto isakmp profile vrf2-1
keyring vrf2-1
match identity address vrf2
crypto ipsec security-association lifetime kilobytes 99000
crypto ipsec security-association lifetime seconds 5000
crypto ipsec transform-set tset ah-sha-hmac esp-des esp-sha-hmac
crypto map global1-1 10 ipsec-isakmp
set peer
set transform-set tset
match address 151
crypto map global2-1 10 ipsec-isakmp
set peer
set transform-set tset
match address 152
crypto map vrf1-1 10 ipsec-isakmp
set peer
set transform-set tset
set isakmp-profile vrf1-1
match address 101
crypto map vrf2-1 10 ipsec-isakmp
set peer
set transform-set tset
set isakmp-profile vrf2-1
match address 102
interface FastEthernet0/0
ip address
no ip mroute-cache
duplex auto
speed auto
interface Serial0/0
no ip address
clock rate 2000000
interface FastEthernet0/1
no ip address
no ip mroute-cache
duplex auto
speed auto
interface Serial0/1
no ip address
clock rate 2000000
interface Serial1/0
no ip address
encapsulation frame-relay
no ip route-cache cef
no ip route-cache
no ip mroute-cache
no keepalive
serial restart-delay 0
clock rate 128000
no frame-relay inverse-arp
interface Serial1/0.1 point-to-point
ip vrf forwarding vrf1
ip address
no ip route-cache
frame-relay interface-dlci 21
interface Serial1/0.2 point-to-point
ip vrf forwarding vrf2
ip address
no ip route-cache
frame-relay interface-dlci 22
interface Serial1/0.151 point-to-point
ip address
no ip route-cache
frame-relay interface-dlci 151
interface Serial1/0.152 point-to-point
ip address
no ip route-cache
frame-relay interface-dlci 152
interface Serial1/1
no ip address
no ip mroute-cache
serial restart-delay 0
interface Serial1/2
no ip address
encapsulation frame-relay
no ip route-cache cef
no ip route-cache
no ip mroute-cache
no keepalive
serial restart-delay 0
no frame-relay inverse-arp
interface Serial1/2.1 point-to-point
ip vrf forwarding vrf1
ip address
no ip route-cache
frame-relay interface-dlci 21
crypto map vrf1-1
interface Serial1/2.2 point-to-point
ip vrf forwarding vrf2
ip address
no ip route-cache
frame-relay interface-dlci 22
crypto map vrf2-1
interface Serial1/2.151 point-to-point
ip address
no ip route-cache
frame-relay interface-dlci 151
crypto map global1-1
interface Serial1/2.152 point-to-point
ip address
no ip route-cache
frame-relay interface-dlci 152
crypto map global2-1
interface Serial1/3
no ip address
no ip mroute-cache
serial restart-delay 0
ip default-gateway
ip classless
ip route
ip route
ip route
ip route
ip route FastEthernet0/0
ip route vrf vrf1
ip route vrf vrf1
ip route vrf vrf2
ip route vrf vrf2
ip http server
no ip http secure-server
ip access-list standard vrf-vrf1-context
ip access-list standard vrf-vrf2-context
access-list 101 permit ip host host
access-list 102 permit ip host host
access-list 151 permit ip host host
access-list 152 permit ip host host
snmp-server group abc1 v2c context vrf-vrf1-context read view_vrf1 notify *tv.FFFFFFFF.FFFFFFFF.FFFFFFFF.F access vrf-vrf1-context
snmp-server group abc2 v2c context vrf-vrf2-context read view_vrf2 notify *tv.FFFFFFFF.FFFFFFFF.FFFFFFFF.F access vrf-vrf2-context
snmp-server view view_vrf1 iso included
snmp-server view view_vrf2 iso included
snmp-server community abc1 RW
snmp-server community global1 RW
snmp-server community abc2 RW
snmp-server community global2 RW
snmp-server enable traps tty
snmp-server enable traps config
snmp-server host version 2c abc1
snmp-server host vrf vrf1 version 2c abc1 udp-port 2001 ipsec isakmp
snmp-server host version 2c abc2
snmp-server host vrf vrf2 version 2c abc2 udp-port 2002 ipsec isakmp
snmp-server context vrf-vrf1-context
snmp-server context vrf-vrf2-context
snmp mib community-map abc1 context vrf-vrf1-context
snmp mib community-map abc2 context vrf-vrf2-context
line con 0
exec-timeout 0 0
line aux 0
line vty 0 4
webvpn context Default_context
ssl authenticate verify all
no inservice
The following output, for abc1 and abc2, shows that both VRFs have been “cleared” to ensure that all the counters are initialized to a known value.
