Configuring Route Processor Redundancy for PKI

Route Processor Redundancy provides an alternative to the High System Availability feature. HSA enables a system to reset and use a standby Route Switch Processor, if the active RSP fails. Using RPR, you can reduce unplanned downtime because RPR enables a quicker switchover between an active and standby RSP if the active RSP experiences a fatal error.

Route Processor Redundancy feature currently available on Cisco ASR platforms with dual RP support such as ASR 1006, ASR 1009. and ASR 1013.


Route Processor Redundancy supports trustpool import.

Prerequisites for Configuring Route Processor Redundancy

  • You must use the same memory in both RSPs because the secondary RSP must be able to support the primary RSP during a failover.

Restrictions for Configuring Route Processor Redundancy

  • Route Processor Redundancy feature only supports platforms with dual RP support.

  • Route Processor Redundancy is supported only on routers that support dual RSPs.

  • It is not recomended to configure RA (Registration Authority) as it is not validated.

How To Configure Route Processor Redundancy

Configuring Route Processor Redundancy SSO Mode

configure terminal
 mode sso 
  standby console enable

Verifying Route Processor Redundancy

show redundancy states
show crypto pki server
show crypto pki certificates tname

Route Processor Redundancy SSO Mode Confuguration Example

Example for server side configuration:

asr1k(config)#ip http server

asr1k(config)#crypto pki trustpoint ROOTCA

asr1k(ca-trustpoint)#hash sha512

asr1k(ca-trustpoint)#revocation-check none

asr1k(ca-trustpoint)#rsakeypair  ROOTCA 2048

asr1k(ca-trustpoint)#crypto pki server ROOTCA

asr1k(cs-server)#issuer-name CN=ROOTCA C=pki

asr1k(cs-server)#lifetime certificate 00 00 15

asr1k(cs-server)#lifetime ca-certificate 00 00 25

asr1k(cs-server)#lifetime crl 6

asr1k(cs-server)#serial-number 0x1

asr1k(cs-server)#auto-rollover 00 00 24

% The archive password is not configured. Rollover CA keys and certificates will not be automatically archived.

asr1k(cs-server)#grant auto

asr1k(cs-server)#database url tftp://<ip>//

% Server database url was changed. You need to move the

% existing database to the new location.

asr1k(cs-server)#database url p12 tftp://<ip>//

asr1k(cs-server)#database level complete

asr1k(cs-server)#database archive pkcs12 password <pwd>


Example for client side configuration:

crypto pki trustpoint client

 enrollment url http://<ip>:80

 usage ike

 subject-name CN=R1 C=pki

 revocation-check crl

 rsakeypair client 2048

 hash sha512

Route Processor Redundancy SSO Mode Verification Example

show redundancy states

       my state = 13 -ACTIVE 

     peer state = 8  -STANDBY HOT 

           Mode = Duplex

           Unit = Primary

        Unit ID = 48

Redundancy Mode (Operational) = sso

Redundancy Mode (Configured)  = sso

Redundancy State              = sso

     Maintenance Mode = Disabled

    Manual Swact = enabled

 Communications = Up

   client count = 132

 client_notification_TMR = 30000 milliseconds

           RF debug mask = 0x0  
show crypto pki server

Certificate Server ROOTCA:

    Status: enabled

    State: enabled

    Server's configuration is locked  (enter "shut" to unlock it)

    Issuer name: CN=ROOTCA C=pki

    CA cert fingerprint: F2BF3707 D9F6F5F3 E0D111D8 A8486437 

    Granting mode is: auto

    Last certificate issued serial number (hex): 2

    CA certificate expiration timer: 14:15:50 IST Mar 31 2019

    CRL NextUpdate timer: 14:15:50 IST Mar 31 2019

    Current primary storage dir: tftp://

    Current storage dir for .p12 files: tftp://

    Database Level: Complete - all issued certs written as <serialnum>.cer

    Auto-Rollover configured, overlap period 0 days

    Autorollover timer: 13:51:50 IST Mar 31 2019

    Redundancy configured.  This is active.


Server is enabled only on active RP and is in disabled state in standby mode.

show crypto pki certificates client


  Status: Available

  Certificate Serial Number (hex): 03

  Certificate Usage: General Purpose


    cn=ROOTCA C=pki


    Name: asr1k


    cn=R1 C=pki

  Validity Date: 

    start date: 00:42:04 IST Mar 11 2019

    end   date: 01:02:04 IST Mar 11 2019

  Associated Trustpoints: client 

CA Certificate

  Status: Available

  Certificate Serial Number (hex): 02

  Certificate Usage: Signature


    cn=ROOTCA C=pki


    cn=ROOTCA C=pki

  Validity Date: 

    start date: 00:40:34 IST Mar 11 2019

    end   date: 00:40:34 IST Mar 9 2020

  Associated Trustpoints: client