The acl-ace-limit set is per ACL and is applicable to all the ACLs on the box.
The acl-limit and acl-ace-limit are mutually exclusive to global-ace-limit. You cannot configure global-ace-limit when acl-limit and acl-ace-limt are configured and vice-versa.
The limit that will be set cannot be less than the existing number of ACLs/aces in the box.
The ACL-limit or acl-ace-limit or global-ace-limit set will be applicable to the ACLs/aces created internally while device booting up.
The ACL with object group ace (ogace) expansion is not supported in this release, based on the customer requirements this can be investigated further. Each ogace is counted as one ace.
The ACL-limit or acl-ace-limit or global-ace-limit set is applicable to all static and dynamically created ACLs except for template ACLs.
The configurable ACL-limit or acl-ace-limit or global-ace-limit doesn’t guarantee that the tcam space will never be overused or depleted. You must know the exact limit configurable that can be supported on the box from prior testing in the lab.
The assumption is that all the ACLs configured on the box will be applied to the interface, which affects the tcam space.
When the box reaches max ACL-limit or acl-ace-limit or global-ace-limit configurable, and if any client tries to create a dynamic ACL/aces then the request is rejected with the syslog error message. It is up to you to handle the failure accordingly.