The following output shows that VRF abc1 has been cleared:
orcas:2> setenv SR_MGR_CONF /users/green1
orcas:3> setenv SR_UTIL_SNMP_VERSION v2c
orcas:5> setenv SR_UTIL_COMMUNITY abc1
orcas:6> setenv SR_MGR_CONF_DIR /users/green1
orcas:7> /auto/sw/packages/snmpr/ -v2c cipSecMIBObjects
cipSecMibLevel.0 = 1
cikeGlobalActiveTunnels.0 = 0
cikeGlobalPreviousTunnels.0 = 0
cikeGlobalInOctets.0 = 0
cikeGlobalInPkts.0 = 0
cikeGlobalInDropPkts.0 = 0
cikeGlobalInNotifys.0 = 0
cikeGlobalInP2Exchgs.0 = 0
cikeGlobalInP2ExchgInvalids.0 = 0
cikeGlobalInP2ExchgRejects.0 = 0
cikeGlobalInP2SaDelRequests.0 = 0
cikeGlobalOutOctets.0 = 0
cikeGlobalOutPkts.0 = 0
cikeGlobalOutDropPkts.0 = 0
cikeGlobalOutNotifys.0 = 0
cikeGlobalOutP2Exchgs.0 = 0
cikeGlobalOutP2ExchgInvalids.0 = 0
cikeGlobalOutP2ExchgRejects.0 = 0
cikeGlobalOutP2SaDelRequests.0 = 0
cikeGlobalInitTunnels.0 = 0
cikeGlobalInitTunnelFails.0 = 0
cikeGlobalRespTunnelFails.0 = 0
cikeGlobalSysCapFails.0 = 0
cikeGlobalAuthFails.0 = 0
cikeGlobalDecryptFails.0 = 0
cikeGlobalHashValidFails.0 = 0
cikeGlobalNoSaFails.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalActiveTunnels.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalPreviousTunnels.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalInOctets.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalHcInOctets.0 = 0x00
cipSecGlobalInOctWraps.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalInDecompOctets.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalHcInDecompOctets.0 = 0x00
cipSecGlobalInDecompOctWraps.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalInPkts.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalInDrops.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalInReplayDrops.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalInAuths.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalInAuthFails.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalInDecrypts.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalInDecryptFails.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalOutOctets.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalHcOutOctets.0 = 0x00
cipSecGlobalOutOctWraps.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalOutUncompOctets.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalHcOutUncompOctets.0 = 0x00
cipSecGlobalOutUncompOctWraps.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalOutPkts.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalOutDrops.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalOutAuths.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalOutAuthFails.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalOutEncrypts.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalOutEncryptFails.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalProtocolUseFails.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalNoSaFails.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalSysCapFails.0 = 0
cipSecHistTableSize.0 = 200
cipSecHistCheckPoint.0 = ready(1)
cipSecFailTableSize.0 = 200
cipSecTrapCntlIkeTunnelStart.0 = enabled(1)
cipSecTrapCntlIkeTunnelStop.0 = enabled(1)
cipSecTrapCntlIkeSysFailure.0 = disabled(2)
cipSecTrapCntlIkeCertCrlFailure.0 = disabled(2)
cipSecTrapCntlIkeProtocolFail.0 = disabled(2)
cipSecTrapCntlIkeNoSa.0 = disabled(2)
