All Events
Unique number that indicates the ID for this published event. Multiple policies may be run for the same event, and each policy
will have the same event_id.
Type of event.
An ASCII string identifier of the event type that triggered the event.
The time, in seconds and milliseconds, at which the event was published to the EEM.
The severity of the event.
Application-Specific Event Detector
The event application component identifier.
The value of an environment variable, character text, or a combination of the two to be passed to an application-specific
event when the event is published.
The value of an environment variable, character text, or a combination of the two to be passed to an application-specific
event when the event is published.
The value of an environment variable, character text, or a combination of the two to be passed to an application-specific
event when the event is published.
The value of an environment variable, character text, or a combination of the two to be passed to an application-specific
event when the event is published.
The event application subsystem number.
The type of application.
CLI Event Detector
The fully expanded message that triggered the CLI event.
The number of times that a message match occurred before the event was published.
Counter Event Detector
The name of the counter.
The value of the counter.
Enhanced Object Tracking Event Detector
The number of the tracked object.
The state of the tracked object; down or up.
GOLD Event Detector
The action notify information in a GOLD event flag; either false or true.
The event severity which can be one of the following; normal, minor, or major.
The boot diagnostic level, which can be one of the following values:
0: complete diagnostic
1: minimal diagnostic
2: bypass diagnostic
The card on which a GOLD failure event was detected.
Consecutive failure, where
testnum is the test number. For example,
_gold_cf3 is the EEM built-in environment variable for consecutive failure of test 3.
Card index.
Card name.
Test error code, where
testnum is the test number. For example,
_gold_ec3 is the EEM built-in environment variable for the error code of test 3.
Last fail time, where
testnum is the test number. For example,
_gold_lf3 is the EEM built-in variable for the last fail time of test 3.
The time-stamp format is
hh :mm :ss . For example, Mar 11 2005 08:47:00.
The new test failure information in a GOLD event flag; either true or false.
The overall diagnostic result, which can be one of the following values:
0: OK
3: minor error
4: major error
14: unknown result
Port counts.
Test total run count, where
testnum is the test number. For example,
_gold_rc3 is the EEM built-in variable for the total run count of test 3.
Card serial number.
The subcard on which a GOLD failure event was detected.
Test attribute, where
testnum is the test number. For example,
_gold_ta3 is the EEM built-in variable for the test attribute of test 3.
Test counts.
Total failure count, where
testnum is the test number. For example,
_gold_tf3 is the EEM built-in variable for the total failure count of test 3.
Test name, where
testnum is the test number. For example,
_gold_tn3 is the EEM built-in variable for the name of test 3.
Test result, where
testnum is the test number. For example,
_gold_tr6 is the EEM built-in variable for test 6, where test 6 is not a per-port test and not a per-device test.
The test result is one of the following values:
P: diagnostic result Pass
F: diagnostic result Fail
U: diagnostic result Unknown
Per-device test result, where
testnum is the test number and
devnum is the device number. For example,
_gold_tr3d20 is the EEM built-in variable for the test result for test 3, device 20.
The test result is one of the following values:
P: diagnostic result Pass
F: diagnostic result Fail
U: diagnostic result Unknown
Per-port test result, where
testnum is the test number and
portnum is the port number. For example,
_gold_tr5p20 is the EEM built-in variable for the test result for test 5, port 20.
The test result is one of the following values:
P: diagnostic result Pass
F: diagnostic result Fail
U: diagnostic result Unknown
The testing type, which can be one of the following:
Interface Counter Event Detector
A value to indicate whether the current interface counter value is an absolute value (0) or an increment value (1).
The name of the interface to be monitored.
The name of the interface counter to be monitored.
A value with which the current interface counter value is compared.
None Event Detector
A value of 1 indicates an insertion event; a value of 2 indicates a removal event.
The parameters that are passed from the XML SOAP command to the script.
OIR Event Detector
A value of 1 indicates an insertion event; a value of 2 indicates a removal event.
The slot number for the OIR event.
Resource Event Detector
The configured ERM threshold.
The current value reported by ERM.
The ERM dampen time, in nanoseconds.
The ERM event direction. The event direction can be one of the following: up, down, or no change.
The ERM event level. The four event levels are normal, minor, major, and critical.
The ERM notify data flag.
The ERM resource owner ID.
The ERM policy ID.
The ERM policy violation flag; either false or true.
The ERM event time, in nanoseconds.
The ERM resource user ID.
RF Event Detector
A value of 0 indicates that this is not an RF event; a value of 1 indicates an RF event.
RPC Event Detector
A value of 0 indicates that there is no error; a value of 1 to 83 indicates error.
The parameters that are passed from the XML SOAP command to the applet.
SNMP Event Detector
A value of 0 indicates that this is not an exit event; a value of 1 indicates an exit event.
The SNMP object ID that caused the event to be published.
The actual incremental difference between the value of the current SNMP object ID and the value when the event was last triggered.
The SNMP object ID value when the event was published.
SNMP Notification Event Detector
A user specified object ID.
A user specified object ID value.