cipSecTrapCntlIpSecTunnelStart.0 = enabled(1)
cipSecTrapCntlIpSecTunnelStop.0 = enabled(1)
cipSecTrapCntlIpSecSysFailure.0 = disabled(2)
cipSecTrapCntlIpSecSetUpFailure.0 = disabled(2)
cipSecTrapCntlIpSecEarlyTunTerm.0 = disabled(2)
cipSecTrapCntlIpSecProtocolFail.0 = disabled(2)
cipSecTrapCntlIpSecNoSa.0 = disabled(2)
The following output shows that VRF abc2 has been cleared:
orcas:8> setenv SR_UTIL_COMMUNITY abc2
orcas:9> /auto/sw/packages/snmpr/ -v2c cipSecMIBObjects
cipSecMibLevel.0 = 1
cikeGlobalActiveTunnels.0 = 0
cikeGlobalPreviousTunnels.0 = 0
cikeGlobalInOctets.0 = 0
cikeGlobalInPkts.0 = 0
cikeGlobalInDropPkts.0 = 0
cikeGlobalInNotifys.0 = 0
cikeGlobalInP2Exchgs.0 = 0
cikeGlobalInP2ExchgInvalids.0 = 0
cikeGlobalInP2ExchgRejects.0 = 0
cikeGlobalInP2SaDelRequests.0 = 0
cikeGlobalOutOctets.0 = 0
cikeGlobalOutPkts.0 = 0
cikeGlobalOutDropPkts.0 = 0
cikeGlobalOutNotifys.0 = 0
cikeGlobalOutP2Exchgs.0 = 0
cikeGlobalOutP2ExchgInvalids.0 = 0
cikeGlobalOutP2ExchgRejects.0 = 0
cikeGlobalOutP2SaDelRequests.0 = 0
cikeGlobalInitTunnels.0 = 0
cikeGlobalInitTunnelFails.0 = 0
cikeGlobalRespTunnelFails.0 = 0
cikeGlobalSysCapFails.0 = 0
cikeGlobalAuthFails.0 = 0
cikeGlobalDecryptFails.0 = 0
cikeGlobalHashValidFails.0 = 0
cikeGlobalNoSaFails.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalActiveTunnels.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalPreviousTunnels.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalInOctets.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalHcInOctets.0 = 0x00
cipSecGlobalInOctWraps.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalInDecompOctets.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalHcInDecompOctets.0 = 0x00
cipSecGlobalInDecompOctWraps.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalInPkts.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalInDrops.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalInReplayDrops.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalInAuths.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalInAuthFails.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalInDecrypts.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalInDecryptFails.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalOutOctets.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalHcOutOctets.0 = 0x00
cipSecGlobalOutOctWraps.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalOutUncompOctets.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalHcOutUncompOctets.0 = 0x00
cipSecGlobalOutUncompOctWraps.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalOutPkts.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalOutDrops.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalOutAuths.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalOutAuthFails.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalOutEncrypts.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalOutEncryptFails.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalProtocolUseFails.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalNoSaFails.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalSysCapFails.0 = 0
cipSecHistTableSize.0 = 200
cipSecHistCheckPoint.0 = ready(1)
cipSecFailTableSize.0 = 200
cipSecTrapCntlIkeTunnelStart.0 = enabled(1)
cipSecTrapCntlIkeTunnelStop.0 = enabled(1)
cipSecTrapCntlIkeSysFailure.0 = disabled(2)
cipSecTrapCntlIkeCertCrlFailure.0 = disabled(2)
cipSecTrapCntlIkeProtocolFail.0 = disabled(2)
cipSecTrapCntlIkeNoSa.0 = disabled(2)
cipSecTrapCntlIpSecTunnelStart.0 = enabled(1)
cipSecTrapCntlIpSecTunnelStop.0 = enabled(1)
cipSecTrapCntlIpSecSysFailure.0 = disabled(2)
cipSecTrapCntlIpSecSetUpFailure.0 = disabled(2)
cipSecTrapCntlIpSecEarlyTunTerm.0 = disabled(2)
cipSecTrapCntlIpSecProtocolFail.0 = disabled(2)
cipSecTrapCntlIpSecNoSa.0 = disabled(2)
The following output shows that VRF abc1 has been pinged:
Router3745a# ping
Protocol [ip]:
Target IP address:
Repeat count [5]:
Datagram size [100]:
Timeout in seconds [2]:
Extended commands [n]: y
Source address or interface:
Type of service [0]:
Set DF bit in IP header? [no]:
Validate reply data? [no]:
Data pattern [0xABCD]:
Loose, Strict, Record, Timestamp, Verbose[none]:
Sweep range of sizes [n]:
Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Packet sent with a source address of
Polling VRF abc1 results in the following output:
Note |
After the ping, the counters should show some nonzero values. |
orcas:12> setenv SR_UTIL_COMMUNITY abc1
orcas:13> /auto/sw/packages/snmpr/ -v2c cipSecMIBObjects
cipSecMibLevel.0 = 1
cikeGlobalActiveTunnels.0 = 1
cikeGlobalPreviousTunnels.0 = 0
cikeGlobalInOctets.0 = 336
cikeGlobalInPkts.0 = 2
cikeGlobalInDropPkts.0 = 0
cikeGlobalInNotifys.0 = 1
cikeGlobalInP2Exchgs.0 = 2
cikeGlobalInP2ExchgInvalids.0 = 0
cikeGlobalInP2ExchgRejects.0 = 0
cikeGlobalInP2SaDelRequests.0 = 0
cikeGlobalOutOctets.0 = 344
cikeGlobalOutPkts.0 = 2
cikeGlobalOutDropPkts.0 = 0
cikeGlobalOutNotifys.0 = 0
cikeGlobalOutP2Exchgs.0 = 1
cikeGlobalOutP2ExchgInvalids.0 = 0
cikeGlobalOutP2ExchgRejects.0 = 0
cikeGlobalOutP2SaDelRequests.0 = 0
cikeGlobalInitTunnels.0 = 0
cikeGlobalInitTunnelFails.0 = 0
cikeGlobalRespTunnelFails.0 = 0
cikeGlobalSysCapFails.0 = 0
cikeGlobalAuthFails.0 = 0
cikeGlobalDecryptFails.0 = 0
cikeGlobalHashValidFails.0 = 0
cikeGlobalNoSaFails.0 = 0
cikePeerLocalAddr. = 0a 01 01 02
cikePeerRemoteAddr. = 0a 01 01 01
cikePeerActiveTime. = 13743
cikePeerActiveTunnelIndex. = 1
cikeTunLocalType.1 = ipAddrPeer(1)
cikeTunLocalValue.1 =
cikeTunLocalAddr.1 = 0a 01 01 02
cikeTunLocalName.1 = ipsecf-3745b
cikeTunRemoteType.1 = ipAddrPeer(1)
cikeTunRemoteValue.1 =
cikeTunRemoteAddr.1 = 0a 01 01 01
cikeTunRemoteName.1 =
cikeTunNegoMode.1 = main(1)
cikeTunDiffHellmanGrp.1 = dhGroup1(2)
cikeTunEncryptAlgo.1 = des(2)
cikeTunHashAlgo.1 = sha(3)
cikeTunAuthMethod.1 = preSharedKey(2)
cikeTunLifeTime.1 = 86400
cikeTunActiveTime.1 = 13752
cikeTunSaRefreshThreshold.1 = 0
cikeTunTotalRefreshes.1 = 0
cikeTunInOctets.1 = 336
cikeTunInPkts.1 = 2
cikeTunInDropPkts.1 = 0
cikeTunInNotifys.1 = 1
cikeTunInP2Exchgs.1 = 2
cikeTunInP2ExchgInvalids.1 = 0
cikeTunInP2ExchgRejects.1 = 0
cikeTunInP2SaDelRequests.1 = 0
cikeTunOutOctets.1 = 344
cikeTunOutPkts.1 = 2
cikeTunOutDropPkts.1 = 0
cikeTunOutNotifys.1 = 0
cikeTunOutP2Exchgs.1 = 1
cikeTunOutP2ExchgInvalids.1 = 0
cikeTunOutP2ExchgRejects.1 = 0
cikeTunOutP2SaDelRequests.1 = 0
cikeTunStatus.1 = active(1)
cikePeerCorrIpSecTunIndex. = 1
cipSecGlobalActiveTunnels.0 = 1
cipSecGlobalPreviousTunnels.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalInOctets.0 = 400