The source IP address of the SNMP Protocol Data Unit (PDU).
The destination IP address of the SNMP PDU.
The SNMP PDU varbind information.
Indicates whether the varbind information has been truncated due to the lack of space in the buffer.
Syslog Event Detector
The syslog message that caused the event to be published.
System Manager (Process) Event Detector
The number of times that a Posix process was dumped.
The status of the Posix process at exit.
The number of times that a Posix process failed.
The instance number of the Posix process.
The Posix process that was last respawned.
The node name of the Posix process.
The path of the Posix process.
The name of the Posix process.
The number of times that a Posix process was respawned.
Timer Event Detector
The time available before the timer expires.
This environment variable is not available for the CRON timer.
The time at which the last event was triggered.
The type of timer.
Watchdog System Monitor (IOSWDSysMon) Event Detector
The slot number for the Route Processor (RP) reporting node.
The number of subevents present.
All Watchdog System Monitor (IOSWDSysMon) Subevents
A value to indicate whether subevent 1 or subevent 2 is present. A value of 1 means that the subevent is present; a value
of 0 means that the subevent is not present.
The event type, either cpu_proc or mem_proc.
Watchdog System Monitor (IOSWDSysMon) cpu_proc Subevents
A process name of subevents.
The time period, in seconds and optional milliseconds, used for measurement in subevents.
The process identifier of subevents.
The task name of subevents.
The CPU utilization of subevents measured as a percentage.
Watchdog System Monitor (IOSWDSysMon) mem_proc Subevents
A percentage value of the difference that triggered the event.
This variable is set only when the
_ioswd_sub1_is_percent or
_ioswd_sub2_is_percent variable contains a value of 1.
A number that identifies whether the value is a percentage. A value of 0 means that the value is not a percentage; a value
of 1 means that the value is a percentage.
The process name of subevents.
The process identifier of subevents.
The task name of subevents.
The CPU utilization of subevents measured as a percentage.
Watchdog System Monitor (WDSysMon) Event Detector
A value to indicate whether subevent 1 or subevent 2 is present. A value of 1 means that the subevent is present; a value
of 0 means that the subevent is not present.
The number of subevents present.
The event type: cpu_proc, cpu_tot, deadlock, dispatch_mgr, mem_proc, mem_tot_avail, or mem_tot_used.
Watchdog System Monitor (WDSysMon) cpu_proc Subevents
The slot number for the subevent RP reporting node.
The time period, in seconds and optional milliseconds, used for measurement in subevents.
The process name of subevents.
The CPU utilization of subevents measured as a percentage.
Watchdog System Monitor (WDSysMon) cpu_tot Subevents
The slot number for the subevent RP reporting node.
The time period, in seconds and optional milliseconds, used for measurement in subevents.
The CPU utilization of subevents measured as a percentage.
Watchdog System Monitor (WDSysMon) deadlock Subevents
_wd_sub2_entry_ [1-N]_b_node
The slot number for the subevent RP reporting node.
_wd_sub2_entry_ [1-N]_b_pid
The process identifier of subevents.
_wd_sub2_entry_ [1-N]_b_procname
The process name of subevents.
_wd_sub2_entry_ [1-N]_b_tid
The time identifier of subevents.
_wd_sub2_entry_ [1-N]_node
The slot number for the subevent RP reporting node.
_wd_sub2_entry_ [1-N]_pid
The process identifier of subevents.
_wd_sub2_entry_ [1-N]_procname
The process name of subevents.
_wd_sub2_entry_ [1-N]_state
The time identifier of subevents.
_wd_sub2_entry_ [1-N]_tid
The time identifier of subevents.
The number of subevents.
Watchdog System Monitor (WDSysMon) dispatch manager Subevents
The slot number for the subevent RP reporting node.
The time period, in seconds and optional milliseconds, used for measurement in subevents.
The process name of subevents.
The CPU utilization of subevents measured as a percentage.
Watchdog System Monitor (WDSysMon) mem_proc Subevents
A percentage value of the difference that triggered the event.
This variable is set only when the
_wd_sub1_is_percent or
_wd_sub2_is_percent variable contains a value of 1.
A number that identifies whether the value is a percentage. A value of 0 means that the value is not a percentage; a value
of 1 means that the value is a percentage.
The slot number for the subevent RP reporting node.
The time period, in seconds and optional milliseconds, used for measurement in subevents.
The process identifier of subevents.
The process name of subevents.
The CPU utilization of subevents measured as a percentage.
Watchdog System Monitor (WDSysMon) mem_tot_avail and mem_tot_used Subevents
The memory available for subevents.
A percentage value of the difference that triggered the event.
This variable is set only when the
_wd_sub1_is_percent or
_wd_sub2_is_percent variable contains a value of 1.
A number that identifies whether the value is a percentage. A value of 0 means that the value is not a percentage; a value
of 1 means that the value is a percentage.
The slot number for the subevent RP reporting node.
The time period, in seconds and optional milliseconds, used for measurement in subevents.
The CPU utilization of subevents measured as a percentage.
The memory used by subevents.