cipSecGlobalHcInOctets.0 = 0x0190
cipSecGlobalInOctWraps.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalInDecompOctets.0 = 400
cipSecGlobalHcInDecompOctets.0 = 0x0190
cipSecGlobalInDecompOctWraps.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalInPkts.0 = 4
cipSecGlobalInDrops.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalInReplayDrops.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalInAuths.0 = 4
cipSecGlobalInAuthFails.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalInDecrypts.0 = 4
cipSecGlobalInDecryptFails.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalOutOctets.0 = 704
cipSecGlobalHcOutOctets.0 = 0x02c0
cipSecGlobalOutOctWraps.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalOutUncompOctets.0 = 704
cipSecGlobalHcOutUncompOctets.0 = 0x02c0
cipSecGlobalOutUncompOctWraps.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalOutPkts.0 = 4
cipSecGlobalOutDrops.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalOutAuths.0 = 4
cipSecGlobalOutAuthFails.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalOutEncrypts.0 = 4
cipSecGlobalOutEncryptFails.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalProtocolUseFails.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalNoSaFails.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalSysCapFails.0 = 0
cipSecTunIkeTunnelIndex.1 = 1
cipSecTunIkeTunnelAlive.1 = true(1)
cipSecTunLocalAddr.1 = 0a 01 01 02
cipSecTunRemoteAddr.1 = 0a 01 01 01
cipSecTunKeyType.1 = ike(1)
cipSecTunEncapMode.1 = tunnel(1)
cipSecTunLifeSize.1 = 99000
cipSecTunLifeTime.1 = 5000
cipSecTunActiveTime.1 = 13749
cipSecTunSaLifeSizeThreshold.1 = 64
cipSecTunSaLifeTimeThreshold.1 = 10
cipSecTunTotalRefreshes.1 = 0
cipSecTunExpiredSaInstances.1 = 0
cipSecTunCurrentSaInstances.1 = 4
cipSecTunInSaDiffHellmanGrp.1 = dhGroup1(2)
cipSecTunInSaEncryptAlgo.1 = des(2)
cipSecTunInSaAhAuthAlgo.1 = hmacSha(3)
cipSecTunInSaEspAuthAlgo.1 = hmacSha(3)
cipSecTunInSaDecompAlgo.1 = none(1)
cipSecTunOutSaDiffHellmanGrp.1 = dhGroup1(2)
cipSecTunOutSaEncryptAlgo.1 = des(2)
cipSecTunOutSaAhAuthAlgo.1 = hmacSha(3)
cipSecTunOutSaEspAuthAlgo.1 = hmacSha(3)
cipSecTunOutSaCompAlgo.1 = none(1)
cipSecTunInOctets.1 = 400
cipSecTunHcInOctets.1 = 0x0190
cipSecTunInOctWraps.1 = 0
cipSecTunInDecompOctets.1 = 400
cipSecTunHcInDecompOctets.1 = 0x0190
cipSecTunInDecompOctWraps.1 = 0
cipSecTunInPkts.1 = 4
cipSecTunInDropPkts.1 = 0
cipSecTunInReplayDropPkts.1 = 0
cipSecTunInAuths.1 = 4
cipSecTunInAuthFails.1 = 0
cipSecTunInDecrypts.1 = 4
cipSecTunInDecryptFails.1 = 0
cipSecTunOutOctets.1 = 704
cipSecTunHcOutOctets.1 = 0x02c0
cipSecTunOutOctWraps.1 = 0
cipSecTunOutUncompOctets.1 = 704
cipSecTunHcOutUncompOctets.1 = 0x02c0
cipSecTunOutUncompOctWraps.1 = 0
cipSecTunOutPkts.1 = 4
cipSecTunOutDropPkts.1 = 0
cipSecTunOutAuths.1 = 4
cipSecTunOutAuthFails.1 = 0
cipSecTunOutEncrypts.1 = 4
cipSecTunOutEncryptFails.1 = 0
cipSecTunStatus.1 = active(1)
cipSecEndPtLocalName.1.1 =
cipSecEndPtLocalType.1.1 = singleIpAddr(1)
cipSecEndPtLocalAddr1.1.1 = 16 01 01 01
cipSecEndPtLocalAddr2.1.1 = 16 01 01 01
cipSecEndPtLocalProtocol.1.1 = 0
cipSecEndPtLocalPort.1.1 = 0
cipSecEndPtRemoteName.1.1 =
cipSecEndPtRemoteType.1.1 = singleIpAddr(1)
cipSecEndPtRemoteAddr1.1.1 = 14 01 01 01
cipSecEndPtRemoteAddr2.1.1 = 14 01 01 01
cipSecEndPtRemoteProtocol.1.1 = 0
cipSecEndPtRemotePort.1.1 = 0
cipSecSpiDirection.1.1 = in(1)
cipSecSpiDirection.1.2 = out(2)
cipSecSpiDirection.1.3 = in(1)
cipSecSpiDirection.1.4 = out(2)
cipSecSpiValue.1.1 = 3891970674
cipSecSpiValue.1.2 = 1963217493
cipSecSpiValue.1.3 = 3691920464
cipSecSpiValue.1.4 = 3458912974
cipSecSpiProtocol.1.1 = ah(1)
cipSecSpiProtocol.1.2 = ah(1)
cipSecSpiProtocol.1.3 = esp(2)
cipSecSpiProtocol.1.4 = esp(2)
cipSecSpiStatus.1.1 = active(1)
cipSecSpiStatus.1.2 = active(1)
cipSecSpiStatus.1.3 = active(1)
cipSecSpiStatus.1.4 = active(1)
cipSecHistTableSize.0 = 200
cipSecHistCheckPoint.0 = ready(1)
cipSecFailTableSize.0 = 200
cipSecTrapCntlIkeTunnelStart.0 = enabled(1)
cipSecTrapCntlIkeTunnelStop.0 = enabled(1)
cipSecTrapCntlIkeSysFailure.0 = disabled(2)
cipSecTrapCntlIkeCertCrlFailure.0 = disabled(2)
cipSecTrapCntlIkeProtocolFail.0 = disabled(2)
cipSecTrapCntlIkeNoSa.0 = disabled(2)
cipSecTrapCntlIpSecTunnelStart.0 = enabled(1)
cipSecTrapCntlIpSecTunnelStop.0 = enabled(1)
cipSecTrapCntlIpSecSysFailure.0 = disabled(2)
cipSecTrapCntlIpSecSetUpFailure.0 = disabled(2)
cipSecTrapCntlIpSecEarlyTunTerm.0 = disabled(2)
cipSecTrapCntlIpSecProtocolFail.0 = disabled(2)
cipSecTrapCntlIpSecNoSa.0 = disabled(2)
Polling VRF abc2 results in the following output:
Note |
The ping was completed for VRF abc1 only. Therefore, the counters of VRF abc2 should remain in the initialized state. |
orcas:15> /auto/sw/packages/snmpr/ -v2c cipSecMIBObjects
cipSecMibLevel.0 = 1
cikeGlobalActiveTunnels.0 = 0
cikeGlobalPreviousTunnels.0 = 0
cikeGlobalInOctets.0 = 0
cikeGlobalInPkts.0 = 0
cikeGlobalInDropPkts.0 = 0
cikeGlobalInNotifys.0 = 0
cikeGlobalInP2Exchgs.0 = 0
cikeGlobalInP2ExchgInvalids.0 = 0
cikeGlobalInP2ExchgRejects.0 = 0
cikeGlobalInP2SaDelRequests.0 = 0
cikeGlobalOutOctets.0 = 0
cikeGlobalOutPkts.0 = 0
cikeGlobalOutDropPkts.0 = 0
cikeGlobalOutNotifys.0 = 0
cikeGlobalOutP2Exchgs.0 = 0
cikeGlobalOutP2ExchgInvalids.0 = 0
cikeGlobalOutP2ExchgRejects.0 = 0
cikeGlobalOutP2SaDelRequests.0 = 0
cikeGlobalInitTunnels.0 = 0
cikeGlobalInitTunnelFails.0 = 0
cikeGlobalRespTunnelFails.0 = 0
cikeGlobalSysCapFails.0 = 0
cikeGlobalAuthFails.0 = 0
cikeGlobalDecryptFails.0 = 0
cikeGlobalHashValidFails.0 = 0
cikeGlobalNoSaFails.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalActiveTunnels.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalPreviousTunnels.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalInOctets.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalHcInOctets.0 = 0x00
cipSecGlobalInOctWraps.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalInDecompOctets.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalHcInDecompOctets.0 = 0x00
cipSecGlobalInDecompOctWraps.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalInPkts.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalInDrops.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalInReplayDrops.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalInAuths.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalInAuthFails.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalInDecrypts.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalInDecryptFails.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalOutOctets.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalHcOutOctets.0 = 0x00
cipSecGlobalOutOctWraps.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalOutUncompOctets.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalHcOutUncompOctets.0 = 0x00
cipSecGlobalOutUncompOctWraps.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalOutPkts.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalOutDrops.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalOutAuths.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalOutAuthFails.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalOutEncrypts.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalOutEncryptFails.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalProtocolUseFails.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalNoSaFails.0 = 0
cipSecGlobalSysCapFails.0 = 0
cipSecHistTableSize.0 = 200
cipSecHistCheckPoint.0 = ready(1)
cipSecFailTableSize.0 = 200
cipSecTrapCntlIkeTunnelStart.0 = enabled(1)
cipSecTrapCntlIkeTunnelStop.0 = enabled(1)
cipSecTrapCntlIkeSysFailure.0 = disabled(2)
cipSecTrapCntlIkeCertCrlFailure.0 = disabled(2)
cipSecTrapCntlIkeProtocolFail.0 = disabled(2)
cipSecTrapCntlIkeNoSa.0 = disabled(2)
cipSecTrapCntlIpSecTunnelStart.0 = enabled(1)
cipSecTrapCntlIpSecTunnelStop.0 = enabled(1)
cipSecTrapCntlIpSecSysFailure.0 = disabled(2)
cipSecTrapCntlIpSecSetUpFailure.0 = disabled(2)
cipSecTrapCntlIpSecEarlyTunTerm.0 = disabled(2)
cipSecTrapCntlIpSecProtocolFail.0 = disabled(2)
cipSecTrapCntlIpSecNoSa.0 = disabled(2)
Related Topic |
Document Title |
Cisco IOS commands by technology |
Cisco IOS Release Command References |
Cisco IOS master commands list |
Configuring SNMP |
The chapter “Configuring SNMP Support” in the Cisco IOS Network Management Configuration Guide. |
Configuring VRF-Aware IPsec |
VRF-Aware IPSec |
Standard |
Title |
None. |
-- |
MIBs Link |
To locate and download MIBs for selected platforms, Cisco IOS software releases, and feature sets, use Cisco MIB Locator found at the following URL: |
Title |
None. |
-- |
Description |
Link |
The Cisco Support website provides extensive online resources, including documentation and tools for troubleshooting and resolving technical issues with Cisco products and technologies. To receive security and technical information about your products, you can subscribe to various services, such as the Product Alert Tool (accessed from Field Notices), the Cisco Technical Services Newsletter, and Really Simple Syndication (RSS) Feeds. Access to most tools on the Cisco Support website requires a user ID and password. |
The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support. To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to An account on is not required.
Feature Name |
Releases |
Feature Information |
IPsec and IKE MIB Support for Cisco VRF-Aware IPsec |
IOS XE 3.1S |
The IPsec and IKE MIB Support for the Virtual Private Network routing and forwarding- (VRF-) aware IP security (IPsec) feature allows VRF-aware IPsec to be managed with MIBs, which provide the details of IPsec statistics and performance metrics on a per VRF basis. This feature was introduced in Cisco IOS Release 12.4(4)T. This feature was integrated into Cisco IOS Release XE 3.1S. The following commands were introduced or modified: debug crypto mib . |